Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

Lyra looked baffled, “So, then what do you propose these…things are made from? Because I know from a fact they weren’t present when creation was made.” For that she did have a point or two, but it just didn’t make sense. A creature that was twisted in form, hunting down anything and everything it could find to feast on the other’s blood. And that’s the only thing known about it, besides how it couldn’t walk in direct sunlight.
(You know how Cain was Marked by God for the slaying of Able? What if the Mark of Cain was a curse live out eternity in isolation, to never wake in the day and to never join society without their trust. So he is marked and forced to try to be invited into one's home, to be trusted. But as he he left alone in the dark, he begins reaching into creation, trying to undo his fate, but is given a chance to undo his marking...but he must find and take in the blood of a sacrifice. Who he doesn't know isn't even existing yet)
"We know nothing yet, so I will not make assumptions of this blood drinking creature. For now, we will slay them and see what we may gain from them..." Lucifer hunched over the body, with two fingers the punched a hole in its chest, starting to rip it open. "The dead can be learned from after all."
(XD Cain basically learns that he had almost spread his curse, by infusing his blood with other people, expanding his bloodline. But it corrupts people, making them effectively change over time and splinter into other types of vampire as well. Cain would be the first of all vampires, for sure)

"I don't intend to." He said as he examined every part he could , humming to himself.
(XD im sure it's somewhere out there. Basically the only thing *currently known* to cure vampirism would be the blood of Christ...which is why Cain is screwed.)

"It has dense muscle, like boiled leathers, it likely would stop most mortal weapons, or at tge very least shrug them off for quite some time. Look at these " Lucifer twister his hand, pulling out a a few organs. "The blood is completely dead, and yet the body still pumped it throughout. This creature is dead but mimics living. It's full of living blood. But not a Scrap of flesh"
(And explains why they have the aversion to crosses and shrivel in fear when they hear his name XD )

Lyra came forward and looked at the creature’s body. “The regenerative process in their body is something only I thought angels and demons possessed…” she murmured more to herself than anyone else. She looked at his face, wondering what was going through his mind.
(XD it basically pushes them back because Cains curse is still in them as well, and they feel the suffering of Cains isolation)

"Perhaps it is similar...but with a undead body, I'm curious how they do heal. " He ponders aloud as she watched him, Licifer stood up and let the body fall aside
Lucifer felt his feathers bristle as he sensed the change as well, his hand on his whip tightening, lashing it into the air the change it into its bidet form. "Where is it" he said to himself as he opened his senses further, beyond that of a Cherubim like Lyra. His wings twisted on their own extending with a dark crunching noise, like broken bones sliding underneath his flesh. The wings changed, feathers falling a bit as eyes opened up on the them.
The air around them was suddenly sinister- and Lucifer could feel this presence as if it would be a constant threat to his bloodline. Now, that in itself was a strange feeling but when your immortal life feels like it’s in danger, then something is wrong. But this sinister presence wasn’t just the air around them, something more dark was coming.

“Lucifer?” She asked, Lyra looking to him. What did he see? Was this Suriel’s doing? She could feel the presence but no physical object could be seen. Was it more like a premonition…but then again if it had Lucifer on edge, that meant it could do actual harm to him.
" very wrong, very...foul." he said as his eyes, all of them adorning the main bones of his wings, his demonic wings laying under their more pleasant surface. His good face, to keep from opening this world to more horrors so to speak. "I cannot see it, but something is out there..."
Lyra looked up to where he did, and her eyes widened at what she saw. “L-Lucifer, I’d suggest that we leave this area-“ she was on edge now. What did she see? The twisted face of a man resembling Suriel—but he was after something, or someone- who wasn’t even born yet. Why did she feel like she had to protect herself for some reason? She wasn’t aware of the bloodline that would be created from her and Lucifer, the one who would eventually reign with another.
Lucifer reached out and grasped Lyra by the arm, pulling him to him, as he thrusted his bident up into the air as the ground slit under his feet abd it yawned a wave of embers of smoke. It swirled tight around them as he called up the portal and it pulled them away from the presence. It wouldn't take them to Hell, Lyra couldn't step foot there, but they could travel to another place on the great continent.
Lyra gave a small gasp as Lucifer pulled her close, and she noticed she was ever so slightly taller than him. Was that always the case? But her thoughts trailed from her mind suddenly when they were teleported to another place- the threat that loomed both over their heads was still evident and that feeling wasn’t going away any time soon.
The fiery wall faded away, the pull of the portal releasing them as they stood now on a beach front, as the edges of the continent. The looming dread made Lucifer's wings fold back out of site. But the full presence seemed to be gone. Lucifer looked around slowly, to the crashing waves and the horizon to try to rid the feeling inside him. "Are you alright?"
((I made how I suppose Lyra looks, obviously Marie got all of her looks from her mom XD but I’m assuming Marie has to have other siblings so))


(Also another thing, I kinda imagine their relationship will be like Hades and Persephone- you know, the intense love and desire, and how an angel ((like Persephone who was pure hearted,) became the queen of hell?))
(XD I actually think we made Marie an only I don't think we gave her any siblings)

"I don't know...what I felt was...hard to explain. " He said letting go of her shoulders. How could he try? He paced on the same day, moving towards the crashing wave of the sea. "It was like...a danger to all I could hold close to me" he
(Doesn’t mean others can come after her siblings and put them into hiding? Idk XD but I’m still okay with her being an only child, I was just trying to add more plot stuff lol)

“Yes…and I wasn’t aware I would hold anything close to me,” she said next, figuring angels didn’t really have attachments. But then again, none would fall the way she would for Lucifer. It was their fate, and they couldn’t avoid it.
"You...don't know what you will hold dear to you until it happens " Lucifer said looking over his shoulder to her. Ofcourse he knew angels rarely were attached to anything, even more rare was the idea of pairing, being made directly by God, mist of them didn't even consider it, or lacked the desire entirely.

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