Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Now the two of them were in the hall way, heading back to Beauty's room. Bel would suddenly move from holding her hand to pull the mare into his frame, as his lips forced themselves upon her. kissing his young mate forcefully, and with enough desire to weaken her legs, and heat her core up very quickly. however he did little more then this, just getting her body ready for more. as the kiss broke, he would look into her eyes, as beauty would see both the mixture of monstrous lust, and passionate love. her master was fighting with himself to simply keep himself from ravaging her right here, and now. If she did not feel up to enduring him, the young man would end up going to the stables later, like sally had warned her. yet now she could step up, and accept his needs upon her, or refuse him.
How easily she forgot the mind of Bel as they made their way down the empty halls toward where the twins were tucked away. Beauty was taken by surprise, gasping a yelp as she was pulled into rather aggressive kiss, her eyes closing to find herself breathless as she attempted to kiss back with some strength but somehow he made her melt in his grip. Blinking her eyes open when the kiss broke, panting shamelessly as she met his lustful gaze knowing full well she was the only one of his mares able to state his needs. She offers him a grin as she reaches up to caress his cheek "there a reason you stopped?" she questions him.
Questioning her stud, and master, Beauty would feel how she was pulled against his frame in such a way where she was in an ideal closeness.

" I needed to taste those lips, before I couldn't stop my growing urge, but are you up for more ?"
asking this, as the horny young man before her was already rubbing himself against her, even if Bel did not realize it at the moment. due to the impressive bulge he had poking right between her thighs. Beauty would be able to tell right here, if she freed his meat with her own hands, their would be no stopping him from taking her right here in the hall way for any to see. however it was clear he wanted to make sure she was up for sating his need, and not wanting to risk her well being, as she was more like his delicate flower, not a durable fuck doll to abuse.
His answer made her blush, reminding her that he was her lover and partner that did not see her as a fuck toy as he did Mako whom would be recovering for some time. If she does not state him now, a prize mare in the stock barn would be found ruined or dead by morning. Beauty could not imagine allowing that plus he was being so alluring in this moment that she would prefer entertaining him. She shifts to hike up the slip dress she wore, unzipping the front of his pants to free his love rod from its cage.
The seductively young Milf before him, soon had freed her master's impressively over sized spear, and her hand could now feel, and stroke the full size of it. all the while, she would find her back pressed against the wall, his one hand moving to slide along her thigh, preparing to lift it, the instant she was ready to take his full size into her depths. not caring who saw them, or that they were out in the hallway. this excitement only enticed bel to force Beauty into a deeper, and more intimate kiss. As nether of them knew that by the time they would get into full swing, it was possible one of the little ones could awaken, hungry or needy. however at this moment, it was just about the two of them here, and now.
He took the bait which in turn made her excited, she was learning quick how to seduce him into wanting her even more. She moans softly, vibrating her lips against his as her arms move to cup his face, running her fingers wither down his neck or up into his hair. Beauty was easily maneuvered to his liking for him to have easy access to her, hooking her legs around him once she felt his length enter her slick depths. A deep moan muffled from her throat, her hands grasping where they landed in his hair or scratching his skin. The thrill of possibly being seen with him simply made this all the more fun, she wanted everyone to know he belonged to her, she bared his twins, she was his love partner, and she was state his lustful needs in time.
As the fun began in the hall way for all to see, Bel began to move and take his younger mare. his thick loving spear filling her, it's rough, ridged shaft stretching her depths some more. However as the two began to really get into it more, and more. the fun would come to an abrupt end, once one of the twin or both of them would begin to cry for some reason. As far as Bel knew, sally would be near by, but the crying would be a red flag. however this would also put a wrench in her own plans, thus proving to Beauty how she needed some one to watch the little ones for her plans. as she had only so much time to make her lover realize how he did not need mako any more, but would her pride allow her to seek help for some time with her lover?
Every stroke was heaven of pleasure for Beauty, enjoying every second of this time with him, he was completely hers in this moment. It was not long as Lilly woke up, looking around from where she laid in the crib, the presence of mother was gone which felt wrong, also scaring her to begin crying. Her sounds woke up Rose who began crying immediately to support her sister. Beauty had a sudden feeling her gut which she decided to ignore as she was with Bel, all was fine. Sally on the other hand turned her head hearing the cries of the twins, they must be upset over something but far as Sally knew Beauty was with them.

"Please Bel, give me all of you" Beauty would whimper and mewl.
Stopping himself, as the little ones cried, Bel would move to gently kiss Beauty before breaking away from her.

"I'm sorry love, but our little ones need us, or perhaps you. we shall go check on them. after all, if they crying like this, I don't think any one is their with them, is their?"

as he spoke asking this question, in a way to reveal he expected Beauty to ensure some one was with their little one, however not showing any signs of anger or disappointment, just concern for their little ones in the room. as he would move to walk with Beauty back to the room, however even the mare knew, this had ruined a golden chance to begin to prove how Mako was no longer needed. A step back in the slow process of proving he did not need the harlot mare any more.
A loud whine sounded from her, her feet touching back onto the ground as he broke away from her ruining such an important moment. Beauty lets out a sigh "yes, I guess they must be hungry or something" not sounding too concerned of the reason to their crying. A little wobbly she heads up to the special room where the crying grew louder and louder, taking out a key to open the door. Simply the sound of the door opening gave the twins a sense of comfort, calming them down.
Once they got to the room, Bel would look around, as he smiled, seeing how Beauty took care of her little twins. now calming down in her care, as they would want attention and comfort. the young looking man would move up behind the mother of his little ones here, and kiss her neck and tease beauty a bit.

"We will need to get a proper baby sitter so we can have our real fun then hmm? Shall I go and speak with sally? or should we leave it where we left off and continue another day?"

asking this, in a gentle and lewd tone. teasing Beauty in a way her body seemed to enjoy, even if it was not a full on or proper manor, but it showed her, that seeing the young mare with her kids only turned her master and lover on all the more..
Making her way over to the twins, lifting them up into her arms to cradle offering shushing sounds to quiet them as they slowly settled seeing both mother and dad. Beauty knew he would be needy after ending things to abruptly thanks to the twins waking up to an empty room. She hoped this would not cause issues later on as they grow. Humming quietly in reaction to his teasing movement along her body "I believe Sally is in the garden" she spoke with a grin, wanting to finish him off, make him believe she can be more for him.
"I see, if that is the case, you will be alright while I go see about getting us a short term baby sitter for our fun time?"
asking this, making sure she would be alright with sally watching the twins. the fact remained, Beauty could see, and soon even pick up the powerful and needy scent of her man, which was not normal for her to notice. which only proved how badly he would need some one to keep him sated. and Mako was normally the queen of this role, now it was Beauty's chance to prove herself more valuable even in this need for her man. to prove he did not need mako, and perhaps even try to find a buyer or owner once he is alright with Beauty and sally, well more so beauty becoming his main woman for his needs. however it would also be an annoying irk for her, to have another watch her kids, but for a chance to move up in her new world would she accept this?
The idea of leaving the twins with Sally alone was unsettling but it was worth the sacrifice, finally trust the other mare that will be around for quite some time, Sally was respectful and kind so it was easy to like her. "yes" she spoke as she sat down in the rocking chair to simply enjoy Lily and Rose for a few minutes longer, the twins were so beautiful in every way, pure looking it seemed.
Back in the garden, Sally had settled back down to enjoy the fresh air and scenery once the crying stopped seemed an entirety but infants can be fussy at times. Sally groans as she felt her little one kick and move around inside her womb, her hand massaging gently "I know little one, your sisters and father await your arrival" she sighs.
moving to grasp, and kiss Beauty deeply as she sat in the chair. once the lips broke away, with a playful wink, Bel would move to walk out of the room promising to be back very soon. however taking his time to close the door as quietly as possible. Before long Bel would be noticed calmly heading to where Sally was, as he moved to check on her, as well as ask a favor if she felt up to it.

the young looking lord of this business, would soon be moving up to move behind Sally, wrapping his arms gently around the body of hers, his hands gently touching her belly. as he kissed the side of Sally's cheeks, and teased her neck a bit.

"You know, if you weren't in such a condition, I think I might end up ravaging this cute woman before me, But tell papa, how is the little one or little ones doing in ya?"
as he spoke playfully, their would be no mistake what he would want to ask her, however also giving sally some attention, and loving in a gentle manor.
Of course he would not step away for a moment without a farewell kiss that made any mare breathless and swoon but not Beauty, she simply grinned finding him entertaining as he pulled away to find Sally. Beauty focused on the twins for now, a tad annoyed with them but they did not know better nor did they understand life just yet, mother was all they knew and that she would protect them.

Sally was taken by surprise to the arrival of Bel thinking he would be with Mako would some time, the poor mare was in such a state. She giggles within his grasp, wiggling to face him with a smile "All is well, bit of a soccer match in that but I believe he is okay" she answers. Beauty probably was the one with a twin gene, Sally was not so cursed as already she saw the drain a set of infants can be. "Mako doing alright?" worried that was why he came all this way.
"Indeed she is, more so I fear she will be attempting to be her aggressive self, before I feel her body is ready. we will need to check on her periodically, to make sure she doesn't over due it. but for now she promised to rest, and take a few days to recover before any shenanigans. Which I do plan to check on her, but if I stay with her, I fear what I will do to her. "

as he spoke, honest, and straight to the point. Even sally knew how Bel treasured his three main girls, if not for this, he would easily abuse herself, and mako with how turned on they made him. even more so with how his thirsty eyes looked upon sally's pregnant form. her caring master had a twisted side indeed, but at least he had enough self control, not to take any chances. however this would be when he would ask if she thought she had enough energy to watch the twins for a while, as he wanted to play with Beauty, however they would remain close enough to hear if anything happened, and for ease of reach. yet he would not force this, if sally did not feel up to it. then the subject would drop.

however this request showed sally, how beauty took her words from prior, and were acting upon them, sooner then expected. Bel being naïve when it came to his girls would not see how beauty wanted to try and work him up enough that he would no longer look to mako for his sexual needs. which sally herself knew would not be possible due to the unique bond the two held, but it was not a bad goal for beauty to shoot for, perhaps a reason for her guard to melt down all the quicker with the new interaction, as if she would be dancing in the skillful palms of sally.
His words were true, Mako was out of the job per se at the moment leading to herself and Beauty taking it on but Sally was so far along any fun could lead to complications. So his request was only a little surprising due to the situation and timing of it all. Sally would glance over to the mansion and then back to Bel "I do not mind watching the little ones, I can feed them when they get hungry but if their wails are for their mother not even I can ease them. Best to keep close indeed" she answers with a knowing grin. Beauty could use some time with Bel, enjoy their relationship of becoming parents, and possibly create more children from their fun.

Sally would take Bel's hand, walking with him to the room of Beauty and the twins. She found it reassuring the trust Beauty put into her, at least the mare was branching out at her own pace. As long as beauty stays in her lane Sally does not see her as a rival.
As the duo soon got to the room to see Beauty with her children. the heavily pregnant Sally would be well supported by bel. as her body had come along quiet well. more then just that, she was more ideal then Mako was, at least in the mind of Beauty. as this would give her the needed one on one time, to drag her master and lover into another room, once Sally was all set up in the room. as Bel would take his time to ensure she had everything she could need. more then just that, to ensure if they needed beauty, or if she needed his aid, their would be no issues with this being heard, or known. as Bel gave Sally a special emergency page button. it would give a powerful shock into Bel's system to alert him of the emergency. something which was small and easy to use, for the worse case scenario.

"well then, once we get you all set up, I believe we will owe you some serious over time and gratitude. So before we even get through this night, thank you sally. "
as he said this, giving her the respect, which only she, and now beauty got from their master. as what came next would be in beauty's hands, as Bel would be taking his time to take care of prepping and setting sally up. showing the younger mare that he still had a severe desire for his business partner, but at the same time. Sally did not pose a threat to Beauty's new growing position, unlike how she saw mako.
Upon entering the room Beauty stood up greeting Sally with a small smile as she watched Bel get her settled. Beauty couldn’t help giving Sally a once over, she was ready to pop any minute it seemed. But long as she kept the foal in for a little longer Beauty could enjoy some Bel time. Sally got herself situated on the bed with pillows and the crib pulled to the side of the bed. The twins were fed and burped, cuddled with blankets to soothe them into a nap. “I got them” Sally reassures them with a loving smile.

With Sallys blessing Beauty snatched his hand “thanks, Sally” pulling him out of the room.
once it was all set up, and everything in the clear, Bel seemed to almost laugh faintly. as he was pulled away and out of the room before sally's eyes. as if beauty was some love sick, and over active young girl in heat for the first time. despite how she was now a mother herself. would sally like this side of Beauty or find it amusingly troublesome?

as he was pulled out, Bel would move to stop Beauty, and suddenly pull her into his frame once they were in the hall way. forcing her into a deep, and very breath taking kiss. as his tongue invaded her mouth, making the mare's knees grow weak, and exciting her body to an unexpected degree. his one hand moving to grasp and play with one of her breast, while the other was still held by hers, fingers enter locked.
Sally giggled watching Bel literally be dragged from the room back beauty, she found it adorable like newly weds. She rather Bel have his fun with Beauty, they had twins together and needed a strong bond. While Sally would rest her eyes and enjoy the quiet.

Beauty did not get very far when Bel stopped to pull her i to a kiss that blew her mind. A moan was impossible to suppress, leaning her body into his, tightening her hand with his. For once she felt light and needy for him, it was a feeling she wished to jar and always keep with her. Unaware she was coming into heat just by their actions.
once the kiss broke, looking into her eyes, Bel would speak up, asking beauty a question which might come off a bit out of the blue for her.

"how would you like use to make love in the flowers outside of your room? or do you prefer a nice soft aromatic room?"

asking this, giving her an option, which should not be the case, with how he had just over whelmed her senses. however it was now clear, he did not care who saw them, only that beauty enjoyed every moment they had together. for once the little ones called, their time would go back into being parents again, when business called.
with that said, Bel would suddenly scoop his mare up in his arms. as he carried her out to the floral area. more then that, the timing would be perfect for a beautiful red, and orange sunset to be shown in the back ground. moving to gently lay her down into the flowers. This would be a golden chanced for Beauty to take what she wanted, or to allow her master, and lover to remain at a slow and steady pace to enjoy teasing her.
With a delightful giggle as she was lifted and laid down in the bed of flowers Beauty felt so adored "Oh Bel" she moaned in excitement, ready for him to devour every inch of her. She wiggles underneath him, willingly parting her legs to wrap around his frame to hold him close to her, not allowing him to move away from her for any reason. Reaching up she roughly took hold of his chin so he looked into her eyes "Do whatever you desire to me, make love to me, fuck me like a doll, breed me like your prize mare, whatever" she purrs.
as she gave her request, or perhaps more so order to her master, and lover. It would not be long before, Beauty found her body pulled into a slightly lifted position. her ass pulled up, as her master's thick love spear dug deep with out remorse. filling her once again. as he held her lower body up with his arms. his hands grasping her carefully, while his lips moved to meet her own. his eyes never leaving hers, when they were not kissing. as he began to take his lover this day. her body being given far more force then expected, but not enough to sate her new desires, at least not so quickly, as to keep her up for more fun to say the least.
A smile was given at the end of her words, searching his gaze for a response but without breaking contact he shifted her body as he wished before entering her, drawing a moan out that was muffled by his lips against hers. She lets out whines wanting more that mixed with her moans. Not certain which choice he decided upon but either way she was enjoying the full attention she was receiving. It was more certain she was longing for more from him, to orgasm over and over because his love spear thrusting along her drenched walls.
Now giving into this assault, it was gentle at first, but revving up slowly. As it was very clear with out much time to realize it. Beauty was being given a proper treatment. her body held and supported in such a lewd yet comfortably odd position. her lips free only to find her master moving to play with her nips with his mouth. all the more going slow and deep. as each thrust got a slight bit rougher, and faster. but with how he held her ass up. Beauty could use her feet to position herself for better impacts. she could lock them around her master force bel into more shallow, and quicker thrusts. or even have one around him for enticement, while the other for support and positioning on the ground. their was quiet a few options now, but if she allowed her master to remain in control, it would continue to get rougher but at a much slower pace.
Even with the possibility of wiggling her feet or legs for a more comfortable position her dear Bel was bigger and stronger than her so Beauty simply gave in to him, her body only moving in response to what he did. She folded her hands into fists, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she panted out moans with each of his thrusts. His pace was torture, it felt amazing like he was edging her to want even more.

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