Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

lost in the moment, thinking this would be an almost romantic farewell to her heroine. Daphne's eyes closed, and body lost in the moment would easily miss, the maiden
before her turning into something far worse, yet as alluring. as the erection increased in size, the tail forming, as the tip of the tail was splitting, and forming a bulbous and oozing tip.
the wicked thing would be a larger and more shapeable member to be used. as the elegant form before her was turning into a more radiant beauty, which kept her human like face, despite the features.
having already begun to shift. little did Daphne know, the true monster which was this exotic alien beauty would show it's fangs to protect what was it's mating property. however as it was now,
daphne would ether fall prey with her eyes closed if Alexi assaulted her in mid kiss, or would come to, after the kiss to see what was before her, regardless it would be tolate to break free or resist really.
Alexi moaned inti her mouth as her body transformed, her grip tightening as she lifted up Daphne briefly, her tail curbing around her back silently, the bulbous tip oozing its seed out along the floor. Daphne felt it press on her only for a second before her tail suddenly snapped forward, thrusting itself in between her legs, plunging itself into her sex.
suddenly feeling this burst of pressure with in her, with the sudden penetration and invasion of such a thick alien appendage with in her.
Daphne's eyes shot wide open, the instant she saw Alexi's form. her hands moving to press upon the alien maiden's shoulder. her one leg moving to get
the flat of her foot against the wall. the second against the hips of alexi. trying to get her footing, and to push this thing off of her, however her struggle would
would only lead to a more enticing domination. as the tongue could now become a form of appendage as well if Alexi wanted to waste another egg to evolve her form a bit more.
yet she could enjoy daphne as is or push her limits. as this was a strong willed, albeit more boyish build woman, but her elegance was not lost in such a world. as she was unable to pull away
from the kiss despite her best efforts at first.
As Daphne tried to pull herself away, Alexi absorbed another eggs power, feeling it crunch and absorb its power as her mouth grew out another appendage, shoving the cock into her mouth as she wriggled her tail , thrusting it into her faster as she pushed her back into the wall, her member thrusting and grinding against her as she grasped on her tighter.
now with this new evolution done, as Daphne managed to pull away from Alexi's lips. the thick tongue was still throat deep, and fucking the woman's
face. as it became more visible, as she tried to pull away. her belly deforming and bulging in the outline of the tail cock deep in her.
as the massive and long nature cock which rubbed along the clit, and belly. the tip of this monstrous alien cock sandwiched between both of their breasts,
showing how she could have some real fun with her enhanced, and evolving body. Now the struggling maiden's thrashing grew weaker, as tears could be seen
running along the sides of her eyes. the sensation of one foot, soon became two, the flat of her feet against Alexi's waist, as she struggled to push
the alien beauty off of her. wiggling and thrashing with what little energy she had, having no idea that all the thrashing and struggling would only aid in pleasure,
and the unwanted over whelming over load of seed to be released all over, and in daphne.
Alexi moaned into her mouth as the maiden managed struggle harder, her hand reaching down abd grabbing her on the ass firmly. Daphne only fekt the monsters desire, it lust for her was overwhelming as it's body rubbed against hers. It's monster member drummed and throbbed pungent precum started to bubble and leak out, leaking hot seed on her skin like no man had for her before the appendage that was ramming diwn her throat was sliding into her belly as Alexi closed the gap between them, sealing their lips together firmly as she was already getting close to cumming....and she wouldn't want to let anything spill from her holes.
Feeling all this, and panicking, Daphne's brain was in over drive, her feet pushing, her fists weakly hitting.
as she struggled and thrashed about her heroic rapist, the victim began to feel her mind going fuzzy. her body tighting around the cocks with in her.
as the morphed tongue was now causing a secretion which was like a thick sticky mix of saliva and cum to escape the corner of her lips with each oral and throat
fucking thrust. all the more the sensation of the wicked tail cock digging into her depths, almost as if trying to move the tomboyish woman's insides about.
it would not be much longer before her body would seem to feel like it was starting to go limp or lifeless, as the reduced oxygen, plus the panic and pleasure mixing
all together would be pushing Daphne to an extreme state of blacking out very soon.
As Daphne felt her air running out, before her body was snapped to attention as she felt something, thick and hot, and definitely sticky starting to fl[d inti her from both ends, her guts being suddenly forced to stretch to take in the helping helpings of Alien cum. Alexi pulled back her kiss as her second appendage flexed in the maidens that, funneling more of the mind numbing goo into her stomach. Her once flat stong belly was ruined, being pushed and filled until it looked like she was knocked up. She felt the monsters tool throbbing like crazy, shooting the rest of thevhotvstuff up and on both of the m, but Alexibwas too hot and hornybto notice she was making a mess of them bith.
as things continued like this, before Alexi could realize it, Her belly was as if she was in the final stages of pregnancy. the sensation of this bloated belly felt almost like the alien cock was now
being crushed between the bellies. as the hot seed squirted upon them both, and stained their impressive breast. all the while the seductively petite maiden was now a mess, and completely defenseless. leaving only her ass to be claimed next. which was up to the wicked beauty if she would claim the remaining hole or not. for the instant she pulled out, the mouth, and pussy both would release an over flow, yet the fact remained this soldier maiden who was ideally built with her petite body for combat, yet her thighs, and hips were perfect for bearing children. despite her lack of assets, she was a perfect mix to use in many ways.

in another room, the young infected stud began to awaken finally. his mind hazing, his body hurting. as a new unnatural, and over whelming hunger was forming. Little did this body know, he needed a new name or to be renamed by his mistress, and big sis. However the she was seen, his body would cause him to pounce upon Alexi to lay his claim, regardless of her form, or what she was in the middle of doing.
As Daphne was swollen like she was jn the midst of carrying her future brood Queens young, her mouth and pussy felt their monstrous instruments slowly pulling out of her dazed body. Then Alexi laid the woman in her side, holding onto her legs to part them. The ethereal beauty watched a slow stream of her seed start to bubble and leak out od the tomboy..but in her new form, her infection was practically already merging and claiming her mind and body. Her womb would be most capable of carrying the most of her seed abd eggs given her natural body size. Atleast for the moment. If Alexi's antics didn't cause her harem of women to become infected further. Alexi's hard cock slapped against the woman tiny ass hole, the monster nudging and teasing on it to try to open it up little by little to claim her guts. "You're a woman Daphne- my woman- you look so sweet and sexy-" the Alien cooed lustfully
Hearing this, The weakened almost passed out daphne barely managed to whimper a no more, as she felt the bulbous and hot rod prodding at the soon to be
well spread ass. the petite warrior could do little more then wiggle, and squirm in protest with very little movement. as her mind was slowly hazing over her body already
successfully infected. all the more, Alexi, even in this state would soon claim her prize. as her only male toy would be slowly approaching her current play room and meal.
as this could easily turn into something unexpected, and more fun then just claiming yet another seed bed for her own growth.
as she pushed her actual appendage slowly into the tight sphincter of her victim. Daphne's eyes suddenly shot wide, as she began to scream bloody murder for her tight rear
was now feeling as if it was being torn. which was far from the truth, but still the sensation of every inch, slowly ruining her back side. the burning, stretching and searing sensation of the invasive
growth of pleasure. well pleasure for one, and lustful suffering for another.

this would create quiet the sight, and sound to lure in potential playmates as Alexi was going to town upon her new toy.
Alexi grabbed the woman's face, clamping a hand to muffle her scream as she pushed in, inch by monsterpus inch into her backside. No normal male could have mimicked the sensation, her tool barreling deeper, her slapping hee hips into yhe woman's ass cheeks. Alexi rammedvagainst her quickly, her tail wiggling and waving as she leaned over, whispering more sweet, lewd nothings inti her new harem brides ear.
as she lost herself in this act, the predatorial bestial side of her, would be dominant with daphne.
as this began to really increase, Alexi would find herself breaking Daphne, surprisingly slowly, despite the way the body was
being filled and stretched with out mercy. More then that, the fact that her tail and wicked frame was enjoying this new victim or bride.

As this was going on, the enhanced senses of the monsterized beauty would soon be able to detect the motion of her so called little brother slowly moving
tours the room where she was enjoying the act. giving a rare chance for this bestial beauty to present herself while enjoying her new toy, invite the new playmate,
or prepare herself to show off what she can do in many ways, as daphne would be the ideal sample for the show.
"Mmph-Daphne- your beautiful body holds up well to its mama- don't you worry, as long as I have batter to serve- you're going to be taking it in-" Alexi purred hotly in her ear, her body thrusting inti the durable tomboy hardervand harder, her long, power arms wrapping her prey in a tight embrace. She grabbed her petite breasts, playing with them as her tail swayed around. When her thrall entered the room, he saw his mistress running away, gifting a new seed bed her bountiful blessings. Ofcourse her once beloved little brother only saw her truest form, the real beauty underneath her pheromone induced illusion, though ti her brother perhaps hee predatory, beastial form was all the more alluring to his infected mind. Her sleek pale gray scales, tiger tlstripped with black sections along her back, her lithe muscles, her glittering gleaming purple eyes, her curves, even her tail, a bulbous oozing appendage that slathered out her seed, making a musky trail oh hypnotic pheromones and aphrodisiac scenes, that was nestled against a deadly stinger blade that currently was retracted during play time. The tail flicked in his direction, as I'd during her breeding, it was watching him.
seeing this, the wicked little man smirked, as he thought he could sneak up on her at this point. his mind no longer as clear as it should be. as he had been successfully corrupted.
however while lost in her action with the victim before her, Alexi might be able to sense her lil bro, but he would try to sneak up and take her from behind. wanting to reach around
and fondle Alexi, as he would try to push himself into her suddenly. wanting to surprise her with the attempt to make this into a threesome. However it was unaware if she actually knew he was
slowly approaching or not, and if so, would she allow her little brother's playful assault to join in. as it would give even her alien side a bit more pleasure then planned. as it would discover a unique
sensation which alexi's human side knew well, albeit one almost long forgotten sense the infection.
As he approached, hungry to get a piece of the fat bouncy Alien rump before him, the tail wrapped around his neck in a flash, squeezing on him as she rutted away into Daphne, the Alien beauty looked over, giving him another squeeze about the neck. It wasn't tight enough to cut off much oxygen...but then he felt the fleshy tip of the appendage ooze against his cheek. "Mm-mommy is busy-what is it-" she spoke, her voice more a warped, hungry one, a predators tongue pressing on his mind. "Did you get hungry?" She teased
as she spoke, the voice in her mind could soon be heard, the young horny stud which was the romantically addicted brother to Alexi. however he was no longer bound by the restraints, however his own desires far exceeded those of a natural need to feed or breed. however this new and over whelming sensation while in the mist of claiming her rowdy new toy would allow an interesting idea to enter the almost demonic maiden's alien mind. as it also pulled the human side of her into this as well. as it was no mystery that once this man joined them, the body would be able to feed, claim, and also feel a new kind of pleasure to be used while using another., however die the dominant side of Alexi feel like giving in, even if it was just to experience something which was meant for her human half to partake in, or would she simply remove their little stud until the infected mama was ready for her own games with him.
Alexi's tail lifted him up off the ground, keeping her new male at arms length, knowing what he desired from his mistress. "You are going to have to earn it, I won't just let you touch me like some feeble female." She hissed , her voice in his mind only pushing her overbearing yet already welcome addicting presence upon her thrills senses. Her human side would have flinched at the idea if it had a say, but between stuffing Daphne senseless with ever growing feral force, and having forced her brother to guzzle her seed to survive, she had only a miz if emotions that the Alien side simply chose to ignore. "If younare a good little male, you will do well to serve your Hive Mother and her will. Yes? You will never be foolish to forget who feeds you what you need for sustainance."
Hearing this, the young man would seem to squirm in the tail of his mistress.

"no need for hive, just need sis, no one else. " as he squirmed, apparently not fully understanding his position at the moment. However little did this infected young man know, he would soon become the key to what remained of Alexi's human side surviving and growing with in the infected queen which was her alien half. however using the gentle and sisterly tone which he knew from the human side of Alexi, the alien queen would be able to easily manipulate this simple stud while he was disrupting her. however at the same time, as this distracted her from the petite battle maiden, it allowed the powerful maiden, daphne to recover enough strength to squirm and struggle against her soon to be queen all the more. thus creating even more pleasure, upon Alexi's fully sheathed cock. which one could see this as a reward from the young looking infected stud painting false hope for her prey and thus granting refreshed thrashing, struggling and pleasure for the growing queen of an alien hive.
Her mandible clicked in pleasure as Daphne squirmed , her cock throbbing with its dark passion. "Nonsense-You came here for both of us-" she spoke in his mind as she thrusted again, her cocks tip sliding into Daphnes womb to corrupt her most delicate place. "She knows why you came here, you are connected to her as well." The Alien monstrosity said. "You want me, don't you?" The voice in his head changed, the presence becoming more like Alexi.
"I want big sis, and only sis. No one else is enough woman." saying this, not even caring about the alien infection or the inhuman form he could see. as he would struggle enough to get his arms around her hips.
the hands locking around the creature's belly between her and daphne. it was impressive as he had enough will power, and strength to do this, despite her tail holding him as it was. as he hugged the infected queen from behind. speaking soft, as he spoke of how big sis would always be his big sis no matter what form she took. it would be enough to cause the weaker, and almost dormant like human side of the hive maiden to grow strong enough to react to his feelings. even more so due to the infection connecting Alexi with all her prey, as they were apart of her growing hive, and power. however more then that, unlike females, who were loyal, and willing once claimed. this one had enough ego to resist, and ignore the queen if he so desired, meaning he would require a different kind of touch. yet using the human voice as she was. it was not hard for her to decieve this man for right now. as he had no idea that the two persona's shared one body for mutual growth and survival.

all the while, Daphne would soon be passing out with her glistening, albeit well filled, and bloated frame. if the creature wanted to test this boy, and her other half so to speak. she could give the young man the order to use this body before her. most likely able to sense how he would not touch any other woman at this point, as his ego had become stronger sense being freed from the husk form he was in prior. if nothing else, making him a more powerful elite, infected, this warrior could prove more ideal as a hive defender then one could ever predict. yet this still left the case of her needing to deal with the evolved captain, and the true dominating life form on this ship, let alone the rest of the crew, as she now had about 1/4th of the female crew members as her own.
"You want your sister, your queen?" She purred as she used Alexi's voice, the desire and warmth he fekt as he embraced the curvy monster that made his body and mind burn with such hungry affections. "Mm-show your sis something then- " she purred as Daphne felt the monster piston inside her finally stop as she was just barely hanging on... though her cock was curved, I holding her up slightly just on her meet log. "Fuck this bitch in front of me' she said testing his loyalty to her. Was it a test to see if he'd follow orders...or if he would fuck other women...particularly hers.
Hearing this, the wicked little man shook his head, as he hugged Alexi's frame tightly.
"No, no more, I don't want or need others. Only Big Sis. Your still in their, your voice is yours, Our promise remember it. "
as the young man spoke up, his mind had indeed reverted to back when the two first joined the same crew, and even promised one another to always look out and be close. however back then it was never seen as such a promise to alexi, as it was to this wicked little soul. As he was beginning to shimmer internally. his own desires, and Ego seemingly adapting with the infection, signaling a strange mutation which if not kept in check could allow him to become a rogue like mutant. One which could not be controlled, or worse could threaten to dominate and steal from the queen.

yet despite this growing and new threat which was just beginning to bud, it was still weak enough that the infection could be prevented or molded so to speak. however the now nameless stud had no idea, as his ego existed, his dedication, and desire still strong, but due to his time as a partial husk, bits of his personal memories were ether destroyed or absorbed by the infection. thus his personal name was no longer remembered by the young man himself, but Alexi could give him his name, or a new name to represent his new life. however the hive queen would quickly discover, that if his hunger was sated, he would be more loyal then even a hive drone, albeit able to grow stronger, perhaps as strong as a queen her self, if nurtured correctly.
"I remember Zane- Don't worry-" she said, the monster calling on the memories if the host body it shared so effortlessly now that they had begun transforming as well. Soon Alexi's thoughts and her Alien side may be more than two individuals playing on their desires and wants. They would be something new. Something perfectly symbiotic all in due time. "I also remember thinking that close didn't wanted me like that?" She said, playing into the nature of Alexi....well mostly, Daphne was still getting treated to a rough fucking. "I thought you mean...fri-friends?" She added as she reached back to cup his face, drawing him closer to her a bit.
Cupping his face, as she pulled the once young man closer to her. his face spoke up as his cheeks squished together in her grasp. " Of course more, always wanted more with you. no one else. "
saying this his eyes had an odd look to them, one which would be able to melt the heart of the young lady, if Alexi was in charge, but it was more influenced by her alien infected counter part. then it would
only show an opening for both fun, and dominance. however the fact that Daphne's struggling began to grow weaker, her fight becoming less, and less. showing how close her body was to fully succumbing to the pleasure and infection of this monstrous form of Alexi.
"You-you love me? Even as this?" She asked, the term to her Alien counterpart was...foreign to some degree. Romance and such concepts were counter to it's simple, and blatant logic, breed and expand the harem. But picking through her human sides thoughts and knowledge, it was a extension of the mating rituals of humanoids, to build some sort of partnership bond that would eventually lead to the breeding and passing of genetics. "Aren't I scary?" She said as Daphne was slowly worn down, feeling the monsters unyielding hips digg inti her womb and the cock started to expand a bit inside her, about to unleash its last load into her to seal her fate as her new woman.
As she revealed her more monstrous and nightmarish form. Alexi would suddenly find her so called little brother doing something a bit unexpected, even for the monstrous form, and alien side of his big sister. as she had made the mistake of loosening her grip, as she showed him this form which should make a normal person regret such desires in an instant.

"As he would move to force himself to kiss her, a kiss even the alien side of Alexi would find enjoyably over whelming. as it was an alien experience, not a kiss to initiate a feeding or assault, but one of pure feelings and nothing else. even with how her face mandibles would seem to sink into his skin and cheeks a bit, due to how the predatorial like face was not meant to interact in such a way with a human face.

His one hand moving to gently stroke along the tail which held him, the other her own cheek. as the kiss would break, the young man would speak up.
"Body changes, but the heart, and soul will always be my lovely big sis. I will never abandon the only perhaps who is important. even if you need other bodies to feed or breed. servants are servants, but a companion, and lover is unique. " saying this, showing how warped his mind had become itself, however this would be enough to cause Alexi's fading human side to spark back to enough life that it was not fully merged with her alien half yet. however it was also a chance for this young man to do something unexpected, causing a new alien sensation to the predatorial queen, one which she would not understand but her human half knew perfectly well. yet as this was going on, The muscular petite Daphne had passed out with a bloated, and extended belly.
"Zane-you- " Alexi said as he broke the kiss, his words making her humanity warn her cold alien side, rhe monstrous parts of her trying to under his devotion beyond his words. As he touched her tail, the softer flesh of it wriggling abd her bestial manholes clicked. "You areba fool for fall in love with a monster!" She said as she looked at her claws, her tail making her squirm. "I fed you too much-'

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