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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Finally getting the balls of her feet stable she began to shift but her brother must have been keeping a close eye as he yanked them mother upwards while still connected, his current load blocked inside of her. Letting out a soft whine she looks into his eyes seeing he was going for at least another round, how could she refused when the feeling was utterly amazing. Wrapping her arms onto his shoulders for better balance, barely prepared for when she was lifted up and slammed back onto his rod of a cock that buried deeper inside her, stretching her out again which caused a pitched yelp to sound out of her. "Ah....ah be-bel" moaning out as she leans in while his head dipped down to latch onto her breast, her head resting on his shoulder while they fuck for a second round, not occurring to her that he was dead set of making her completely belong to him. It was mere minutes until a third orgasm over came her, those hips rocking against his deep thrusts to ride it out while her nails dug into his skin, her lips clasping on his shoulder to muffle her screaming cry of pleasure.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her facing him, Tylor's feet flat against the ground, her legs bent at ether side of her brother. as her body was now position to bounce upon the front of him. his maw clamped upon her one tit, as his tongue abused her erect nipple. the young man fucking his sister for all she was worth in more ways then one. breaking her body over and over with pleasure, as the lewd impacts grew all the more forceful. His thick and wicked spear filling her depths for all she was worth, digging out, and shaping tylor's depths around his spear, making her the ideal cock sleeve if she realized it or not. as her body was slowly succumbing to this sensation of pleasure, breaking her mental, and physical limits with so much pleasuring abuse. forcing not one, but three or more releases out of her, as he went for another full on sensually enjoyable round with his cute lil sister. Despite them only being a short time apart, it was still enough for the wicked stud to tease his now taboo lover, and break her in with cute pet names all the more, yet would also give tylor an opening to tease her own brother, as they would be each other's dirty little secret from the family.

What seemed like a long night of blissful abuse, As Bel broke his sister in, more and more. Filling her to a slopping mess of glistening beauty. With a moist pop, pulling his lips from her bosom. The wicked brother would move to kiss and assault her neck gently. all the while, filling her with his hot thick seed. Leaving himself fully sheathed with in her. It would seem like a long lived night of first times for the duo to share.

"Tylor, How does it feel to be loved, to become the only Lover I will ever need, and want. Do feel as good as I?"

asking this in such a cute, yet oddly playful tone, reminding Tylor how much of a goofball her brother was for her. Despite how protective, loving, and caring he was. the wicked brother was still her
lover who had successfully used her for all his lil sister was worth. However now she could state her own claim on him, as the stud would carry her to his bed and lay with her, once Tylor was ready to be pulled apart from the sensation of being one with her brother.
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Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His second load painting her womb allowed her a few moments to catch her breath again, remember to take deep breathes at a slow pace while he spoke a question of her thoughts that were so jumbled up she just ignored him and shut her eyes at last. The force of him moving them from the open area of their camp into the camp where his bed laid out all snuggly and warm allowed her to let out a sigh while remaining all cuddled up into his frame. Her legs having hooked around his waist when he moved, her arms having not shift from from their position. At last her eyes fluttered open after several minutes of lying there with him, laying back to create some space between them, her body satisficed for now, her hips ever so slowly moving back until his cock sounded a moist pop as she removed him from her depths. Instantly she felt a wave of release as some of their mixed juices spilled out below her and down her thighs causing her to blush and turn her head away. Sleep was calling to her as she turns over, snuggling up to a pillow for she felt so heated still as her eyes fall closed once more having no answered his request of her thoughts of him and what they did.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Laying their now, Bel would move to wrap his arms around Tylor, pulling her frame against his. holding her close, as he rested his chin against her head. whispering softly how he loved her, and would never let any one else have her or hurt her. as the two would be able to lay their, now separated, and able to rest. It would be a peaceful and heated night for the duo. However as morning would come, the rays of light hitting Tylor first. as she would be the one to awaken before her brother giving the young lady a chance to ether have her own fun, or even clean up, to make it appear as if last night was just some dream. Regardless she could easily choose what she wanted to do if anything or just lay their and enjoy the warmth. as her brother's frame was against, and under her, his arms loosely around her, as Tylor had been brought into a new world, one of incredible, and forbidden pleasure, one which would bring them many new chances of both happiness, and madness alike, in the coming days.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
How this hunting trip drastically changed for them both, she losing her virginity to her brother, he finally living how fantasy of fucking her and claiming her as his own. When woke by the peeking sunlight through their tent she opened her eyes after rubbing each to find she was curled up, naked in the arms of her brother, the poison having been successfully fucked out of her system. It took a few moment for her to recall all that occurred, before she could even react she was spooked by the blaring ringtone of her phone going off. Quick to answer it was mom lecturing her on how they returned early to find the Jeep and hunting gear all gone and they must come home immediately. Of course the rebel of the twin set simply hung up on the woman and turned over to her brother not caring if that had woken him, now she was pent up with energy that she must expel for they head home. Moving to straddle her brother she gripped his cock with a firm grasp, pumping her hand until he was still and erection before planting a few kisses on the tip and shaft, even adding in some licks here and there. Finally she takes him inside her mouth, sucking in her cheeks to create a fraction and suction on his cock while bobbing her head up and down. Grand way to wake up she must admit.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Having hung up on her mother's complaining call, Tylor was now helping herself to her brother's healthy meat stick. As Bel was always a heavy sleeper, he slept through the call, however as she began to give his erection the attention she so wanted to enjoy. the sensation of her warm welcoming lips upon his wicked girthy spear would begin to stir the young man. as his hands moved to gently slide his finger's through her hair. It was becoming very obvious this would be one hell of a wake up call for her brother, one which he would obviously enjoy, in more ways then one. however more then that, his fingers moved through her hair, the other hand moving to gently touch her where he could. as his eyes began to open slightly.

"hmm, morning beautiful, Your amazing sis. "

saying this half asleep, however the fact remained, if she kept this up, Tylor would spoil her brother, not to mention she would also find herself being pampered with lewd, and sneaky treatments later, as if wanting to return the favor when the chances presented itself. but for now, Bel would be his lil sister's toy for morning enjoyment, and how to burn off the pent up energy she had.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His fingers coursing through her hair while she gave him a blow job first thing in the morning for her own gain more than his but he clearly was enjoying it by how gripped her strands and spoke. Looking up to him with a smile she would pull back, a loud pop sounding when she let go of his hot and ready cock while she sat up with a proud smirk "morning, bro" humming with content. "Mom called" being straight with him "they're back at the house and demand our return post haste" cluing him in that they were in quite a bit of trouble, it will only get worse the longer it takes them to get back. Removing herself from his lap she scrambles out of the tent, straight for the stream where she washed up from last night festivities that still left something in her gut of this being wrong but long as no one found out then they should be fine. She dries off and gets dress, beginning to pack up the Jeep for she was not hungry for breakfast at all since last night was still coursing through her mind. How did he feel? Did he mean all the things he said last night? Does she belong to him now? She had looked all over her body for the ritual marking of wizards and witches that usually is performed after the wedding, having no seen it she felt it was just spur of the moment of pleasure and bliss. "Come on slow poke!" calling out as she waits by the Jeep with the keys in hand, wondering if he even remembered his clear order of driving back.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she spoke up teasing her big brother, Tylor would suddenly feel him moving swiftly behind her. pulling Ty out of the jeep, as his arms wrapped around her. his own lips moving to kiss, and tease her neck, as his hands moved about her now dressed body, as he was not dressed yet.

"Such a tease, you know, I am now ready for full on launch, and you left me in such need. Perhaps you should be punished for that hmm?"

saying this, as he began to aggressively tease his sister. it would not be hard for her to break free, push him into the stream to be washed up, or perhaps show off her own magic, where her brother had none he could use, at least none like she did. he did have his own kind of magic, the way he could make her feel good, and more. however as his fingers began to work their magic on Tylor, giving her little time before her own body would react if she wanted it to or not, all the while her brother would prove his words at least in his mind. he wanted to claim her yet again, however unlike last night. this time they would be in Tylor's hands, as she could do what she wanted be it teasing him, leaving her big brother high and dry in need.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Possibly she left him in such need on purpose, aiming to get his butt in gear and going but he instead had other plans of punishment when he yanked her from the jeep, his arms wrapping her close to his body. She would wiggle and toss her head with giggles rising in short bursts as he tickles his lips along her neck until she finally freed herself before he dared to go any further. Most likely she would be in far more trouble than he, following dad footsteps did put him as the favorite that she could not live up too since their magic is different like every witch or wizard, none are the same. "Come on, Bel, we need to go, no time for games" shaking her head as breezy laugh ended her warning. With a flick of her wrist a gust of wind view her brother in the direction of the stream as she leaned up against the Jeep, arms crossed in wait.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she used her magic, to hit her brother with a bit of wind. it would be comical, with how off balance he was, only to end up flopping into the stream. all wet, and now popping his head out of the water spitting a small stream out of it.

"Tch, fine fine, I guess, your right, we can play later, but remember. Your mine now, and I am yours, I do not plan to share my cute little sister with any one else. "

saying this, as he made lewd, and seductive winks, and gestures tours her, while getting out of the stream. making sure to put on a bit of a show for Tylor in his usually goofy, and playful manor.
However it would not be long before she would see her brother getting dressed, as he would smirk looking her over, however the duo would need to get home very soon. as Tylor knew they were in for an earful,
her more so, due to hanging up on her mother prior. However the jeep they had was one of their father's pride, and joy from his collection of tools, and equipment due to how much work it took to get it.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Glad he gave in to finally bathing off the stench of sex and the outdoors she waited in a frustrated sort of fashion since he was starting to figure out certain areas on her body to turn her on. Neck kisses, caressing her sides and lower back, gripping her eyes, tickling her thighs, hell picking her up and slamming her against a wall, car, tree and she would melt for him...but like she would admit that. What threw her for a loop was his declaration of she belonging to him and he to her, she was not so certain about that, best keep things physical but falling for him would be hard to keep at bay. It seemed he had been dreaming of this for a time making her uneasy but bashful all the same.

At last he got dressed after flaunting quite the show, offering a few air kisses and whistles before he slipped into his clothes while she opened the driver side door "lets go!" sliding in the seat. She puts in the key, starting the engine with a purr and a big smile for she enjoyed driving the jeep any chance she got.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
hopping in, as he sat in the front beside Tylor, Bel would move to playfully tease bits of her with his lips and hands. knowing a few spots to make her giggle, and melt a bit. all the while telling her to enjoy the drive. not to rush straight home, as they could still enjoy the sights, sounds, and even more so. she could enjoy his company as he puts it. however the sooner they were home the sooner they could get the scolding over from their parents.

As Bel teased her his hands moving to scrape all the right spots on her ne thigh, as he nibbled at her neck aggressively. The playful brother would seem bent on messing with her, just enough to get his sister riled up like she did him prior with that morning BJ. however while she was in the driver seat, this would be Tylor's saving grace, limiting what her brother could safely do to her, at least until they were some where private once more.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Raising a brow to find a more sweeter side of him, less demanding she began to head out of the enchanted forest which felt like forever so indeed she took her sweet time with the windows down. Bel had other plans as he teased her with his hands and lips seeming to attempt in distracting her, growing her frustration to a point of her possibly acting upon such desires. Taylor kept firm as she focused on the road once out of the forest but as his fingers coursed her thighs, his teeth grazing on her neck enough to caught reddening, she had enough. Pulling off to a side street just by their drive way, she put the car in park and unbuckled her seat belt "You are in for it" growling as she moves over into his lap, unzipping his pants before he dare to stop it as she removes her pants and panties. In moments she was stroking her wet folds along his shaft, panting like the naughty girl she was but she was acting as though she was boss of him, she had full control of this pleasure, would he continue to let her call the shots?
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now taking the moment to move onto her brother, straddling him, and teasing her big brother like this. Bel would smirk, seeing how dominating his sister was being at this point in time. However as she spoke, and teased him.
the young man would move to suddenly grasp his sister roughly, his one hand grasping her hair, the other her lower back. forcing Tylor to suddenly take his full length into her, as she was pulled down, into a deep and dominating kiss.

once the kiss broke, and their bodies were once again together. he would smirk, before speaking to her.
"Well, tell me sis, you want to do all the work this time, and punish your big brother, or perhaps you need to be punished for leaving that need unsated until now hmm?"

as he spoke up teasing her himself. every time she would move or make an action, he would pull, and adjust her body to his desires forcefully, however his actions were still in a manor where she could change it into her favor due to the
fact she was on top of Bel in the jeep for the moment in time.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Surprised by his sudden change caused her to yelp in slight pain as he forced his length inside her still recovering walls from last night, she was captured in his deep kiss that dominated her mouth while his grip on her made it impossible to refuse. Once he somewhat released her laying out her options she knew that she rather sate herself currently, trying to indirectly point out this was risky. But he made it clear he was in control by his movements of making her follow what he desired her to do. Soon enough she was slamming her body down on his cock as her walls clenched and sucked on his hot rod begging him to paint her womb once again. She wasn't going to easily let that occur, not being on birth control left her vulnerable and getting knocked up would create bigger problems.

The jeep would creak and rock with her movements, soon her head tilting back as her moans turned to gasps as she bounced more shallow and fast just before slowing down as she came all over his lap. She pants, her hands gripping his shirt as she rode out her own orgasm but the moment she felt his cock begin to swell or twitch she attempted to move off him.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
each time she tried to move off, and away, Bel would pull his sister back down. as if it was going to pierce into her womb directly. The wicked young man would let her try to escape every so often, as Tylor could feel the way he was swelling and throbbing with in her. However if she wasn't careful. One such pull could end up accidently forcing his monstrous rod into the wrong hole, and plastering her bowels with his hot seed instead of her womb. yet the wicked young man knew she was already sated, but he wasn't.

Unless offered an alternative to release into her, Tylor would find her dominating brother unwilling to let it out unless it was with in her some how. wanting to feel the sensation of how her warm welcoming flesh would react to the thick wicked baby batter meant for her most sacred depths. despite this, the night prior, he had flooded, and filled her multiple times. so even if Tylor escaped being knocked up, it would not remain unclaimed for long, at least not with how her brother was showing his dominance over her for right now.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"b-bel" she would whine each time she forced her back into his lap continuing to please him as his cock was swelling in size and throbbing in need of release, she was going antsy so she attempted a last effort. When he yanked her back she let out a soft squeal as he entered through the back door, unloading his baby batter inside her bowels that left her utterly speechless. She sat there in his lap as he released inside her, biting her lip to keep quiet until he was finished "Not funny" she huffs at last trying to keep strong. Quick to pull free and get dressed, she fumbles back into the drivers seat, sitting all weird as her panties leaked with cum and her ass was so sore.

Finally arriving home Tay was in no mood to handle her mother or father as the twins stepped out of the Jeep finding the first comment making a chuckle "Caught nothing uh?" her father would harshly tease. He had his arms folded over his chest as he shook his head in disappointment "Bel, clean out the Jeep. Tay, go to your room" he orders with no room to argue. Taylor glares toward her mother who was shooting daggers into her daughter as the women went inside. Problem now was the Jeep stank of sex and as did they.

Tay hurried up to her room where she leapt into the shower while her mother screamed, cursed, and everything towards her while she rinsed off the morning. In the end Tay was grounded, no parties, no magic lessons, no outings until further notice. So she laid in her bed all curled up by herself knowing it was all worth it but still could not shake how Bel handled her, he desired her, he wanted to control and dominate her. Getting up she pulls out a spell book of charms hoping to find something to enslave her brother until her palm.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in the house dealing with the mother, Tylor would get an ear full. All the while, Bel would be busy cleaning up the jeep, and looking to his old man. who did not seem to notice the scent or mess, perhaps not caring at this point. As it seemed he was busy lecturing Bel on how to properly hunt, and not let women distract him, as he needed to perfect his hunting, and catching. However one thing could be said, Bel was able to clean the jeep spotless, as he would move past his old man. who would mention something which caused him to shake his head for a moment. before remaining silent and heading into shower. telling him, that he better use protection, perhaps the old man thought his kids had secret dates, as it seemed like he would not suspect the siblings to have been with each other, but perhaps each of them had their own lover, and it was a double date kind of outing. leaving his wife to deal with their daughter. However the truth would come to light eventually.

Once inside, Bel would soon begin to get his torn with their mother, as she was always the one to speak up, and punish the kids, more so his sister then himself. as Bel would look to her, telling his mother that Ty did nothing to be punished over, and he was the one who wanted company while hunting. unaware of how his sister hung up on her prior.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"You are the responsible one! Let her take some for herself. She hung up on me when I had no clue where you two were!" shouting at her son before taking a breath. "it's fine, everything is fine. You two are safe" having no clue of the thoughts of her husband of what the kids may have been up too. She dismisses her son conjure up some breakfast for she and her hubby while the kids could dwell on their choices.

Taylor had heard the shouting, rolling her eyes to such an annoyance her mother was but at least she could get some control of her life once this charm was used. Not hearing her brother come to his room she snuck out of her own to set up the charm in his door way, problem was she got spooked by footsteps resulting in her setting the charm on herself. The moment she laid eyes on Bel, she melted to the ground with wide eyes wanting his full attention in every way of that moment.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Having messed up her charm, Now falling prey to it's effects. Bel would be unaware of this at the moment, seeing his sister in his room, and her eyes wide like a begging puppy. The wicked young man would move to suddenly grab his sister. Pulling her with him to the bathroom. as he was suppose to get washed up. However he would speak up. in a dark dominating whisper.

"Sis, I think we need to take a shower together, and get cleaned up. if you understand what I mean. "

saying this, having no idea if she was willing to do this or not. the risk with their parents in the house seemed to excite Bel, as he wanted to take his sister in the shower. they use to get scolded all the time for spending to much time together when washing, bathing, even sleeping in the same bed, despite their age. thus it would not be uncommon for such act with how close the duo were. As their parents always saw it as an over protective brother, and a very sheltered, and rebellious young sister which needed to be placed in her proper place at times.

as this would happen, Bel would soon be in for a surprise with his sister, as he would discover just how willing she would be, even if the charm would seem to where off if sated, or if it would become more powerful upon her body with needs and desires, once he began to do what he wanted to her.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him snatch her up into his bathroom that smelled just like him making her all the more woozy on need to please him in anyway he desired for her to do "Okay" not caring she already washes up. Due to their closeness their parents would not be too concerned but it was still so risky since she had set some boundaries between them showering together but would still sneak into his room some nights to cuddle. He had done well of getting her to trust him and only him, not venturing out to really make friends since he met all those needs with ease and now they went up a whole other level with their relationship. Wasting no time she started the shower for him, pulling off her comfy clothes of a hoodie and leggings, revealing her plain nude body that had no markings or tattoos upon it.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The steam began to fill the room, As Tylor stripped herself down, exposing her all to her brother once more. this time in a much more willing and seductive manor as it seemed. All the while Bel began to strip himself as well. Making sure to have two large body towels ready for them. As he moved to suddenly grasp her by the hips. lifting tylor up, and moving swiftly into the hot running water. Her back pressing against the hard tile wall, as his lips aggressive began to assault her neck, and shoulder.

holding his sister like this, her toes would be on the base of the tube, as she would be held up, to where the hot tip could be felt teasing her. showing very little care for how this would look. sense they were in his bathroom. the wicked young man moved to play with his sister, as the sounds would seem to simply be that of them having some fun in the shower. which was not an uncommon occurance, however it would cause a smirk on the father's face, thinking that his boy was way to protective of his sister, but thinking that he was teasing and punishing her like he did so many times in the past. however it was unknown how the mother would take it. as things would not be so easily revealed to them, thanks to the unique relationship the siblings had, which most parents could only wish their kids would have.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Laughing in reaction to him lifting her up into the shower, pinning her against the wall so he was between her legs that wrapped around hi and pressed her toes on the edge of the tub. The hot water spilling over them like a blissful water fall, the steam used a curtain to hide their naughty desires between them. His lips and teeth quick to nip and kiss along her neck and shoulder forcing her to reveal more of her skin to him as she tilts her head upwards. Her pussy slick and wet just for him, her body quivering with need of his instruction 'Tell me what you want" she whispers trying to swallow down a whine. Finding his teasings frustrating and driving her to giggle and wiggle against him in any fashion she could.

Downstairs mother would glances toward the staircase hearing such a ruckuss upstairs, Bel must be making her feel better after finding out she is grounded and being lectured. She shook her head with a smile "she is lucky to have a brother like him" she hums
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh I think some one should tell me do they want it from the front or back hmm? after all look at this beauty before me. "

speaking in soft playful tone. saying this, as he teased her all the more. Rubbing against her, assaulting her neck and shoulder. all the while, his powerful
hands moved to slide along his sister's frame finding the ideal spot to help make her melt even more. All the while, this would open a door for Tylor, no more the the charmed maiden
to give into a new desire, one which would be denied if in the right mind. be it wanting to feel him filling her or find herself wanting a different kind of sensation, as he offered to take her from behind
meaning getting her body twisted around and slammed into the wall in a much more aggressive manor.

As this would go on, Tylor would find her need to sate her brother, would lead him to get more playfully aggressive, but at this moment in time, he was none the wiser thinking she wanted to have some fun
forget about the punishment, and lecturing. all the more, this would give them a chance to have more fun, and spend the rest of their time together in the bed, cuddling with out any one being the wiser for now.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His suggestion left her confused, such an option barely registered in her mind for free will was unlikely as of currently so all she could response with was a yes of which resulted in the switch of positions. Her feet planted on the floor as he whipped her body to face the wall, her front smushed all plump against the tile that was so cold it made her nipple hard and body ripple. Taylor let out a haughty moan glancing back to him as she waited for him to finally fill her up all he desired "please, I need you" using those words to send him off. She completely was his fuck toy as of this moment, uncertain how long it would last or until reality would hit them.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Grasping her by the hips, as Bel pulled tyler into his full on assault. his wicked member digging deep into her with out remorse. filling Ty up with each powerful thrust. causing her body to bounce as it pressed into the wall, sliding up and down with each thrust. leaning in, as he bit at her ear, pulling on the ear lobe. taking his time to suddenly get a good hold of her one leg, pulling up to his side. as if she was doing a balay stance as he took her. Getting rougher, faster, and more aggressive. his teeth scraping her tender skin, his tongue lashing at her flesh, as he suckled where his lips met her smooth, innocent , and exposed neck.

as things began to get more and more enjoyable, his one hand moved up to cover her mouth, just enough so that Tylor could bite his hand or fingers if she needed to scream or make any loud noises. despite how he loved to hear her voice, their parents were down stairs, yet he was drowning out the bulk of the noise with the shower thankfully.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Eyes rolling back in reaction to taking him fully before even given a warning to prepare, she filled with complete bliss as they were connected for the fourth time in less than twenty-four hours which she found amazing. Last night was a virgin and currently she was her brother personal whore, he was loving it too from how he felt inside her. But this was not enough as he moved her leg to be able to reach far deeper making her grow more noisy with her noises that he silenced with his hand. She glances back to him as she suckled on his finger to keep her mouth busy and vocals more quite having not thought how he planned this in the shower so he could muffle her pleasuring sounds. What concerned her was his love marks being created all along her neck, currently she would squeak with joy when he was aggressively bite on her ear then nip and suck on her skin. When she snapped out of this charm later she may be set back since she had never gotten hickies before and would have to ensure they were hidden. "Ah....yes....yes....oh bel" moaning out muffled, jumbled words.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As things continued like this, Bel would soon move to press his sister into the wall all the harder. sandwiching her with his wicked love spear finally piercing into her deepest depths. a point he only reached during their first session prior to this one.
As his body seemed to feel like it was becoming one with her, Tylor was being claimed completely this time, as it was unknown if the charm on her would last until this session was over, or if the effects would ware off right as he began to fill her womb with
all the life granting seed his body could give her. regardless, with the aid of the charm, and the fact this was now their fourth session. Tylor's body was now his to abuse, and more then just that. their would be love marks made by him, as well as the
charm which was now apart of her. it would be unknown how often it would kick in, or if their would be a way for him to trigger it, simply by being aggressive upon her, or when ever her body began to feel the need. however for right now, Bel's personal fuck doll, was
his beloved lil sister, as he would rock her body until it could no longer stand on it's own from his assaulting her like this.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Gasping on his hand she would struggle to keep her breath in her lungs, panting labored breaths against the tile wall that he smushed her again with every manly thrust burying him deeper and deeper within her depths. Her walls welcoming him with joy and slick juices to coat him into reaching far into her womb while he was swelling and throbbing to hint his future release. Taylor soon enough could not longer feel her legs for they were trembling, her body collapsing into the wall depending on him to keep her upright as he fucked her senseless. "Oh I am cumming!" she would muffle a cry just as she orgasmed, her walls spazzing around his cock, sucking and squeezing on his meat sick buried inside her.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Taking quick notice of how she began to slump into the wall, her legs becoming to weak to support her body. Bel would move to pull Tylor away from the wall, as he suddenly lifted her under the legs. forcing his sister into a reverse nelson like position. where he began to thrust upwards into her depths. causing the young lady's legs to swing, and look like they were kicking in the shower with each powerful impact. all the while, now his back would be against the wall, her back to his chest. as the hot baby batter soon felt flooding into her depths, while some of it escaped with each moist, lewd impact of their merging bodies.

If nothing else one could Say Bel would be fucking his sister completely senseless, and defenseless, however their was a massive, soft fluffy bed for them to lay on, and recover while cuddling once he was done flooding and pummeling her lovely depths into submission for his own desires.

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