Anime RP Heroic Endeavours, Villainous Ideas (Fae)

He kept her fully distracted by kissing her more and more, moaning as he almost lost himself in the interaction. It was then his nano tech made its way into her body, through the entrance of where his length lay nearby. Once the bots took hold of her, and made her ease up by relaxing her muscles…Lance pushed back into her once more, moaning again as he felt her soft insides engulf his entire length again.
“Never mind that…” he smirked and began to play with her ass more, ripping her uniform even more, making room to have access to her…other, and much tighter hole. She would feel his still hard member press on her entrance there, slowly beginning to press in, even as he positioned her underneath him carefully.
She gave another shriek as he pushed into her, his greater strength and size easily pushing her ass apart and allowing him to quite easily thrust into it, her tight softness gripping him. She kept trying to crawl away, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed from both the physical pain and the fact he was using her against her will, and had somehow rendered her powerless.
Lance was already on the matter, moving them and flashing to a more secluded area- one where she was familiar with- his apartment. She was then to be shown to the bed, tied up once again. “What? I may be a hero to them but..” he grinned at those words, going to pull out more toys for his enjoyment to watch her squirm.

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