But the more he thought on it, the more he realised he'd need to bring Lance down to truly make Chayot safe, and whilst she was asleep was the perfect time. After all, she couldn't stop him like this.
Lance looked down his nose at Zach, shaking his head "No it isn't. It would be nice if you weren't some villainous murderer. But as it stands, you are. And you're currently a distraction." He moved closer, narrowing his eyes "You villains always know each others movements. Where is Chayot?"
He paused but then he got a dark look in his eye. He may have had healer abilities, but he could use them for harm too.
He clenched his hands into fists and a dark glow emanated from them. “You fucking raped a friend of mine-“ he hesitated, “No. You raped my girlfriend!!” He yelled out in a snarl, soon he disappeared from sight but then reappeared in front of Lance, aiming a punch towards his face which would most likely drive him into the ground due to the force behind it.
"Girlfriend!?" Lance almost laughed, before giving a loud cry of pain as Zach punched him, sending him scraping across the ground "Alright... That's enough. I gave you a chance..." He growled, cracking his knuckles "Now I'm gonna beat you to a pulp and make you watch as I fuck her again."
“You won’t get a chance,” Zach promised and the dark glow was forming around his very body- and he again flashed from sight, once more appearing in front of Lance. “This is for hurting her!” He yelled as he attempted to roundhouse kick Lance.
Lance caught his boot and narrowed his eyes "I'm gonna do much worse than that when I find her... But what's with you, huh? You'd never have done this before, what changed?" He threw Zach away, taking a breath before lashing out with a punch that would send him through a wall if it connected.
Zach grunted as he was stopped, yelling out as he was punched all the way through a wall.
Rubble and dust fell around him and he coughed as he stood. Fuck..he looked up at Lance, “I don’t owe you an explanation.” He spat out, touching his hip. He had brought out a long sword that ignited with a deep dark energy. Usually just a hilt but after he touched the hilt, it became insanely hot and could cut through anything.
Lance growled as he drew the blade, drawing his own "Don't even try it. You've never beaten me before. If you give up now, I'll let you play with Chayot when you behave... Only her ass though. That slit is mine!"
Zach growled further, heading straight for Lance. But he feigned and disappeared right before he got to him, soon reappearing behind Lance’s back, aiming the blade towards his shoulders by his neck, hoping to cut his head off.
Lance blinked as Zach vanished, and wasn't fast enough to stop the blade cutting his head from his shoulders. But with his last breath, he murmured a curse, placing it upon Zach and Chayot, so they might never find true happiness again.
Zach noted the curse and he growled lowly. He would have to figure out what to do to reverse it.
Back with Chayot, he was there explaining that Lance was dead. But he also mentioned about the curse, knowing that they would have to find some way to reverse it.
Chayot blinked as he spoke "I... I told you not too!" She whined, before biting her lip as he spoke of a curse "N-No!" She yelped, her hand going to her belly as she feared for their child.
“I- I know!” He said and shook his head, placing his hands over her stomach, his hands glowing and his powers reversing the curse placed on his love. But about him though…
As he used his powers, the curse on her transferred to him, doubling it over and making him suddenly think about just how unready he was for a baby, and want to abandon her.
He knew that was the curse speaking, and he gave himself some of his own magic, waning it.
He sighed as those feelings went away, but they wouldn’t take away the dread of what if he messed up? What if he wasn’t good enough for her now… did she know about him being Lance’s brother?
Chayot tried to snuggle into him, but he'd want to push her away. After all, when he thought about it, the only reason they were together was his own brother raping her, he didn't deserve to have her love and affection.
He pushed her off and moved away, “I-“ she would hear him begin. “I- I have to confess something to you,” he tells her, looking down at his hands, preparing for the worst.
He looked like he hated himself, “I’m sorry- I-“ he shakes his head, “I should have told you-“ he frowned, “I hated what he did to you- you didn’t deserve any of that-“ he spoke, noting her recoil but didn’t advance on her
She gave him a glare "Sta... Stay the fuck away from me!" She demanded, heading for the room she had separate of his "I'm... I'm going to pack! I don't want you anywhere near me!"
Those words drove daggers through his heart, and he didn’t stop her. He remained where he was, giving a soft sigh. He knew this would have been the outcome either way, no matter which way he played it.
She soon had two bags packed, going out of her way to leave the clothes he'd bought her out on the bed, even as she had to wonder for a moment... Was he really to blame for Lance... She shook her head, he was still Lance's brother, no matter what.
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