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Anime RP Heroic Endeavours, Villainous Ideas (Fae)

Local Time:
9:06 PM
Nov 14, 2022
She stumbled down the corridor in her haste to escape, hoping she’d picked the right route, hoping she’d picked the right direction as she continued onwards. She could feel her uniform flapping as she ran, knowing her slit, ass and breasts were on display but not caring. If she'd had her powers, she'd have just smashed walls down and fled that way, but as she was... She bit back the fear, even as she could see it, the Elevator doors. She reached them and mashed the button, glancing around for Lance, hoping he wasn't there yet.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The doors opened and a tall looking man was standing in it. His eyes widened in shock as he saw what he assumed was a hero in front of him. Clearly she had been through some things... "Miss...?" he asked, trying to get her attention. "Are-Are you alright?" Even though she was on edge, her intuition told her that this man could be trusted.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He seemed shocked about the tears, and he glanced around, figuring she was leaving one of the apartments. He had food in his hands, apparently he was a delivery person, so he didn't even reside in this apartment complex. "H-Hey hey, it's alright..I'm not going to hurt you," He promised, setting the food down and removing his long coat, covering her up in it to offer her some decency.
Local Time:
9:06 PM
Nov 14, 2022
She took the coat in shivering hands, wrapping it around herself, even as he'd slowly start to recognize the way she was dressed. After all, she'd not been a quiet villain, and he'd definitely have seen her actions on TV. What that didn't answer though was why she was here, and with her costume torn the way it was.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
"Wait- you're the-" he cut off, hearing some voices down the hall. He bit his lip and pulled her into the elevator, pressing a button to close the door, and it would start to go down to the parking area.

"You don't have to tell me...whoever did this to you surely is much worse than what you have done.." he said as he went for his keys in his pocket, knowing he would have to take her somewhere safe.
Local Time:
9:06 PM
Nov 14, 2022
She gave a small yelp as he pulled her into the lift, and he'd realise just from that motion how she wasn't as strong as she should have been. She was... almost normal. Chayot moved to the far corner of the lift, watching him fearfully. Even if she thought she could trust him, she didn't... couldn't, take chances.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He moved them to his car, and opened a door for her, letting her sit inside. He got into the driver's seat and started the car, letting the engine warm up first. "I'm...actually not just a delivery person, I work down at one of the hospitals.." he mentioned as he glanced to her broken form. "I can heal you," he promised, and perhaps he was one of the lucky humans who had been given that power, not strong enough to be a hero or a villain but a healer.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Shit—!” He cursed and went to go help her back into the car, pressing on her wound. He then turned around, looking for anyone to be near. When there was no one, he surprisingly opened a portal to what seemed to be a bedroom. He grabbed her and lifted her up in his arms, stepping through and closing the portal behind him. He laid her down on the bed and immediately went to healing her, biting his lip as he did so.
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