Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

As she spoke up, the man would shake his head looking into the eyes of this hive queen in the making. as he would suddenly speak in a way which would take both the mental halfs of Alexi by

"no not the monster, the woman inside of you, the sis I know is still in their. your outside might be a beast, and your body shared, But I know my beloved sis is apart of you still, or I would have been a meal already. "

saying this in a moment of reveals for the queen of a soon to be made alien hive. revealing to her, that the fact she infected him a male, instead of feeding on him, was enough proof that the woman he called big sis, and the only woman this young foolishly loyal and protective man had saved himself for existed still.

as this was said and done, the fact remained, Zane would be the piece of humanity to prevent alexi from becoming a pure monster with her better half, However he could also be used by the monster half, to both expand her own reach and perhaps subdue her human half even more. as the two were almost fully united at this point. as Daphne was now fully infected, passed out and ready to be taken back to her other girls, in the medical bay to be added to her small growing clutch of seed bed servants.
"Consumption is not what I want." Alexi said as her claws reached out to hold into Zane. "I want-i must- impregnate more females-" she said as her natural biological urge, a simple inclination to propagate her bloodline was harped upon by tye Alien hive DNA. "It's the only way we will survive- to keep them safe-"

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