Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

Nov 10, 2022
(Okay. Since we’ve rp’ed Marie and Derek, I feel it’s only fitting to see where Marie’s parents came from, and we can rp the backstory here ((even if this doesn’t get written to wattpad it’s still an rp idea I haven’t thought about yet, if you’re interested- if not I’ll ask Brit if she’ll be willing to pick this up lol. Also, if you want, you are more than welcome playing Lucifer. I’ll set up the background)


Eternally damned. Just for the fact of rising up against a higher power, questioning authority. Cast out with others who followed his cause, stripped of their righteousness and made to take a form that terrifies nearly all who gaze upon them. Sure, where he was now in the fiery pits was certainly no golden city, but at least he had rule of his domain, and he was more just than the quote “big guy upstairs” un quote. Or it seemed.

Eons would pass since the rebellion and Lucifer had made a kingdom for himself, governing the lost souls of the damned, making each level to hell specific to the type of sin one did in life. He only saw the worst of the worst, never ones who were truly ‘saints’. Some of those most despicable people turned into his loyal demons later on in their punishment and served by his side.

He had never been particularly busy though in caring on having a lifetime partner as most of his said time was spent torturing the damned. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t lonely. Unlike the popular stories about him, and it as true he did have a terrifying demon form, his human like form (past angel form) was very attractive, and since falling, any female demons who went into their supposed ‘heat’ cycles, always wanted a go at him. But he refused each time. It was put in place that he would only have one lifetime partner, and wouldn’t procreate with anyone else. Therefore most demons he had by his side weren’t of his offspring but came more about by magic and twisting of the human psyche.

That being known, his personality was firm and scary at some times, but he was fair and just in his ruling and no one really questioned him being on the throne of hell. And the years he had spent in this realm, he had adapted many forms- ones being such like a terrifying dragon- terrorizing humans to the point of them writing stories about it, a demon that graced church walls in a manner that made even the holiest people shudder with fear- and much more to where the descriptions blurred.

Like it was aforementioned, he didn’t really have time to look for a lifelong partner, and since living on this realm for eons, never had the need to. Until the time his counsel advised that this first ever blood moon that would rise and even be visible in the realm of the damned- would give way to those who would challenge him, because his power would be weakened each blood moon going forward if he didn’t have someone to carry on his lineage (as if demons could die, but that didn’t mean someone couldn’t try) and made him more powerful by bonding with him- because those said demons wouldn’t question a ruler who had plans to leave his bloodline on the throne, and wouldn’t see him as “lazy”.

So that’s where the whole mating process ceremony would come about in due time and each time a blood moon passed, he didn’t find a suitable mate- but it wasn’t like he was an eternal virgin either—he definitely slept around, and would consider himself a manwhore, but his seed was only fertile on the blood moon- and how that even began to happen wasn’t easily explained. But every blood moon while his demons had fun, he was bored, because he didn’t want unnecessary offspring though- so it was out of choice.

And that leads us to the present now, where he was taking his time on earth, scouting out some stray lesser demons who hadn’t returned home. It seems like he wasn’t the only one searching though.

Lyra drew her sword and plunged it through a demon’s heart, making him burst from the holy light. Thankfully every time one exploded, she always managed to keep her armor free of any blemish. Her fiery red hair glowed with her halo of pureness, and her sharp emerald gaze could cut through the hardest of steel. She looked up when she felt a presence that was familiar and she laid eyes on him, Lucifer- or Samael. She scoffed, as this wasn’t their first time meeting.

She knew she should have plunged her holy blade through his chest whenever they met but, although a warrior, she was still a woman made- filled with compassion and uncertainty, wishing to be desired and so much more. And to even have those thoughts meant that god’s creation wasn’t perfect. Obviously, everyone is aware of what happens at the garden of Eden. But that put aside- she sheathed her blade and stared into his gaze. “We’ve been through this, Lucifer- any stray demons on earth are free game for me and my brethren-“ she trailed off and stood up straight. “And you know very well why I was made, to clean up the mess you left behind in your rebellion.” She wondered if he would have any say for himself. But despite her words, they had been sorta ‘friends’ over the past few decades. She cleaned up the problematic demons he didn’t want to control anymore, and she promised to not kill him - even though it went against what she was taught. Then again god never said to kill him, because if someone did, it would throw the balance out of place in the world now, for good could not exist without evil.
Lucifer, the Fallen, the Rebel, the Light Bringer watched Lyra in action, the moonlight shone down around them like a spotlight. Lucifer was a lithe, yet athletic man, his hair was dark and swept back, the moonlight made his skin seem dark red as the purity of the light clashed with the dark atmosphere that hung at him like a lazy serpent. His eyes ,almost dark shadowy pools, save for the golden iris that settled on her with the precision of a archer laying in wait trailed along her body and weapons. At his hip was a whip, of woven black leather with ivory spikes, devil skin...with angels bone. Those that typically wandered in his path looking to kill him, he had far too much to do to care for picking a fight. Most of the time. His armor was a simple looking chain mail and breast plate, a white wrapping around his waist hiding his legs. "I did nothing, my poor lost friend had slipped his leash...he got all the way here, and I was just about to catch him." He said with a smile, it was almost humorless, but she knew that he wasn't being entirely serulious. After all. If he wanted to catch that demon, Lyra wouldn't have had to pull her sword before he would have whipped it into submission. "What would you have me do? Rush every time a dog jumps the fence? Your...kind know what to do." He added as he approached her, his steps slow and steady, his hands folding behind his back.

Lucifer seemed only to become more and more reserved whenever he ventured to the world above, a distinct sense of icy barriers over his essence. Humans ofcourse were eventually toyed with, one way or another, by his demons or even himself to try to generate something to break up his feeling of isolation. But now Lyra...her presence woke up something within Lucifer whenever he saw had been decades but he still couldn't quite figure it out.
Lyra clenched her jaw, giving a soft sigh after Lucifer spoke. He did make good points but that didn't excuse the job she had every time he did let one of his so called 'dogs' jump the fence. "My kind? I think you forget we were cut of the same cloth-" she remarked, looking to him as he approached her. Blood related? No, but they both had been made into an angel.

His overall appearance was neither attractive or unattractive, as she had never thought about such a thing before. But that didn't mean she wouldn't. And that also meant there might be a time where she will, but even Lucifer wouldn't think of such a thing of her, right? Why these thoughts were even racing in her mind, she wouldn't fully understand.

She felt a spiritual arrow fly past her, the light brushing her cheek and narrowly missing Lucifer's head. It was Suriel, his name meaning 'Prince of god'- meant exactly that. The favorite son, and this wasn't a jesus situation either- Suriel was made by god to eventually ascend the throne.

He was the foil to lucifer, everything about him laid in light, and was strong and masculine- his hair flowing past his ears in golden strands. And one thing was for certain, although Lucifer at times was considered the 'antagonist'- Suriel definitely wasn't a saint either. But god, although claiming to be all knowing, was at fault and never even saw his own 'son's' impurities, and should have been cast out the same as Lucifer. But Suriel didn't try to rebel against god in the way Lucifer tried.

Suriel lowered his bow and looked at Lyra, "Lyra, you know you really shouldn't be mingling with this sinner," he spoke and Lyra made a face at his voice- she couldn't tolerate how it sounded at all.
Lucifer reached up and brushed his finger over the cut on his face, the wound closing bit by bit. "Suriel. I see you're still as eager as ever." Lucifer said. "Come now, noneed to throw around hostilities so readily...that would be the sin of Wrath wouldn't it?" Lucifer added as he looked to his replacement. He never exactly cared for Suriel, it was like looking at mirror crafted in gaudy gold, made to look as extravagant and loud as possible. "Ahd that would make you as low a being as I am?" He pressed on, fighting his urge to smile at him to lean into his antagonist role. His brothers and sisters may have turned away from him, but just about all of them would make Lucifer feel less spiteful by a country mile.
"Ugh, brothers" Lyra made a disgusted sound with another face of discomfort. Suriel glanced over at Lyra, "Come now, you may not be our sister, but you must understand the quarrel between brothers. Since was the same between Cain and his lesser brother, Abel." he completely ignored what Lucifer was telling him.

Lyra couldn't contain her eye roll, "Oh please, if you stopped trying to compare sizes with Lucifer, maybe you'd be a better warrior-" she spoke, having to resist an even further eye roll. Her caliber of angels were made separate from the ones Lucifer had been made from, so even though she considered herself cut of the same cloth- they were entirely different.
"What, you're not jealous of what could have been, are you?" Suriel started, And Lyra put her sword between both of them after that and when Lucifer began to move forward. The once familiar holy light nearly singeing Lucifer's armor. "Both of you know better-" She began, hating the quarrel they had. Although to be truthful she did side with Lucifer more, only because out of the two he was the most mature.
"Please! You think that I'm jealous of you? You're just there because Father wanted me exactly where I am now...if any thing, you should probably thank me for giving you a chance at being something." Lucifer snapped as Lyras sword ignited, making him stop. "Its a shame that you don't act as worthy as you believe yourself to be." He pressed, as he took a step back from the glowing blade, his armor slowly cooling down.
Suriel scoffed, putting his bow on his backside before crossing his eyes. "You only jab because you have nothing better to do." He muttered and Lyra's eyes ignited with nearly an emerald flame. "SHUT IT!" She snapped, looking at both of them, "Both of you," She kept her blade out. She watched Suriel look to her, and Lucifer would understand that look, the look of desire.

"Fine," Suriel leaned back, looking to his elder brother. "I'll see you later then, Lyra-" he revealed his wings, similar to his brother's yet not as magnificent in Lyra's opinion.
Suriel's blood nearly boiled with what Lucifer said, and he left them be.

Lyra sheathed her sword, sighing. "I wouldn't be able to stand him as a brother either." She mentioned, feeling disgusted. She looked to Lucifer. Her holiness was emanating but something about it seemed off. Contrary to popular belief, angels could only fall if god cast them out. They couldn't lose their holiness if they sinned. Suriel was a sure example. Either god was very ignorant at what Suriel was doing, or Suriel had him fooled.

She went up to where Suriel had been standing, kneeling down and touching the scorched earth-healing it.
"Suriel makes Gabriel seem like less of a self righteous bastard." Lucifer said as he watched his brother go. "I'm starting to think Father is too busy tinkering to notice his son." He added as he watched Lyra heal the grass, the devil taking off his whip and it shifted into a servant in his hands, running its way around his shoulders.
She snickered at that part, looking up. She noticed the serpent and she stood up. "Well that's a neat feature," She said almost dryly but he could tell she was truly impressed.

After what he said about god though, she looked up. "Humans think he is watching and listening to them, but they're lucky if he performs miracles nowadays" she remarked, and she could feel a change in the wind, like something was meant to come about their interaction here in this moment.
"What you believed that I was the serpent in the garden?" He said with a chuckle as the cold reptile wrapped its itself to him, it's tongue flickering out at her as she spoke. "I see...perhaps he's growing complacent....the humans are growing in number, growing little ideas of their own. Sooner or later, they will become cruel all of their own to each other."
She gave a small smirk to his remark, looking at the serpent's eyes and hers sort of glimmered like scales of their own. That was strange in itself. Now that Lucifer would look closer, they weren't just emerald green, but they represented the prettiest serpent color he had ever seen. Snapping out of her trance to the snake, she looked up at Lucifer. "If wars come out of humanity, then there is no telling how god will react," she pointed out.

(XD I assume this kinda about biblical times anyway, so I'm guessing pre flood)

"Oh?" Lucifer looked over as the 'Dog' a demon crawled from the shadows, a hunchback creature, a wretched thing with long arms and a face of tangled bloodied brairs jutting underneath the flesh. "Ah yes. I seems I lost two today" he said simply as he touched the serpent, raising it off his neck.
"A demon is rarely born...they are not made from casts like angels either. A demon is what was once a human soul, weighed down by their sins and pulled to hell. Once they come into hell, and they are punished, they either are forever trapped in hell by their punishments or stuck in a cycle, their..death day, over and over again. Depending on the individual soul, they will even be offered a trade. They get off their punishment and begin doing it to someone else, or they crack. The soul fragments as the being succumbs to the torments and those fragments are taken in and nursed, the baser desires that made up that mind taking shape." Lucifer plays with his snake as the Demon crawled to their lord, its ripping face spilling black ichor along the ground in a foul trail. "Those shaped pieces become demons." He finished as the demon lurched up with a horroriffic guttural cry, his face splitting open as the thorns wrapped out at Lucifer before he looked back and the thorns drew backwards, wrapping around it own head. "Go home." Lucifer said coolly, making the creature lurched backwards and crawl back into the shadows, gasping and wheezing to itself.
She listened with intent, seemingly eager to learn. The thing was, would he mention how her eyes appeared to him? Either his father made her to toy with Lucifer, or maybe it was just a pure coincidence. When the demon was commanded home, she didn’t flinch when it let out a cry. And once it was gone she looked up to him. “Well- the hunt continues,” she speaks and sheathed her sword, and revealing her wings. They were pure white. Not one single blemish on them- and as Lucifer looked to her, an image flashed through his mind, a kneeling Lyra, her wings broken and bloodied- crying out a painful scream.

As soon as the flash appeared, it was gone. What in the name of his kingdom did he just see? It didn’t make any sense to him. Sure he could somewhat look into the pain of others and see what outcome their lives had but…if one such fate awaited Lyra…
Lucifer blinked the image away from his eyes, his face never revealing his confusion, this new found tang of caution. Did he witness her future? Perhaps one. But he knew that a future was never truly set. He and his mother saw that in the Rebellion. "Perhaps I should accompany you this time. Stretch my legs a bit." He said as if he was attempting to give her a choice. She knew him just well enough to know that he wouldn't go away until he so deemed it. Or his father reached down from heaven himself to open up the hell portal under his feet.
She paused. He would join her? She then shrugged, “You can if you’d like, I’m not going to stop you,” she mentioned next. And she certainly didn’t sound like she was complaining on his company. She figured he gets pretty lonely down there, and she knew an angel of her kind couldn’t truly travel to hell unless they were foresaken by his father. So she was fine with it.
She had to bite her tongue about Lucifer's wings. She knew although god had his reasons, some of those reasons were uncalled for and very unnecessary. And that showed that even his holiest creations were flawed. Take for example Lyra, she had thoughts and feelings and her own opinions...she wasn't a perfect servant of the LORD, although she was close. Closer than Lucifer was that is.

"Can you fly still?" She asked, now speaking on the state of his wings. She was not just a warrior but a healer of all things good. Certainly there was some sort of good remaining in Lucifer that she could help heal.
She seemed surprised to say the least, but beat her own wings and took to the sky. When they both were up there, they both surveyed the earth. It was before Pangea actually split and the nations were still one- so pre Babylonian era too. The whole earth spoke one language and there were no such thing as separate oceans yet, just one giant one surrounding the land, and rivers and lakes existed too. The foliage was lush and it was never overly hot as the rains from the sky haven’t collapsed like it would during the flood so the temperatures were ideal. Yet those were to come about too. And of course all the destruction that happened wasn’t just god’s doing. Someone had to have meddled with creation just a bit, right?

Lyra glanced to Lucifer and then her ears picked up a foul screeching in the distance. Another demon on the lose, chasing a poor human.
Lucifer touched down on a tree, watching the human run, his face almost devoid of even the faintest emotion. The savoring monster was gaining in the running man, baring down on him with its mangled limbs twisting in observe angles just to try to touch living flesh again. Lucifer reached to his hip, lifting the whip and it started to go rigid and stand up , becoming unholy metal in his hand, the bladed whips tip splitting in half and forming a U shape, turning into a Bident. Lucifer lifted the weapon with one arm slowly, not even changing his stance to prepare for the throw. "Shall I handle this for you?" He said letting go of the two prong spear, the dark deadly weapon launching itself through the air with a wobbling homing as the unnatural material moved in God's world. It surged up and arced in the air, before racing back down, jamming itself in the demons back , lancing into the dirt as the lost creature tried to claw desperately for its human prey, even as the man got further and further away.
Lyra gave a small raised eyebrow at Lucifer’s question. But even before she got an answer out, she watched him create his weapon and throw it at the demon, effectively pinning him. Lyra was to say the least, impressed. She drew her holy sword and let it ignite, “Okay, you trapped him, can I send him back to where he belongs?” Again, a demon couldn’t be truly killed unless by Lucifer himself, she was only able to send them back to where they came from- down below. And that’s where it got tricky. Lucifer in himself could be ‘killed’ in his mortal form, but his demon form wouldn’t allow that and eventually would regenerate in hell. Like how god would send down Jesus eventually, the one who supposedly died on a cross? His human form was killed but his holiness and godlikeness remained. So same theory for Lucifer.
"Do what your supposed to do, Cherubim." Lucifer said indifferently as the demon squirmed about like a fish on a line. It was ripping wider and wider gashes in its body already, such was the desperation that drove this monster. 'Otherwise it will only suffer until it pulls itself in two. Then you'll have two Gluttony Demons after it regenerates."

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