Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Just one look at the ship and she knew who it was. Her fiancé. She had her eyes widen slightly, and then she bowed her head. Elebron still didn’t know, well- he was about to find out.

“Where is she?!” The man in war gear shouted. He knew if he had the princess, joined alliances, then he could make their king and everyone bow to him. He was just trying to do it…diplomatically.
“My fiancée, the princess-“ he clarified and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, I’m in a tight position, my people need to join forces with them, bring the races back together..” sure, whatever the hell dark elves were but these…he was certainly intimidated.

Faerwyn kept her head bowed, shaking slightly out of worry. Sure, Elebron was mean, but she knew that Ruevan would most likely be worse.
“Apologies, but the last I saw of her was when our home came under attack. This poor maid was the only one I could get off world with me, and the royals had her rendered mute. I’m trying to restore her voice, but it’s not going well.” Elebron spun his lies elegantly, his voice never betraying just how untrue he was being with each word.
She kept looking down, and Ruevan glanced her way. “So she didn’t survive…” he clenched his jaw, “I still feel the magic coming from her though, it’s weak and tarnished but,” he seemed for a moment to actually care, to want to find her- “I believe she’s still alive.” Why did he agree to marriage? When the very fact that if she was dead, he should’ve not cared, it would’ve been easier for him to swoop in and pick up the pieces.
“Hm,” he simply spoke and waved a hand, “Very well, but I will not allow you to simply leave. You’ll help me in turn to find the princess,” he spoke and looked between the two of them. “I heard she had a guard who always stood by her side no matter what, if that is true, we can find him and torture the location of the princess out of him.”

Faerwyn swallows slowly, surely, the man in front of them didn’t remember who Elebron was, at least, he had never seen her guards face before…right?
Elebron had always been masked during those meetings, but he’d long since abandoned it, as just another thing that would link him to the past. “I… my lord, even if the man could be found, surely he’d be loyal unto death, to continue serving after their empire has fallen… but we would be delighted to join you.” He cut the feed and swore “Fucking Mages…” he turned to Farwrynn “Can you suppress your magic? Is there a way?”
She looked worried but nodded, thankfully, they both knew sign language and she ‘spoke’ to him. ‘He was right, about my magic being tarnished and weak,’ But she didn’t go into the fact that she could totally hide her magic. It was a part of her. If she truly wanted to, she would have to cut that part out, literally. Sure it could be replaced but it would be difficult and risky to do so.
Faerwyn followed, trailing behind like the servant she was playing. But unfortunately for them, Ruevan would take a liking to her, even if she wasn’t the ‘princess’. Ruevan likes that she wasn’t one to talk back, and had no fiery spirit to her like the princess had. But that didn’t stop him searching for her. It had been a month, and the relationship between the two was borderline pretty creepy.
Elebron had done his best to keep the pair at distance from each other, but there was only so far he could go. Right now, he had her alone for a moment, and was advising her “He’s going to try something, soon. He’ll probably order you to his room, and to strip. What you need to do is take this and shoot him.” He pulled out a Stealth pistol “You’ll have 3 shots. Go for the throat. Once he’s dead, find me.”
(No, XD I want Elebron to follow Fae for now, and idk, maybe become…jealous? Idk where you want to go with the situation but since he’s known her since she was a girl, I’d think it’d make sense- somewhat. Any ideas?)

Faerwyn followed the servant, closely, unaware of what would conspire between her and Ruevan.
He could hear Ruevan speak, asking Faerwyn to look at him. He saw it in her eyes, the same ones he saw in the princess. “Hm,” he began and Elebron could hear the next words, “How long have you been like this?” And then a gasp from Faerwyn and suddenly, Elebron just knew Ruevan used magic to repair her vocal chords. Uh oh.
“Speak for me,” he commanded and Faerwyn looked nervous. “Come on dear,” he urged, wanting to hear how her voice sounded.

What came forth wasn’t the same voice though. It was lower, no longer lilted. She looked confused and so did Ruevan. So his suspicions weren’t right. She didn’t have the same voice, even though her magic signature and eyes resembled so much of Faerwyn.

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