Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Tora gasps when pulled up into a position he held full control, slamming her down on his member, her breasts bouncing within rhythm. She tilts back her head mewling and moaning “You are so deep” she whines, her walls stretched to perfectly fit him. “Im…I am close” she pants, her hands gripping onto his shoulders “yes…yes!!” Calling out as she came for the third time. His member and lap were coated with her sweet nectar as the room was engulfed with their intertwined scents.
"Oh fuck, Tora!" Aaron called out as her tight walls milked him to his own orgasm. Thick ropes of potent seed fill her warm body as he shuddered in pure ecstasy. His arms remained wrapped around her thin waist as his forehead dropped to rest against her collarbone. His breathing turned to heavy panting as he held her close, dusting her with gentle kisses while rubbing small circles on her back. "Oh god, that was amazing." Trailed one hand to cup the back of her head, Aaron smiled at her blissed expression before leaning his forehead against her own. "Are you okay?"
Him calling out was the best part along with feeling his hot cum paint the inside her fertile walls. Tora catches her breath, her tail idly up in the air showing her happiness as she held herself close to his frame. She smiles feeling his kisses and light rubbing on her back, he was so perfect and felt amazing. Blinking open her eyes to steady herself when he pressed his forehead to hers “Y-yes, Aaron” she murmurs, nuzzling her nose against his. “This is how it is supposed to feel and be like, right? Passion, intimate, like mates” she murmurs.
Mates...a word Aaron never thought of using when talking about himself. He couldn't help but chuckle softly and nod at her innocent question. "Yes, sweetheart. This is exactly how it should be, both partners giving their all to each other without the fear of being hurt." He kept his hold on her as he carefully laid them down on the bed. His fingers traced lazy patterns on her fur as he nuzzled and kissed her little nose. "I promise that no matter what happens, I will always take care of you, even if you end up wanting to be on your own."
Flicking her ears toward him with a smile, linking his answer she knew she was still safe. Grunting a little as they were laid into the bed she feels her body fully relax, her heat had been sedated. Her smile faded a little when mentioned being on her own “you know that isnt possible” she reminds him. “Hell me being here puts both of us in danger” she sighs. “I am not legally yours” sitting up from their snuggling.
Aaron frowned and sat up with her, gently wrapping an arm around her. "Tora, I don't care what some stupid peice of paper says that some asshole holds on to. No one can truly own you." He cupped her cheek to turn her gaze back to his, wanting to her to see his sincerity. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you're free and have everything you could ever want." His forehead rested against hers once more as he started racing through ideas of how to keep Tora safe and get her as far away from whoever was after her. "I will never leave you, Tora. I don't care what happens or how much suppose danger I'm in. Nothing is going to happen to you while I'm around."
Looking toward him with a sad expression she knew he was trying to reassure her but she saw he meant every word. She lowers her ears feeling worry of what she may cause for him. Glancing over his body she bet he could handle it. “Well technically I am ruined so hopefully he won’t want me back” she comments with a chuckle not minding Aaron was her first one bit. “But um…do you know why females go into heat and what we did helped rid it?” She questioned
Aaron smiled at her small joke, his muscles flexing at the idea of someone even thinking of going near her. He might give off the sweet guy who wouldn't harm a fly look, but he had a past that would make other quake. "You're never damaged, baby. You're just purrrfect." He couldn't help drawing out that last word with a fake purr, having already fallen in love with how Tora purrs. He pulled back to look into her eyes, feeling his cheeks turn bright red at her question and the memory that he just came inside her. "I-I know that female furries go into heat because bodies are trying to reproduce. As for why it stopped after what we's because I...finished inside you...."
Tora laughs to his silly way of improving her ego, she blinks when their eyes meet signaling he was giving a serious answer. Drawing her ears toward him, tilting her head when he spike the word reproduce and that they finished together with him inside. It took a few moments for her to form another question “So having sex would in a passionate fashion rids my heat cause of this reproduce thing?” Trying to understand what he was explaining. Unaware this resulted to kits.
Aaron cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling like an ass for putting her at risk of getting pregnant with her even knowing the risk. "Essentially, yes. Having sex is going to ride your heat symptoms, but..uh...there's a risk involved with it." He swallowed hard, hoping that what he was about to say wouldn't make her hate him and cause her to run away. "If a male of any species finishes inside you, then there's a...uh...risk of you getting pregnant and having...well in your case, kits."
Moving to set her tail in her lap, stroking her sleek fur thinking she had the understanding until he mentioned risk. Her body pausing to hear him out which lead her ears to lower beginning to realize what her past owner meant. Tora stares at him for a moment before nervously giggling “as in risk you meant chance…so I or we should be fine” hoping she wasn’t so unlucky to get knocked up with her hero on the first time.
Aaron huffed out a soft laugh and shrugged his shoulders, praying that he didn't get her pregnant without her consent. "Y-yeah, chance is a better way to put it." The weight of his actions hung heavily on his shoulders before he flopped back down on the bed. He could care less about what consequences would come his way, but he couldn't bare the thougn of Tora suffering because of his own actions. Looking up to see Tora still sitting up, Aaron smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her back down with him. "Come here, you. You're too soft to not cuddle with."
His agreement made any worry roll off her back while he carried the concern for her. Glancing toward the bathroom she was taken by surprise of him pulling her back into cuddles. Tora giggles, snuggling into his frame, breathing through her nose to take in his scent. Beginning to her purr she closes her eyes and the soft white tiger fell asleep with ease.
Aaron smiled as he watch Tora fall asleep in his arms. With one hand continuing to trace lazy patterns on her back, his other hand steoke through her hair. He made a silent vow to himself that he would protect her with his life if needed. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead as she slept, feeling himself grow tired as well. Pulling Tora closer, Aaron rested his head and slowly fell asleep with her.
Feeling Tora jolts caused Aaron to wake with a soft gasp. "Tora? You okay?" He sits up slowly, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to steady her. To a degree, he wished he knew what she went through so he could be more helpful, but at the same time, he knew if would cause him to go on a rampage to find the asshole who hurt her.
Aaron smiled just a little, knowing she was going through a lot. "Well, for starters, I'm 23 years old and I work as a personal trainer and teacher mixed martial arts." His eyes were warm as he held her gaze, wanting to keep her mind off of everything she was going through. "I came to this city when I was 16 and have been on my own ever since. You can almost always find me at the local park working out with one of my clients or just working on myself."
Shifting to face him as he told her a bit about himself which did make her nerves settle from her nightmare. Maybe he could teach her the knowledge so she can protect herself when necessary. “Why at age 16?” She questions.

Well they were getting to know each other the front down was being unlocked, a team of four entering. Their target was Tora unharmed and untouched as their client requested. Hearing voices down the hall they make their way ready to knockout the tiger.
Aaron slumps his shoulders as he prepares to talk about his past. Thanks to his past, the sounds of someone entering his apartment didn't go unnoticed. "Well, let's just say I didn't have the best childhood growing up. I learned how to fight at a young age and carried that into mixed martial arts."

His muscles flexed as he heard the foot steps drawing closer, his eyes darting towards the bedroom door. "Tora, I need you to listen carefully. Crawl under the bed and don't make a single sound until I tell you to come out." Aaron hated having to revert back to.old ways, but it was the only thing he could do at a time like this.
Seems she wasn’t the only one with a tough life at a young age, sure their situations were different but still they met. She felt sad for him but he turned out well and is bow helping others. Tora flicks back her ears when creaking of foot steps drew her attention to the door. Before she could react she heard Aaron instruct her to hide which did go against her initial thoughts. But if they were here for her it was best she is hidden and safe. “Okay…” slipping off the bed to crawl under the frame, curling up to ensure she was well hidden.

Taking positions outside of the room only one entered, gun aimed at Aaron “where is she?” Not wanting to hurt or cause trouble. This was a simple retrieve mission, prefer to keep it as such.
Aaron holds up his hands, faking a terrified expression. "Wh-what aew you talking about? Nobody else is here but me, man." His voice shook with his mock fear, having played this game too many times in the past. "P-please, take whatever you want." His movements mimicked that of a truly terrified person as he stood from the bed, inching closer to the man. "I-I swear, I don't know what you're talking about.....Oh wait.....I do."

Without hesitation, Aaron's right fist planted itself against the man's jaw before he slammed the door shut. A barrage of punches and kicks to the man's body was laid before Aaron grabbed the gun. "Stupid son of a bitches...I suggest you get the fuck out of my home or all of you and your bitch boy will be my new play things!"
Keeping the doorway to his back and terrified man in front of him the man was quiet taking in the room for any sign of their target. Before he could signal the team to branch out and search. His gun was knocked out of his hand followed by a barrel of punches, ending in Aaron getting the gun.

“We are here for the tiger, her location is here in this apartment, and her owner will pay for her safe return” he explains.

Tora pins back her ears not understanding how they got her here. She shifts to try and feel along her body avoiding her neck praying she didn’t have a damn tracker.
Aaron smirked and cocked the gun before reaching down the grab the battered fool who got too close to him. "I already told you to leave. But if you want me to make an example..." He chuckled darkly, placing the barrel of the gun under the man's chin while keeping them tucked back against his chest, "Then I guess a teacher should oblige his students."

The butt of the gun smashed against the other man's temple to knock him out before he is tossed at the other intruders. "Worthless fucking people, using guns like cowards." Despite his words, Aaron fires off two rounds at the other men as he charges out of the room, hitting one in the knee and the other in his shoulder. Spitting the fourth and final man, Aaron lunges and locks him in a choke hold. "Now, how about one of me useless students tell me how the fuck you found this place, hm?"
Yes they used guns because the owner believed Tora was taken for money not that she ran away. Once the poor fool was knocked out cold, his body tossed like trash to his team. They were under orders to do no harm of Tora was around and they knew she was here. “A tracker” one answered from tue window before jumping out, the other two carrying their leader. “We didnt know she had a protector but this guy, her owner is not to be messed with” another warns Aaron. Like the inexperienced thugs they were, they ran off.
Aaron growls and rushes to the window, watching the men speed on in their black car. He wanted to send a bigger message than that, but he didn't have much of a chance. "A tracker....fuck!" Turning back towards the bedroom, Aaron rushed in and crouched down on the floor to look under the bed. "Tora, come on baby, it's okay. I need to take you somewhere really quick."
Tora heard everything, she didnt believe it compared to the Aaron she knew, so gentle and kind. She was frozen under the bed, watching foot steps enter and then a face peer under the bed. Rushing out she hugs him tight “What is going on?” Her body was trembling. “I don’t wanna go anywhere, we are safe now, right?”
Aaron frowned and wrapped his arms tightly around Tora, cupping the back of her head with one hand. "It's okay, I know you don't want to go but we can't stay here. Those bastards will be back." He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, cupping her face in both of his hands. "They said you have a tracker baby. It's probably been put under your skin so you couldn't remove it." He felt terrible for having uproot her from an area where she felt safe. He was also pissed that his peaceful home was going to be off limits until further notice if he would be able to come back at all. "I have someone who can help us at least take your tracker out. After that, I'm going to find us a new place to stay, okay?"
Hiding her face in his chest wanting to disappear into his frame, whining when he pulled back to cup her face in his hands. She met his gaze, her ears dropping when he spoke of a tracker needing to be removed. Glancing around the room she didnt want to leave, it smelled of him, she was safe. Tora shook her head “N-no…I like it here!” she whines, moving away from him to curl up on the bed.
It broke his heart to seen Tora so distressed. He had promised that she was safe in his home, but due to prissy rich boy, she was gonna have to leave again. "Tora, baby, I know you don't want to leave, but I have to make sure you're safe. They are gonna send more of those guys if we don't get that tracker out of you." He moved to sit on the bed with her, gently rubbing her back as I frowned. "Please, Tora, I don't want to see anything happen to you. I'm going to be with you the entire time. Besides, I can have you wear my clothes to help disguise you. They'll smell like me though." He chuckled lightly at that last part, hoping she would agree.

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