Fantasy RP In the Heart of the Pridelands (Rhys)

Nov 10, 2022
Stepping out from the large cave that sheltered the pride, Thornclaw took a long stretch- bristling out his fur before giving it a good shake. It was early in the morning, and he had yet to see anyone else to wake from their own sleeping piles. But he didn't blame them, for the weather was pretty cold for leafbare this time around, which was unusual but he knew the world was ever changing. His duty as a shaman in the pride he resided in made sure he knew that all too well. After a few moments of slowly waking up, Thornclaw began to pad over to the fresh kill pile that the huntresses of the pride kept full, but was mindful of the time of year it was, meaning most herds had migrated for the time being. So their pickings were far and few in between, but he was appreciative that there hadn't been any cubs born during this season, which meant less mouths to feed.

He eventually decided to go with a medium sized hare, knowing the morning hunt had yet to head out- but he was very hungry. He had just returned from a journey to the starpool, which was a large pool of water that had in its waters beautiful crystals. The starpool was hidden deep in the neighboring jungle, and that's where he and other prideland shamans went to receive visions from their ancestors, Starlit Pride. These visions he usually received were often in concern for his pride, to see if the upcoming months would prove a struggle for them or not- if there were any potential threats to the pride- or if he wanted to just receive advice on how he should handle certain situations. Thornclaw usually only went every four full moons, and that had been the night before.

He eventually settled on the sunrock, soaking up the morning rays as it began to peek over the horizon, and started to eat his meal. He remembered there was a time he had went without food for days- back when he was living in the outlands. He was thankful that he came across Lightning Pride when he did, as he had been a sick and injured cub. Usually, Lightning Pride didn't take well to outsiders, but his mentor- Brambleheart, the shaman at the time- took pity and convinced the pride leader to take him in, on the account that he would be her apprentice.

And like every apprentice, be it shaman or a warrior- he had to learn how to fight and hold his own whenever threats would arise to the pride. That was one of the unique sides to Lightning Pride, ones who usually boasted about their pride having the best fighters. But now, Thornclaw had settled into his shaman role, perfectly content with aiding his fellow pride members and using his healing knowledge when needed.

Lightning Pride

Located in a ravine, neighboring a large dense jungle. This ravine floods from time to time during the wet season, leaving large pools of water for prey animals to drink out of. The area is very green with lots of sand and multiple trees, with the hot sun bearing down the valley if not covered by clouds- and because of this hot sun, the pride has seen their fair share of droughts.
Camp: Since Lions typically group together, they normally would sleep out underneath the stars. But this area is famous for its stormy weather (and wet grounds), so luckily they were able to find a large enough cave to reside in. The cave also has separate crevices to which the shamans over many a moon have found useful for storing their much needed herbs and remedies. This cave is thankfully located uphill of the ravine, so the flood waters in the valley below usually don't reach them.
A visual:​
Freshkill pile: an area located near the cave, behind a few large boulders sheltered from any potential birds of prey.
Training area: located in a sandy grassy area, covered by some trees perfect for climbing.
A visual:​
Lightningstrike Falls: besides the flooding that occurs during the wet/rainy season (aka greenleaf), there is a waterfall that resides in a northern corner of the ravine. This leads into a fresh pool of water- and down here is where the shamans can also easily look for their normal types of herbs that grow. During a drought, the waterfall is still active, although the pool of water is much smaller. This waterfall comes directly from the neighboring jungle. The water is very clean and is also used to clean most wounds, and for some herbal remedies. Young lions also go down here with their mentors to learn how to swim.
A visual:​
Starpool: where shamans go to communicate with their ancestors - it is hidden deep within a lush jungle. The water seems to sparkle mostly based on the crystals down below the waters, usually illuminating with the help of the full moon. This starpool is also a natural hot spring.
A visual:​

Some things to note:
The nursing/expecting mothers give birth outside of the pride in what is called the nursery den (to avoid any males killing the newborn cubs- normally Lightning Pride does not have this issue but one can never be too careful), the shamans (who are neutral in all things) also go and aid the mothers to make sure the cubs and the mother survive during the birthing process, and then checks in on them every week until the cubs reach 4 moons. Pride numbers are everything to Lightning Pride, so this is a crucial part for the shaman, and usually, if they have an apprentice- if old enough, their apprentice will stay behind with the Pride as the Shaman attends to the mothers.
A visual:​

This pride is also full of shapeshifters, ones who had learned to survive the harsh climates long ago. It also gives them the upper hand from the poachers who kill lions for sport.

Thornclaw // Therin

Age: 48 moons / 4 years in lion age / 26 yr old in human age
Height/length: 6'2 / 187cm || 10 ft / 3m long
Weight: 410 lbs / 186 kg || 180 lbs / 81 kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human / Shapeshifter / Lion
Appearance (both human and lion form):
IMG_3724.JPG IMG_3726.JPG IMG_3722.JPG
Family: none
Background: growing up, he was a very sick cub, but thankfully (and reluctantly) Lightning Pride took him in, and he became the apprentice to the shaman. From there he learned how to shapeshift like the others, eventually adapting a human like form. Although he does prefer his lion form to anything else.
Likes: Prefers the stormy, cloudy weather over the hot bearing down sun, but doesn't mind a good nap in the sun (usually in cooler weather) when he gets the chance. You most likely will see him by himself though, as he doesn't keep much company, and he prefers it that way.​
Dislikes: Hot, dry days, and the irritating buzzing of the cicadas. They are way too loud for his tastes and wish they would just shut up.​
Personality: He's mostly by himself, and doesn't prefer crowds (ironically even if he is in a pride). He has a playful personality and likes to tease those who are close to him from time to time.
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Name: Silvermoon || Cylvie
Age: 42 moons / 3.5 yr lion age / 22 yr human age
Height/length: Human Form) 5ft 4in || Lion form) 3ft 2in high; 5ft 4in long
Weight: Human form) 146lbs || Lion Form) 345lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human / Lion-shifter
Appearance (both human and lion form):
Tattooed on her upper left arm.
Backstory: Cylvie spent the fist many moons of her life with no pride or family. Instead, she wandered the lands with a fierce adiretation for exploring, and never wanted to settle down. When she was about 2 ((lion years), she had made her way into the Pridelands, and found that maybe life was a little more than exploring.
She never had the heart for combat, preferring to run and stretch her long legs with grace and speed. She spent the next few moons living in peace with the Pride(s?), before eventually joining. Her birth name/human name, Cylvie had been replaced with Silvermoon.

Cylvie sprawled in the early morning sun, in her human form as she lazed on the slowly warming dirt. Her green eyes were closed, hiding the vibrant color of them from the world as she slowly relaxed. She was preparing herself for the morning hunt, and then planned to get some sleep afterwards. She would enjoy the hunt, always preferring to be running rather than training or fighting. It wasn’t her forte to fight, her smaller frame and slightly longer legs gifting her with speed and agility rather than brute force of a fighter.

She opens her eyes blinking in the morning light and turned her head, lifting it to see Thornclaw come out of the cave just before her hair fell into her face. She ran her fingers through the tangled looks, the small breeze doing perfectly to rake itself through her hair and make it messier than it should be. She smiles at Thorncalw, dipping her head slightly at the older shifter before dropping her head back onto the dirt. “Morning.” She drawled, her voice sounding just as lazy as she looked.
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Thornclaw hadn’t noticed Cylvie at first, for she had perfectly blended in with the tall, yellow grass. It was only when he had began to eat part of last night’s kill did he take in his surroundings fully.

And that was when his own vibrant green eyes fell on Cylvie’s form. “Oh,” he spoke and licked at his maw, cleaning the blood from it. “Good morning, Silvermoon,” he spoke her pack name, deciding to be formal. Their ‘human’ names were reserved for those close to one another, or family members.
Cylvie shifts in a soft, barely noticeable flash of light, her lion form now appearing as she stood, moving closer to the male and sitting across from him. She yawns again, blinking slowly and watching the male for a long moment. She wasn’t big on formalities, and never really cared who used which name with her, but she did sometimes find it irksome to be called her full name. It was probably the mood she was in this morning that made it bother her a little more than normal, “You know. . . There’s no need to be so formal with me, Thornclaw. . .” She would respect the other’s boundaries though, and was always careful to use their pride name.

(I added her history, however brief- XD)
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(Well I thought I had the photo but upon my hundreds of blonde ai photos alas, I do not. (But I can assure you that once an rp starts I usually make ai photos for it, so if you’re interested I can always share what I make :3)
(lol I just realized I used ‘pack’ name T-T and I’ll give a check on her history too!)

Thornclaw watches as she shifts, his eyes trained to pick up on how exactly she did so, and even he was impressed with how quick she was at it. But he’d never let her know that.

Hearing her retort to his greeting her with her pride name he gave a slight flick of his ear. “I can guess,” he responded back in a slight sarcastic tone, his eyes focusing in on her face. “But I am,” he reminded, not really appreciating how close she was in the moment. He sighed, pawing slightly at the carcass of the rabbit in front of him. “You have to realize not all of us..are so lenient with formalities..” he mentioned next, a fair warning, knowing that a few here wouldn’t be this calm for her pointing out about how she’d like to be addressed. Even if it had to be with her birth name being replaced at one point when she decided to join the pride, she would bear a pride name. If you had family, or a mate, those were usually who called you by your chosen/preferred name.
Cylvie backs away a little more, increasing the distance between her and the male. She always had a hard time reading social ques, having lived alone for most of her life, being with other felt strange. Nice, but strange. She could also put it up for being desperate to make a friend, even in the few moons she had been in the pride, few seemed willing to reach out to befriend her. She dips her head slightly, “Sorry. . . Just, everyone called me Cylvie when that’s all I was. The lonely lioness on the edge of the Pridelands. But the moment I have a different name. I don’t see why I should be called anything different.” She pawed anxiously at the dirt, flexing her claws and dragging them through, making faint lunges in the dusty ground.

She looks back to the male, blinking slowly once, her gaze soft and open. She never meant any offense to anyone, but. She was mightily curious and maybe a little pushy on her questions.
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Thornclaw closed his eyes as she backed away and he gave a low rumble in his throat, almost as if he had been about to growl at her. But what came next was something she wouldn’t suspect. “Lightning Pride.. you joined us, Lightning Pride. You should be honored to have such a pride name, as it means you are a part of a strong, powerful and cunning pride.” But it didn’t seem he was scolding her. “My other name was Therin, well.. I still am Therin, through and through- but to have a pride name like Thornclaw-“ he paused, inhaling before letting it out as he finished his words, “it fills me with a feeling of belonging..” and that was the shaman’s teachings within him, coming out and reminding Cylvie she should be proud of belonging to Lightning Pride.
She drops her gaze back to the dirt, her green eyes focused on it as she grew her paw through it again. She didn’t exactly know why she had joined the pride. She’d known she was tired of being alone, of having no one. . . But was it really any better to be a part of a pride if the others didn’t feel like she respected their ways? She’d done her best, she’d learned them and always tried to remember how to greet each lion in respect to their station. And not just the social expectations, the expectations she kept her claws sharp and not just for her prey. . .

She flicked her ear, the only sign of irritation she’d let on as she looked back to Thronclaw. “I am honored. Deeply, I just. . .“” Heer he’d tilt to the side, thinking of how to phrase the words.

“It makes me feel more separated from everyone else. They’ve all known m as Cylvie since I appeared here, and now, to be called Silvermoon. . . It feels like a detachment. It’s a beautiful name, and I treasure it very much, but I don’t want detachment. I joined for a family, to have others I can be around and know. Laugh with.”

Her eyes close again, a deep, old ache in her heart as he remembered her parents. She could barely remember the sound of their voices or the exact shade of fur, she’d lost them so young. . . But she remembered the feeling of love and happiness she’d had, even so young.

“Somewhere to belong. It’s hard to feel like I belong somewhere if almost everything I do is breaking this social faux pas or that social faux pas.”
“I can assure you your pride mates do not see it in the same sense you do," he remarked, opening his eyes to look at her once again, and noted her flick of an ear- "they understand Cylvie is your name..but to them, you are apart of our pride, and..our Pride Leader didn't just give you any name, you know." he wondered if she knew the history of her name, and certainly he knew that she would never know the whisperings of her arrival that he had received visions from Starlit Pride.

Cylvie's frame was suited for Lightning Pride through and through. 'As quick as lightning strikes' was how they had been mentioned in past wars between the prides. They were lithe, swift and powerful fighters, but for Cylvie, her role would end up being different.

She would be 'the lightning to strike before the thunder roars'…whatever that meant. He had yet to decipher all the details. But again, he wasn't exactly going to tell her that, because certainly she'd have more questions, and he— didn't have answers.
She sighs, shifting back into her human form. Even though Cylvie had been born no where near the Pridelands, she still had the ability to shift her physical form. It always seemed she could never stay in one from for long, one moment a human, the a lioness and then human again. This was seen in her hunting style, one moment running after her prey as a human, and then leaping. She would always shift mid leap into her lioness form and sink her long sharp teething into the flesh of her prey.

"Well, if that's how they feel, then why does no one want to talk tome? No one does unless I corner them and pester them with questions." She gives Thornclaw a pointed look, her green eyes solemn.

She blows out a heavy breath, flopping down onto her ass and pulling her knees to her chest. "Don't get me wrong, I love my name, but. . ." She shakes her head slightly.
Thornclaw watched her shift again, and he flicked an ear in response. He listened to her speak once more and he wanted to give her somewhat of an answer.

He knew he was trying to make her feel comforted, but also knew he was partially lying. And to that it was a mystery of why he was being nice to her. Perhaps he felt pity, because…because- well, he knew Lightning Pride weren’t that accepting of outsiders. He remembered in the past it had been the same for him when he was a cub when he joined. And it had been several moons before he was fully revered and respected. All because he wasn’t of ‘Lightning Pride descent’.

But things were a bit different now, seeing as they had a different pride leader, but some pride mates were stuck in their old ways. He knew that, but didn’t know what to say to her.

He gave a sigh and closed his eyes, soon shifting to his human form, perhaps he could connect with her easier.

He leaned back and looked up at the clear sky, his eyes seemingly lost in thought. “Well..I’m not sure if you had heard of our pride prior to joining but, Lightning Pride has always been..stingy to new comers. For a while they had been ‘purists’ of sorts, believing that keeping the bloodline pure made the best warriors for the pride.”

Therin shakes his head, looking back at her. “I was the same as you. Thankfully at the time though my mentor practically sheltered me from the coldness of the pride after I joined, but.. I will say it took way longer than you have been here in the pride for me to be accepted- especially by the older generations here. Our younger lions and youngest are easier of acceptance to outsiders joining but not as spoken up about it in fear of backlash from the elders.” he ended on that, hoping to offer some explanation, but he also knew because of the had happened about one moon in after Cylvie’s ‘arrival’ or, joining the pride, and Therin had to report this to the pride leader his prophecy from Starlit Pride. And before this happened, the pride leader at first had been accepting of Cylvie, as he saw the potential in her..but since he learned of the prophecy, he had been worried about the safety of the pride because of it, because he wasn’t sure if war would happen amongst the prides again in the not too distant future— and more importantly, he wasn’t sure what Cylvie meant for the pride, if accepting her into the pride had been a mistake on his part that would cost the pride later... And of course it didn’t help that the pride leader obviously had his personal circle of trust, and Therin didn’t know exactly what had been discussed between the pride leader and his close friends, so that could also be a factor as well in how others treated Cylvie too.
(I'm so sorry T^T)

Cylvie sighs softly and looks at Thornclaw, "I know that. They like the purity of the pride and all that. And I respect it. They're a large family, and its worse than accepting an in-law. Its like accepting a poor little orphan. You have no connection to them besides the want to take them in. Sort for my example, it's a shitty one. Probably makes no sense." She runs her fingers through her hair and then pulls a lick in front of her face and starts braiding the golden stands.

"I guess I've just wanted a family and feel left out. I thought that I've I had gotten my name, I would make friends and such, not still do things by myself."

One look at Cyilve's face would show that the normally bright and cheerful lioness was lonely and, while nit depressed, sad. Her green eyes held a gleam of longing, of wanting to belong.

"Maybe you dint remember it, since you were a cub, but being alone, hunting by yourself and having no in to share the food with. . . No one to nuzzles up to to keep you warm at night. . . No one to seak for comfort if hurt. . . It's lonely, and. . ." She shudders, pulling her knees to her chest. "It's why I started to wander from hime I was looking for somewhere to belong."
Therin stared at her for a while, listening to what she said. It was true he thought that the pride would be more accepting now, but.. that just wasn't the case. It would be the same for a new outsider joining. This proved difficult for him, in a position such as he - trying to be without bias because he's a shaman.. But then again that prophecy that was revealed to him..

"I'm sorry that our pride made you feel like that..I-" he spoke, looking at the ground then back towards her, "I cannot give any guarantee but, Starlit Pride willing- I hope our pride will become more accepting for you soon in the coming moons.." An he spoke as a shaman would, trying to offer what guidance and help he could.

To be honest, he was lonely too, but he knew that would come with him being in this position - and it would be harder if he had been a female shaman, seeking companionship. But then again, he had turned down any opportunity for pride members to include him in things, knowing how his elders had felt of him truly, after finding out that his mentor had sheltered him from the harsh reality. He had been bitter- he knew he wasn't supposed to be, but he could still feel that stirring in his chest.

"You're an excellent hunter, Cylvie - you strike just like lightning.. and I know the other huntresses talk, they're amazed by your speed and precision. But our elder members are still stuck in their ways, and chastise the younger members in such ways that..they're afraid of being outcast- so they don't....well, I can't explain it to you fully, but I'm sure you can understand.." He knew although the elder members were still stuck in their ways, and how the Pride Leader was worried for the prophecy because of was bad all around. He also knew because he was a Shaman, he had the freedom to talk about with anyone, but still received the unapproved gazes from some elders.
Cylvie pressed her lips together for a long moment, her green eyes thoughtful. "It's sad, honestly. How much influence older people have. Sure, they're wise, but also stick in their ways. They can't shun all the young folk, and if they did, then they're stuck up. And who wants to listen to a bunch of stuck up pricks? Not to be insulting." Cylvie had learned plenty in her years of wandering and if there was one thing she had picked up in all the groups she'd seen. The leaders learned to adapt, and accept new things, or they were overthrown.

In this case, the elders were the leaders. Sure, there were only two of them, her an Thornclaw, but she also knew that theale had a position of power, on that made others listen, or at least ask for his advice. Cylvie had a small liking for the elders, knowing that for some of them, wanting to keep outsiders away stemmed from a want to protect their family. She admired that.

"I just wish that there were enough to show that we can bring something to the pride. That we're just as important and amazing as everyone else."

She leans back for a moment, looking at the sun slowly making it way over the trees. "I joined because I was tired of being alone. . . But now I just feel even more lonely, being surrounded by others but unable to do anything. . ."
Therin gave a soft sigh, knowing Cylvie was right. It wasn't just the elders, but the pride leader as well. They were heavily influenced by the guidance of the elder's, although most prides were not like that. Most prides were brutal and unforgiving- lightning pride, although similar..follow their own tradition. That's probably why they survived while other prides in the area perished or ended up seeking refuge somewhere else.

"Silver--Cylvie, I know you wish you could change things like this," he spoke the name she preferred. Although one should take pride in their given name, and it was only family and mates who would call you by your personal, preferred name.. Therin decided that perhaps to ease the younger lioness' mind, he would call her Cylvie. Not that it meant anything for him, but he knew once others learned that he started calling her by her personal name, they may talk.

Oh well. Others talked about him regardless of what was happening right now. He was used to it. If it weren't for the elders and the pride leader..

Perhaps it was time for things to change, but to challenge that and to go against the pride leader..

'The lighting before the thunder roars..'

Again that damned prophecy from starlit pride buzzed in his brain like a bunch of bees. If Cylvie was the lightning..who would be the thunder? It had to be someone who had great strength.. and although he was a pretty good fighter, Therin wouldn't consider himself to be apart of the prophecy at all. But how wrong he was.

"But sometimes, changing things can be for the worse," there was those damned shaman teachings again, to embrace tradition and reject change. But he knew he also was supposed to remain neutral in all things, to not have an opinion but.. he couldn't help it but feel similar to the way she was feeling in this moment.
Cyilve blew out a breath, "Change, for the worst? How is learning to accept me, and you, fully, as members of the pride, for the worst? Do you hear yourself?" She flips a leaf at him.

"You're trying to be wise, but it's not really working. More like insulin that even though we've done the same training and adapted, that we're still not good enough."

Cylvie was blunt with her words, her chin lifted slightly. While she knew it was more a musing, or just a warning, she would share her opinion and how it came across to her. As an insult.

She blows a lock of golden hair from her face with a huff, "Sorry. That sounded a little rude." She traces her finger in the dirt.

"Don't you ever feel it? That loneliness that creeps closer each time someone ignores you?" She whispers. "It's worse than actual solitude."
Therin didn’t know what to say to her exactly after what she put out, and he leaned back and looked up to the sky.

“I understand,” he said lowly, as if someone would overhear him agreeing with her. He then gave her a glance and looked at the others starting to emerge from the den, getting ready for the hunt.

“Well..either way, I can tell you this, whether for good or for worse- change is coming,” he mentioned, and got up- shifting back to his lion form and giving a stretch. “You just have to hold our for it,” he tells her in passing as he padded by, his strong form would be easily noted by her, and he wouldn’t realize that he was giving off much more than he let on in the moment.

Perhaps the change he meant was her and others like herself being accepted into the pride- so what did that mean for the pride leader?
Cylvie watches him, tipping her head forward as she shifted into her other form as well. Her green gaze followed him as she went back to sprawling out on the rock. She closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight, soaking it up into her fur.

She lay there for long moments, not keeping track of the time. Eventually, after things in the camp quieted down again, the hunt having started and the pride members going on it left, she got up. Stretching and yawning she makes her way out of the camp, quietly wandering around the territory.

She hadn't decided if she would hunt as well, or just wander, but it seemed the choice was made for her as she saw a rabbit streak across the land. She shifted back to his humanoid form and took off, running at great speeds, enjoying the feel of the dirt and grass under her bare feet.

Steps light and graceful, she jumped and flipped, shifting back and striking, biting down on the neck of the rabbit and killing it. She pants and circles the dead animal, her tail swaying slightly. Another fun, swift and clean kill. She tipped her head forward, murmuring the words of thanks for the kill before picking it up and starting on her way back to the camp.
Therin had went foraging, back in his human form- he had a leather made pouch for all of the herbs he collected throughout the day- and he was nearby where Cylvie was hunting.

The fact that she wasn’t even included in the morning hunt had been more than telling to him that the prophecy that he had told the pride leader- had definitely ruffled some fur, and made the pride leader exclude Cylvie more than more.

He hated that, he thought he could have trusted the pride leader, with the prophecies- and he knew that Cylvie wasn’t one to worry about, so the pride leader was being foolish.

Therin raised his head when he heard a twig snap and noticed there was a rogue male crouching and watching something, and before Therin could make a decision, the male moved forward like was waiting to pounce. Now who was the male going to—

He paused and looked where the male’s line of sight was, and it was Cylvie. Therin blinked and gave a soft sigh. This wouldn’t end well for the male-

Putting his satchel down and tucked in a safe place, he shifted to his lion form once more and made his way over to Cylvie.

Thornclaw bristled out his mane ever so slightly as he approached and looked to her, “On the hunt I take it?” He asked, in a more friendly tone than she would expect. Something had him on edge, and Cylvie would only notice the male lurking in the tall grass right after Therin approached her.
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She blinked and looked up, setting the rabbit down, "What else is there to do?" She paws at the ground, claws extending and leaving lines in the dirt. She sat down, tail curling close and dipping her head.

Her gaze flicked past Thornclaw and then she licks her paw, "I was just heading back to camp. Want to come with? I was thinking about giving this rabbit to the elders. It's nice, fat and juicy. I think they'll love it." She lets out a proud purr, lifting her chin.

She notes the male after looking past Thornclaw, and invited him to join her in hopes the both of them could scare him off. But if not, they might end up in a small fight. She didn't want that, would prefer no one got hurt.
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(I’m assuming bites the male is a typo..? XD other than that I was like: kinky)

Thornclaw nodded to her, “I think they’ll love it too,” he agreed, stepping a bit closer to her than he should have, and he looked to her. “I’ll definitely come with, I think the hunting party is returning soon and maybe I’ll grab a snack before coming back out here to finish my rounds,” he says next, letting that male which thought he was hidden know that Therin was serious.

By looks of it, Therin did not fit the part of a shaman, if anything he fit more into the role of a pride leader, with his stature and strength. And easily was mistaken most of the time whenever next to the actual pride leader.

This meant the male thought, if he challenged Thornclaw, he could potentially take over the pride and his pretty mate too- growling lowly, he soon made his move and emerged.

“I think I’ll be taking that kill,” the male growled, clearly well fed- he was just using that as an excuse to start up something, hoping to egg Thornclaw on into a fight.

Thornclaw stepped forward and put Cylvie behind him. “And what makes you think you can have it? You’re clearly not starving..” he growled lowly in reply, his claws digging into the ground slightly.
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(I meaann- but no, I meant 'notes')

Cylvie looks at Thornclaw and flicks her ear, "Oh, I probably should have guessed you were doing something if you were out here instead of at camp." She huffs.

"But thanks." She purrs, her tail curling close. She was ready the moment the unknown male made his appearance. She turned, graceful and narrowed her green eyes.

"And what makes you think you can take it in the first place?" She crouches down slightly, staying over the rabbit and watching the male closely.

She watches Thornclaw out of the corner of her eye, tense and ready for whatever may happen. She wouldn't let him get hurt,or the rabbit stolen. She was fast, if the male made a move she could easily tackle him.

Thornclaw was more important to the pride than she was, he was a shaman, and she was an unwanted huntress. It was a dire and unwelcome thought, but if shit hit the fan, she could buy time for Thornclaw to get away.
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How wrong Cylvie was- he was the unwanted Shaman, but she wouldn’t see that until later- until after the fight that was about to happen.

The male licked his maw, which was slightly bloody- apparently they weren’t his first victims. And he glanced to Cylvie- “What a pretty thing you have a shame if she were to get ruined..” he warned and Thornclaw seemed agitated by this. So he had to play the part a bit more- just so he could spare Cylvie.

“this pretty thing is my mate you know, and I don’t exactly like the idea of another male touching her,” he warned, and although it was an act- Cylvie…would feel shocked- almost honored in a way by his words. He fit the part quite well and as his tail flicked lowly to the ground, Cylvie wouldn’t have a moment to say anything before the fight burst out in front of her eyes.

“Is that so?” The male continued, before starting to circle the pair, he had surrounded them far enough from the pride for them to not have help, and he knew this female couldn’t do anything to help her mate either. She was easy to take.

And so he lunged forward, first for Thornclaw- but Cylvie would see how powerful and just..agile Thornclaw was, flipping around and easily pinning the male down, “I told you, stay..away!” He lightly roared in the male’s ear, and the rogue male struggled with the sheer size of Thornclaw over him, and eventually shrugged him off and came back to scrap with him, using his front paws to hit Thornclaw- aiming for the chest, but missing as he got his shoulder next, and Thornclaw growled in pain as he went for the rogue male in return, his own claws tearing through the male’s flesh, hitting his face next.
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Cylvie's eyes widen, and she crouches lower to the ground, making sure to stay iclver the rabbit. Her hind legs tense, ready to leap forward at a moments notice. She didn't let herself get distracted, not by the male's words or. . . Or Thornclaw's.

She stayed focused on the brawl, tail lashing side to side in frustration. She couldn't get a clear shot to the male. All she needed was one straight shot forward and she could take this male down just as she did her prey.

A low growl built in her throat, out of anger or frustration, she didn't know. But she knew one thing. She'd tear that male's ears off and shove them down his throat if he got anywhere near her.
Thornclaw continued to scrap with the rogue, their fight quite brutal for one to witness. It was easy to tell who was winning, and who was more beaten up- Thornclaw definitely had the advantage.

He eventually had the male to the point of where he would be running tail, but the rogue did something Thornclaw hadn’t expected, and faked him out to go for Cylvie.

Thornclaw didn’t want that to happen and he lunged for the male’s backside, easily jumping on him like he would prey, and biting against his neck, his fangs piercing the skin, and breaking it- Cylvie would see the rogue collapse in one swift move from Thornclaw, the light fading from his eyes as Thornclaw tore into the male, primally- like he was actually defending a mate.

Once done, and his own maw bloodied, he stepped off and growled lowly, his eyes seemingly glowing ever so slightly. He looked to Cylvie. “We have to take him to the pride..” he said, his shoulder still opened with that gash from the male, and few more on the sides of his flank, but nothing serious.

They had to let the pride leader know of this attack.
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Cyilve bared her teeth when the male came for her, just about to leap forward when Thornclaw caught him. She let out a shocked sound, watching the blood drip from the other's maw. She starts at Thornclaw, her gaze drifting to the. . . Definitely dead male.

She didn't know why she was so. . . Shell Shocked, she has been prepared to do the same thing to protect Thornclaw. But to see it actually done was completely different. "Your. . . Shoulder-" She whispers, slowly rising and moving forward. She licked at the wound once and then sat down.

"You should put something on it before we go back. I can take the male and you the rabbit." She didn't want Thornclaw stressing his body, not with the wounds. "And you can't argue and convince me otherwise."

She lifts her chin before leaning down and pawing at the male. The blood still leaking from his wounds soaked into her paws and she ignored the sticky feeling. She takes a moment and then picks the male up.
(Not me misspelling her name for a bit now and just noticing XD)

Cylvie would see Thornclaw nod to her, not really caring that she licked at his wound- And he went to grab the rabbit but paused. “Let me grab my satchel first,” he mentioned, his satchel, which he could use something there to make a paste to put on his wounds, and he padded on over to where he hid it and dragged it out. He winced slightly and nudged the flap open, before painfully shifting to his human form and using his hand to grab the necessary herbs to help. He made a brief paste with his mouth and the herbs that he chewed and spread it on his wounds to stop the bleeding. He then gave a soft sigh and turned to come back to Cylvie. He grabbed the rabbit with his hand and he tsked lightly, “Fucking rogues” he cursed softly underneath his breath as they both headed back to the pride, and Thornclaw was on edge it felt like for the remaining journey back.

Looking around as they brought the dead male there, he watched as the pride leader showed up, and instantly started asking questions.

“What in the name of starlit pride happened?!” He demanded to know and as Thornclaw gave him a detailed reply, Cylvie would notice how the pride leader reacted and he gave a low growl. “I knew this would happen— you knew that if you had just ignored him and came straight back..” He shakes his head, “You knew you should stay out of trouble but you get into it anyway,” he sighed, and Cylvie would see how the Pride leader actually talked to Therin, and that feeling would make her skin crawl.

This is how he treated an important member of his pride?
(I noticed it. . . I was second guessing myself if I was spelling her name right)

Cyilve set the male down, carefully cleaning his fur. She listened to Thornclaw give his report, but was focused on her task. Despite what the male has done, she still believed that he deserved respect now that he was dead.

She had just finished cleaning the blood from the male's fur when the pride leader snapped at Thornclaw. She looks up and stands, tail lashing. "Excuse you? With all due respect, he was protecting me." Her green eyes narrow, and her teeth bare slightly, a growl in her throat.

"We couldn't control what that male did. We tried to be peaceful about it. He attacked us first." Her chin lifts, "And what if he had followed us to camp? The elders and kits would have been in danger. Isn't it a pride mate's job to protect their pride?"

She shifts into her human form, her small stature buzzing with rage. She didn't care if the leader was a god himself, he didn't have any right to talk down to someone who worked hard to protect her, the pride, and keep everyone healthy.

"And what gives you the right to talk to him like that?! Is that how you respect him? After he works hard for the pride who gives him almost nothing?"
(I apologize for that XD since having my wisdom teeth out and not being able to eat like I used to just yet..starves my brain lol)

He was shocked, to say the least- to hear Cylvie stand up against the pride leader on his behalf, and the very fact of how outraged she was. And when he noticed the pride leader flick their ear, his gaze hardening as he looked to Cylvie.

“You shouldn’t have needed protecting.. as a member of our pride we should expect our members to defend themselves properly,” he reiterates, and looks to Thornclaw, his gaze sharp.

“I know you are a great asset to our pride but lately I feel as if you have your loyalty laid elsewhere-“ considering that Thornclaw- or Therin now, since he was in his human form, couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Well, he knew what he was hearing was how others viewed him it just wasn’t outright said to him in this manner. Not like it mattered anymore.

He had confided in the pride leader, told him any visions he had, and with the one about Cylvie being the ‘lighting that strikes before the thunder roars..’

Now Therin knew what it meant.

He turned to face the pride leader and Cylvie would see just how fed up Therin truly had been.

“Loyalty laid elsewhere?” He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly, “Are you truly serious in what you mean?” He shakes his head, “From you, who grew up privileged within the pride, who talked about being accepting to anyone and that Lightning Pride was the strongest based on our connections with each other, yet- when a prophecy lays on your ears you decide to go back to old ways- and you expect me to be loyal still—“ he paused and after a few moments, he said “well, I have been loyal! Ever since I joined as a member as a small cub, you know that yourself! And Cylvie here too- she-” he was basically growling and the tensions were rising between him and the pride leader at this point.
Cyilve stares at the pride leader, her green eyes blazing more. She didn't need it, Thornclaw has chosen to protect her. To keep her from possibly getting hurt. A low growl built in her throat, the leader's words disrespectful and harsh.

She pulls Thornclaw back a step and looks at the pride leader. "You. . ." *Her teeth bare at him, her hand tightening on Thornclaw's arm, careful to not hold to tight.

"You accuse us, him, of disloyalty?! Maybe it is you, who is being disloyal. Shunning valuable me.bers of the pride just because they are not pride-born. Or blaming him for something that was inevitable." Her chin lifts, "You scare the young ones away with your glares, isolate us from social gatherings and the hunts. That is not family, family is welcoming and caring. Not. . . Not this." She spits the last word.

The pack would have her loyalty, at least those who had looked at her and seemed as if they wanted to talk to her. But the male before her, why should he have her loyalty if she didn't have his?
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