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Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Local Time:
6:55 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Elebron,” she spoke his name, putting her hand on the gun, accidentally aiming it at herself before it fired. Her eyes widened and her dress was immediately stained with her blood. She clutched at it and lurched forward, about to fall on Elebron.

The door to her chambers suddenly opened, Ruevan walking through with his guards. The man appearing would make Elebron sober up just a bit. “Perfect,” he would hear the man speak. “If you hadn’t had a death wish, perhaps she wouldn’t have been shot, but you did my work for me,” wait, what did that mean? He knew…?

Faerwyn wasn’t sure what was happening, only that her head was spinning. She saw Ruevan take the gun and empty the remaining bullets, before ordering his men to subdue Elebron. “Perhaps it’s better to have ‘loyal servant turned mad on royal,’ rather than, ‘Fiancé out for blood,’ hm?”

(Obvi she’s not going to die, just for dramatic purposes lol)
Local Time:
2:55 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron gasped in shock, catching Faer as she collapsed, confusion marring his thoughts as Ruevan entered, even as he put as much pressure on the shoulder wound as he could. She was lucky, it missed most vital areas, and with quick medical aid, she would be fine. That was of course, assuming she got that quick medical aid. Elebron barely struggled as the men dragged him out, only giving one last pained look to Faerwyn.
Local Time:
6:55 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Faerwyn came to in a hospital bed, her shoulder bandaged up. She blinked and looked around, confused on where she was. Where was Elebron? Why was she in an infirmary? She noticed this wasn’t the same staff she had seen with Ruevan’s crew. What…

“She’s coming to!” A female looking…whatever yelled, tending to her wound again, “careful love, you’ve lost more blood than you think. It’s best not to move at the moment.”

Faerwyn looked rightly confused, her throat dry as she tried to speak. “E-Elebron..”
Local Time:
2:55 AM
Nov 14, 2022
This time Elebron was stood over her, but dressed in... a doctors uniform? And as he noticed her awakening he pulled back slowly, hands now on her shoulders "Ah, good. Your awake. That was a nasty one, huh?" He laughed, shaking his head "But you came out of it alright, and that's what matters."
Local Time:
2:55 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Well. I can tell you that I am most certainly not." He leant in, placing the back of his hand against her forehead "Mmm... Not feverish..." He murmured, leaning in and inspecting her eye "Focused... Unlikely to be a concussion... Miss Faerwyn, are you absolutely certain of your... thoughts?"
Local Time:
2:55 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He frowned, shaking his head "Mmm. That doesn't link up." As she looked, she'd see the marks weren't there, but he revealed his arms "Don't worry about these. Was an accident with a scalpel and panicking about putting someone back together." He laughed as she'd see scars she didn't remember.
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