Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Perked ears of surprise lit up her face, he was so close to her age “wow! This is awesome!” Hopping off the counter. “You are the youngest person I have ever been able to interact with!” She confesses with a squeak. “Oh…” pausing by his wondering of their day plans “I wanna run, can you run?” Her tail slashing with excitement.
Aaron's eyes widen at her confession. Who the hell was her owner and old is this creep? He couldn't stop himself from laughing and nodding happily. "Of course i can run. I usually go for a three mile run every other day, so that sounds perfect." Her energy was amazing to Aaron. He had grown so accustom to his clients who would hardly move, but Tora was ready to move without care. Finishing up the dishes. Aaron walks over to the duffle bag and grabs out a new pair of socks before slipping on his running shoes. "Make sure you don't run too fast, I don't want your wounds to reopen. Speaking of which, we'll shower when we come back so I can redress those."
Currently barefoot Tora dashes to the door not promising to take it easy, sure she had a major surgery yesterday and was on the run. She couldn’t guess the age of her ex owner exactly, probably late 50s. “I rarely get to run, stuck inside alot, I ran for miles when I escaped and gosh it felt amazing” she tells him. Raising a brow to his socks and shoes she guessed his feet were sensitive like all humans.
Aaron snorts ans follows her to the front door, making sure to lock the door after letting them out. "Well, let's make sure we get you that exercise you've been wanting. Just please don't stray too far from me, okay? I want to make sure you're safe." He gently strokes her hair before pressing a kiss to the side of her head. He knew this was going to put his own endurance to the test, but to him, it's worth it. "Alright, let's go, baby."
Facing the sun Tora was dying to take off but waited for Aaron to be ready, flicking her ear to the sound of a lock. She looks up to him with a smile, her tail wagging like a dog. “Depends of you can keep up” she giggles, getting down on all fours before taking off. Tora yips with joy, breeze in her hair, dirt between her fingers and toes, and so many new scents.
Aaron huffs a laugh as he watches Tora take off down the dirt road. She truly is an amazing woman. Not wanting to let her get too far, he takes off running after her. The wind blows through his hair while the sun warms his skin. Her yips of joy made his heart swell as he tried to catch up to her, pushing himself to run faster. His eyes rake over her fleeing form, loving how gracefully she moves.
A slender flash of feline galloped down the trail, glancing back to check on Aaron to see if he was keeping up. “This is awesomeeee!” She calls out looking back ahead, leaping up into a tree once they entered the forest. Tora leapt from branch to branch before landing back down on ground. She was definitely tearing her stitches but currently did not care.
Aaron pants softly as he runs inti the forest to follow Tora, jumping over large roots and evading massive bushes. Sweat shines off his arms and soaks into his shirt, making the fabric cling to his toned torso. "Don't get too far away from me, Tora! I don't want anything to happen to you!" She was turning into a completely new spark in his life, making him want to try harder, become more, just for her. His leg muscles burn as he keeps running, pushing himself to run as fast as he can.
His voice carried on the breeze which made her slow down just a little “oh you can still see me!” She giggles. Tora turns her head to look back and noticed she was quite ahead, turning her hide end she skids to a stop. She was able to using a tree trunk to cushion her abrupt halt. Parted lips so her tongue hung out as she pants for breath, she was glowing. Downside her bandaged her drenched in blood.
Finally managing to catch up to Tora, Aaron's eyes widen in horror as he sees the blood soaked bandage. "Oh shit, Tora, your stitches." Ignoring the whip of bush branches against his legs, Aaron rushes over to her to inspect her shoulder. "Oh baby, you'll ripped open your stitches." He sighs softly and cups her cheek with one hand. "You have to be careful, Tora. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Beaming with pride as he approached, it disappeared seeing his expression as he hurried to her side. Her ears droop down “oh…” glancing down at herself to see the color res on her bandages. “Guess that painkiller is still working because I dont feel anything” she admits. Getting to her feet she examines herself a little more “time to head back?” Pouting.
Carefully pulling back the bandage, Aaron frowns at the sight of the torn stitches. The fact that she in't feeling any pain surprises him though. "I guess Onyx gave you a double dose with those pain meds." Hearing her sadness about having to go back breaks his heart though. " about we go a little further before heading back. I just want you to please take it a little easier okay? I don't want to ruin your fun nor do I want to put you at risk of getting hurt even more."
Aaron smiles and lightly squeezes her hand, loving how it fits so perfectly in his own. Looking around at everything, he could see exactly what she meant. He hadn't been able to experience nature in so long. "It's really beautiful out here. I have to admit, I'd love to live in cozy place right in the middle of the forest." Hearing the birds chirp, Aaron looks back down at Tora with affectionate eyes. "To he asked to do that, I'd need someone with me who will help make it a home."
Walking the trail now, enjoying the scenery around them gave Tora a sense of calmness. She looks over to Aaron with a smile “a home” humming with a nod “a little creek, bushes of flowers and trees to climb” she sighs. “Thank Syra for me, she really is amazing though loud” chuckling at the last part.
Aaron chuckles and nods, remembering how Syra had pouted when she was finally called out. "I will. She's gonna want to cuddle you even more, though. She's a big admirer of furries. It's the main reason she got into the contraband business." Walking along the path, Aaron pulls back the branches of an over grown bush for Tora to walk through along with giving way to the view of a small river running through the forest.
Tora had gathered that fact from the woman’s reaction which was growing on the feline. Her eyes flicker his direction “and how did he you end up such a trade?” Asking him. She continues forward, walking right into the river with a purr. The water washing over her feet, cold to the touch but felt so refreshing. Squatting down she cups some water in her hands to sip.
Following close behind, Aaron removes his shoes and socks before stepping into the water. A soft sigh passed through his lips as the cool water soothes his feet. "That is something she has never told me. All I know is that she had a tough time at the start and refuses to let anyone see her bare back." Removing his shirt and crouching down, he scoops up some water and pours it through his hair and down his torso to cool himself off. Little droplets of water glisten as they cling to his skin while he shakes out his hair like a dog.
Skimming her tail over the surface she hums an acknowledgment, watching him join her. “And when did you meet her?” Curious about his past, she needs to know who she is getting in bed with. Aaron is kind and caring now but he has a past that had dark and untrusting. Sure she wasnt much better but time for them both will allow their trust and bond to grow.
"When I was sixteen." He murmurs softly, running through his life in his head. "I had run away from home and was living on the streets. I wasn't having the best go of it, constantly getting in fights with people who could have killed me. Then Syra found me curled up in an alley after just getting my ass beat." He lets out a soft chuckle, remembering how usless he used to be when it came to fighting. "She took me in like a little brother. Everyone in her runners ring became my family at that time."
Aaron sighs and looks down into the water, lightly splashing his fingers through it. He hated talking about his family, wishing he was never born into their bloodline. "My family memebers are some of the most disgusting people on this planet." His fists clench tightly, turning his knuckles white before releasing. "They...hunt furries like it's some kind of disgusting sport. I had fought with them for so many years to get them to stop, but they're too set in their ways. So...I left...."
Aaron smiles as he slowly stands up, nodding and letting out a soft breath. "That sounds great. Plus, I bet you'll get hungry soon after all of that running." He winks before gently stroking her hair. Walking out of the river, Aaron slips his socks and shoes back on before crouching down in front of Tora. "Here, let me give you a ride back. I want you to take it easy for now."
Aaron smiles widely and hooks his hands under her thighs to help support her as stands. Walking back to the house, he makes sure not to make any sudden movements that could disrupt Tora's comfort. "You're so small. I could carry you for hours and hardly break a sweat." He laughs softly, enjoying the way she feels pressed against him. "Any special requests for what you'd like me to cook for you later?"
Blushing to his comment she peppers kisses to the back of his head “I like you can do that” she purrs. She looks ahead seeing the house “whatever you feel like makin” answering with a shrug. “Right now I wanna shower and nap” sighing as she lay her head on her shoulders. She rests her eyes taking in each and every sound and scent around them.

Back in the hell house The Master just informed of his low level security team being cowards. He shattered his whiskey glass class his hands from pure anger. The whiskey pouring across the wooden floor at his feet along with drops of blood. He slapped away a maid when she came to his aid, shaking with rage he glares toward a younger man in the room. “Where is she now?”

Sheepishly the young man answered “The tracker last pinged from a vacant building and since has been deactivated” wincing to an empty glass thrown his direction his direction. Missed him by inches as it shattered against the wall.

“Very well, she has made some friends or someone is keeping her for themselves. She has a suitor on his way here, mst not keep hik waiting. Send Lobo and Daisy to the building, set them loose, they will return her” instructing his staff. He waves a hand to dismiss the room, turning toward a small table he wraps his hand in a rag before making himself another drink. “There is no where I can’t reach” he smirks staring out the window
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Syra sighs heavily as she sits at her desk, reading through reports from some of her runners. Her eyes burn after staying up for hours, reading through every dirty little detail about who Tora's owner is and what kind of power he has. Compared to Syra, they were equally matched in having connections to get what they want.

Tossing the papers on her desk, she leans back in her chair and rubs her temples. "Damn it, Aaron.... what have you gotten yourself into..." The need to call Aaron and warn him of who was Tora's owner itches at her figners, but she battles with her desire to let the cute couple relax. She had already guessed Tora's condition before getting the info from Onyx.

Finally standing from her chair, Syra lights a cigarette and slowly walks over to a picture on the wall of her and Aaron when he was younger. "I hope you're ready for the fight of your life, kid..." her thumb dials the numbers on her phone within seconds before holding the phone up to her ear. "Gron, Rud... come back, restock on any and all weapons and amo. Aaron is going to need all the help he can get."

Reaching the house, Aaron kicks off his shoes before carrying Tora into the bathroom. He sets her down carefully on the bathroom counter before turning around to face her with a smile. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up, rebandaged, and then you can go take a nice, long nap."
Once on the counter Tora pulls off any clothing she had on, tying up her hair into a high ponytail. She glances around the bathroom “spacious” she murmurs liking it, shower seemed big enough for them both. A deep breath was taken as she looks down at the damage she caused from dashing the way she did. “I am not very good at recovering uh?” Joking at how restless she can be.

Unaware eyes were on his every move, not accustomed to having other powerful people match him. But he will go to any lengths to get his white tiger, maids were still scrambling to find out how the hell escaped. Tora would take that secret to her grave incase she ever goes back.
Turning on the water, Aaron pulls off his soaked t-shirt and tosses it into the same pile of Tora's clothes. "Don't worry, I know you were excited. I would be as well if I went through what you did." He cups her cheeks softly before pressing a soft kiss to her nose. Pulling away, he removes the rest of his clothes and scoops her back up into his arms. "Come on, let's get this kitty washed up."

The sharp click of Syra's high heels exho through the dimly lit halls under the vacant building. Her eyes are as sharp as daggers as she stares at a photo of Tora's wretched owner. "You sorry son of a bitch. I knew I'd find you some day..." her thumb nail digs into the photo, pretending to stab the man's throat. As a newbie runner approaches Syra, she glares with murderous intent. "Get my car ready. I believe I should deliver this news to Aaron in person."

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