Fantasy RP In the Heart of the Pridelands (Rhys)

She paused in her sorting and flicked her tail lowly, “I’m aware Fox- just because you go out and find someone doesn’t mean you can’t return,” she shakes her head going to lap at some of the water from the hole that was near their den. She panted softly and laid down next to him, grooming her paw next and rubbing it on her face.
“Nothing too big, I don’t care what it is,” she tells him, flicking her ears after the lick on the top of her head. She flopped over to her side, her ears flicking a bit more as flies buzzed around her. Her eyes watched the camp and she saw some returning mothers with their cubs, they had been out teaching them basic survival skills. She was happy the cubs that had been born were healthy- and she watched them tumble and play fight, making her purr lowly.

She was thankful she wouldn’t have any cubs, although for a bit she had wished she didn’t do what she did a few moons back, making herself completely sterile, but it was for the best in her opinion. She had everything she could ask for, she didn’t want anything else.
Ambermoon thanked him and began to eat, she didn’t want much honestly, she wasn’t too hungry— this if anything was just a snack to her. She finished it quite quickly and she licked her maw clean of blood. “Are you going to eat something?” She asked as she cleaned her teeth with her tongue.
She watched him get up and pad away, she flicked her ear and she yawned herself, before flopping over to her side and closing her eyes. She figured a nap would be a good thing for her too.

Therin yawned as he stretched out, it was another hot day, and he wondered if they should retire in their den for the time being. He looked over at Cylvie.
At the end of the day he eventually retired to the den where they all shared, but he didn’t mind sleeping where Marcus had. He had mentioned that in the morning he would choose his deputy as the one they did have went with Marcus as they left.
I guess he sleeps in a place where Marcus- the previous pride leader had slept (like a raised rock from everyone else?)
Therin was a bit confused, and he watched her pad away, her tail swinging slightly. But no matter, he didn’t really think too much of it, before he padded after her, soon climbing the slightly elevated rock in the middle of their pride, who were all in here to take their afternoon nap. He circled around a bit before plopping down to lay in the nest there.

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