Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

As Alexi endured, and enjoyed her meal in secret. the sensation of her body changing did not fully become noticed until it would be far to late. as if the subtle changes at first were scene by the creature
as her own wiggling, and thrashing to escape. however the fact remained, the infected beauty soon found herself feeling the odd weight, and tightness within her from the first few eggs spewing into her now
infected, and evolving womb. the tightening flesh with in her milking all three cocks for all they were worth. as her much larger fleshy mounds were like addictive fun bags, which caused the claw like hands grasping them to begin
to enlarge, the palms splitting open to create fleshy suckers, which began to slowly suck in the nipples. trying to slowly engulf the entire breast, while fondling them, which would be a difficult task for this creature. however the unexpected part
would be how her own clit began to get more abused then it had prior, as this infection allowed her cock to be masked as a clit at least with this encounter, due to how her form was shifted to the human form. but now it would finally click for her mind.

Thanks to the body changing effect of her new form, Alexi could make her man part become a normal womanly nub, however with her form changing, her natural size of the clit changed back into a girthy and impressive cock, like it was meant to be.
all the more, she would feel how the beast move to use it's palm mouth to engulf the cock as the clawed fingers abused her flesh. not caring much at this point, however it's assault was meant to weaken, drain and convert her into a willing, and sexually
broken incubator, but in fact, it's own body was slowly growing weaker, and her own growing stronger. more then that, by the time she milked this thing for at least four more loads, and several more eggs. Alexi would find her strength enough to rip it from her, and
keep the creature alive if she wanted it to be a specimen for her girls to experiment on, or to finish it up, or even keep it as an egg generator for her monstrous powers, so it could be like a infection generator for her. as long as she kept it weekend enough to make this
beast harmless. as it was made up of so many different kinds of husks, she would find it's regenerative, and sexual abilities unique, if her mind could think past feasting at this lustful state.
As her power grew, and felt her prey weakening, giving its seed and its eggs to her, making her belly bulge with the weight. She pushed back against her prey, forcing it down and against the ground suddenly as she started to push for further pleasure and control. She nearly flexed herself like a vice, her monstrous strength locking her new prey inside if her so it couldn't dream of escape. She was going to milk it until it's body stopped cumming...or it suffered a catastrophic death.
Now bouncing and trapping the fiend with in and under her elegant, yet monstrous body. Alexi would be able to feel the pleasure in her own body increase, as the sensation of all
the limbs trying to push her off desperately and weakly could be felt. however the beast would soon be passing out, yet it would be very erect still. as the body could be enjoyed until death or
she could leave it alive, for future enjoyment.

in the distance, her little brother, albeit infected, and half turned into husk began to finally recover. his scent now hitting her new senses, like a sweet, mouth watering meal, for her to partake in.
however in this form, if she had enough control, even alexi could keep him from fully changing into a monster by milking his infection out of the body, and giving him some of her own, however this would
also pose a unique risk. for if she gave in, he could become just another meal, and if she did succeed, their unique relationship on this ship would never be the same again. as he would not just lust for her alone
but would need his sister like a drug or treatment, to keep his mind from becoming that of a mindless lustful predator. as his body was coming tone, while she rode the victim under her, granting a few options for Alexi
to enjoy, and think of, as her tail reformed, her body's almost cosmic beauty returning, unless she wanted one to see her true self as a monster in this form.
As the monster started go limp underneath her, Alexi stood up, letting her defeated, nearly completely drained plaything slip out of her. For the moment atvleast, her interest was in the next meal before her, the morsel that she could snatch up and drain, but as she stepped forward her humanity clawed at the Alien hunger, grabbing at the reigns of her thinking. 'He is our friend-' it argued.

'So was Gunner. He was tasty. This one is no different! Look he's already tainted!

'We will not devour our little brother!'

She hissed to herself as she shook her head, forced to pursue other tactics than conventional absorbing of infection and Biomass. The ethereal beauty moved closer to the Husk. 'Wait what are you doing!' Her human mind faintly asked as she grabbed her new prey up abd lifted him up, her mouth opening.

'Draining this one.' Her Alien half hissed as it took control , her tongue rolling out abd wrapped around the Husks cock, starting to engulf him in her mouth to suck on him.
Noe with in the enlarge yet oddly elegant looking claws of the bestial beauty alexi. The smaller partial husk would manage to speak out once more, struggling to sp3ak words. As he was only partially changer thus far.

"Don't, sis release, run. Do not become enslaved by capt. " as his words came out weak and broken. Each on obviously strained, this would tell the mortal part of Alexis mind that her Lil brother could still be saved, even if it meant claiming him along the lines of the girls.

As this was going on,his olimpressively long, and girthy rod was in her mouth. Invading, and bulging the alien maiden throat as her tongue eas coiled around and working the rod while her head bobbed and her maw enjoyed a unique meal.

It would be a small window but as his hands weakly pushed against her, his revealed how his mind was still their and the husk body still partially his, thanks to how the master of his infection was drained by her enough to grant this much freedom. Yet oddly enough the brother of alexi would seem to be a more mouth watering and ideal meal, most likely due to his natural lust and desire for her even before this he'll was unleashed upon their once peace way of life.
The otherworldly beauty looked him in the eyes, her gaze petrifing and fiery as she man handled the husk, bobbing and thrusting her prey into her mouth. Her tongue squeezed and writhed along his girthy member, her maw slippery and wet. She moved her tail, wrapping it around his waist, as she started teasing on his sack next.
as the bestial alien beauty went to town, and began to feed, her throat slightly bulged from the cock she was taking in. it would be once he began to cum down her throat, filling the belly
with a new kind of warmth, which was not expected. as the seed she had absorbed thus far had been thick, slightly warm, but this would feel different. as if he was like a rare treasure of a meal
compared to her normal meals. Unaware this new sensation, and alluring reward for the alien side, was due to the unique bond this victim shared with her human side.

As it would also be this oddly warm, and desirable sensation would would Pull Alexi's mind out more for her to see how the color was quickly fading from her partial husk of a little brother. the man
which had even protected her, as a monster, was becoming her new meal. However if she could some how gain enough control, to stop it before the process was to far gone. the process could go from making
him a full meal, into turning this younger looking man into one of her claimed toys, like the women thus far had become. however would her alien counter part which was growing stronger with each meal desire
a male toy in their growing collection, as they still had the tomboyish soldier, and the crazy battle junky to rescue, and claim as it was.
Alexi forced her mouth back off of her brothers cock as she fekt her control come rushing back to herself once she sensed his infection was juuuust low enough to empty him of the influence of the monstervsge had claimed. Her brother felt the sloppy wet cave suddenly pull away, leaving his groin and sauce and cum soaked mess. But she put his weak foolrm on the floor and grabbed his head , knowung...the only way to infect him properly...he would have to probably swallow a heaping helping of his sisters cum.
Now with her brother so weak, and vulnerable, it was an ideal moment, however more then that.
If alexi did not realize it yet, her new form could use it's tail as a secondary cock, with a bit of effort, and
power expending. this would not be an ideal situation but one which could be used, however if she was not careful
during this process, Alexi could lose herself, and let her alien half take over again.
Alexi looked at her ethereal tail, the swaying appendage almost angling out at her at well, like they were staring at eachother. She shook her head. Her little companions life was not the time to experiment with her abilities. She'd save that for her new prey. Maybe Daphne would appreciate getting utterly filled in all her holes . She gripped her brother cheeks, forcing his mouth open as her cock grew out slowly. "Mm-its okay little bro...big sis is going to-feed you the good stuff-" she muttered as sge started to push her tip into his mouth and eased it in carefully.
beginning to do this process slowly, The sensation of her cock entering his mouth would seem worlds different then when she
used it on the women. perhaps due to the new form, or perhaps due to how he was worlds smaller then any of her prior prey or more so partners.
however his body was drained, and weakened enough to make him like a breathing and enjoyably warm fuck doll. however his struggling would begin once
she gagged him with her cock entering his throat. as his fists would weakly hit against her thighs.
as she did this, the struggle would become a bit more aggressive at first, however his weak thrashing as Alexi filled her brother would give the alien
beauty even more pleasure. which would only cause new images to flash in her mind. images of herself in her human form, and her would be brother doing a wide
variety of things, more so things which would entice the more predatorial side of herself, even though some of them would involve her other ladies. however as this was going on
his struggling would seem to aid in milking her bio fluids all the quicker, unaware that the two difference infections meeting in his body would cause the young man to go into an almost
coma like state, until the new infection would dominate his body. however this would be discovered once she climaxed, and filled his gut with her glowing seed.
As he struggled harder, He saw Alexis eyes rolling back in her elhead slowly , clearly something in her getting off on the way he struggled . Either his sister was a bigger freak than he originally thought, or whatever alien infection that had transformed them both clearly was making her sexual impulses more intense. She leaned forward sudden. Her tip pushing back into his throat as he felt her unleashing her first load straight down in his belly. Glowing alien spunk forced its way down his throat and pooled in his guts like thickened cream.
the odd sensation of her massive member gushing it's release into his mouth, and down the young lad's throat. the sound of gulping could be heard,
as well as how a small amount dribbled down the corners of his lips. all the more, she would soon find his body going limp, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
this would not be anything of concern for the infected mind, but the human side of the mind would be a different story, as this was her precious family, well what naturally remained
of it, from the current ship crew. as he was now out cold, his body would be out for some time, as the new infection would spread, as his body would begin to change slowly.
"Ha-ah-little bro?" Alexi said looking at him as she noticed his body go limp, she pulled herself out of his mouth, fearing briefly that she somehow suffocated him, but she noticed he was still breathing. Her panic didn't stop as she tried to shake him, her Alien side trying to pump it's usually natural knowledge into her emotional mind. He wasn't dead or suffering, she had done her job. She eventually steadied herself, calming slightly as she hugged her unconscious companion briefly in relief...hee Alien side gently urged her to try to stretch out his ass while she had the chance but she pushed it back down before the idea gained any hold quickly
as this was going on, it was like a tug o war between the two sides of the same mind. however the alien side knew if she took the ass, and infected the other entrance she could
increase the rate of their infection dominating the prior infection which had almost turned him into a husk prior. yet at the same time Alexi's more emotional, and sentimental side of her human
mind knew he would need time to recover, which would be a slower spread of her infection through his body.

regardless if she was able to keep herself under control, or slip up, and find her alien side managing to do something she didn't want, the young man would need to be transferred back to their safe room,
or perhaps a new room just for his body to recover in safely, if she didn't want the other girls to see, or try to touch his unconscious body. Despite all this, the alien side of Alexi, having consumed most of the prior infection, had also gained some memories and knowledge of this young man. and could feed the info to her human side, or keep it for herself, as it could reveal how he had only succumbed to the infection as much as he did for the desire to breed his own sister. more then that, she was also the reason he never touched any other woman, even after the prior infection, meaning this weak male had a stronger side to him then any prior victim which had been found thus far. yet this also meant if she did not warn alexi, once this young man recovered, he would most likely jump alexi first chance he got, or if she warned her, she could perhaps use this as reason to try and use the boy's ass and spread her infection faster, perhaps even gaining a level of control over his body which was not even considered for any of the other infected victims.
Alexi flushed gently as she was fed the new memories of her supposed brother, how he had been bidding his time to get a chance with her. The Alien inside her was confused by the primate mating custom, if one wanted to breed, why hold your time? Jumping upon your desired host and stuffing them with your genes was the best tactic in the propagation of one's offspring. If this male was willing to limit its potential offspring in some attempt at focus upon her , clearly the best option was for Alexi to be the dominant and take control of this rearranging his guts. Afterall she one dumped one glowing load in his belly. She had to secure her male as thoroughly as she had her females, even if in doing so, her infection would ultimately rewrite his bodies DNA and mirror Alexi in his Visage.

She bit her lip as her human side was tempted....ofcourse she could always do such things when she wasn't so busy. Depending on how long the coma would last any way. She pulled him up in her arm, putting the weakened male on her shoulders as she looked around for a safe place to hide him.
now carrying her new prize over her shoulder like a sack of meat, The bestial beauty known to few as Alexi, would have her prize now in her possession,
However heading to a small private room to ensure safety for his body to recover. she would catch a glimpse of the playfully annoying tomboy known as Daphne.
despite being petite she had military training and skills. thus she could be useful, in more ways then one. However would the predator wish to leave her current prey for some fresh
meat for stuffing. or would she perhaps stalk this survivor to a room to try and complete two tasks at once.
Alexi l's heightened senses fixed on her previous prey, the Aliens Greed nagging to prey upon them both, but Alexi's human mind still had its edge. She set her brothers comatose body into the small closet space, closing it up. She wanted to keep him safe and sound fir the moment, and she had no clue what she would find out here. Alexi slid low to the ground, starting to slink towards her, now on the hunt for a petite tomboy to make into her new spawning ground.
Moving low, and precise, Alexi would soon get view of Daphne moving frantically, partially naked, and seeking some kind of weapon to defend herself.
as she moved about, her almost glistening body was ripe for capture and abuse. the prey would be easy to pin and assault, however would She want to capture
daphne in the bestial form, or shift to a human form, to lure the girl into a sense of safety before revealing her true beautiful form, and assault her prey with cock and tail
both with out warning.
Alexi's tail flicked as she watched her scrambling around, the hybrid starting to pulling her glorious transformation back inside. Sge started to stand up, moving forward, nearly instantly forcing herself to shake like her bodybwas taxed beyond its limits. "You're safe-" she said wearily as she staggered gently into the room.
Appearing to daphne as a naked, and well abused woman, Alexi came into the door frame moving and looking as though she was past her physical limits.
causing the tomboysih woman to rush over and take Alexi's arm. as she would looked worried, and move to help Alexi into the room.

"we need to get something to cover ourselves, and some weapons. you might have won, but what about next time. "
as she spoke unaware that she was walking right into the predator's trap, thinking alexi needed help now, as she was the one almost glistening with body fluids, and
appearing to have been exhausted, and weakened.
"Heh-i don't know- if I can handle that many like that in more than one day" she said as she touched her crotch with a wince. "And-and-i things in me" she said sounding dazed, like she still wasn't fully aware of what happened to her, that the monsters had banged her so viciously she was in some shocked state. She leaned against Daphne. "We can't go to the armory, something there too "
As she spoke and moved like this, the prideful petite warrior would move to help Alexi to a near by seat. as she spoke softly.
"DO not worry,. Big Sis will take care of you while were hear. Nothing else will touch you at least while were together in this room. "
as she spoke sounding as prideful and strong as ever. Yet Alexi had seen the cowardly side of her already, having ran out of the room prior.
yet for right now, this young almost male looking female would soon turn around and expose herself to Alexi, as Daphne was not thinking their would
be any risk, as her back was turned to Alexi, she would ask her savior and friend to wait while she dug through some of the room's supplies, saying she would
find something to help mend Alexi. creeating a loving opening for Alexi to pounce ether as her human form, or even shifting and suddenly pouncing
as her monstrous seductress form. as the fun she could have would soon present itself, while Daphne was now looking for something to use to examine
and hopefully remove anything which was forced into Alexi, unaware these eggs were like a lovely source of alien infectious, or power batteries for the predatorial maiden.
"Daphne, thank were always so good. So..strong." Alexi said as she neared her, biting her lip. "Do you...think I'm foolish for sacrificing myself for you like this? We may have never saw eachother aagain." She said as she reached out, Daphne feeling the Futanari lay her hands in her hips, gripping on her lightly for the moment.
feeling this, yet misreading the situation, Daphne would move up to Alexi, wrapping her arms around the busty milf. as she moved to lean in kissing her
would be rescuer on the cheek, before speaking. " You were always such a good girl for us all, do not threat, I will remain with you until this ends. " saying this
she would place a palm on Alexi's belly. thinking that Alexi was like this, due to her end coming closer, as they would both be able to feel and see the movement in Alexi's
body. as if one of the eggs was hatching. however the truth was her body had begun to consume the one egg closest to hatching. thus fueling her body even more, but the
more powerful she became the hornier she would be as well. yet before daphne's eyes, she believed Alexi would soon be drawing to her end, thus wanting to comfort the young
beauty before her as a final thank you for saving her.
"Thats not-not-mm-" Alexi flinched slightly as her grip on Daphne tightened, the eggs pure grade infection making her lean forward as she felt the power spreading through her. She put her face against the nape if her neck, embracing her. She was shaking like she was holding un her body ached, her internalized sack swelling, sperm production rapidly increasing. "Not what I was trying to say...I always...wanted know you." She said as she pulled her head up, her mouth pushing against the woman's in a quick, hungry kiss, like she was a desperate soul, looking to impart her last pure feelings into the person they loved but would never see again. Honestly, Alexi has probably cranked out a nut or two thinking about Daphne, imagining her often to be a quite soft gentle soul when the sheets were around her. But she would have to infect her, and such tender dreams was alien to her own body now.
as the kiss happened, at first Daphne could be felt struggling a bit with wide eyes, until they became soft, and tender. her arms moving to wrap firmly around Alexi.
as the first kiss broke. she would smile pressing her head to Alexi.

"I am sorry I can't do much more for you, but we can at least enjoy these last moments. "
as she said this before closing her eyes, and moving into give another deep kiss, unaware that it was while in this second intimate kiss, with eyes closed, that Alexi could
shift into her seductive monster form, and double assault Daphne before she knew what was happening or just move to take her in the infected maiden's human futa form.
As Daphne closed her eyes, and leaned in to kiss her again, the woman felt something stiff suddenly jump up again her leg as Alexi's excitement made her instantly erect. She kissed her again, reaching up and cupping the woman by the back of the head. She deepened the kiss more and more, pushing her back little by little until she was against the wall...Alexi was so in the moment she didn't even realize she was transforming.

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