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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"You better hurry up" Taylor called from the garage as she prepared the Jeep with hunting supplies, hoping they could get some game to sell at th black market. Prove to mom and dad they were ready for more responsibility in the family but that meant Bel would need to gear up and join her. Hunting alone was never a good idea, especially in the enchanted forest where many magical creatures dwelled. Snatching the keys off the hook by the door leading into the house Tay hopped into the drivers seat, owning that she was driving for once, a quarrel would occur if Bel attempted to fight over who drove. For now she started up the engine and got herself settled, setting the seat as the right distance and height, angling the mirrors and preparing the playlist on her phone.

Having woken up just after their parents left was game time to shower, dress, pack, breakfast, and prepare the Jeep before her brother was even awake. Usually eh was more on the ball but she was taking the lead, proving herself today! Unaware she would be a mewling mess over the next 24 hours after an encounter with a beast that rarely reveals itself to any humans or other magical beings. Of course it most enjoyed observing than interacting but Tay would get in the way, ending up with a night to remember with her brother, her twin brother to be exact who is only seconds older than her. Funny how most siblings tease over years while they held onto those few seconds of her becoming the little sister and he the big brother, quite annoying he dynamic was at times. Waiting for who knows how long Tay honked the horn and pressed on the gas to make the engine purr loudly "Bel!" calling out for her brother once more.

The front two seats were all that was available since all else was camping and hunting gear, tent, pots and pants, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, change of clothes, footwear for hiking and water, nets for fishing or traps, guns enchanted with spells, and many other things the twins should not touch. See their parents were up in a meeting with fellow witches and warlocks of the vast area, so they would be gone for a few days leaving the twins to their own desires.

@Lord Sesshoumaru
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Yawning as bel finally came out of the house, as his sister blared the horn. Scratching the back of his head. the young man was all geared up in actual battle gear. as if planning to take on an army head on. chuckling softly to himself as he saw how prepped, and on the ball Ty was this morning.

"Fine, Fine, but remember If were doing this, and we are doing this. I will be the one to drive home, so you can have your turn first. "

saying this, as if their was an option in the matter, however Bel would toss his heavy sack into the back, before moving to get into the seat. He was always very protective, alot of the time over protective of his little sister, but loved to tease, and play with her when the time was right. Yet the two of them would soon discover something far more enjoyable with the events to unfold. as it was now, the two would soon be off, and Bel would be at the whim of his sister's choice as to where, and what they would hunt this day, or more so night.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A glance toward the passenger door gave her time to see her brother approach, his opening the door to swing his pack in the back before joining her up front. Roll of her eyes was response to his command that he drove home while she drove to their destination, this was why she woke up so damn early, he was exhausting. Turning her head to look out the back of the Jeep, she sets the gear into reverse as they back out of the garage before heading out of the neighborhood. Blasting on the music as they made their way from the dwelling of civilization into the enchanted forest, of course through the back way as to avoid playing a toll for entry.

"Any plans for what we may catch?" questioning her brother as they went down the bumpy trail to an open campsite for themselves. Setting the Jeep in park at the side she unbuckles her seat belt, shutting off the engine, and hops out to begin unpacking and setting up the site. "You study the creatures of this forest more than I since you know their seasonal habits" she adds a comment as why he should hold some knowledge to her question. She more interested in spelled of defense, offense and manipulation of life while he was following in the footsteps of their father.

Beginning with the large tent, preparing the interior with blankets and sleeping bags, followed by setting up the camp fire with pots and pans ready for use. "Okay just need to fetch some water then we can begin our hunt" swiping her forehead of some sweat. Though it was the middle of winter such physical labor made the body warm up.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" I see, if that is the case, we can set up a nice little spot to rest, and prepare, as when the sun begin to goes down, we can then proceed to hunt for the rare specimens. and show them what we can do."

saying this with some pride, the big brother of the twins would make it sound like some big achievement. however as His sister went to take care of the fetching some water, Bel would be left to finish with the tents. not aware, that the very rare price they want to hunt was already hunting them. More then that, once Ty was alone, the thing would show a glimmer of itself to try and lead her to it's desired area, to strike. or at least study her reactions, as the wicked unseen beast had it's own plans for these would be hunters after it.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Carrying a bucket with her, Tay made her way to a near by stream where she knelt down, dipping the bucket into the chilling water. Then a shiver ran up her spine drawing her to pause and glance around. A few turns of her head when a glimmer caught her eye, rising from the stream with the bucket set at her feet. “What are you?” Whispering to herself as she closes in to the tree line to peer among the trees. Was likely she may follow or to simply take note of the creature watching her. She wasnt stupid, magical being were always curious of humans, more so magic wielding humans.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As Ty drew closer, the odd sight would suddenly vanish a flash of dark purple light. leaving only a few oddly shaped, and smooth scales where it was. This oddity had been watching, and took notice as she got to close. However it appeared to have some kind of teleportation. when in truth the beast was merely in a camouflaged state. making itself appear invisible, with the mana surrounding it's flesh, reflecting light off it.

the wicked entity would sniff the air, taking in Tay's scent, growing all the more excited. as it would wait for the ideal, and opportune moment to strike, even if it had to wait till night fall. as it's wicked venom would have a unique, and unexpectedly enjoyable effect upon her, which was unknown to ether the beast or it's intriguing prey.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Pausing as the sudden movement she glances down on the ground to spot the scales from the beast daring to hunt her of all people. A grown grew on her lips as she kneels down to snatch up the scales, of course she was no stupid to go in blindly with no weapons. Stepping back she gathered her bucket, heading back to the campsite "Hey Bel!" calling out as she held up the hand holding the scales. She set the bucket over the grill that hovered over the bonfire spot "I had a little follower" chuckling a little to have such a powerful beast of the enchanted forest having it's eye on her. "Any clue what it could be?" questioning as she hurries over to show him the scales "it seemed to have teleported to possibly hidden away when I grew too close to it's hiding spot" explaining another detail.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"hmm, reptilian with the scales, or perhaps amphibian. However the fact remain, if it's watching you the poor beast must be desperate. I kid, I kid, but seriously, scales like these could be a small wyvern? a cockatrice? perhaps one of the very rare hydra morph chimeras? but ether way it would be a rare, and valuable prey for us to hunt. perhaps you will make better bait then a huntress this time hmm?" as he spoke teasing her, as the playful brother nudged his sister like this. commenting on how she was always more like one of the boys growing up, then a girl, however this was also what gave her such a unique charm as she grew up, and allowed the two, to be so dangerous close, and caring for one another. more so then most siblings would naturally seem to be.

however as he teased her, Ty could easily tease her brother back if she wanted, as he was always the over protective, and jealous type tours her, yet never seemed to pay any mind to all those skilled and pretty ladies which hit on him in the past. ether way this hunting trip was already beginning to appear to be a bonding and vacation trip for the duo, at least until the sun would begin to go down, and their hunt would begin.

as this was going on, the tiny beast was now watching it's prey from a new location. licking it's maw, as a powerful pink fluid dripped from it's fangs into it's own mouth, onto the tongue, which then licked the lips. coating it with the odd venom. the soft yet dangerous eyes locked onto the one it wanted, yet it was obviously a bad time to try and make a move.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Seeing it must be some reptile though she had little knowledge of the actual creatures that inhabited the enchanted forest, probably because her dear brother was far more skilled as their father was. She rose a brow as he went on figuring it was some sort of rare creature until deciding she may be a grand bait than a huntress tonight making her gasp as he nudged her. Quick she nudged him back with her shoulder as she passed to pick up her bow and arrow, dagger, and metal stars kept secure in a small bag on her hip. "Well while the water is boiling we can go on a mini hunt for this dear reptile you speak upon" she purrs with a smirk, she was dying to kill something. Completely unaware of the beasts true goal with her and the brother accompanying her.

Tay walks a few steps toward the stream she saw the creature, pausing to look toward her brother expecting him to accept her suggestion and follow her. Best they follow this creature with some light since it clearly has it's eyes on her, it was unsettling but thrilling to know she caught the eye of such an enchanting beast.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Following Behind his sister ty, Bel would follow, with his hand on the blade.
"Sis, I think you might be over reacting a bit, but we can try to find the bea. . ."

as he fell silent, before His eyes, Taylor was suddenly just gone. However little did the young man know, in reality, his body was frozen in place now. his mind trapped.
as the beast made it's move. ensnaring the brother first, to keep him out of the way, as it quickly rushed to sink it's fangs into the exposed neck of it's prey. both heads moving to attack from two different angles, as the third would move to aim for a leg, the side of the belly, any where it might be able to sink it's fangs in. as the larger bulk of it, was an impressive beast. standing on two legs, with thick bladed scales on the front, and more smooth, and stream line scales on the back. as the tip of the tail had an odd stinger, which pulled out from the back of Bel's neck, as it was laced with a unique venom, not meant for females, or so it seemed. as it would only take a small drop for the effect of the oral venom to effect Ty, however much more would be pumped into her. as this was a powerful aphrodisiacal like venom meant to force any prey into a heated, and defenseless state. unaware these siblings had unique feral traits, which would also feed off this effect but in a different way.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A tilted head met him as he spoke about waiting instead of rushing in head over heels, sounded more fun than sitting around. Her eyes widen when he went silent something resembling a tail was stuck into his neck. Was he paralyzed? What the hell…she barely could react in time of the beast rushing her direction. It was quick to latch its fangs into her flesh, pumping its venom in her body.

A few pants left her, fear creeping through her body yet no scream rose from her, instead a whimpering moan escaped past her lips. Her eyes zoned in on her brother as she attempts to wiggle free from the beast. Blood dripping from the wounds created by its fangs, the venom already in her blood stream and taking over. For a moment it felt as though she blacked out as her pussy became slick with juices, soaking her panties. “B-bel!” Mewling oit his bame in hopes he could do something, anything to release her from the clutches of the beast. Completely unaware that she’ll be a mewl mess of need and desire.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the venom over dosed in her system. the beast began to move upon Ty, as it's two heads bit at her armor, and clothing, skillfully tearing it off, bit by bit. showing this beast was experienced with humans, and humanoid hunters, as it's , primary prey. however as it did this, the beast began to grow more and more excited. the twin rods beginning to grow out of it's sheaths, as they were long thick, even segmented with barbs growing from each ridged segment, and what looked like two different size knots on each one. as if each member was made for a different size prey item. but more then that, it was apparently preparing to try and claim both her innocence, and cherry, taking this huntress's first in two ways at once.

as this thing began to make it's move, where her brother was forced to watch, something a bit darker and more twisted would begin to stir with in Taylor. a desire, or perhaps subconscious hunger with in her. one which would seem like the only one she should use or be used by was her brother. all the more, if she could some how break into a more feral state, this beast could easily be chased off, as right now, she was nothing but a helpless kitten mewling in desire, and distress as far as the beast knew. however the fact remained. as she was stripped her eyes would see her brother's body growing an impressive bulge under the restriction of his leather armament. and more then that, his fingers beginning to twitch, as it seemed like he was trying to fight off this venom to get to his beloved little sister, before she was ruined by the beast.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
How could this creature sneak up on them like this? Also why is thier creature so set on...not killing, she glances down seeing the barbed cocks making their way from their sheathes. This caused her whine and wiggle while her clothing was ripped off her making her bare naked before her brother and this monster that dare attack them. Narrowing her eyes she had to focus on chasing it off, injuring it, it had a strong venom meaning it trusting this tactic first always before going for the final strike. She would not allow being taken by some creature, she swore as a witch to never allow such a disgusting fate! Letting out a blood curling scream right in the ears of the creature daring to attempt in ruining her flower and her body, her legs kicked out as her fists punched right into the creature's neck while a flaming spell was muttered under her breath. In a moments notice, the creature would only see a blinding light followed by it's body being scorched apart at the neck, the heads remaining embedded where the fangs laid on her body "re-regret it...it now uh?" snickering with a sick laugh as pleasure and desire was becoming more difficult to control. Surely her brother had some knowing antidote to curing this unsatisfiable hunger building inside her. Least the beast would be taken care of, unaware she would need more than some antidote since the only way was to allow this venom to run it's course.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the bulk of the beast turned to cinders, Ty would find the need to remove the heads. as they were not dead, but now harmless, as the rest of the body was destroyed. More then that, the severed head would most likely fade in a short amount of time. much like how a worm cut in two could live, however hopefully this thing did not have the means to grow a new body from each of the neck nubs. Yet at this point her mind would find itself falling more and more into the heated, and needy state. More then that, her paralyzed brother stood before her, helpless and ripe for the picking. As if his body his sister to help herself to him, much like an all you can eat buffet. with the only risk to them being dealt with.

As this need, and hunger would continue to grow, once the severed heads would be fully removed from her. leaving the fang holes, dripping with small dribble of venom and blood alike. the tiny puncture wounds would heal rather quickly. But the real horror would soon begin for them. if not sated or cared for, the venom would slowly turn the victim into a heated, and horny mess of a beast until sated, or the venom wore off with in the body. which would take all the longer if not sated. yet this would be the chance to open a forbidden door to a new pleasuring experience, while having a legit excuse to get away with it for once.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A few panting moments to get her bearings, her legs were a trembling mess, not from the beast but the venom coursing within her body, what was next? She would move her arms to rip the heads off her, tossing them aside before falling to her knees just in time her for gaze to settle on her paralyzed brother once more who had one part of him that clearly could move. She rose a brow, her mind having a second to understand what was about to envelope her before a gasping whimper sounded from her while a heated painful sensation ran down her body, between her legs. "Oh fuck..." whispering out as she dragged herself over to Bel, not even concerned with his state as she runs her hand over his bulge before pushing him down to the ground "I...I can't...con-control" she tries to apologizes, to explain as she rips off his armor and pants. Her body was like a bonfire when touched, her juices leaking down her thighs while her breasts were busting with need for attention.

It was moment before he was bare along with her, his cock free before her of which she wasted no time of placing her mouth over the hot rod, sucking and playing her tongue around to tip to get him fully erect. All on her mind was sex, mating, desire, anything to relieve her of the pain that was pleasure coursing through her veins. Soon she lifted her head up, his pre-cum dripping from her lips as she looks up to him with wide eyes, a craving so big she was almost feral to have it.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Having done this to such a degree, Taylor would see it in the paralyzed eyes of her brother. something primal, something needy. he could barely move, as his fingers twitched, however his healthy spear now in full size, thickness, and bobbing from the attention, as if begging for more. glistening from the saliva now coating it.

Little did Ty know, if she did not help herself, her brother would be jumping her bones the instant he could move. as it seemed after feeling her attention, his body could move a bit more. as if the interaction caused his own internal heat to build up, perhaps pushing the odd venom through his system a bit more. however more then that. now with the pre seed having been tasted, and more so the way this would cause the sensation with in her to grow. everything seemed to be playing out in such a dark yet enjoyable way for Taylor, if she knew it or not. once this line was fully crossed their would be no going back, her, and Bel would become more then just caring siblings to each other.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Panting with her tongue hanging past her lips she eyes his salvia coated spear that twitched and pulsed for further attention but she was hesitant even in this state, he was her brother but also this would be her first time. Her eyes stare into his as she sat up, moving her body to straddle his lap, her legs bent on either side of his hips, his cock pressed between the lips of her pussy. Chewing on her lips a little she reaches her hand up his chest to his chin "C-can you....can...you move...at all?" finding English quite difficult right now. While she spoke her body continued to please itself in any way she would allow which currently was rolling her hips to hump his lap, coating him in her sweet juices while her breasts would bounce with each motion subtly.

Her gaze searched his trying to read his thoughts to find he was also in a similar state of mind, his body easily gave that off but she blinked when it clicked that he wanted her just as badly. What would happen after all this occurred? They will never been the same siblings again, and yet deep down maybe this would have happened someday, experiment. Hearing the lewd wet noises between them made her stop, lifting herself off him a little to see he was soaked in her juices, her clit were erect and pulsing with her virgin walls were begging for entry, still she hesitated.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as this went on for a bit, her brother began to squirm even more. It would happen suddenly, with out warning. as Bel suddenly shot his arms up to grasp Ty's hips. pulling her down, and fully impaling his lil sister with his hot rod. his words weak, and broken up. as he spoke softly to her.

" You . . mine.. . Mine.. Love . . No .. Else. . . have. . . "

struggling through the venom which was still in him. one of his hands struggled to slowly moving tours her cheek, wanting to cup his sister's face, but like he did when ever they cuddled in bed, during storms when they were growing up. as it use to be a comforting act. but now it was something more. the other hand still holding her hip, which could easily be removed. but their was no movement at the moment once he was fully sheathed with in her. a faint bulge, and outline of his girthy spear could be felt from her belly.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His squirming offered little warning other than a distraction really, she was not prepared when his arms suddenly shot out to grasp upon her waist that he yanked down resulting in his girthy spear impaling her straight through. She let out a squeal of surprise, her body was quick to shroud the pain with pleasure revealing a soft mewling whimper from her while her eyes grew a little teary. They were completely connected, one for the first time. Her eyes blinked away the tears when his hand reached up to cup her cheek, her head leaning into the affection as she let out a breath to calm herself. Did the venom cause the same for him, or was this a desire he had deep inside all this time, in the back of his mind? He wished to claim her as his own, only she belonged to him.

It felt so amazing, him inside her, and now time to make her walls form to perfectly fit him, snug and tight. Very slowly her hips rocked, rubbing him inside her walls before growing the courage to lift her body up and down in a form of bouncing on his lap, riding him as if he was the biggest stallion in the herd. Her hands gripped onto his shoulders, leaning closer to him wanting to keep herself balance and connected with him as much as possible. Those beautiful breasts pressed against his chest taunting him to grip and grope them, her ass jiggling and clapping with each movement she made, her confidence growing to the point of bouncing up to his tip and slamming down, over and over. Mewling moans rising from her like music in an opera "Oh...yes bel!" she calls his name, her eyes rolling back.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now giving into the action, as her motion grew all the more pleasuring. the sound of their bodies impacting, her flawless ass jiggling and rippling with each impact. the sensation of how he filled her. It would seem Bel was finally free of the sting. as his hands moved along her frame finally. his voice coming back to normal, as he would speak up.

" Sis, I will never let any one else have you. From now on you are mine, and mine alone, as I am yours. " saying this, it would become truly apparent, that this beast had done something with her. More then that, this was something he always wanted, was to have her, and be with his lil sister, however never acting out on it. More then that, thanks to this beast infecting her with said venom now Taylor made her brother's darkest dream a reality. However it was unknown at the moment if this pleasuring sensation would become an addiction for her, or if Ty would try to pretend this never happened. however for right now, she would feel her brother's weak hands moving to play with her breast, and nipple. as he moved to kiss her, while his sister bounced. it would not be to long before the duo shared their first climax together. as it would be revealed she was his first, as he was hers.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The venom that had been injected into his neck seems to have faded, she can only hope hers does the same but it will not since that beast pumped so much her body was just circulating it through her body than rejecting it. She could not focus on that now as Bel spoke to her, eyes widening to hear the words he spoke, claiming they were together, a couple, a pairing of forbidden love and desire. A smile grew on her lips just as he leaned in to kiss her, his hands gripping onto her breasts, the warmth was welcoming.

It was not over as she continued on with riding him, faster and faster until slamming down with him completely sheathed inside her as they both came together, her eyes rolling back as though she might black out from the huge waves of pleasure while orgasming all over his cock, squirting her juices out. Her body wanted more and more, she was already a trembling mess of no stamina and this was also his first so who knew if he could continue on the deed. "B-bel" she mewls, moving to offer weak peck along his neck even offering a few bites here and there.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"how about you just roll on over, and let your big brother take care of you now. "

saying this in a gentle tone. Bel was now able to move, as he could continue, albeit a much slower pace then what she had done. However if Ty had enough strength to remove herself and roll onto her back. The young huntress would find her brother moving to claim her this time, where she claimed him prior. However with how fast, and rough she went, it would be unknown how long Ty could last, let alone Bel. as the duo would need to head back to the safety of their tent sooner then planned. but Bel would end up carrying her bridal style if she passed out even if they were not done yet.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She leans back a little, smiling to hear that phrase that normally would annoy her but this time was different, she needed him, her body was begging for more, it needed more, the venom was driving her forward. Tay moves back a little, lifting her hips as a lewd pop sounded of releasing his cock from her womanly walls before she loosely laid onto her side then her back on the ground. He was able to move again but what would he do? Would he make love to her than just fuck like the venom was driving her for yet her body refused to move anymore from exhaustion. Driving all day, set up camp, fighting off some creature that pumped her full of venom, a long day of constant work and she lasted one quickie round and still she was not done. "I...I wa...want....want more, b-bel" she whines out, licking her lips before hanging her tongue out of her mouth while letting out soft mewls and pants.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he licked his lips looking over the beautiful body before him, the way her chest lifted, and dropped with each breath. her flesh glistening from sweat, and their love fluids. her hard nips, and clit begging for attention. all the more, he would lean in to begin kissing her, nipping at Ty's lower lips, as Bel moved and positioned himself. to rub his hard slick member against her womanly entrance. his hands moving to press his palms into her soft fleshy mounds of a bosom. his fingers playing with her nipples, as he fondled her breast. moving to slowly push himself back into his sister. spreading her depths out slowly. as his girthy rod returned to the sheath which his sword now craved to be housed with in . all the more, the wicked lover would lean in between kissing, and nipping to whisper something to his sister, into her ear, before biting and pulling on her ear lobe.

"You have no idea how long I dreamed of making a woman out of you, all for myself. And now it is time, let big brother take proper care of his woman. If this begins to hurt, make sure to say something, I can make it all better that way. " with these words, he would tease her with a rough impact, going balls deep in one strike, before pulling out slowly, and repeating. as if torturing her with a slow pleasuring assault. wanting to see how much she could endure, as the fast pace, his sister used prior was more so pleasuring herself then him, this time the pleasure would be more for himself to enjoy her warm tight, welcoming depths, which coiled around his wicked love spear, as her body gobbled up the invading flesh as if it was meant to be within her.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him take in the image of her was a tad alarming, the twinkle of mischief in his eyes hinting this had indeed been in the back of his mind before, touching her, having her as his own, making love, and all the more. For a moment her body tensed up feeling him lean over her, their lips connecting once more with his teasing nips, his hands fondling her breasts while his cock rubbed along her entrance. A moan so soft as if a whisper of her pleasure as he began to slip back into her depths, his kiss quieting her, calming her even. When he moved his lips to instead whisper such a naughty truth into her ear, her eyes widen not understanding why he would have such thoughts but int he end she secretly wanted him as well, knowing each other than whole lives made an impact on relationship outside the family.

A gasp sounded by his teasing impalement of his healthy rod, his balls smacking against her entrance before he repeated the motion again and again, her whole body rocked and jiggled from the impact. Her head would tilt up as she would mewl desperate gasping moans, her body actually enjoying this as he spread her walls to fit him nice and snug.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I want to hear it sis, I want that cute little voice of yours to call me what you see me as. Am I just a brother, a toy, a lover. I want to know from your point of view. "
saying this in a wicked and playful tone into her ear. At which point he would add in, the word his personal lover, and onahole, right as he slammed his girthy length into her. only to say that he would never let any one else have her as he slid out only to repeat it with a bit more aggressive enjoyment. It was slowly building up, as each time Bel would increase his speed, he removed himself that much less. very slowly working into a shallow full speed piston pump.

taking her in what could only be scene as an ideal mating press for ensuring one fully penetrated, filled, and dug out the depths of their partner. Bel was as playfully wicked, as he was loving with his sister. enjoying every inch of her. unaware that his action this night would cause an addictive desire in her to bloom. one which would be discovered once the venom was fucked out of her body, in more ways t he one.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
(Sorry I had lost the thread somewhere in my notifications but found it haha!)

Her mewling moans were all she could muster as he demanded words to be formed, labels, callings of what she deemed him as in this moment which she held no answer currently. He was indeed no longer just her brother, her mind was drugged with pleasure so love was out the window, toy possibly could work, fuck toy to please her when she ever so desired only when mom and dad were not around. Shit! What would the coven think? What would their parents think if this was ever found out? At this point she did not care, the deed has been done, they were connected as one in a way only strangers become lovers. Hitching her breath, gasping to anything to spill from her lips to please his ears but his girth was overwhelming her virgin body, stretching her out in ways she did not fathom to be possible. "be-bel" barely speaking out his name as her eyes roll back, first ever orgasm taking her over while he fired his cock inside her depths like a piston reaching deeper and faster with each thrust. Her voice rang out in a calling moan, screaming almost "Ah yes!!" was all the jumbled into the pure pleasuring call into the forest surrounding them. All creatures knew there was a mating ritual currently on course within their trees, one that began in a fashion neither siblings expected but she certainly knew Bel has thought about having her before and now he claimed her as his own.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the two were now lost into each other, Taylor would begin to feel the throbbing, swelling spear with in her depths. as the tip kissed, and broke her very thin internal defenses. as his sack slapped repeatedly into her soft succulent flesh. causing his lil sister's flawless ass to ripple with each lewd impact. more then that, the beast of a brother would begin to feel much thicker, and tighter with in her. all the while Ty began to hit her first real orgasm.

struggling out her brother's name, and the cute sounds of her pleasure laced voice hitting his ears. The wicked stud moved to press his lips against hers. Locking his lips to Tylor's, as well as how his tongue invaded her mouth. dancing around her own tongue, kissing his sister deeply right as he began to erupt his thick, hot baby batter deep into her depths. Filling his sister to a point where a small bulge could be felt, and seen if one looked, however, until he pulled out, the movements would not stop, as the wicked stud had so much to force into her. revealing just how pent up he truly was, and his sister was the only woman he planned to give it all to. as her depths would be dug out to be his ideal cock sleeve at this point, and her brother being the perfect toy of pleasure for his lil sister.
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
It felt as though he was growing in size within her depths, every pump of his hot rod was forming to swell while she released her juices through her first orgasm making her dazed of a point no longer using her brain. Then a shock of electricity went through her, eyes widening when her brother leaned down mashing their lips together into a passionate kiss, muffling her pants with his tongue twining itself with her own. Taylor could not hold back another orgasm while he slams his cock as deep within her as he could reach before unloading his thick seed within her. In this moment their fate had been sealed, forever they were bonded in a fashion no one would understand other than young lovers running after a foolish dream.

Taylor could not longer feeling her trembling limbs from the ecstasy her brother gave but he was not done, she could tell but she was uncertain how much more she would endure. This was her first time, drugged up some mystery sex poison that drove her to fuck her brother in the first place. Turning her head to the side, breaking their interlocked kiss, catching her breath with labored pants "oh fuck..." the words fumbling out of her mouth a drunken slur. Her eyes struggled to focus on him while her legs wiggled to try and get her feet flat on the ground as though she may attempt of moving out from under him
Local Time:
1:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
With a good bit of effort, Tylor would end up getting her feet flat on the ground. taking notice of this, Bel would move to take a strong hold of his lil sister, pulling himself up and her as well. so that her feet would be flat on the ground. her body resting against his knees. as his wicked member was still deep with in her. now like this, his mouth moved to latch upon one of her breast, as he began to lift her nubile young body. and drop it. all the while, his wicked member filling, bulging and stretching her ruined depths.

It was becoming more and more obvious her big brother was going to give Tylor at least one more load, before he was done. As they were now linked in more ways then one, her body would be broken in such a lewd, and pleasuring way this night. as he would not give in until fully stated, even taking the mental note of how she might look pregnant with his child. if it happened or not, The wicked brother would use this as a means to keep her all to himself.
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