She did exactly what he wanted, her voice getting louder as she moaned his name, just how he wanted. And the deeper he got, the tighter she was, increasing his pleasure as well.
Lance moaned out loudly when he felt her squeeze him. “Fuck- you-you’re so tight,” he groaned out, knowing only to curse when he fucked her, so hearing that was rare indeed. He continued thrusting, beginning to feel his length swell up.
She thrashed a little as he swelled, craters splintering in the floor as her hands struck it. Hoo boy, he needed to bring her strength down a bit, if he planned on not being split in half by accident. Still, the nanobots that he used to empower himself might well fit that, assuming he could get them inside her...
Lance certainly wasn’t taking this into account…surely his nano bots would do the trick. He slowed down his thrusts and kissed her to keep her distracted, trying to let her opening down there be a perfect entrance for his nano tech.
She was barely paying attention, whining a little as he slowed his thrusts down, but moaning again as he kissed her more. If he was going to do something, now would be the perfect time.
He kept her fully distracted by kissing her more and more, moaning as he almost lost himself in the interaction. It was then his nano tech made its way into her body, through the entrance of where his length lay nearby. Once the bots took hold of her, and made her ease up by relaxing her muscles…Lance pushed back into her once more, moaning again as he felt her soft insides engulf his entire length again.
She frowned as she felt... something, but it was soon hidden behind his thrusts again. She couldn't tell what had changed, and for the time being she didn't care, just moaning as he fucked her into cumming.
As he continued to thrust, he moaned as he felt his length swell once again- and deciding by her grip- he wondered if he would be able to pull out in enough time.
Without his nanobots, he might have struggled. But with them making her about as strong as a regular human? He could easily pull out of her. The real question was what he'd do with her afterwards, now he had full control of her powers.
He pulled out, moaning as he came, spraying his release on her upper thighs, panting and flushing a bit. “F-Fuck-“ he moaned out happily. He thought about what he should do next…especially since she was like this..
"Hol...y... Fuck..." She managed to gasp out, sitting up slowly and then blinking a few times, before slapping him. What should have happened was he should have gone flying. What actually happened was her hand hit him, stopped dead and left her staring "H... How the... What the fuck did..."
He grinned and moved closer, her touch doing nothing to him. “Hm..? I thought you would’ve have enjoyed it..” he pouted playfully, his hands touching her perfect ass next, wondering if he could..
She planted her hands onto his chest and pushed against him, trying to get him off her "Wh... What the fuc... How are you this strong?!" She whimpered "What did you do to me?!" She kept trying, even as his hands began to play with her ass.
“Never mind that…” he smirked and began to play with her ass more, ripping her uniform even more, making room to have access to her…other, and much tighter hole. She would feel his still hard member press on her entrance there, slowly beginning to press in, even as he positioned her underneath him carefully.
"N-NO, get off!" She shrieked, trying to crawl away as he rolled her over, hearing her uniform rip. This couldn't be happening. He was meant to be a hero, but he was raping her! He'd... Had he stolen her powers somehow to do it?!
She would hear him chuckle lightly at the shriek, “Oh you weren’t that way earlier..” he murmured and continued to press in, keeping her steady underneath him, despite her efforts.
She gave another shriek as he pushed into her, his greater strength and size easily pushing her ass apart and allowing him to quite easily thrust into it, her tight softness gripping him. She kept trying to crawl away, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed from both the physical pain and the fact he was using her against her will, and had somehow rendered her powerless.
Lance groaned at the feeling of her soft tightness around him, and he continued to push, moaning more at the feeling. He ignored her cries, for he was lost in the pleasure of it all- and soon against her will she would start to feel pleasure as well.
She scrunched her face up, struggling not to moan as he continued to fuck her so ruthlessly. She couldn't hold it much longer, crying out unwillingly as he made her moan again.
He smirked at her moans in satisfaction and continued to fuck her the way he wanted to, groaning out “Fuck-“ and he tilted his head back, the feeling was incredible for him.
To her, the feeling was horrifying, and the fact her body was making her enjoy it made it even worse as she continued to try and drag herself away, tears still leaking from her eyes as she moaned against her wishes.
She whined loudly as he finished, waiting for him to let go before starting to crawl away, hoping to escape him, but with his Nanotech implanted in her there wasn't much chance of that...
He watched her and shook his head, “Mm…you can try but,” he stood and grabbed some conveniently placed rope in the room they had barged in, and moved to tie her to the bed. He placed rope around her breasts, the material squeezing her and rubbing her in places he enjoyed looking upon.
She squirmed a little in the ropes, but went still when she realised he was getting off to the sight "What're you looking at, asshole?" She growled, that edge returning to her voice "Fuckin... Thought you were meant to be a good guy... last I checked, good guys don't rape the bad guy!"
“What do you mean?” He asked with a small smirk again. “All I hear is you’re enjoying yourself…” and his length was hardened still, wondering where he should place it on her or…in her next.
She narrowed her eyes "You... Utter... Bastard... How was I ever into you." She muttered, straining against the ropes again, even as he'd consider that he should probably take this somewhere less... public. After all, the apartment may have been abandoned, but the hole in the wall would draw attention.
Lance was already on the matter, moving them and flashing to a more secluded area- one where she was familiar with- his apartment. She was then to be shown to the bed, tied up once again. “What? I may be a hero to them but..” he grinned at those words, going to pull out more toys for his enjoyment to watch her squirm.
She started to cry again, squirming more in the ropes "Pl... Please, ju... just let me go, I won't tell anyone! I promise!" She begged, sobbing heavily.
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