Drowning in Sins (succubus rp) (Open)

She looked up at him and gave a confused gurgle in return to his taunting about her window, before her eyes glazed over, her swollen belly reducing down and leaving her looking just how she did before. After he was gone though, she took a breath and smirked "Ha... Good boy..." She laughed to herself, licking her lips before lying back down, considering what his reward was gonna be this time.
As she considered her rewards, her body brimming with fresh energy now...and still some fresh demon cum running from her slit, Levi had gotten back home, as rhe power started to finally fade out of him, he fekt...less tired, but he almost didn't remember what had happened. It was like he had been sleep walking and just awake back in his own bed. He grunts to himself, but laid down slowly again, grunting softly to himself
She stretched her arms, feeling him passing out and licking her lips as she appeared in his dreams, completely naked infront of him "My My, aren't you the insatiable little imp, eh?" She taunted, moving closer to tap him on the nose "But must you continue with just that one girl? I'm sure there are others deserving of your... 'attentions.'"
"Oh please, you can't say you aren't enjoying this..." She smirked, tapping his nose with every word "If you find some other girls to play with, I'll give you the power to make yourself a little Harem..." Then she paused and seemed to rethink it "Actually, perhaps not... No, focus on that Seras girl. You seem to be enjoying it enough." And even as she spoke, a spark of power passed into him, and when he awoke from this dream, he'd find himself already looking into her room, his skin blue as his demonic powers lit up.
XD to be fair would she really want to share her personal creation)

Levi blinked as he looked at himself, his powers already seeming to have awakened again, but as he tried to think of why...the nature and urges were snaking through him and he did warn her. A bitch should listen after all the monster inside him whispered, as it become the outside. He walked to Seras again licking his lips and grinning as climbed onto the bed almost weightlessly.
(XD idk succubi relationships are weird, at that point sharing is either in the family or wherever they want)

As she rolled over, he smirked to himself as she snatched the duvet off of her body, already hard and ready to go, as he seized her hips and started to slide for the exposed entrance.
Levi panted almost like a wild animal, his Demon body pressed upon the weak creature underneath him. "You just had to leave that window open! I guess ill just have to keep doing this until you learn" he grunts out to himself, listening to her moans. She felt with every faint moan, his member throb like crazy inside her, like it had a mind of its own and it was enjoying the squeeze and heat of her new tunnel entirely too much. It swelled inside her, ramming deeper and deeper
She tried to get the breath to scream, but each punching thrust forced that air back out again before she could even think. All she could focus on was the strange, almost live way his cock shifted and swelled inside of her tight ass, spreading it wider and wider as he got deeper. Her eyes rolled back into her head slowly as she began to pass out.
He laughed as he felt his release, hot and leaking all sculpts of dizzying pheromones and scents splattered between them. But he patted her stomach, . It felt like she spent the night guzzling the denest milk in her life. What didn't stain her bedding or cling to her face, was clinging to her taste buds and settled in her belly. "Mm!you spilked you nasty bitch!"
She whimpered softly as he patted her, before a smirk took over her face "Mmm... I'm the nasty bitch for spilling it?" She asked, pushing him back with no effort as she licked her lips, her skin turning pink as the Daemonette from his dreams was before him "That's a rude thing to say to the woman who gave you this power."
"You tricked me! You had to-.. wait. Breeding?" He said blinking as he felt a strange excitement running through him...ofcourse the parts of him that weren't a demon probably was confused but the incubus Breeding machine she crafted...well as soon as she even mentioned the word she saw the sticky pole standing at attention for duty.

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