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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Scrambling to her feet she would fix her shirt before opening the door to find her brother concerned for her drawing a small smile "ye-yeah, I made it through half the day" shrugging it off as nothing since she was a straight A student. But already she was growing some concern of being stuck home during the pregnancy since school put quite a bit of stress on her. She fiddles with the ring on her finger giggling some to Layla's words "Apparently Layla thinks I am engaged to someone" humming.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" we could find a boy, or girl we both trust, if you want to share with them your secret, and have them play that role in public? but I do apologize for allowing drake to get to you earlier. "
saying this, he would suddenly hear the sound of two teachers as they would be talking to Layla outside the rest room.

Bel would give little concern or care with this sound. moving back to talking with his sister. asking if she wanted him to take her home, and walk her back to school tomorrow morning. as he would
reveal that once again he was suspended. however this never stopped bel from coming to school any ways. when suspended he always just hung out in the office or hallways to walk her from class to class.
yet the only one who seemed to have any real control over Bel had always been Taylor, even when it came to their parents. However if any one, it would be Taylor who would be effected more if the siblings were caught in the bathroom regardless of the reason. with how cruel rumors could be, and more so how other boys, and even some girls were after her attention.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Quick to his suggestion she shook her head not wanting anyone to know about this, it was embarrassing for the public to know a teenager was pregnant but the father to be her brother was a can of worms she did not wish for. Her attention turned toward the door hearing Layla walking to some teachers while Bel explained he was suspended again making her frown as she pulls him into the stall with her and closes the the door to slide it locked. "I was not a fan of him touching me, that is for sure" admitting to him quietly in a hushed tone as she rests her head on his chest, trying to keep still as she moves his hand under her shirt to touch on her little bump
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
with them in the stall together like this, Bel would soon find himself doing something a bit unexpectd. as he would move to twist their bodies around in this tight space. taking a seat on the stall, and moving to pull her onto his lap. as his one hand now resting on tylor's belly. with this, his feet could be seen, as well as hers, however if Ty pressed her feet against the wall or door, let alone if she pulled them on onto her brother's knees. this would make it appear as if one person was using the stall while the teachers were in their washing up.

all the while she would feel his hand on her belly. leaning in to whisper into her ear, how pleasant she felt right now. to make matter's worse, the risk of being caught seemed to arouse her brother to the point, Tylor would feel the needy bulge forming under her. however in this case, she had the power to prevent it, as all he was touching, was the spot on her, that the sister wanted. unlike prior where her brother teased her into needing the pleasure, back with the jeep incident.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sitting in his lap, shifting her feet back to be unseen while she felt his hand over her belly that was all the more comforting but he just had to ruin the moment with his horniness. A roll of her eyes was given as she purposely scoots back in his lap before offering a silent yet stern look his direction. Once the teachers left she got up from his lap with a slight flinch from a cramp by decided to ignore it "come on, lets go home" she sighs simply wanting to lie down. She wished to cuddle him, have him touch the baby from where eh could but clearly could not keep himself together.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
chuckling, as Bel would rub his head, apologizing for that sensation prior. as he whispered how he couldn't help himself with her. even more so now having felt the magic in her.
saying this, Tylor would hear that all to family love struck goof ball she knew, and loved all to well.

however once they left, he would suddenly scoop his sister into his had. as he would tell any one who asked, she was weak at the moment due to getting ill, and cramping up.
which would be believable, due to the nature of their relationship in the eyes of the public. However Tylor would know the truth, of her brother just wanting to enjoy the feel of her against him all the more.
however this would give Tylor a reason to enjoy being carried, and cuddled against her brother's warm body in a way the public would not see as wrong or disgusting.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Squeaking with a giggle as she was scooped up upon their way out Taylor rested against her brother's frame, closing her eyes as the lighting was bothering them also to not see people be jelly of her awesome brother. But the second they were outside the had to scramble from his arms to puke into a near by bush groaning softly as she weakly sat down, covering her face to show she was not feeling the best.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now kneeling down to throw up. Bel would move to kneel down next to her. his hand trying to sooth her a bit. as one rubbed Tylor's back, the other moving to hold her hair back.

"Let it all out. once your ready, this mighty horse will carry his princess back to her restful castle. " saying this a she played the role of the
stead so to speak. being as playful as he was caring. wanting to ensure his sister felt as good as possible, despite her condition.

this would lead into an almost comical sight for her mother, to both scold tylor, and tease her for being so weak that she was being babied by Bel.
unaware of the truth of the unique condition they were in currently.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Their mother was impatiently by the car watching her daughter clearly still sick with no fever drawing some concern but would handle that later as she witnessed Bel being a good big brother. She smiles a little as she watches Taylor lighten up a little bit. "thanks, Bel" she murmurs with a smile reaching up for him to lift her back into his arms as to carry her the rest of the way to mom's car.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once they got to the car, both siblings got into the back seat, where Tylor could lean into her brother, and fall asleep if need be for the short drive home.

as they were in the back, Bel would speak to their mother, in a caring and gentle tone.

"Mom, if your up for it. how about a few more cooking lessons tonight? Would like to make something to help sis here feel better."
saying this, it would reveal to Tylor, that her big brother was doing something he truly hated, and despited, for her sake, learning to cook, and spend
time with their mother, who was much more dominating, and over bearing as a mentor, and teacher. or at least from how she treated Tylor, but how she treated bel, could it be different
or did he endure that side of their mother for his sister's sake.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Taylor did fall asleep since the car ride made her motion sick so taking a nap helped keep her calm and quiet while Bel spoke to mother about more cooking lessons. "Sorry dear, dad will be cooking tonight. I have arranged a meeting for Taylor and I with the coven tonight" explaining to her son as she drove them home.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing this, Bel would speak up hearing about a meeting for Tylor.

"What is the coven? in her current state is this not a bad idea? or would I at least be able to come with?"

speaking like this, it was very unlike Bel to be so concern for such things, then again with how his sister had gotten sick
it could be seen as him wanting to be their to ensure she didn't get worse. However this would be both a good, and bad thing for tylor.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" If I can't come as well. mom I want you to do one thing for me then. I want to be able to hear everything as it goes on. if it is a simple check up. I am sure this isn't an issue right?"
speaking up, and making his end clear. the wicked side of the young man was coming out. a side even their parents couldn't win against. however tylor was the only one who ever got her brother
to bend a knee when he got like this. yet she would asleep, as it would seem like the mother would need her help to get her own son to bend a knee with not needing to be involved with the visit.

it would not be much longer before the car got home, as Bel would carry his sleeping sister into his bedroom, stripping her down, and tucking her into the bed. if she awoke during this process, her mother
could pester her, or even if Tylor pretended to remain asleep to avoid the head ache, she would know well what would be coming one way or another.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Mother glanced toward Taylor seeing she was asleep making her sigh "You can sit outside, I guess" not understanding this extend of being protective. Once they got home she watched Bel take his sister upstairs while she went to her office on the first floor. As it was growing dark mother called from downstairs "come on you two, the coven doesn't have all night!" heading out to the car. Taylor was still not feeling the best, weak and utterly tired as she wore leggings and a hoodie to be comfortable. She went downstairs with Bel, getting into the car making her wanna be sick on the spot but she held it down.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"don't worry sis, were gonna get this over, and be back home before you know it. "
as he said this, moving to sit with her in the back. once again, giving his sister the warm big brother cushion to use.

however they were at the whim's of their mother now, heading to this convent. however they would be able to discover if she was pregnant or not was one thing.
would they be able to discover who the father was, at this stage would be a different thing all together. as both parents could see it as one of the popular boys at school,
and the over protective brother simply taking on the role even more so now, with this reveal, if they discover it.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The drive was long and disgusting with her using the puke bag most of the way before falling asleep against Bel. Mother parked the car outside what looked like an old church "Bel mind cleaning out the car?" ordering her son as she woke up taylor to follow her inside. Taylor would whine as she woken, climbing out of the back seat to slowly follow mother into the building where two older women awaited them. They entered the back office and immediately noticed the ring and the magic it emitted so she ordered Taylor to remove it which was rather slow about, handing the ring to her mother before the check up started. "she has been sick for two weeks now, car sickness, she can't even handle being at school all day, no fever, also she wants to do is sleep and barely eats anything" explaining to the women.

The two glanced at each other than back to Taylor before asking her to lie down on the table, one hovered her hands over her stomach while the other held either side of her head while they chanted trying to see what could be wrong.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as they began to chant, and examination of Tylor was starting. the odd part would be how the ring was reacting. despite not being on her. it would begin to glow, as if siphoning some of the mana out of Tylor, as they began to examine her. which would seem to make it appear like her mana was drained abnormally. this was an unknown effect of the ring. as if a small side effect to being crafted, and meant to never be removed.

However to those who examined her it would come off more so, as if her body was naturally losing mana to the surroundings, which would be a good sign of to why she was sick. however the one examining her belly would be the one which could discover the growing infant with in her. one which would seem to have an over whelming mana source with in it, growing as well. something which would be impossible unless the father was a high level, or high mana mage of some kind. unaware the child was abnormally gifted in such a way due to inheriting the mother's mana, and the father's unnatural spiritual gifts.

it would be unknown how things would look to the examiners, as they did their work. however as the mother stood their, her back against the door. a faint knock would be heard, as she would hear bel's voice softly from behind the door.
"all clean, how is it going with sis?" asking this while wanting to know himself of what they would say. despite knowing the truth of her condition, at least the basic truth of how she was pregnant.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing the finding from the physicians of the coven left mother displeased and disappointed in Taylor but sounded like it was not all her fault she was sick as a result of pregnancy but that the elements were sapping at her mana as well. She would glance toward the door hearing bel question how things were going, finally clicking that he knew so she opened the door to let him in "You knew didn't you?" questioning her son "that Taylor is pregnant, probably with that drake's kid" assuming so since she was not very far along and drake was the most recent of people Bel went after.

Taylor could not take anymore loss of mana that she jerked up and yanked the ring back onto her finger that offer instant relief that barely of acknowledged as they were trying to figure out the father. "I mean she is so young and this child is making her quite sick, I never went through this even with twins" mother would voice her concern of her daughters well being.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
With a sigh, Bel would scratch his head, looking to his mother.
"As for her being sick, Yes I know of her with low mana, thus the ring. But pregnant? "
as he spoke sounding both upset, and confused, however the fact remained, he looked up into his mother's eyes.
the next part was no lie, however it did not reveal he was the father but more so the view he had of the situation.

"Regardless of the father, she is my sister, thus the one in her is family to. Tell me what I need to do to help her. I will do it. My lil sis needs me, and I will do what is needed.
the other boys are just idiots still. " as he said this, for this moment in time, to the eyes of their mother, Bel would for once come off unnaturally mature, perhaps if nothing else
one of the kids was raised right. yet now would be the chance for the mages to request mana siphoning for Tylor, despite not knowing that Bel lacked in that department himself.

as it was, the scene played out, to appear as though Bel was not sure, but had an idea about this. but knew of the mana draining, thinking it was due to some bug, thus the custom ring she had.
revealing he gotten it for her. but did not reveal he crafted it. more so even if he admitted that, it was unlikely that ether of his parents would believe this, as Bel had no real mana for such acts, let
alone the know how, being what was best known as a brawler mage at best. able to use mana only on himself for minor injures due to specializing in spiritual, and physical attributes.

as this was, it painted an entirely new scenario for the mother to look into, and now understood even more, why her son had become so over protective, and caring for her daughter.
even admitting regardless of the father, he would ensure his sister was cared for, and in proxy the child. which was the kind of thing his old man would do when he was younger. however this would
bring on the question as to if they should allow this or seek out the apparently father who had to be gifted with mana for such a curse to be placed on tylor while pregnant, or at least it would appear.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Mother would sigh hearing the case of her son offering himself as a stand in for the absent father less Taylor did not know she was pregnant just deathly ill and not herself. But a parent she had to be first while taylor and Bel were both still just children, both gifted and the child was clearly harming Taylor to the point she could noo currently live a comfortable life. "What about aborting the child, can that be arranged?" speaking with the fellow witches. "yes it can but under what reasoning" not speaking as a question. "she is young, still a child herself and the child within her is causing harm and could even result in death. A hazard I deem it to be and must be removed" explaining sternly. "Wait, don't I have a say in this?" Taylor would finally pipe up that resulted in a head shake "under 18, I am still your parent"
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
This would be when something unexpected would happen suddenly. Before the eyes of the mages, and the mother, Tylor would suddenly vanish off the bed, and before they knew it, she would be in the arms of her brother at the door.

As he panted their, only Tylor would know what had actually just happened. using a great deal of his limited mana, and spiritual power. the fool managed to momentarily freeze time, for all others except for those he touched. then moved to
grasp her, and prepare to leave. However as time would resume. this would become visibly dangerous for Bel. as this little stunt caused some blood to trickle out of the corners of his mouth, and even one of his ears to bleed. however he would speak up.

" Minor or not, it is her body, so she needs a say. it is only fair, and I am sure we can figure out some way to feed her body mana can we not?"
speaking like this, it would become more and more obvious, that he would always be on his sister's side, even if it cost him his own well being.
this only showed the mother just how far he had gone into protective mode so to speak. it would be both proud to see, and infuriating at the same time. If Tylor gave the word, Bel would run off with her right their and
then. However if she gave the word, he would calmly return her to the table.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Wide eyed as Taylor witnessed this, concern crossing her face to see her freed from the table and possible forced abortion to be at Bel's side with his bleeding. She turned toward him touching her hands on his face "hey, hey take it easy please" softly begging he does not use any more of his mana. Mother on the other hand was pissed that he got in the way "There is no need to force her through that, her body through that! If we abort the child now with a few days of rest she will back to normal" explaining to her son. The witches nodded in agreement "other wise she would need double the mana everyday just keep from becoming to fragile and sick" adding what they would need to possibly do. Taylor was only looking to Bel as she shook her head "I'm okay, I'll be fine, I...I want this baby" reassuring him.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" how long until it would be to late for such a thing? saying this to the mage's and their mother. Bel would seem to be up to something, after hearing Tylor's desire.

" I can generate mana with my meditation. Let's give it a chance and check on her condition when it is closer to the final chance period? if I can feed her body the mana needed. then it will be fine right?"
saying this, As Bel was trying to give an option, however having been told by Tylor that she wanted the child. both her, and her mother knew well, that he would do everything in his power to grant his sister
her desire. even if it cost more then he should be willing to part with. However unknown to the mages or their mother. the ring on her finger would be the key to the mana issue, as it came off, was when the mana suddenly got
weak, and dangerous.

however now the choice was before them. if the mother did not bend to the chance Bel requested, she would know well, that none of them could stop him. as the young man had learned to use Time magic, and more then that
it was a type of magic considered lost. meaning he had done far more in order to be able to protect those he wanted to, then any one expected. as it was, Tylor would be the key to this night's events one way or another.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking toward the mother she would sigh seeing a trail period wouldnt hurt “fine, we’ll be back in a week” telling the witches. “Come on you two” pushing past her children as she storms to the car. Taylor smiles up to her brother “dont do that again, okay” referring to time magic.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Remember I said I would always be their for you no matter what. " saying this aloud so even their mother could hear it.

as far as the mother could tell. her son had decided to become the father figure, and care giver to his sister, thus ruining his own chances at finding a
girl of his own. unaware that he had his own woman, which was his own sister. However as he carried her out tours the car. this gave a chance for a comical seen
of Tylor scolding Bel with her weak fist, even if it was only in jest. as he would do what ever was needed for her. However knowing this, it would be safe for Tylor to stay home.

even more so, now the mother would know she needed to give her boy some lessons in helping a pregnant woman, versus just a sick one, perhaps even getting their father in
to lecture him for being so reckless with today's actions.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Of course he would remind her of that right in front of their mother who was utterly annoyed by all this occurring, her daughter knocked up and her son taking charge. He needed to focus on his own life not the one his sister was throwing away to raise some bastard child. Loading the twins up in the car while Taylor would jest with her brother scolding him for being so foolish with his limited mana but she went quiet as they entered the back seat of the car. Now time to drive home and her to fight car sickness the entire way.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she began to feel ill, Bel would pull Tylor into a more enjoyable position against his frame. as the silent ride would be something. However despite the scolding Bel would get from his mother.
the young man would care for his sister to the best of his abilities. as this was now a kind of family secret with Tylor's condition. however believing some popular boy from the school had swooned his
way into her pants, and slipped past Bel's guard like persona for his sister. it was both angering, and impressive to some degree.

Once they got, back, time would pass, as Bel was caring for his sister. several days past. as
the sound of him assaulting Tylor at night would come off, to the parents like he was washing and carrying her in the room.
however it would be worse then they ever could think. due to how the sounds always came with some kind of laughter teasing words, which came off like
playful sibling banter with him wanting to clean her up, and ensure their was no risk for the sister.

( you can decide how long of a time skip we have, before the kids at school begin to push, and play with tylor )
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Days would pass, leading up to Taylor being about a month along and her days at school quite limited but she finally made it today with no low fever and ate all her breakfast plus prenatal vitamins. Layla was over the moon that her bff was finally back, catching her up on the latest gossip especially about Drake who had been asking about Taylor but being a loyal friend she uttered nothing to him. Of course wonderings about the ring were brought up but Taylor shrugged it off since she knew Layla could not see but Taylor knew she was showing more everyday. Then came Drake, strutting up to them with flowers "Glad to see you back in school, darlin" offering the flowers to her. Taylor glances up at him with a risen brow "Not all the way better but thank you" walking around him as she did not wish to interact. "Hold up!" hurrying after her as Layla between them "lost your chance, besides her brother will kick your ass if you touch her again" warning him.
Local Time:
2:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the girls walked down the hall, with Drake close in tail. It was almost comical, how desperate, or stubborn the young man was. However down the hall, and leaning against the locker next to Tylor's locker was Bel.
the young man smirked, waiting for his sis to come to where he was. with a small lunch bag in his hand. with home made food for his sis. Carefully made for both required nutrients, as well as the flavor he knew she liked.

the only done side in Bel's mind to doing this, was the constant earfuls he keeps getting from his mother. who seemed to enjoy their increasing one on one time in the kitchen, but at the same time. with him having taken
responsibility like this in her mind. it was the young lad throwing away his future for his sister's mistake. But the truth was still that he, and his sister made this love child.

As he stood their, a warm smile on his face, looking tours his sister, and her friend. it would seem like Drake was being ignored, at least for this moment in time. However if he dared to touch Ty while in view of Bel. their would be quiet
the show once more.
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