Fireside Fun (Schoeche)

Her mouth dropped open in surprises at the amount of seed he spilled over her. She grinned, “someone was a little pent up.” She bit her lip and smiled.

She fell silent for a few moments, then spoke up. “One of us could sleep on the trucks I guess. That would keep up the ruse that we’re not getting along.” She paused. “I mean… I’d definitely enjoy it if you joined me… Either way, I think I’ll go shower before I sleep.”
"Mm...if we both slept on the truck, it would make them get ideas. " He said as he sat back, catching his breath. He was slightly flushed. She was right. He had been backed up, he hadn't been with a girl in months. He was playing it off well but he nearly slumped over during the eruption. "You can take the tent. If you think that's something you'd do." He said shrugging. "And uh.. if you get lonely...well not like you can't climb back in."
“Let’s do that.” She grinned. She leaned in and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. A moment later, she was dropping lightly off the truck bed and fading into the darkness. If he watched, he would see her stop by the tent, then make her way to the camp showers.

About half an hour later, she returned. She approached the truck fairly silently. “Blake… you awake?”
Her face appeared above the side of the truck. “Just feeling bad for making you take the truck bed.” She looked at him for a long moment, slightly tempted to go for a round two. She decided against it for now. “Thanks. I’ll make it up to you.” She winked. “And you’ve earned a weekend fling.” She smiled and disappeared into the dark.
He chuckles to himself, laying back down at her words. Well. Atleast she knew what she desired. Blake curdled up on the blanket again, looking at the stars, limitless winking diamonds, each a sun or a world. He went back to counting them in his head, feeling something foreign creeping over him...his eyes got heavy. He blinked once, trying to keep focus, but he found himself succumbing to sleep.
Maria slept well. Dreaming several interesting dreams involving her new acquaintance. When she woke in tje morning, her mind immediately was working to plan out her next round. How could they sneak it in?

She put in some clothes, resisting the urge to take some special care (yes, her friends would have noticed) and stepped out into the early morning light.
(XD "Oh Maria, putting on that crop top hm?" looks at Blake "looks like your on her menu!")

Blake climbed outvof thevtruck in the morning, Maria could see him walking to the tent. But he seemed to be already prepared mentally as well, he brushed by her lik she was invisible, pulling out his bag and started walking to the showers. Ryan peeked out of his tent. "God he needs to to grow up." His friend grumbled. "I nean-" he noticed her standing by. "He's uh- just grumpy in the morning, he never talks to anyone-" he said trying to smooth things over.. if only he knew the only thing smoother than things between the two new fling mates was probably ice.
Blake walked at the back of the group, dragging his feet a bit as always. He was in a pair of dark swim trunks, and a Hoodia, it was sleeveless though, showing off his arms. Despite all appearances everyone could tell Blake had more energy about him today, even while Jr wall flowered a bit. He took the lead of moving things to get ready.
As they boated, Blake sat off to the side as they rode along the lake. He didn't look at her still, which wasn't unlike him to his friends, giving the apparent cold shoulder was his optimal strategy to keep from causing friction. Nobody knew when. But he snuck glances to Naria now and then, checking her out sneakily.
Maria did catch him a couple of times, but she channeled what that stirred into an awkwardness of interaction that simply reinforced the idea that they didn’t get along. Her bikini clad figure was quite attractive, and his weren’t the only glances she caught from their party. The morning wore on, and after a while, the wakeboarding, etc. wore itself out. Maria declared herself done. “I’ll go back and get things going for lunch when y’all get back.” Ryan decided to try to help Blake grow up and jumped in. “You should go with her, Blake. Another person will help a lot.”
Blake gave Ryan a look, if his look could kill, Ruan probably would have become a pile of ash on the breeze. "You think?" He said. But Clark jumped in. "Come in Blake, you really want her alone? Working on your food?" He prompted. Blake's stare fade.

"Whatever." He said but he stepped over, standing beside Maria. "Lets go."
She smiled, tilting her head a little. “Thanks.” She looked around. The site was quiet and a little off to the side was a group of hemlocks that would nicely screen them even if someone did come down the trail. They had the added benefit of providing a fairly soft if somewhat dirty forest floor. She nodded her head toward it. “Come on.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him behind her as she headed for the bushes.
"Make it up huh?" He said as he glanced around instinctively while he thought on that. Blake reached up to her, touching under her chin. "I think I do." He said as he Rand hid fingers downward, gliding them down to her cleavage, hooking his finger into the bikini top with a playful tug.
He pulled on her top, sliding her tits free of the sleek material. Blake's fingers rubbing on her mounds. His thumbs teasing on her nipples as he leaned in to kiss her. Her glance told him enough she was thinking of it, so he would give it. His cock pressed against her as got closer ti her, hardening a bit
she smiled, expecting by something like that. She leaned in close to his ear. “Then get ready.” She whispered. She sank down to her knees, her fingers tracing his stomach until they reached his shorts. Before pulling them down, she rubbed his cock firmly, tracing the outline she could see in his shorts. “Looks eager.” She smirked up at him, then pulled his shorts down around his ankles.

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