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Stepping out from the large cave that sheltered the pride, Thornclaw took a long stretch- bristling out his fur before giving it a good shake. It was early in the morning, and he had yet to see anyone else to wake from their own sleeping piles. But he didn't blame them, for the weather was pretty cold for leafbare this time around, which was unusual but he knew the world was ever changing. His duty as a shaman in the pride he resided in made sure he knew that all too well. After a few moments of slowly waking up, Thornclaw began to pad over to the fresh kill pile that the huntresses of the pride kept full, but was mindful of the time of year it was, meaning most herds had migrated for the time being. So their pickings were far and few in between, but he was appreciative that there hadn't been any cubs born during this season, which meant less mouths to feed.
He eventually decided to go with a medium sized hare, knowing the morning hunt had yet to head out- but he was very hungry. He had just returned from a journey to the starpool, which was a large pool of water that had in its waters beautiful crystals. The starpool was hidden deep in the neighboring jungle, and that's where he and other prideland shamans went to receive visions from their ancestors, Starlit Pride. These visions he usually received were often in concern for his pride, to see if the upcoming months would prove a struggle for them or not- if there were any potential threats to the pride- or if he wanted to just receive advice on how he should handle certain situations. Thornclaw usually only went every four full moons, and that had been the night before.
He eventually settled on the sunrock, soaking up the morning rays as it began to peek over the horizon, and started to eat his meal. He remembered there was a time he had went without food for days- back when he was living in the outlands. He was thankful that he came across Lightning Pride when he did, as he had been a sick and injured cub. Usually, Lightning Pride didn't take well to outsiders, but his mentor- Brambleheart, the shaman at the time- took pity and convinced the pride leader to take him in, on the account that he would be her apprentice.
And like every apprentice, be it shaman or a warrior- he had to learn how to fight and hold his own whenever threats would arise to the pride. That was one of the unique sides to Lightning Pride, ones who usually boasted about their pride having the best fighters. But now, Thornclaw had settled into his shaman role, perfectly content with aiding his fellow pride members and using his healing knowledge when needed.
Lightning Pride
Territory: Located in a ravine, neighboring a large dense jungle. This ravine floods from time to time during the wet season, leaving large pools of water for prey animals to drink out of. The area is very green with lots of sand and multiple trees, with the hot sun bearing down the valley if not covered by clouds- and because of this hot sun, the pride has seen their fair share of droughts.
Camp: Since Lions typically group together, they normally would sleep out underneath the stars. But this area is famous for its stormy weather (and wet grounds), so luckily they were able to find a large enough cave to reside in. The cave also has separate crevices to which the shamans over many a moon have found useful for storing their much needed herbs and remedies. This cave is thankfully located uphill of the ravine, so the flood waters in the valley below usually don't reach them.
Training area: located in a sandy grassy area, covered by some trees perfect for climbing.
Some things to note:
The nursing/expecting mothers give birth outside of the pride in what is called the nursery den (to avoid any males killing the newborn cubs- normally Lightning Pride does not have this issue but one can never be too careful), the shamans (who are neutral in all things) also go and aid the mothers to make sure the cubs and the mother survive during the birthing process, and then checks in on them every week until the cubs reach 4 moons. Pride numbers are everything to Lightning Pride, so this is a crucial part for the shaman, and usually, if they have an apprentice- if old enough, their apprentice will stay behind with the Pride as the Shaman attends to the mothers.
This pride is also full of shapeshifters, ones who had learned to survive the harsh climates long ago. It also gives them the upper hand from the poachers who kill lions for sport.
Thornclaw // Therin
Age: 48 moons / 4 years in lion age / 26 yr old in human age
Height/length: 6'2 / 187cm || 10 ft / 3m long
Weight: 410 lbs / 186 kg || 180 lbs / 81 kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human / Shapeshifter / Lion
Appearance (both human and lion form):
Family: none
Background: growing up, he was a very sick cub, but thankfully (and reluctantly) Lightning Pride took him in, and he became the apprentice to the shaman. From there he learned how to shapeshift like the others, eventually adapting a human like form. Although he does prefer his lion form to anything else.
He eventually decided to go with a medium sized hare, knowing the morning hunt had yet to head out- but he was very hungry. He had just returned from a journey to the starpool, which was a large pool of water that had in its waters beautiful crystals. The starpool was hidden deep in the neighboring jungle, and that's where he and other prideland shamans went to receive visions from their ancestors, Starlit Pride. These visions he usually received were often in concern for his pride, to see if the upcoming months would prove a struggle for them or not- if there were any potential threats to the pride- or if he wanted to just receive advice on how he should handle certain situations. Thornclaw usually only went every four full moons, and that had been the night before.
He eventually settled on the sunrock, soaking up the morning rays as it began to peek over the horizon, and started to eat his meal. He remembered there was a time he had went without food for days- back when he was living in the outlands. He was thankful that he came across Lightning Pride when he did, as he had been a sick and injured cub. Usually, Lightning Pride didn't take well to outsiders, but his mentor- Brambleheart, the shaman at the time- took pity and convinced the pride leader to take him in, on the account that he would be her apprentice.
And like every apprentice, be it shaman or a warrior- he had to learn how to fight and hold his own whenever threats would arise to the pride. That was one of the unique sides to Lightning Pride, ones who usually boasted about their pride having the best fighters. But now, Thornclaw had settled into his shaman role, perfectly content with aiding his fellow pride members and using his healing knowledge when needed.
Lightning Pride
Territory: Located in a ravine, neighboring a large dense jungle. This ravine floods from time to time during the wet season, leaving large pools of water for prey animals to drink out of. The area is very green with lots of sand and multiple trees, with the hot sun bearing down the valley if not covered by clouds- and because of this hot sun, the pride has seen their fair share of droughts.
Camp: Since Lions typically group together, they normally would sleep out underneath the stars. But this area is famous for its stormy weather (and wet grounds), so luckily they were able to find a large enough cave to reside in. The cave also has separate crevices to which the shamans over many a moon have found useful for storing their much needed herbs and remedies. This cave is thankfully located uphill of the ravine, so the flood waters in the valley below usually don't reach them.
A visual:
Freshkill pile: an area located near the cave, behind a few large boulders sheltered from any potential birds of prey.Training area: located in a sandy grassy area, covered by some trees perfect for climbing.
A visual:
Lightningstrike Falls: besides the flooding that occurs during the wet/rainy season (aka greenleaf), there is a waterfall that resides in a northern corner of the ravine. This leads into a fresh pool of water- and down here is where the shamans can also easily look for their normal types of herbs that grow. During a drought, the waterfall is still active, although the pool of water is much smaller. This waterfall comes directly from the neighboring jungle. The water is very clean and is also used to clean most wounds, and for some herbal remedies. Young lions also go down here with their mentors to learn how to swim.A visual:
Starpool: where shamans go to communicate with their ancestors - it is hidden deep within a lush jungle. The water seems to sparkle mostly based on the crystals down below the waters, usually illuminating with the help of the full moon. This starpool is also a natural hot spring.A visual:
Some things to note:
The nursing/expecting mothers give birth outside of the pride in what is called the nursery den (to avoid any males killing the newborn cubs- normally Lightning Pride does not have this issue but one can never be too careful), the shamans (who are neutral in all things) also go and aid the mothers to make sure the cubs and the mother survive during the birthing process, and then checks in on them every week until the cubs reach 4 moons. Pride numbers are everything to Lightning Pride, so this is a crucial part for the shaman, and usually, if they have an apprentice- if old enough, their apprentice will stay behind with the Pride as the Shaman attends to the mothers.
A visual:
This pride is also full of shapeshifters, ones who had learned to survive the harsh climates long ago. It also gives them the upper hand from the poachers who kill lions for sport.
Thornclaw // Therin
Age: 48 moons / 4 years in lion age / 26 yr old in human age
Height/length: 6'2 / 187cm || 10 ft / 3m long
Weight: 410 lbs / 186 kg || 180 lbs / 81 kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human / Shapeshifter / Lion
Appearance (both human and lion form):
Family: none
Background: growing up, he was a very sick cub, but thankfully (and reluctantly) Lightning Pride took him in, and he became the apprentice to the shaman. From there he learned how to shapeshift like the others, eventually adapting a human like form. Although he does prefer his lion form to anything else.
Likes: Prefers the stormy, cloudy weather over the hot bearing down sun, but doesn't mind a good nap in the sun (usually in cooler weather) when he gets the chance. You most likely will see him by himself though, as he doesn't keep much company, and he prefers it that way.
Dislikes: Hot, dry days, and the irritating buzzing of the cicadas. They are way too loud for his tastes and wish they would just shut up.
Personality: He's mostly by himself, and doesn't prefer crowds (ironically even if he is in a pride). He has a playful personality and likes to tease those who are close to him from time to time.
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