Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Shifting to lay in her back to watch his face as he explained these options, giving up the kit was a no go, but she didn’t know what pregnancy was like. “Oh…okay” turning over to curl back up. “I get you wanna do what I want too, I don’t want to give it up, but I also am not sure to expect” she admits quietly. “I mean there were females pregnant but never actually handled kits or saw…” she sighs.
Aaron didn't know whether to smile or frown. Poor Tora was going to be going through so much without any knowledge of what to expect. "Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll figure it out together." Reaching down by his feet, Aaron pulled out a small blanket before draping it over Tora's body to make sure she was warm. His gaze roamed over her face as he stroked her hair softly. "You will never be alone, no matter what."
All she could do was worry, she didnt even have a home right now, she didnt know how to be a mother. She curls up under the blanket he pulled out, soon enough the tiger was sound asleep. Dreams of she and Aaron with a kit, a huge house and land with her safe and sound. Something to hold hope upon, while she gets a better understanding of things.
The car ride continued silently as Aaron watched Tora sleep. He couldn't bring himself to join her in dreaming, being too worried about something happening while he slept. Gron and Rud tell jokes and bicker about different fights they were in together, making Aaron smirk and shake his head. After at least six hours of driving, Gron pulled the car up to a large house in the middle of bo where. "Okay, you and kitty stay here. Syra says stay as long as you need. Food and supplies inside."

Aaron nodded weakly, having been awake now for almost a day and a half. "Thanks boys. Tell Syra to order you both a round at the bar on me." He didn't have the heart to wake Tora as he looked down, opting to carefully scoop her up into his arms before grabbing the duffle bags. Once inside, he tossed the bags down and carried the tigress into the bedroom so she could rest some more.
Not a movement of Tora stirring occurred the entire ride, she felt the slight lunge when they parked at the house. Grumbling she snuggled deeper into Aaron lap, still asleep. She felt herself be lifted up, her hands gripping onto his shirt. But once inside the new scent did wake her “where are we?” Rubbing her eyes.
Aaron smiled as he carefully laid Tora down on the soft mattress, sitting next to her and stroking her hair. "It's a house that Syra owns. She said we can stay here as long as we need. We should be safe here. Syra tends to buy properties and then never make it known that they are liveable, so it will be hard for you to be found here." He yawned as he spoke, his own exhaustion starting to settle in despite his attempts to fight it. "How are you feeling?"
Aaron laughed and cuddled up next to Tora, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Alright, alright, I'll sleep as well." His body ached from being up so long. Old muscles had been used that laud dormant for too long. Pulling out the burner phone he always kept on hand, Aaron fired off some messages to all of his clients about his prolonged absence. At least he had his own funds stashed away for the time being. Finally closing his eyes, Aaron fell asleep and even started to snore lightly.
Tora rose a brow when he whipped out a phone to finish a few things before he at last fell asleep. She held him close, her fingers tangling loosely through his hair listening to his snoring. Eventually she fell asleep as well, the dawn peeking into the bedroom window hours later. She had turned over curling up with a pillow, purring and twitching until the sunlight hit her face. Groaning she covers her face with the pillows, her tail whipping across the bed hitting poor Aaron right in the tush.
"Yipe!" Aaron jumped as his butt was whipped, making the poor guy flop off the bed and hit the floor hard. "Ooouuuch...." He let out a pained groan as he slowly pushed himself off the floor, grumbling before looking at Tora. "Oh, oh I see how it is." He snickered before jumping onto the bed and tickling her sides. "You gonna whip me when I'm asleep and defenseless after staying up for so long, huh?" He laughed as he continued to tickle her, feeling her soft fur against his fingers.
Jerking up to the sound of a thud after hearing Aaron shout Tora covers her month in shock and to hide laughter “Aaron wait! Wait!” Falling back. She wiggles and squirms in his grasp of tickles, trying to catch her breath while laughing. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! My tail has a mind of her own!” Barely able to speak. She kicks out her feet to attempt in pushing him off while her arms try to cover her sides.
Aaron laughs and continues his tickle attack for a but linger before stopping her up in his arms. "A mind of its own huh? You sure you weren't just being a spicy little thing?" He pretends to snap his jaws at her before nuzzling her nose. "Come on, let get you and baby fed. I'm sure you're hungry." He presses a soft kiss to her forehead as he carries Tora out to the kitchen, setting her down on the counter before grabbing the duffle bags.
Opening the fridge, Aaron tilts his head while contr.platijg what to make. "Well, I can make us some omletes with ham, cheese, and maybe some potatoes on the side." He was thankful that Gron and Rud had apparently stocked the fridge with some food while they slept, no doubt it being on Syra's orders. Pulling out the supplies, Aaron starts to hum softly as he chops up the ingredients and cracked the eggs. His eyes glaze at her stomach, swallowing thickly as his mind runs wild with picturing it growing full with their possibly kit or kits. "How are you feeling? Any nausea or anything?"
Lightly kicking her feet from where she sat on the counter finding it fun to be closer to his height. She never had an omelet either so she was happy to sit and watch. “Oh…um no, I have felt okay, probably could sleep for days though. But I don’t wish to leave you alone” her reline tendency to nap poking up. “How do you feel?” Returning the kindness of checking in.
Aaron smiles as he looks up at her, whisking the eggs after adding a little milk to them. "I'm fine, just a little sore from hitting the floor." He winks as he turns on the stove and melts some butter into the pan. "After you eat, you should go ahead and relax more. I'll be fine out here on my own baby. I want to make sure you get all the rest you need." Pouring the eggs into the pan, Aaron adds some cheese and ham throughout it before carefully flipping it over to roll up thr omelet as it cooks. Wanting to see just how much her feline side would kick in, Aaron reaches over and pours a glass of milk before handing it to Tora. "Here, just to tide you over until the omletes are done."
Wincing to the thought of how that felt she could imagine the mark on him from her tail. She glances over herself taking in a noted she needed a proper bath and to re-bandage all her wounds. Happily she cups her hands around the cup of milk given to her, sipping the chilled beverage. “How dod you learn to cook?” Wondering if family or himself. She had no clue how to make food, hunt yes but prepare no.
Seeing her hold the glass with both hands was the cutest thing to Aaron. Her innocent questions made things even better. She was so nieve and yet so sweet. "I tried to teach myself how to cook when I got to the city, but I was terrible at it. Syra was like a big sister to me and taught me how to cook when she found me. She still makes fun of me for somehow turning a chicken breast into a burnt brick." Plating up The omletes, Aaron steps closer to Tora, positioning himself between her legs. "At least now I will be able to cook for you and our little one...or ones." He smiles and presses a soft kiss to her nose.
It was like magic watching him cook some slimey eggs into yellow fluffy pillows, she didn’t believe he burned a chicken to a brick. Shaking her head with a small laugh “that is not possible!” Taking another sip of her milk. Then there he was positioned between her legs a sweet kiss on her nose making her blush, leaning back a bit so he doesnt cause her to drop her cup. “Interesting switch from last night” she hums “have you ever wanted kids?” Curious if he even thought of having a mate and family.
Aaron huffs a small laugh and looks down, thinking back on his past and how he used to see things and how it all changed when he met that one kid. "Honestly, it's hard to say. When I was ypung and making every stupid decision I could, I would never dream of having kids. I was terrified of having to take care of someone and raise them when I hardly knew how to care for myself." Reaching up slowly to grab Tora's waist with one hand, his thumb gently brushes over her soft fur. "Once I left the runner life, I was so set on rebuilding my life that I didn't even think to try finding someone who would tolerate me, let alone have kids with me. While it's scary to think of a miniature me running around, I'm happy to say that I'm excited." He looked back up into her eyes, his own sparkling with adoration for her.
Tora grew a small smile hearing him talk, his voice, how he looked at her, how he touched her made her so happy. Softly purring as their eyes met “I see” nodding her head “I am sorry this and I came out of nowhere and completely flipped your life around” she confesses. He may blame himself but all this change was all because of her and to avoid returning to hell house. “I have never thought about kits, mainly due to not understanding but now I know why my owner treated me as he did.” She admits in a quiet voice. “I honestly am scared mostly cause I don’t have a home” lowering her gaze to her lap.
Aaron frowns, feeling like he misspoke when talking about his thoughts on children. Placing a curled finger under Tora's chin, Aaron lifts her face up to meet his gaze. "Tora, don't ever blame yourself for what's going on. I don't regret a single moment of having you in my life. I'm a grown man who made the decision to help you, a choice I would make over and over again without fail." His arms wrap gently around her waist, being careful to not spill her milk as he presses a soft, lasting kiss to her forehead. "And I swear, I will find you a home, even if it's the last thing I do. I'll be you home for now....if you're okay with that."
Reluctantly meeting his gaze she revealed her pouting expression knowing his words were honest and true. She had to be strong, stop feeling guilty and continue this new journey, a new chance at life. She kept a hold on her cup, a smile peeking through when he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I am safe with you no matter where we are, yes you can be my home” setting her cup aside to hug him. “Now I think your omelet may be in trouble” trying not to giggle as she looks toward the stove.
Aaron sighs happily as she hugs him back, only for his eyes to shoot open and glances at the stove. "Shit!" Carefully releasing Tora, Aaron turns off the stove and flips his omelet with a huffed laugh. "Well, that is definitely one crispy omelet. Not burned, but...crispy." He laughs and shakes his head, plating up his omlete before looking at Tora. "Thankfully yours came out perfectly. Go ahead and dig in, baby." Reaching into a drawer, Aaron grabs a fork and sets it on her plate before nudging it closer.
Aaron laughs and nods, taking a bite of his own, crispy omlete. "Coming right up." He could imagine how hungry Tora would get being with her owner, probably being left to eat just scraps so she would 'lose her figure.' The idea of it makes his muscles flex as he starts to crack open more eggs and chop up more ham. He just needs to be patient, to wait for Syra's call with the info of where he was to officially end Tora's suffering. Now that they had a baby on the way, Aaron's more primal and protective side rages.

Melting the butter and pouring the eggs into the pan, Aaron hums softly. Cooking and exercise being his usual coping mechanisms for stress and anger helped to get him into shape. Flipping the omlete over, he smiles at the white tigress before serving up her second omlete. "There we go, enjoy."
Not realizing how quickly she ate, he had barely begun his own meal before cooking her second. Tora chews on her lip, watching him cook, someday she will cook for him, maybe even someday she will protect him. Licking her lips to the arrival of her second plate, happy to accept “thank you!” Hurrying it into her mouth.
Aaron watches with a wide smile as Tora tucks into her second omelet. He hadn't seen anyone enjoy his cooking so much since he was still working for Syra. Eating his own breakfast, Aaron's gaze remains on Tora as if admiring the world's most beautiful scene. Finally, he's found someone who enjoyed his company for who he is and not what he pretends to be. Finishing his food, Aaron pours a little more milk into Tora glass before pouring himself some juice. It hadn't even dawned him that he still doesn't know Tora's age, making him interested and a touch nervous. "You know, you never told me how old you are."
Setting the plate down beside her, cold milk soothing her after a meal she glances around. This was a nice house, middle of no where, and no one knew where they were. Tora felt at peace here. Her wonderings were paused by Aarons question, she looked confused for a moment of thought. “20…” humming with a shrug “you?” Guessing he had to be around her age.
Aaron smiles and feels a wave of relief. Figuring out a curry's age was always difficult for him. "I'm 23, about to be 24 in a couple months." Picking the plates, Aaron starts to wash the dishes while humming softly. Tora still being a mystery to him, he wondered what else she might like. He didn't even have to ask if she had any hobbies. There was no way her owner would've given her that much freedom. "Is there anything you'd like to do today? Take a walk, watch some TV, anything?"

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