Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

(Can Cherubim be her nickname? That’s actually so cute and endearing)

She was quick, her blade soon pressing through the demon’s flesh. Upon contact the demon’s form turned to ashes as it was penetrated by her blade. Lucifer didn’t even see her make contact with the ground- she was that fast. Like a serpent striking it’s prey—quick and deadly.

(I’ve been using snake analogies because she’s obvi meant for him but yeah if that wasn’t obvious lol- also his brother will be a perfect blueprint for the antagonist)
(XD she's the first Cherub lol sure she can take it as a nickname)

Lucifer opened his hand, the bident pulling itself uo into his hand and relaxing its form back into its whip shape. He would see to the suffering of the demon for escaping him. He wouldn't relish it much, but it would still be done. "Very good" he said simply
XD okay sounds good)

Lyra looked up, giving a soft smirk at his words. Of course it was good, she had done it. Her work was always neat and tidy- she knew he knew that the most. “So, shall we continue the hunt or do you have a demon to punish?” She asked, knowing her herself couldn’t travel to hell. But with that vision Lucifer had- it seemed as if either god cast her out, or at least someone did..and if she was cast out like Lucifer had been, that also means she could go down to hell then, but that wouldn’t be until later.
Lyra seemed to understand what he meant and gave a small nod. “Well,” she looked up to the moon in the sky. Time worked differently in hell and up in heaven. It could be several earth days before they met up again. “Until next time, I presume-“ she spoke, extending her wings again. Unaware of her fate that was so close, she looked at Lucifer with her sharp gaze. “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone,” she joked a bit with him.
But little did Lucifer know- that he would be there- to watch her fall. What caused an angel to fall was certainly up in it’s entirety to god’s choice. For Lucifer, it had been rebellion…for Lyra? That seemed to be the eternal question.

(Don’t mind me just doing the norm time skip, but like not as exaggerating as I used to)

It had been months since the vision and the days Lucifer had seen Lyra- it certainly didn’t pertain her non preventable future. She had grown more fond of the fallen one, but none that she let on too easily. Yet Suriel could feel it. He was the one to ascend the throne soon, but that didn’t mean he’d stop fighting with his brother. And of course if Suriel could sense Lyra had the smallest feeling of something towards Lucifer, when he wanted her to be his
Lucifer rose up from the depths of Damnation itself, a unseen artic sea in the that spanned every circle of hell, all the way to his kingdom of lost and twisted souls. The portal yawned open as he drew up from one of the lakes. A soul had been released early from its punishments, rather than a demon, some sad sack that had murdered his wife but afterwards had been killed by someone else. Normally he would release a hellhound to reclaim it...but it also was his opportunity to return to the world again. Perhaps just to glimpse the world again, or just to secure the capture. 'Perhaps...if I don't see her, she will be spared that visions fate' he thought, the sweet bubble of hope welled within his essence, but was quickly landed by reality. No. He knew better than to believe something so foolish, inaction would only beckon her ill fate, one must always act to try to change the future. For better or worse.
Lucifer would scent Lyra from a mile away- as it was naturally within her blood the holiness bestowed upon her. And without a second glance, there she was, perched high among the trees. Like an awaiting falcon to strike its prey. If no demons had escaped from hell, what was she hunting exactly?
"The Demons are not mine persay, I just repurpose those without purpose. I don't make them personally like am angel is made" Lucifer said folding his arms at her accusations, perhaps the most clear sign of offense he ever made in her presence. "What is the upbringing of the demons have to do with your fairy nonsense."
“They caused the start of them.” She said, knowing demons couldn’t necessarily procreate until a thing called the blood moon, which didn’t make sense on why god would allow such a thing. She gave a small sigh. “Look, they’re just a nuisance to the human population and should really go extinct because once the humans find out they exist, they’ll question everything.” And they already had wiped the dinosaurs out so that no one would find them.
"As long as you're prepared," she mentioned, keeping hold of the hilt of her sword, knowing these creatures were swift, and only were out for blood. These creatures would make the infamous 'vampire' trope, although that wasn't the proper term for them yet. All she knew was that they only showed at night and couldn't go out during the day. "Be careful, they are incredibly fa-" she was cut off as one suddenly came out of the shadows and attacked her, knocking her on her back. She grunted and held the creature at bay, the twisted form snapping at her neck with teeth more terrifying than a demon, trying to drink that sweet angel blood.
She gave another grunt as the faerie was pulled off of her and she watched as it struggled. Her holy blade flashed and then she cut off it's head in one single sweep. The head rolled, and the body eventually stopped twitching after a few moments.

"The only way to permanently get rid of them, is to cut off the head." She mentioned, Lyra glancing at Lucifer as she spoke. Her blade sizzled with the dark blood of the creature, the unholiness seemingly greater than that of a demon. Demons were confined mostly to hell, when they 'died' that's where they went back to. These faeries though, went nowhere, they didn't have any reason to belong on god's earth.
Cleaning her blade in the grass, and then healing the area after, she gave a soft sigh. “I don’t know which demon did it, but they made this,” she gestured to the faerie’s bloodied body. If the demons were creating what did that mean? Was Lucifer really not aware of this? It was really strange of how everything was going. First she was hunting demons, putting them back to hell but now these creatures? It was like as if god’s creations were unruly and they couldn’t all be contained without everything going to shit.
"My demons do not make anything, it's impossible. They Hunger, they covet, they pervert and cobble together what they want in the lands of living, but none of the truly make, or create anything of note." Lucifer said shaking his head at the sheer idea. It was laughable to him almost to imagine a simple demon to generate anything resembling life.

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