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Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Okay, so based on our plot discussion, I have a sense of where I want the thread to go, follow my lead then?)

Space. Some would call it the final frontier, others- such as the last known race of elves- call it refuge. Their home planets, destroyed- and now they were on the search to inhabit somewhere new, but everywhere had been unable to house sustainable life.

The causes of their home planets being destroyed were because of their own faults, some became too power hungry, messing with dark forces. Those who tried, had been lost to the stars eons ago, or some would think. Still being power hungry, they were scouring every last universe to claim it as their own.

The survivors of one realm knew of this, knew that these dark forces were conspiring to make sure that they were the only trace left of the noble elves that once roamed lush forests and extravagant kingdoms. If the survivors lived through this, somehow pushed their corrupted comrades to the light, then maybe things would restore in balance, but sometimes it was never that easy.

Faerwyn knew that their ship was being boarded, and even then also knew that this ship was the last of the nobility ranks. These so called dark forces she had heard of was striking fear into her very soul. But when word caught her pointed ears that this was not those dark forces but simple humans…

“What do you mean, they’re here to join forces?” She asked one of her guards. Why were they doing it so abruptly? Don’t these humans have any regards for social manners? The princess knew she would have to keep a tight composure so that no one could sense her worry about these humans suddenly
turning on them for gain.

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Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
(Sure thing. 2 Elves, right?)

"Yes, My lady." The guard, Elenbron, responded, rolling his eyes as she clearly panicked, despite having ignored the humans repeated hails. She was so, so... stupid, sometimes. He despised having to guard her, despised the fact that by her decisions she'd gotten her people nearly wiped out. They could have evacuated their homeworld, could've escaped the devastation, but she'd ordered them to stay, to fight, and billions had fallen because of it. But he bet she didn't care. After all, she was a Royal, they had to listen to her. 'Hmph... maybe I'll get lucky and one of these humans will kill her off...' He glanced at the door, before turning back to her "Do you wish to meet with their leader, my lady?"

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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave it a moment’s thought, but then simply nodded to Elebron. “Yes, if it’ll mean further protection from a complete and total wipe out,” she spoke, not knowing how her guard felt about her. Clearly she never saw his agitation, and honestly wouldn’t blame him if she found out, royals, like her father- were a pain in the ass. But she was not going to make the mistakes her father did, that’s who actually wanted to stay and fight, but she begged him to leave, knowing it would be their downfall. Most pegged the princess as making the final decision and she knew that she couldn’t tell them the truth, unless she allows her father’s name be soiled further.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron nodded, opening the door and gesturing to the human captain on the otherside. The man there was... nervous, at least. He'd heard rumours of the Elves, such as when a diplomat had asked for something fair, he'd been killed because the question had caused offence to the king. But he stepped inside and bowed "I... apologize for the rushed boarding, Madam, but our ship was badly damaged and our life support failing..." He explained, giving reason to the rudeness as Elebron tensed a little, seeming to be waiting for an attack on her.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Your life support is failing?” She asked, looking at the human. “The crew, do they need assistance from us?” She asked next, expecting an answer now. Faerwyn seemed to have relaxed a little but, but if their ship was damaged, what attacked the humans? Most importantly, who had attacked them..
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"I... No, Madam. The Engineers can fix it, but we do not possess the necessary suits to keep all the families safe." The Captain explained, before glancing at Elebron "We... We came under attack in the Interian system... We thought... thought your home would be safe, but... we were wrong."
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
The Captain frowned a little, shaking his head "Tha... That's not enough." He glanced back at Elebron again, before suddenly drawing a knife he'd hidden extremely well "Maybe if we give your corpse to the Eritne they'll let us go with your ship!" He snarled, even as gunfire started in the corridor and Elebron moved forward to try and stop the attack on the Princess.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
But did Elebron even try? It had been clear to the silent guard who attended the captain’s side that the princess’s guard probably wouldn’t care if she had gotten killed. He went for Elebron, wanting to prevent any further saves.

Faerwyn knew the attack had been coming, it had all seemed so straightforward and that’s why she had been ignoring the human’s hails. She couldn’t trust anyone, anymore, at least. Not even her own guard who made it apparent she was just being foolish for worrying. When the captain lunged forward, she backed away, drawing a hidden dagger of her own, “I think you forget that every royal elf is combat trained,” she spoke, the marks on her face clearly showed that she survived war, they were meant to be mourning marks- but no one really knew why she adorned her face with them- perhaps to mourn her people who she had lost, but not even Elebron knew the true meaning.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron struggled with the guard, blinking in shock "You... Imbecile!" He growled, grappling him to the ground "The humans want to kill us all and you're fighting with me?!"

The Human shrugged "There's a big difference between trained and an actual fighter, you royal bitch." He laughed, his dagger gently swaying infront of her eyes, trying to mess with her perception so he could get a free attack in against her.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“I am my captain’s guard just as much as you are hers,” he spat, noting how easily he was pinned. He looked up when he heard the words exchanged from his captain to the princess.

She narrowed her eyes, trying to figure where he might strike, and she spoke- “And what makes you think I’m not an actual fighter?” But she wasn’t expecting an answer, going to try and knock him on his feet- using a move she had seen Elebron use many a time, and the fact she had gotten every inch of the move right would be impressive to say the least.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron growled, snapping the humans neck before bringing his hand to his ear, activating his comm “All personnel, the humans are hostile, confirm transmission.” There was a long silence “I said… confirm transmission!” The silence was shorter this time, as a choking, gasping voice came back “We’ve… sealed you off… venting… atmosphere…” there was a hissing, then silence. Elebron just stopped, going very, very still for a moment, before he exploded into enraged movement, his knife slicing Faewrynns neck and his eyes shooting daggers at the princess.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron glared at her "So you actually fuckin bled. So you actually paid a price for all the lives on this ship that just were ended, to protect you." He snarled, before dragging her hand away and starting to stitch it back together "I'll recycle the air. But stay out of my way whilst I get us somewhere safe. Not sure I can stand being near you."
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She remained silent, surprised that he even went as far to stitch her up. There were far worse things then, like how her father had betrothed her to the son of the king who was trying to wipe them out. She just hadn’t told Elebron because she figured he wouldn’t care. That’s another reason she had been running, she knew in the end the marriage would ruin her people, but her father was blinded by that fact.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron tapped in the combination and waited. When the console chimed, he opened the door and walked out, shaking his head "Useless fucking royals... Wonder how she's going to cope with having to do anything herself..." He muttered, noting with distaste and slight relief the bodies had all been dragged into space.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Shortly after she started washing, Elebron stepped in too, wielding a buzzing razor as he started to clip her hair down, taking her appearance from royal to serving girl in a few short passes. Then he looked at her neck wound, starting to work on it more. He wasn't going to leave her in constant pain, but the fact she couldn't speak... that fit her new persona well.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
The work he was doing would eventually return her voice to her, but right now he just wanted to keep her alive. He stepped back and surveyed her, nodding to himself "There. Much better, you look like a serving girl, not a princess." He told her "And there's more appropriate clothing out here." Said clothing was dresses made for maid work, as Faewrynn's own maids had worn.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She dressed, and folded her hands politely, looking up at him. With her short hair, it gave way to her softer features, the so called innocent child he had watched grow up, protect- and watched her come into adulthood.. he would also remember how much of an ass her father was, so it’s no surprise the apple didn’t fall from the tree. But, perhaps his perception was off.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He looked down at her, nodding to himself, before taking her hand and moving through the ship to the bridge, where he set the vessel moving "Now, when your voice comes back, if anyone asks we stole this ship and made a run for it. The Princess died on world, being a stubborn bitch and refusing to evacuate." He instructed, his dislike for her evident "Now get your ass over there, and your gonna learn something." He pointed to the scanner console.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She did as he told her, waiting for her command. It had seemed she had given up. The dislike for her though, where did it stem? What did she ever do to him? She remembered her father used to have the same perception about her mother. She really hoped she wouldn’t end up in the same position. But if the man who she was betrothed to showed up- Elebron wouldn’t stand a chance.
Local Time:
9:57 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron really didn't give a fuck. Hell, if someone came demanding her and would leave him alone... He'd have smiled, tied her hands with a bow and waved her off the ship. As it was though, he sat on the navigators station, looking across "Now, check the Radar screen. If you see something, use the green button to track it on my console."
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