Drowning in Sins (succubus rp) (Open)

(XD she wakes up like "...why am I stuffed like a pastry?...and so...relaxed")

Levi groaned at the tightness, slamming into the tunnel, forcing it to open for him. He would enjoy every second f her new hole, ramming her until he started to fill the unconscious girl's gits with her seed in a few loads of demonic drunk. He grabbed her face as he pulled out of her her, the dark entity inside him sated finally.
Levi looked her over...almost wanting to leave her like that...bit he knew better...something inside knowing it was better to remove any evidence. He touched her head as she was still out of it, pressing a the to her temple as he tried to put her memories out of whack, something like a dream more than reality.

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