Drowning in Sins (succubus rp) (Open)

Levi closed himself up in room pulling out the pictures, and his body thrilled, shifting blue again briefly as he pulled out his cock and started stroking himself in an instant. Again. Was only thought he felt, to do it again...even if he would have to keep lying and mind wiping Seras over and over.
(XD 'Corrupt' her)

Levi snarled to himself as he stroked himself faster, knowing one day she would apparently begin to even love it. He grinned to himself as he closed his eyes, starting to cum as the dream of impregnation her and warping her mind to his desires. He dropped his phone, climing onto his bed as his powers settled down slowly.
Levi shuddered at the offering of more power, his firm steaming gently in the oink haze of her dreaming plane. "Yes-yes I want more power- I want to violate Seras-until she's my fuckhole" he said feeling sick...for a second.. realizing it felt...good to say it out loud like he was opening up a deep secret.
He felt the power flowing into him, his body shifting, muscle underneath his normally portly body expanding, making him still at least seem like he was overweight...but then he flexed, his fat cells instantly pulling into his muscles, almost burning up into steam and sweat as he nearly instantly shifted all that mass into energy for his new muscles. It wouldn't reveal the truth of course, he would look as he always did as a human...but when he changed he would be a beefy mass that just wanted to break a woman. He pants as he looked at the succubus, his horns curving slightly, not big enough for fill fledged demonhood... but he learned at her in such a way.. he was already looking at her like he was going to try to breed her dreaming self
She grinned as he gave her that look, shaking her head a little "Ah Ah Ah, not yet my cute little demon boy. You'll only get to play that game when you really demonstrate your depravity." She teased, moving forwards and tapping his nose, which made him take a step back "Now, why don't you wake up and... go find your friend."
(XD"Ah ah, no breeding me like a savage beast yet! You haven't called me mommy yet!")

As he awoke, Levi sat up...but didn't get on his school uniform. It was still dark out. His body shivered wirh hunger...a deep aching pain in his groin...as he pulled back the civerels to his swollen cock and balls, like he hadn't blown a family into Seras. He ripped his sheets off the rest of thecway, sitting up, panting hotly as his body changed into its demonic form. Take her now! He felt the darkness growl at him, making him climb out of his window, and startvwalking for her house. He wasn't exactly sure why be nobodyvseemed to see him, unaware his demonic aura was making him...simply forcing humans to chose...not to witness him like this. He came to her door, but he felt her. Knew where shevsleeped..
(XD Seras: *puts on mood music, lights some 'oh no a surprise attack' candles*

He jumped into her room...his feet didn't even think on the floor despite his size, but he fell upon her , hovering close and caressing hurler bare body with a finger, something in him wanting to flavor her peaceful look...then he jumped onto her bed, mounting her and spreading her legs with his knees, , his cock already rubbing on her belly with lust, but he leaned back, angling to thrust inti her again.
As she woke up, as was face to face with his demonic Visage, a grinning monster that grabbed her arms and pinned them down, , thrusting into her as her sex surrounded his overselling member, she felt something fat and heavy slapping against her ass...it was Levi's over stuffed balls, ramming against her as he was cramming more of himself inside her
Levi growled to himself as he pounded her so relentlessly, his mouth drawing to hers, starting to make out with her as she felt him ramming her womb, firmly inside of it. His tongue fed itself into her mouth, slick hot drool steaming against her mouth on her skin. the warm pocket of flesh made him feel like he was going crazy, the feel of being inside her made his entire body tremble with fresh feelings of raw pleasure every second. It was only pouring sweet sweet endorphins into his brain, rewarding every pump with raw happiness to just be fucking a hole, like that was all he needed in life was to simply crash into someone and cum to feel fulfilled. Seras little stupor was jerked into a brief instance of clarity as Levi came a little, almost instantly bulging her belly a little but like she was 2 months pregnant.
Levi pulled out of her slit slowly, his breath steaming in the air as he looked at her bloated belly, over her body as he moved around her and grabbed her head and ran the messy weapon along her tongue like it was a rag. He leaned down and licked her cheek . "You really should lock your window " he teased as he lulled his tongue out and drooled into her mouth next, his cum and saliva running down her throat. "You never know who would come for you!" He said as he started to turn inviolable again, his eyes flickered last, to start to lay his spell on her to make her belly shrink down.

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