Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Watching the door seal behind the servant as they departed, her eyes remained trained on Bel as he explained that Mako had caused some problems he would handle later. Beauty hums with a nod. "Okay...has she done this before?" She is curious to learn more about her enemy. The twins happily ate their fill, with both their parents and mama seemed content in their presence now.
"yes, but it had been some time, the last time, her punishment was bound to the stalls, and used as the stud's play thing for a week straight. "
as he told this to Beauty, revealing a more devilish side to her master, and lover. However it also showed that he would do horrible things to put mako in her place.
unlike Sally or more importantly herself. which seemed like She had Bel wrapped around her pinky, which was more likely the other ways around, but her pride and ego would not allow the filly to think that she was his, instead of the other way around where he was hers.
Looking between the twins and Bel, his answer was not reassuring that Mako had done something like this before; luckily, she was barren, so the punishment had no true consequence other than being used by others and sore for quite some time. With a deep breath, she looks toward the door and down at the baby in her arms. "Why keep her around when she is just trouble?" questioned him quietly. She understood that Bel had rescued Mako from others and herself; he had tamed her to lose himself with her and not worry about truly hurting her.

Mako was knocked out cold, curled up on some simple bedding, stripped of all clothing, and the room pitch black. She had some water set aside and no food until Bel instructed the staff to do so. Both Sally and the staff had been through this before. They followed Bel's lead, for, at the end of the day, Mako was just a wild mare who only listened to her master.
"long ago, before mako, sally, or yourself. I had a mare, one which I grew up with, and we had a unique relationship. One which was allowed due to having her as my Graduation gift. by her owner, and my father, however it was my first time with this young lady where I discovered something about myself. I lost myself, and well it ended badly. If not for Mako, I could have ended up in so many horrible situations, nor would have ever gained proper control of myself. "

as he spoke softly and seriously to Beauty, she would discover this was something that was both serious and very hard for her master. something which most likely was only shared with her, if at most sally prior to her, however the fact remained. this would be a glimpse of a weakness which her master had taken the time and required actions to make into a strength. as he moved to suddenly touch Beauty with his one hand in a gentle, soothing, and relaxing manor, before he continued to speak.

"She is uniquely durable, and with a powerful healing ability, which most likely is part of the reason for her being barren. However with her, I tend to cause great deal of damage, and other cruel acts, which I can not allow others to endure. nor would I allow them to be forced to endure. Think of her as a walking, talking stress ball, to help your lord, and husband keep from becoming a real monster like most lewd humans. " as he said this with a wink, and a bit of playful tone at the end. However as he painted a strange picture in her mind. one of Mako bound, gagged, and being abused, in a kinky yet terrifying manor, even if what she endured was harder then that. Yet Beauty could see it right here before her, even if her mind wanted to deny it, her heart could not any more, as this man seemed to make her feel safe, even when he was an obvious danger if he kept a wild mare to sate his darker urges. Yet if she was this troublesome, perhaps once Beauty was healed up enough and had enough time and patients, she could use Mako's own actions to begin the slow process of getting Bel to remove mako from his collection so to speak.

It would not be long before Mako would begin to come to, in the damp room. however as she would come to like this, some time would pass, her head feeling more like a hang over, however the sound of hooves moving tours her. as two younger and very sturdy studs were heading to the pen she was kept in. as the servants had given the orders from bel to the others, However even when she was under punishment like this, Mako had some young studs on the grounds which abused her every chance they had, and in return, she was like a lewd goddess to them, so one could see this as her getting all kinds of goods, drugs etc in secret when she should be punished, as long as these horny simps were careful, which only one of them had ever been caught in the past, and by sally. which once the info was shared with Bel, the young stud which was originally one of the first Mako enjoyed bossing around was gone, and never seen or heard from again.
His explanation did paint the truth in her eyes, that Mako was to state his mad side to protect herself and Sally including the babes but the idea of that woman being about was unsettling. She looks to where he gently laid his hand upon her, smiling a little toward his touch "Understand, does not mean I can trust her but I can see why she must be around, for my safety" she murmurs. The twins would coo and wiggle a little as they seemed to settle into a state of a nap, sleep was all they desired for the next while other than cuddles and food. "I guess what I truly want to know is, do you love her?" she asks of him.

Mako would grumble and groan as she came to, it took a few slow blinks for her eyes to open in the dark room that she recognized all too well, better make the best of the situation. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes as she sensed the approach of other forms "Where is master?" she murmurs not in the mood to deal with anyone else but him just yet.
" I will not lie, I do love her, but it is a different kind of love. I guess one would say I love her like an irreplaceable pet then a true lover. where I find the draw to you and sally the same, as painful as this might sound. You were a true prize I never planned on for myself, but I fell for you at first sight. not just your body but the strong will, and those unbreakable, yet alluring eyes. "

as he said this, bringing his and along her chin. the wicked man did not lie to his mares, however he did not deny his feelings for any of the trio, however this would paint a picture for beauty which would never be broken. she would have only one true kind of competition for Bel's true kindness, and care, which was sally. Yet Mako was a treasured girl to him as well, but of less importance in the bigger picture then Sally or beauty. this was even known to Mako, as the perverted Mare knew her master loved her in a unique way, as it was stated as a irreplaceable pet kind of love. which for her perverted, and broken mind, made Mako believe she was the most important girl to her master. which how often he chose to abuse and care for her. more importantly how he cared for her when she was injured or sick directly. even more so then sally in the past.

now the wild mare was in the den, as two strong young studs soon entered the chamber with her. both looking to each other then to her with lewd yet playful smirks.
they would not speak, but move tours her, with chains, and cuffs aimed to bind mako's limbs to get her trapped in position. as she was meant to be punished, however these two, if they got her bound, would then proceed to enjoy her, even if she was not in the mood. they would give her drug injections, and other things which would get her into even more trouble, even if it was only to make sure she enjoyed and forgot why she was being punished, if she wanted to forget or not.
His honesty did hurt but how he ended his answer did make her blush, feel special even. He saw her eyes as alluring and more than her body caught his attention. Already Beauty knew she was not planned based off Mako and Sallys reaction. “Thank you, Bel” she murmurs with a small smile, at tue end of the day she is protected by him as are her foals.

Mako flattens back her ears as she held up her hands “Not Master, only want him or give me drugs” she demands. In the past she either is horny or aggressive. Best to please her either way,
as the two looked to one another, before moving to present Mako with a special pouch of her drugs. as it would look and feel like the usual stuff to put her in a more fun, and sensually pleasing mood. However unknown to Mako, this drug was modified thanks to Sally's prior attempt to get rid of it in the past. This time it would end up making Mako all the more vulnerable physically, while her mind would not have the lustful and heated bliss it was able to enjoy when high. instead her body would become weak, overly sensitive, and far worse, she would be clear minded enough to hate what would happen to her next with these studs. as it was, Mako would know her actual master wanted to punish her, but this would not be the kind of punishment he would do to her, even at her worse, thus another stud which was scarred, and scorn by Mako in the past would have to be the master mind. one trying to steal and break her from the shadows, unaware of how broken and loyal she was to her one master.

with things seemingly having to calm down a bit. Bel would move to pull beauty, into his tight and gentle embrace, stroking her head, and kissing her gently.
"I am sorry if I hurt you at all, but I will not lie to you or ether of my other girls, but I will say one thing truly special for you alone my lover. You are to be my right hand woman out side of business, not a simple breeder, but my lover, and passionate partner. our children will be in for a difficult future, but we will ensure they have a bright and safe future together. "

as he said this to her, even making sure she knew how important she was to him, however this would leave the question about sally's growing little foul, a baby which was not born yet, as hers was taking a much longer amount of time to develop then Beauty's own twins. however the fact remained, he admitted the truth as painful as it was for her, it would paint a much clearer picture which could not be mistaken by any means.
Wanting to pull away from his embrace, she forced herself to remain and accept his kiss though her expression gave her emotions away, never been good at hiding them. She eventually gets up from him to check on the twins still amazed with herself that she came from her and were here. Then a question dawned on her "Wait, why would the twins have a difficult future?" she spoke up, turning to him. "Is there something you aren't telling me?" wondering why they would not be safe here under his protection? Less concerned about Sally as it was clear the mare had no power over Beauty or her twins, Bel would put them first always it seemed.

Mako was not liking this scenario, something was off and Master would not want to truly hurt her, what she did was not that bad. She glances over the two than to the bag they offered her "Is that the usual stuff?" she questions, simply wanting this over with and to rest until master comes for her.
"Oh that's easy, despite being safe, and able to learn and inherited this entire business. being half breeds, their will be a lot of judgement, which nether of us will be able to protect them from. but we can teach them to be strong willed, determined, and self respecting. "

as he said this, revealing something which should have been obvious, but now it showed Beauty how he was thinking about how hard it would be for their children to make friends as they grew up. wanting them to have a fun and safe life. he would ensure their future, and safety, but friends, was something they would have to do on their own as they grew older. something even Beauty might not of thought about, considering her position as well.


The one stud would smile, as he would move around Mako, as if prepping to try and pin her if things went south, while the one in front of her would move closer slowly, offering her the bag.

"No, this is a special stronger mix. One which has been used by a few of our own already. making them feel everything all the more intense, and enjoyable. while slowing down their bodies enough to prevent any danger of their heart racing. " as he spoke, of the negative side effects of her usual drug, as this one seemed to have been mixed to neutralize such effects. however if she tried them, Mako would discover how the drug would break her body even if only for a short while to easily be abused, and used. her mind able to feel everything to an extreme, her body enjoying any touch if she wanted it or not. however if she refused, now the two would be in position to just pin and force the drug into her.
Relaxing a little to him reassuring her with an answer she already knew of though inheriting the business was a lot to put on his kids, Sally and him held the place up due to their experiences, and the twins would be sheltered quite a bit. But friends, she never thought of that since she grew up with a select few friends, maybe vetting some of the foals from breeding stock would make some good starter friends. "Yeah, you are right about that" she nods her head. Looking back to the twins, smiling a little bit before moving to get comfortable on the bed " what is going to happen when I go into heat again cause it will be soon since I had the twins" she finally spits up the courage to bring it up.

Eyeing the one moving around her which she did not like, this was beginning to feel like a setup "Usually I would not blink about trying a new drug but I know how I react with the older stuff, let's just stick with that alright? I am not your run of the mill breeding mare" reminding them they only had access to her when she was being punished. Otherwise, she was untouchable. She looks back to the stud rounding behind her beginning to realize she probably did not have a say in this, her gaze returning to the one in front of her "Seriously, I want a fucking high, this sounds like trash!" attempting to change their mind.
"Well that's easy, I will have to make sure your needs are sated, and your body begs only for me to abuse you. But will you be the one to jump me this time or should I pin you hmm?"

as he spoke up saying this last part, more playfully, the healthy young man which was her lover, and master would now paint more playful options for beauty to sate her own needs. as he made sure she would be free to dominate him, or accept his need to dominate her, to keep her body sated. yet something would seem off about this, as if her own instincts ether wanted her to be the dominant one this time, or perhaps just the desire to be the lead? was this part of her stronger will, and powerful instincts? or perhaps some kind of corruption, her body had been introduced to, as only time would tell.


" well then, Lady Mako, do you want to do this your self, or shall we aid you in this ?"
as the one stud was soon with in arm's reach of her, with a bag in his hand of the fine powdered drug. offering some of it to her, however if the mare took it herself or not, would have to be seen. for she now knew her situation, and it was not to her own favor, but surely if she endured this, willingly or not. these two would pay the price once her master found out about this, however it also meant her own punishment would be prolonged as her stud's drug provision was unknown to bel, or so Mako believed at this moment in time.
He was correct about her needs being met when in such a state but she was high and out of her mind when in heat, growing more comfortable with him she may not think twice about letting it be known she wanted him. "I get that" she nods her head not certain of the choice at the moment "but I mean, do you plan more foals or is there something I can take?" she asks him.

Mako's ears flattened by the fashion the stud phrased his words, though giving her a choice, there was not one making her swallow dryly as she shifted subtly to get comfortable. "I am not taking that, I have no idea what it will do" she spoke in a dark tone, clearly not happy how this was playing out. Bel would not allow this, at least not something new in the drug trade. But he was not here, she was on her own with this.
"I only truly planned to have a single loving session for impregnation, but I am not against having more beautiful little fouls with you. however if you desire, I can put you on some protection, until your ready for more children. " as he said this, his voice revealing he did not want to put her on any kind of birth control, however Beauty had given him beautiful twins, thus he would not force her to have more fouls until she felt ready. yet she would still have needs, and he would fulfill with out a second thought. as it was, the little family sealed in the room together. thus Beauty could dictate what they would do for now, if she had any desires, other wise, she could lay to rest, or even enjoy her lover's warm body for some simple snuggles.

mean while. . .

Once she refused, the strong, centaur like stud would suddenly rush upon Mako. using his weight, and horse like lower body to pin her down. which would allow his fellow brother to force the drug into Mako's face. thus even if she tried, their would be no avoiding some of it getting into her system. all the while she could feel the first brute's massive horse cock between her ass cheeks. while the one before her would move to inject some of the drug directly into her, once she was pinned enough for him to get a good injection site on her sensitive and healthy frame.
Folding her legs up so her knees rested near her chest, her head to lay upon them as he answered her question, his words contradicting his tone of voice making her eyes drop down. She could easily tell he wanted more foals which made her uneasy as eventually there would be a time he could sabotage her protection to knock her up again. "N-no, I don't need the protection just wanted to check in about it," she told him with a smile. Stretching out she slides up to the pillows to lie down.

Barely seconds after she refused she felt the arms and weight of the centaur behind her, pinning her down to allow the other stud to present the powder along with injecting her. Mako jerks and wiggles under him trying to reposition herself before yelping at the stick of a needle "What the hell is going on!?" she shouts, thrashing around at this point.
Moving to sit next to her, Bel would take Beauty's hand, as he spoke in a serious yet gentle tone.
"I will not lie, I do not like the idea of using anything to prevent potential pregnancies. However I will not force you to endure until you feel ready. I want you to understand, that you have given me beautiful children, thus if we have any more, it will be when you are ready, not me. "

as he spoke honestly and seriously to her. revealing how it was more so he did not like the idea of her using anything to prevent this, more so if it was drug related. however he would not force her, to endure any more fouls until she was ready, for they had two beautiful children together now. after which he would ask if she wanted to rest alone, or if he could join her. giving her the power and freedom to choose, however his action showed he wanted to remain with her, but would give Beauty some space after these talks if she felt the need to have it for clearing her thoughts.


Thrashing as she did, this only allowed for a much more enjoyable, and low penetration. as the massive stud behind her obviously planned to take her ass. but with Mako's own actions allowed him to mistakenly take her sex instead, which was not a bad thing for the stud. while the one in front of her moved to play with mako's hair, and face, wanting to tease, and make her struggle more, for the more she struggled the faster the drug would move through her system.
Licking her lips as he moved closer, taking her hand to remind her in a serious tone he wanted her best interests at heart which did make her true smile return "Thank you, bel" she hummed so happy to be with him. She pats the space beside her wishing him to remain with her, cuddles always made her feel better, and his scent taking up her senses calmed herself down a little.

Unable to swallow down a moan as she felt the large spear enter her pussy instead of her ass her thrashing did make her pausing, biting her lip to not make a sound while she glared up at the stud messing with her ears and face. She attempted to keep her ears flat into her hair, shaking her head every so often to try and get him to stop touching her.
Now the two would end up laying together, as Beauty would soon feel her lover, and master taking her into his embrace. despite how she would feel his aroused, and warm body against her own. he did not move to take her by force, or to try and entice her. instead he simply held the young Milf close, allowing her to relax and take in his scent. as he gently played with her hair.

" we have alot of fun to take care of tomorrow, so for tonight let us relax together and rest hmm?"
saying this, as he spoke softly, wanting to see his young lover fall asleep in his embrace, however unaware that his own scent, and aroused state could easily entice her body to desire something more then snuggling, by the time they had laid together for a few hours, if she woke with a new need or not would have to be seen.


Now pinned, her bulging belly, feeling as if her body was stretching and scraping against the ground. the massive cock practically feeling like it was trying to tear free of her tight inner silken coils. as if mako's lewd depths were like a death trap for any massive cock which expanded her. however as this went one, she would hear the other stud playing with her hair, and ears. speaking up, as he spoke of how once they ruined her enough to make Mako a stretched, and soggy slut, the master would allow them to keep her. for she was always so tight, thanks to her self care. but this time, they revealed that they planned to ruin her beyond use for Bel. however as this was spoke, they spoke to each other, and not her.
Resting her head upon his chest, snuggled into his arms, listening to his heartbeat as her eyes slowly began to close while he spoke of resting before tomorrow's festivities which she did not remember were about. A yawn overtook her as she nods into slumber, the twins were still sound asleep but would wake soon wanting their mom. Beauty was so perfect for Bel's desires, the ability to heal quickly, and produce foals, once he broke her in a bit more then Mako would be disposable.

Her ears were burning from what she was overhearing between the two, herself grunting and huffing as she was stretched out to an extent even she had trouble withstanding. If her glare could cause fires these would be burning right now. "like you will get away with that!" she finally laughs.
as she began to laugh the stud before her would shut Mako up, forcing his thick massive cock down her throat. as it would feel as if he was trying to kill her via suffocation with a forced skull fucking BJ. however the fact remained, now she would be spit roasted while pinned. the two worked harder to ruin her. for soon the drug would begin to kick in. her body becoming even more vulnerable, her legs, and arm strength quickly vanishing. for it would not be long before she would be on the verge of being truly ruined, and it was her own stupid decision which led to the chain of events to get her into this horrible situation.
Choking on the massive cock entering her mouth, she tried to bite down on it but he was able to throat fuck her to the point of not being able to move her jaw, the drugs finally began to aid the two as she strength to fight them vanished. She was still conscious for the first few minutes of choking on dick until she passed out due to lack of proper oxygen.
as some time passed, Mako would begin to come to. her body feeling limp, and numb well more so her arms and legs. as her frame bounced, the sensation of being over filled could not be mistaken, as Mako would discover two studs were double stuffing her pussy, leaving her a sloppy mess. her face was already a glistening mess. as many males all stood around her. using her feet, hands, elbows, knees, and any other spot to get off, while she was being fucked. they were ruining her, much like the two larger stud had said. would she be able to endure until the next day when she would be found. as Mako was now on her own, however the fact remained. even if she was ruined. Her lover, and master would surely take care of her again, like he did back when he first got her right? as she would be unaware of how close she was to forcing Bel to get rid of her, due to mako's own action, however her years of loyal and loving servitude were only a saving grace for so long.
Coming to the world was a hard reality, surrounded by studs using any part of her body for their desires while her poor pussy was stretched out with multiple cocks and stuffed with cum, in this moment she was relieved she was barren. Mako tried to make a noise, and she tried to move but nothing happened, she was a broken doll just like they wanted her to be. She shut her eyes with tears welling in them, she just wanted master at this moment, and yet her throat was so bruised she could not even speak. Who knows if master will take care of her after this mess for this was not her punishment, she knew that, these studs had a different agenda for her. Maybe Beauty had won, maybe Mako was making herself the villain trying to get Master back on her side no matter the trouble she caused.
Slowly as time passed, she would find her body getting coated more, and more by the hot slimy, and healthy spunk. her very flesh beginning to glisten, however more then that. she would find herself soon forced to endure two smaller cocks forcing themselves into her mouth. the broken beauty was being ruined, her belly bulging with seed from so many studs. the puddle forming under her. as she would feel larger studs moving to take her ass, while she was being force fed. her breast soon feeling more attention aswell. however it was unknown how long she would endure this, let alone how long till she passed out from constant orgasms, thanks to the drugs new effect on her vulnerable body.
Oh but while this was occurring, due to her long-time servitude to Bel, she still somewhat has an ally in her corner since day one. In a flash, all the lights in the room came on as an army of knock-out darts were shot everywhere, somehow hitting every male in the room leaving poor Mako still conscious as they all covered her from the blows. One by one Sally, pregnant Sally, dragged each stud out of the chamber and into their chamber where they would be locked up and held accountable by Bel in the morning. Standing in the door once every stud was out, Sally took in the sight of a literally destroyed Mako, she took out her phone to take some photos before she brought in the hose to rinse Mako off, including rinsing her mouth. She fetched a few towels and a set of clothes, without saying a word the entire time. Sally finished her due diligence by calling the house Doctor followed by sending the photo's to Bel with a message
You left your toy vulnerable.
as this was horrible for Mako, even Sally would know that Bel had left mako to vulnerable, however something would be oddly amiss even by the horrible ordeal's standards. as Sally would be sharp enough to notice it right away, how this was becoming more and more like Beauty's handi work, but was it on purpose, was she trying to get rid of Mako, before Bel realized the truth of what was going on?

however the fact remained, as Sally took care of Mako, the doc would show up, however unfortunately for Sally. the doc would not be the same man, but instead his apprentice, thus not one Mako would be willing to allow to touch her, if she had the strength or resilience to even make any kind of action in her current state.

as this went on, The message would not be received, as Sally's phone would get the message, unable to deliver. however the fact remained, this was something which needed to be taken care of.
Sally stood outside the chamber letting Mako have time to herself as she was still unable to move or speak just whimpering between her sobs, she had endured much in her life but never expected this under the protection of Master. She looks up from her phone trying to deliver the message when footsteps approach, her ears pin back to see it was the apprentice of their usual Doctor "The hell are you doing here?" she questions, quickly closing the door before Mako sees. "I am sure you know by the file Mako will not let you near her, where is the usual guy?" she questions.
"He is currently unavailable for personal matters, thus it is me or nothing now. "
as he aid this, However this would soon begin to make sense, at least the new drug the studs used on Mako, and how they could manage to fine tune such a dangerous toxin to make her an unwilling doll. however would Sally speak up, or would she end up being forced to go disturb her master, and beauty. as it was now clear for the mature, and very sharp maiden to realize this was not a simple mistake by Bel. but a long term set up by some one who wanted to by Mako cheap, and that would be none other then this apprentice himself. but how could he have set things like this up, was it really him, and if he was able to get close to Mako in her vulnerable and weakened state, what would happen next?

as this would all begin to click for her sharp mind, would she get bel, and disturb Beauty, and the twins? would she try to deal with this herself? would she allow him to try and treat Mako, under her supervision?
Crossing her arms she was not pleased by his answer as Mako needed medical attention now but with this apprentice, they needed Bel or Mako might end up hurting herself further. She took out her phone, and opening the walkie app "I need security at Mako's chambers and someone fetch Bel, NOW" she spoke into the mic. Within seconds, three guards made their positions on either side of the pair and at the entrance of the hall. "Something down does not smell right and it is not the spunky cum" Sally grumbles glaring to the young doctor.

Two sharp bangs sounded at the door, spooking the twins awake to start crying which in turn woke Beauty up in fright "Sir, an urgent matter has arisen, per Lady Sally's request your presence is needed" a stern voice sounded at the door. Beauty rubs her eyes, looking over to Bel in an annoyed fashion before crawling out of bed to comfort the twins.
Giving beauty a deep kiss, once the twins were in her arms. as he would speak up.

"Lock the door behind me. something is wrong this time, and might be busy so don't let any one other then me or sally in. "
as he said this, leaving beauty in the room after the kiss. he would not say anything, However beauty might have an inkling as to the source of this issue, however the fact remained. emergencies happened, and he had to take care of it. for Bel would be led by the guards, as he would think something might have happened to Sally, and her pregnancy when he saw her first. unaware of what he would find in the room with mako's condition, let alone the elaborate, set up which had taken some time to set up, and how with out even knowing it, both Beauty, and Mako herself helped set off for the apprentice.

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