Anime RP Heroic Endeavours, Villainous Ideas (Fae)

When he got there though, he'd find a group of Police officers, hiding behind their cars, and as he got closer to find out what was going on, a strange, weakened feeling came over him. The next thing he'd notice was the man holding Chayot around her throat, a gun pressed to his head as he yelled demands out of the coffee shop.
As he watched, the man holding Chayot hit her with his pistol and vanished back into the coffee shop, even as the Police officers continued to hide, radio chatter barking out as he listened to plans to try and breach the building, as well as reports of two superheroes having to stay away, due to the power dampener that was present. That would also explain why Chayot had been so passive and weak in the mans arms.
(Don't know if you've ever watched it, But you know the character of Darkness from Konosuba? We should have a hero character like that, who gets off to being beaten up)

But as Zach watched, the building suddenly erupted in smoke, gunshots ringing out as something happened within, which only stopped when the hostage taker was flung from the building with great force.
Before he could get any further, a figure in the smoke would pull him out, and leave him lying on the ground next to all the staff members, who had been safely evacuated. They all were untouched, and Chayot immediately knelt to embrace him "Zach... You... Idiot!" She squealed, having seen him run in.

Meanwhile... Orion cackled madly as he smashed the door to the bank open, bursting in and seeing all the money waiting for him "Hahaha, HAHAHA! No one can stop me now!" He cried out in delight, already starting to bag it up.
She felt the bag of money hit her, and he could see she was winded. But, she still stood.

She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knocking her back with just some bag.

“What’s wrong is why are you stealing still?” She asked and floated over to him, “Orion..” she spoke his name, trying to have him focus on her.
Orion narrowed his eyes as she spoke, glaring up at her "I don't know, maybe it's the fact I don't have rich parents, I don't have the abilities of a fuckin flying god or maybe I'm just fucking good at it?" This time, the thrown bag was just a distraction as he leapt up behind it to punch her, in the belly.
As he punched her, she barely flinched, and looked to him, her eyes glowing slightly. “You know you’re no match for me..” she reminded him, knowing how easily she could break his bones if she wanted to. But unfortunately she found his face to be quite handsome, even though she knew it was wrong of her to think of such a thing.
And she did just that, her hands, surprisingly strong yet soft to the touch.. went to grab his, when an unseen force pulled her away from him.

She yelled out as her partner, a villainous hero, used his telekinetic powers to do so.

He was a tall man, muscular and had the face of a man who dealt with too many villains in his lifetime. His face was hardened and hard to read and his body was lined with scars and scratches. Certainly not invincible but along with his telekinetic powers, his strength was 10x stronger than Artemis’.
Orion met his eyes with a sneer "Oh, look who it is. Showing up to take the credit after the hard works been done, huh?" He growled, standing up even with his hands bound infront of him "What's wrong? Scared of me?" Of course, what neither this guy or Artemis knew was just how much Orion really held back. He liked playing the game, liked doing things for the hell of it. And if he gave away just how much power he really had, he'd be locked up in the deepest possible cave.
Artemis coughed as the dust cleared around her and she looked up to her partner. “A-Ares!” She coughed out, and Ares glared over at her.

He looked back at Orion and gave another murderous glare. “Too long have you been playing these games, Orion-“ he spoke and continued to use his powers to hold Artemis back, and she struggled to get up, but to no avail, it was useless.
Ares hesitated for a slight moment, and leaned back a bit. “Well, as you can see from my appearance I am no easy kill,” he spoke and continued to hold back Artemis, to the point of where she began to gasp for air, as her lungs were being crushed from the force held on her.

Artemis and Orion had an unspoken rule. Sure she’d catch him, and he’d be locked up for a little but it was always easy for him to escape, and Artemis knew that. Truly she enjoyed the game itself, but when Ares came into the picture, sometimes Orion would see bruising and other injuries on her body but she’d just deflect any questioning.
Before Ares could even blink Orion was already on top of him, a punch cracking against his jaw with more than enough force to make him lose concentration. Orion watched his foe for a moment before smirking "Mmm. Really?" Of course, now Ares knew just how outmatched he actually was, and just how much Orion truly held back, as would Artemis.
Ares jaw was punched and his head turned, feeling his bone being cracked against. He spit out blood when Orion taunted him, and he heard Artemis gasp for air as his powers were interrupted.

Artemis stared in horror at just how strong Orion was, and she couldn’t help but feel a little hot underneath her uniform, just imagining briefly how many beds Orion must have destroyed…wait. Why was she thinking like this?
Orion tilted his head as Ares dropped back, before ramming his knee into the other mans stomach "You could have just kept playing nice. Could've kept the wheel turning..." He grunted, starting to choke him "But no... You had to abuse your powers, hurt people..." He talked as though Artemis wasn't even there, the casual ignoring somehow making his sheer power hotter.
(Orion, literally beating up a man, Artemis be like: Daddy?)

Ares began to choke, but somehow he began to fight back, grabbing the other’s waist with his arms and lifting him up, only to bring him to the ground with brute force, the bank floor would leave a bit of an indent. He backed away and gave a maniacal laugh, “What, like you’re any better?!” He yelled as he raised his hands and telekinetically brought up a slab of concrete, aiming to smash it down on Orion’s body.

Artemis let out an audible gasp, but that was cut short as Ares brought her forward, effectively crushing her lungs again and she struggled against the power. He sneered at her face, “You’re not worthy enough to be called a hero,” he said and then tossed her aside, Artemis tumbling and rolling, as she skidded to a stop.

Ares only stopped when he heard sirens and he turned away, deciding to leave, if anything Artemis would be blamed for what had happened, not him.

Artemis was gasping, struggling to stand, but gave up and collapsed back on the floor.
(She's just standing there dripping as Orion beats Ares up)

Orion barely felt Ares slamming the concrete into him, standing and watching the man turn his back, raising an eyebrow "Well, at least I play by the rules." He dragged the man back, the choke this time cutting all oxygen off from Ares' brain, leaving him unable to fight back "Now Now, don't be leaving so soon..." He growled, before dropping the now unconscious hero and moving to gently pick up Artemis, the care a far cry from how he'd just treated Ares "Shh... You'll be okay..." He murmured, sneaking her out the back of the bank and heading for his hideout with her.
Artemis didn’t really object, the way Ares had crushed her lungs- she could barely make a sound. She looked up at Orion’s handsome face, her vision began to spot and she soon passed out in his arms. She hadnt even registered Orion knocking out Ares entirely. But Ares was a hero, he wouldn’t be blamed the same way Orion would have.

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