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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A squeal sounded when he lifted her up, reversing their positions with his against the wall and her full weight on his chest as he hooked his arms under her knees to hold her up while he piston shot his cock upwards into her depths. Her eyes would roll back, her moans a mewling mess of gurgles and groans from the overwhelming pleasure of it all, where did he master all these skills? Taylor was close to blacking out even but she was fighting it with each thrust until she felt her lower belly of where her womb resided was filling up with his hot seed that painted every inch of her walls. "B-bel!" panting out a desperate moan as his sperm would leak and squirt out to spread across her upper body between his thrusts. She wasn't gonna be able to walk the rest of the day at this point, laying in his bed was all that would be possible.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once Bel was finally sated, slowly down, as the brother would soon end with himself completely sheathed deep with in his cute sister. His wicked member pumping all the seed it could into her depths, as he held her like this. standing in the shower, as the hot water ran over their bodies. Leaning in to kiss her neck and nip at her ears, before speaking into Tylor's ear.

"So do we want to use my bed or yours? I have those soft fluffy fur blankets, but you do have the softer mattress, so which bed should we rest in together?"

asking this in a wicked, yet playful tone of his voice, as it venomous, yet enjoyable words hit her ears. the wicked young man had made a very real mess of his sister, even flooding her core with all the love batter he could give for this night. not aware that she had accidently charmed herself to his desires, and whims as of yet. however by morning things would begin to come together, ether by her reactions, or perhaps his own wicked desires which could come out as the hours passed.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She felt like a doll, weak and heavy were her limbs, her head leaning back against him as he held her in his arms while he pumped his load of baby batter deep inside her. No questions of if but when she'll end up pregnant, no precautions were done nor protection used. Right now that was not even on her mind as she relaxed against him, taking in the moments of the water washing off the sweat and fluids on their bodies while he offered soft affections to her. A few minutes passed of her hazed mind coming up with an answer for his question, her head swaying a little before offering a smile "your bed" knowing she is going to crash the second she hits that mattress. By the morning it was unknown of either of them would react or their bodies, the spell would have worn off by then, would feel like a horrid hangover for her.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Very well, then we shall use the bed closest to us. Just let big bro take care of his little lover tonight. "

saying this, as Bel was careful, and gentle with lowering his sister down so that her weak feet were soon flat in the tub, his body supporting her, as his hands moved up her frame, his nails scraping along her
tender skin. taking the time to properly and thoroughly clean her body off in the shower. Before taking the time to lift Tylor once more, in a more bridal style, as he would carry his sister to the bed, before returning
to turn off the water, and clean up the bathroom. However first and foremost he would take the time to see her comfortable, and well cared for, as Bel would move to join Tylor in the bed once he was done cleaning up
after getting her in the bed comfortably.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Needing his care after he fucked her into this state, she would smile even a light giggle bubbling out of her as he set her back onto her feet, quick to lean on him. She would wince a little as his fingers scraped up her side as he began to clean them off before he carried her out to bed. As she guessed, the moment her head hit the pillow the young twin was out of the night. Her body was glowing from the pleasure and mad, rough sex they had in his shower. By the time he joined her, she would turn over and snuggle into his frame even mumbling a little in her sleep.

Morning rolled around, Taylor waking up with a deep groan, heavy pains in her hear and lower back along with an ache between her legs. Sitting up she almost collapsed back into bed, unable to remember an ounce of what occurred last night, unable to remember the charm she cast on herself. Slipping from the bed, she crawled herself to the bathroom where she puked into the toilet, thinking nothing of it as she sat there feeling like crap.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in the bathroom feeling sick, Tylor's sounds would wake her brother. as he got up, walking tours her. the two of them in the room still completely nude. as he moved into the bathroom. kneeling down next to Tylor, his hand moving to gently run along her back.

"What's wrong? Need me to get you some morning medication? something for your stomach?"

asking this, the young man did not put one and one together to realize he knocked his sister up. nor did she seem to realize it ether. However the only time she would remember him filling her would be in the jeep, and that was in the wrong hole.
However the fact remained, She would feel how Bel tried to comfort, and care for Ty, wanting to help her feel better this morning. not even mentioning what they did in the shower, at least unless she asked.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She shook her head when she felt his hand on her back, his frame near and present for her as she continued to puke into his toilet which she did feel bad about. Lifting her hea dup to wipe her mouth she offers him a small smile "I'll be fine" she reassurances him before groaning softly to the nausea hitting her good. "What happened? What time is it?" glancing to the window to see the sun peeking through. A shooting glance went to her brother for answers "It was dusk last I knew" commenting her time frame of memory.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"What happened, we might have gotten a bit carried away last night. Did I cause you to much pain?"
asking this, as he would ask such a question, referring to making love to Tylor, but how he asked this would make the sister think back to
how he accidently filled her back side prior. as if he had taken her anally, when the fact was far worse. However the fact remained, he did not lie, just did not give all the details, as
he would fill her in, with more details if she asked. However obvious it should be. Bel was more concerned for Tylor, then one would think, however it was more tours the norm
with how protective he had always been with her. More then that, the jeep was gone, as their parents were not home at all.

this leaving the two siblings home alone, at least for the earlier hours of this day.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"We?" she questions glancing down to see she was nude, covered in bruising's from where his hands had gripped upon her. Before able to ask further she puked again, forcing herself to the wall afterwards to catch her breath "I was in my room" pointing out to them realize her hair was still damp from the shower. But she did shower after getting home but had her hair up. "What did we do?" she wanted more details.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Wanting details, Bel would move to grab a small basket, flipping it to sit on the clothing basket. as he moved to be right beside Tylor. so she was close to the toilet, and he could give her any details she asked for. However the part which would seem out of the norm, would be how he walked into her, Unaware that Tylor had planned to place a charm on him, and had done so to herself. However the fact remained. The details from his end would paint an interesting and oddly enjoyable, yet arousing while worrying picture.

His hands moving to try and sooth, and comfort her, still not putting it together himself as of yet. However it was unknown if Tylor would put it together right away, or if she would even remember the prior attempt at using a charm spell on her brother, before it back fired. Yet his hands slid along her frame in all the right ways, as if sparking sensations In tylor's body, be it reaction from muscle memories due to the night prior's enjoyment, or residue effect from her own spell. As the main spell itself had ran it's course, and left her in an interesting state to say the least.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him get comfortable as her side was reassuring to see though she did not expect his hands to trace along her body in a way that felt familiar, her eyes glances over the placement of bruises. A memory was forming and she was growing unhappy to a point that she tried to hold down more sickness but lunged to the toilet at her failed attempt. This was insane, she fucked up her own spell and her body when fuck town on her in a way she told him was unsafe. She had planned to subdue him last night but to pull out and be safe. "You...filled me up, you came inside me after I warned you we are unprotected....Bel, why?" looking up to him
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"That's easy you felt so amazing, and it seemed you wanted it as badly as I did last night sis. Besides what ever comes of us, I will always take responsibility. So no worries. "
Saying this, as if he would be proud to have a family with her, despite how wrong it was. It would be both troublesome, and heart warming in a twisted mind of way with how dedicated he was to her, and her alone.

As this would go on, Bel's eyes began to glow with a faint pink glow of mana. something which he had picked up from their time together during the shower. It was unknown to Bel, however if noticed by Tylor, perhaps she would recognize
the faint glow, as it would show that she did belong to her brother now, due to her messed up spell, and how he happily claimed her. it would be unknown if this would allow him to trigger the spells effect on her, or if it would be like a residual charm effect
when ever their eyes locked. However unlike Tylor, Bel knew little to nothing of magic which would be her saving grace, due to her own mistake with the charm spell prior.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Taylor looked at her brother in disbelief of the words leaving his mouth, she was speechless not even looking at him as she tried to find words that would not hurt his feelings in any fashion. "I...I wanted to be protected, I want to be protected, I...we are too young for a kid. Our parents will not support us, the coven may kick us out!" the horror of being a witch or wizard was being alone. She runs her fingers through her hair unable to really move as her body was utterly exhausted from last night and puking up anything in her system this morning.

Finally she looks up to him, not meeting his gaze not noticing the pink hue in his eyes that she quickly darted her gaze away from "Shit.." cursing to herself before taking a deep breath. "Do you know how to perform a pregnancy spell?" questioning him.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Uh, I know how to use, minor wound mending, and depoison, spells, as I use them when in combat. that's about it. Is the pregnancy spell anything like that?"
saying this, as he could only use basic healing magic which was needed for brute force fighters, and hunters.

telling her this, perhaps he could learn such spell if it wasn't to complicate, and could use some medical spell as a basis for it. However such a spell could also back fire if done wrong, and turn into something completely different which
would be an unknown risk due to Bel's lack of adapt magical, or mana control.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Rolling her eyes she saw he needed to study up on healing spells more as she forces herself off the floor, stumbling to the counter "I'll just do it later, I need to lie down" putting up her stubborn attitude. She used anything she could grab as support as she made her way back to bed where collapsed upon with a groan. "What are we gonna do if I am pregnant, Bel?" questioning him with this serious topic. "We will become outcasts"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Then we will be outcasts together. Their are bounties on bandits, monsters, and other things we can use to make a living. I might not be good with magic,
But I am better hunter then even dad. and I can take down Class B magical beasts solo. so we can make it work."

As he spoke up, saying this, truth be told, a class B beast could bring in enough to live comfortably for a small family for at least a few months. More then that, despite how clueless Bel was,
his hunting skill were legit, which also made him a monster with physical abilities. Yet it also proved a major threat due to the more naturally physical gifted males tended to have the highest rate of successful
breeding sessions, as the weaker and more magically inclined ones had issues reproducing. thus making magically gifted males a prize, where females seemed to be seen as less of a valued to society, despite
how little their was in difference of abilities between genders with the same gifts, or talents.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Taylor would let out a sigh hearing him already come up with solutions to these problems they made up for themselves but at least she knew there was support between them. She took in a deep breath with a smile "I trust you, and...our kid will be the best" giggling a little. "now cuddle me, you dork"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Who you calling a dork, you nerd. for that, your not gonna get out of my arms even if you want to run away. "

saying this, as he moved to lay with Tylor, moving to cuddle with her, and playfully tease her with his fingers, and hands. in a more enjoyable
gentle, and caring manor. as he was indeed a dork, more so when it came to her, Yet he insulted his sister by calling her a nerd due to how much smarter she was
then he. Yet it was said with a passion, and loving tone, not some cruel or insulting one. Yet the fact remained, the risk was their, and she would learn sooner or later.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She would offer weak laughs once he joined her in bed, tossing around with his arms as he did a version of tickling that made her all spazzy and giggling. "Alright, alright, we need to nap and chill out before mom and dad get home. Also go get me some clothes, please" ordering him as she closes her eyes
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she closed her eyes, Tylor would be disturbed by a sudden, and passionate kiss upon her lips. Once the kiss broke, Bel would move to get her the clothing, and bring it into the room for Tylor.
however once this was done, she would find how her brother seemed more playful then he was the night prior. Perhaps even more so due to excitement of possibility of having a family with his own sister.

the kiss would last for a short few moments, but it was forceful yet passionate. As it ended he would look into her eyes before they would close on him again.
"So you want something specific, or can I choose your outfit according to my tastes?"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Indeed it was startling for him to kiss her on the mouth in such a passionate and long session that made her feel ashamed he had to taste her sick before she had a chance to brush her teeth and tongue. It was his choice though. 'Sweats and shirt, I feel like shit" she mumbles, shutting her eyes once again unable to understand his burst of energy.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Taking his time to pick out what Bel thought would be cute to see his sister in. the mischievous side of the brother came out. as he slit the center of her sweats just enough to give himself some access to her tender region when he was ready
to force some fun onto his sister. Taking his time to bring the shirt, and sweats to the room, wanting to keep the carefully made partial slit as to keep it as con-sealed as possible at first. hoping to enjoy it later with her, wanting it for some surprise fun.

A bit of time finally passed, as Bel would return with the outfit he thought was cute for his sister, even if it did not quiet match her own taste. Yet he would offer to help dress her with a goofy grin on his face.
his high level of excitement and energy would seem off, However if Tylor thought about it, he was always like this with her to some degree. was it possible now with them being even closer then ever before he felt fully free to let his twisted, and playful side out upon
her all the more, or perhaps their was something more going on. for now the young lady would be laying their as he would return with said outfit.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
He was gone long enough for her to take a much needed and restful nap, curled up under the blankets as small snores sounded in an adorable fashion. By his return she would grumbles, waking up a tad to look his direction once blinking her sleepy eyes open. She pouts seeing what he brought back "You actually listened" smiling but did not move from her comfortable spot on the bed, all warm and snuggly she did not wish to move but eh must get dressed encase their parents return. "Get some clothes on too" reminding him as she snatches the outfit from him to slip into, flopping back into bed once dressed.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Despite hearing this, Tylor would find her brother moving to only slip on a pair of boxers, which would be his normal for sleeping attire. however it would seem wrong to be in such attire when laying
with a lovely young lady such as his sister. or so one would think at least. with a gentle chuckle, he would move to get into the bed. getting closer to Tylor's soft welcoming frame.

"So then, take a short nap? or should I set the alarm to get us up in a few hours to start our day?" asking this in a gentle tone, they would still be expected to get some things done around the house,
however the fact remained. Tylor's body had yet to properly recover from her brother's enjoyable assault. as she was dressed, but still vulnerable if she realized it or not.

Once his sister would seem comfortable, or even asleep against him. Bel would move to reveal the slit he made in her sleeping PJ's. easily and playfully slipping his fingers into them. to rub the tips, and nails of his chubby
fingers along her tender folds. whispering to how beautiful she will look, bloated, and enlarged with their child in her so very soon.
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Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Feeling him join her within the bed once more finding he need very little clothing to seem normal while she had to remain more covered but after the scenes they have been through she preferred it. Soon her eyes falling closed as she drifts off into sleep not even feeling his movement until the sensation of her folds growing wet from his teasing came to light. Waking her slightly she heard his words making her a little uneasy of how accepting he was of all this but was grateful nonetheless. So far she did not feel pretty or beautiful after puking in his bathroom and feeling like crap, hopefully their parents would remain oblivious for some time. "I'm awake" she mumbles out not even opening her eyes
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"OH, then you can enjoy this, as can I. " as he spoke his arms moving to snake around his sister. the way he began to fill her slowly, enjoying his sister's body despite her condition.

his one hand playing with her tender region, as his other hand moved to gently slide along her body in an oddly soothing manor. Little did Tylor realize, Bel was going to go wild upon her
this night. wanting to make his sister who felt so sick not that long ago to feel a pleasure, even if it was forced, or not desired. yet the real surprise would be what she would be gifted with after words.
for Tylor did not know, the more the two of them made love, the more mana he siphoned from his more magically gifted sister. as such once enough was taken from her, and fused with his own mana.
the ideal engage, and enchanted ring would be formed. a custom one just for Tylor.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A gas sounded from her not of annoyance but of pleasure by him filling her up after trapping her against his frame. Her back pressed upon his chest while her back curved for him to have better access between her thighs within the slit he cut into her clothes that she had no realized just yet but these were one of her favorited sweats. Unaware that her brother was doing this to sap away her overflowing mana for himself to channel a spell usually she or her mother would conjure. Turning her head she would lean up pressing her lips against his to mostly keep herself quiet but also feel closer to him.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the kiss had broken, the fingers slid out, only for Tylor to feel the to all familiar meaty spear between her thighs, as the hands both now began to move, and play with her breast. one hand moving to focus on the nipple, the other playing with the fleshy mound entirely. as he would speak softly to her.

"Make sure to say if this get's to painful or becomes uncomfortable. after all we both need to enjoy it, or it's not passionate. "

saying this to her, before kissing and nipping at his sister once more. The teasing, and more then that the realization of her favorite PJ's having been damage, no damage would not be the right word, more like modified in the crotch area so it had
a resealable latch for easy access, and play time.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Panting heavily when the kiss broke along with his fingers exiting her to be replaced with his cock that radiated with heat as it teased between her thighs while he spoke a warning of being honest and open with him. "you must really enjoy me" she breathes out, her eyes dilating with desired the more he played with her body making her wiggle up against him while quiet moans escaped her lips. But it clicked that she was fully clothed, how was he teasing her folds when it came to light he cut into her sweats, for now she did not care all that much since he felt so good.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Enjoy you, babe, you are the only woman I ever want to enjoy, to be with, and be used by. My cute little sis will always be the perfect woman for me. besides I used a bit of magic you taught me and made a special resealable play time entranced in your Pj's. "
saying this last part, however before she could respond, right as he told her of what he did to her favorite PJ's. Tylor would feel her brother pushing his girthy spear deep into her with out remorse, as it filled his sister completely. more then that, as he did this his lips would move to take hers, if she allowed it, however if Tylor was at an angle to make it hard or worse, he would aim for the crook of her neck with his maw once more.
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