Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Beauty looked worried but nodded, quickly following after Bel to lock the door as she tries to calm the twins, such sounds and unfamiliar voices were uncommon for them. It took almost an hour for both the twins to settle. They were cuddled in bed with their mom who eventually passed out from their crying exhausting her.

Sally did not take her eyes off the appearance until Bel was present, she noticed off the bat she was concerned for her which was understandable "I am fine" quickly reassuring his initial thoughts. She did not say another word as she opened the door to Mako's chamber to reveal her state, allowing Bel a few minutes to process the scene. "I locked the ones who did this up for you to do as you wish. She can't move or speak so be gentle" stepping in front of the apprentice to still keep him from mako's view.

Since the door suddenly shut mako had been trying her hardest to listen to what was going on or happening, the drugs were very slowly wearing off, she could wiggle her toes and fingers, even turn her head a little. But when the door opened to reveal Master, her eyes widened and her heart dropped, she did not want him to see her like this. Instantly Mako started crying again wanting to curl up and hide away from him knowing she was disgusting right now.
Entering the room with a dominating and confident stride, however as she tried to shrink away, Bel would move to collect a small bucket of warm water, and soothing, skin moisturizing soap. in a gentle and caring tone he would move to sit next to Mako, taking her hand, as he slowly began to clean her up.

" Look at you, I thought only I was allowed to make such a beautiful girl cry, I guess I failed to do my job properly huh."
saying this in a playfully gentle tone, wanting to try and crack a smile, however he would be gentle, and slow with how he carefully cleaned her up. as Mako could not fully move at the moment, with very limited ability to move. however her voice would begin to return far quicker then the use of her limbs, and even that would be pushing it a bit at this point.

as this went on, sally would soon find the apprentice moving to look her over, as he rubbed his chin before speaking up to the business woman.

"You know, I am sure I have something which would help you with those little ones growing in you. perhaps something for a bit more comfort? how would you like me to set up a proper visit to my master's office?"
as he spoke up, making himself sound professional, however his tricks were already known by sally, as Bel had warned her about men like him long ago. men which would use their position to try and get what they wanted at any cost. unlike Sally, mako was an ideal toy, and slave for any owner, as she was barren and kinky from the reports. however the fact remained. he seemed to be pushing his luck now, due to the lack of ability to even see his handy work.
Watching him enter the room dropping down to catch a bucket to bring to her as a way to begin cleaning her up, his words easily made her smile as her gaze followed his hands unable to look up at his face. After a few minutes, she tried to speak in a hoarse voice "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I refused, I did" a rambling of words. This not only physically messed her up but mentally screwed her up well, her master's trust could never break but he may need to give her some proper attention to fix her back to herself.

Sally turns her head just enough to show her glare to the physician "You utter another word and I will show you my stitching skills on her mouth" she snaps, not in the mood for his tricks.
once they had gotten far enough for mako to look more like herself. Bel would move to strip himself down to only his undies. then move to pull his mako onto his lap. as hen gently began to finally clean her womanly bits up. gently and carefully touching her, with the frail looking maiden now in his lap. Normally if she was herself, this was an ideal chance for her to jump his bones, and show off her lewd skill. but with how things were at the moment. Bel assumed stripping himself down, and appearing equally vulnerable would helpfully push her to feel safer, and more comfortable as he began to gently touch her, and clean her most abused area up. letting Mako make any action she might desire, as he took care of her now. Sally would be able to freely peak in if she so desired, and see the gentle side of Bel which very few ever saw.
Over time she was getting better feeling in her limbs, her arms twitching or legs kicking out, past signals they tried to perform earlier when she was unable to move. When she saw Bel stripping down she smiled more so happy to have him as he met her at her level. She groans softly as he moved her into his lap, her upper body leaning against his chest while his shoulder was a pillow for her head. It was not pretty down there at all, she was bruised, swollen, and bloody with the glistening shine of cum. Trying her best to not react as he cleaned up her more sensitive parts she would whine and flinch as the feeling came back to her nerves. She soon hid her face under his chin as her soft sobs were a result of the new pain she was enduring. Hearing the crying Sally peeked in to check on them, her heart sad for Mako being in such a state, Sally would not wish this on her worst enemy especially a woman.
"That's my girl, Let it all out, just endure, the physical sensation and let out all your emotional pain and stress. I am here for you my cute little Mako. "

as he spoke calling her cute, even in this state. Bel would continue to gently clean her up, however the fact remained she endured a fate far worse then anything her master would ever let happen to her, if he had any say in this punishment. as things had gone to far, however he would be taking care of her, and slowly letting Mako cry till her hearts content, having brought himself down to to her level for a more comfortable scenario for his mako.

as this went on, while Sally was now peaking in the room, seeing this sight. the Apprentice would soon be behind her silently. moving to gently tap her shoulder, as he would ask if his patient was ready for what was needed, or if he should move to another room to wait until they were ready for him? sounding more professional now, most likely due to Bel being their, and the door cracked, from sally's peek, thus making it a real risk for him to be over heard.
A small laugh came from her by him calling her cute, taking such good care of her thanks to Sally coming by when she did, if not who knows how much worse things could have gotten. Mako nods her head, only crying for a few more minutes until she quietly was lying in his embrace. Sally jumps when tapped on the shoulder, the door falling open to finally reveal the doctor "Well she is calmed down and more presentable" she comments allowing him in. Wishing she could be on the floor with Mako and Bel but if she did, getting back up would be a struggle without big her belly is now. Mako tenses up when the door opens to Sally and some guy, she tries to hide in Bel's frame just not wanting to be seen like this. "it's okay, Mako, we are here and no one will hurt you, he just need to check you out and probably give you some pain medicine" Sally reassures.
Keeping the currently damaged girl in his lap, holding her hand, as the doc was allowed in. things had gone so good for his evil plan, except for this part. with her master right their, he would need to come up with a new plan. however the apprentice would do his job properly, moving tours Mako.

"Alright, I will need her to remain calm so I can properly examine her, will you be able to keep her held in place?"
as he said this, moving to pull out two syringes, one with a green drug in it, the other to take some blood from her. the drug was more of the special drug which he provided the studs with, but a different kind. this one meant to make the victim to act more feral and lustful. thinking that perhaps he can make her come off, like she had broken to the point where she was no longer fit to be near her master. however except for this extra drug, everything else would be done in a more legit manor, thus hiding his current action.
Within seconds of the Doc taking out his syringes, Sally grabbed a hold of his wrist "You can take her blood to assess the drug they gave her but she will not be taking anything but ibueprophin until her system is clear" she instructs him. Sally could not afford Mako to fall off the rails any further due to an accidental overdose or bad reaction to any other drug introduced to her system. She knew Mako better than Beauty and also knew Mako would not pass her over when it came down to it, Mako only wanted Bel, nothing more or less.

A smile grew on Mako's face before giggling "I have seen you before" she said looking at the young doctor in their presence "talking to the guys, all whispering" she laughed. Mako looks to Sally before closing her eye to try and relax her body.
as she tried to relax, Mako would feel how Bel held her close. his embrace wrapped around her. however more then that, he would look to Sally with a nod, as he would allow her to do the talking with the doctor at the moment. as he concentrated on mako alone.

"shhh, we will get you taken care of, and once you are better we can make you some new memories, of just us, so this nightmare will becoming nothing more then that. how does that sound hmm?"

as he said this, Bel had the gentle tone, which Mako knew well enough, as it was a tone he normally only used when they were being passionate, and he was not in a wild and ruled ups state, yet this time he was being comforting and not sexually aggressive, despite how her still abused, and weakened body would seem to react to or desiring to endure.
Hearing him directly speaking to her, Mako giggles looking up to her Master with a massive smile growing on her lips "Already feeling better, making new memories" she hums, the good part of the drugs finally kicking in after that brutal session. She wiggles within her master's embrace, taking a deep breath to receive every drop of his scent.

Sally handled the doctor to examine Mako to get her set on a treatment plan cause the recovery from this attack was going to take time and restraint which Mako did not possess. "Now take her blood and immediately send it to our private lab, I do not want any of this getting out until the culprits are punished and Mako will be okay" she spoke having a quick PR moment.
Once the blood was taken, and the test to be set and done this night. Bel would look to Sally, as he spoke up in a business like tone for the moment.

"Babe, take care of what the doc needs, I will give our lil Mako a proper wash, and some fine care in the hot spring in the back. " as he said this, moving to lift her up with one arm under her knees, the other against her back. this would give Mako now growing more like herself with the enjoyable effects of the said drugs. however little did ether of them realize, Sally would be with the main mastermind, meaning she could fall victim if she let her guard down for even a moment. due to how this apprentice had plenty of tricks, and tranqs at his disposal. however the idea of calming Mako down, and washing her body in a long hot soak, would hopefully, aid in her body flushing out the drug a bit faster. yet nether Sally, or Bel would think about how this could be turned on the master once they were in the tub. with the drug allowing Mako to feel good soon, and even reawaken her own wild side, which was something only her master could handle, and enjoy in multiple ways, with out restraints.
Sally looks over to Bel, slightly raising her brow to him expecting her to handle all this when it was his fault this even occurred but that was a discussion for later. She silently nods her head, leading the Doctor out with a security team tailing them "I already have a plan prepared to aid with her healing so no need to worry, I need this blood screen for what drug or drugs were in her system as well for any STDs she may have contradicted. I will send you a pee sample as soon as I get one" she would explain as they approach the door out of the manor.

"I want water" Mako would mumble as Master would lift her into his arms speaking about the hot spring which was not used very often so she was rather looking forward to it. At this point, the drugs were making her feel better as they were filtering out of her system slowly but was beginning to feel her bruises and wounds along with the pressure of when she felt hands gripping her all over. Mako lays her head on her Master's chest, shutting her eyes to try and relax.
As Bel carried Mako down to the spring, he would whisper one word to Sally, a word he only ever used one time. a code word which was used back when she was a victim only once, which he prevented. but it also was the code name for a special project of his, one which had only been seen, getting used once, and on a brute which failed to rape Sally long ago.

"AnalExcavator "

this was a death, which would be slow, and painful, as it was a warning for her, to leave the male studs alone, for they had a fate to come to them, far worse then any one should know about. this unique nightmare was something Bel did show any one, yet she had seen it only once. due to the nature of a dark scene which was better forgotten, however it also revealed why she was being left in charge of helping the apprentice, for if this was to be done. then He indeed needed to personally care for Mako, and see the extent of her external damage for himself. yet Sally was the only one which could keep the real monster in Bel from coming out, when it came to his darker punishments, well originally was the only one. for now, She had a young mare who could influence her master as much as her, even if Beauty did not realize it as of yet.
A flick of her ear signaled that Sally indeed heard what he spoke, his one word sent shivers down her spine of what it resembled but those being deserved every ounce of pain they received. Sally stopped a few feet from the doors as the guards opened them for the apprentice "I must admit how strange it is for you to come and not your boss, he rarely misses a call from us" she noted with a hum ending her sentence but shrugged it off. "You have a good day now" dipping her head in farewell. Next, she planned to go check on their new mother, ensure she was safe.

Mako did not hear what Master whispered to Sally but she was always let out of business matters so she was not concerned, Sally handled everything like an oiled machine, and Master taught her well. "Guess I will be on bed rest from some time" she mumbles quietly, a small chuckle following how ironic this all was.
" your right, punishment ending early so we can see you all healed up. " as he said this mako would discover her master not pouncing on her like he always did prior. However with hiw he spoke and looked at her, their would be no mistake for his concern for her well being at the moment.

As this would go on, Sally would end up being the one to check in on beauty, and inform her of how several of their studs turned against the their master. This would only reinforce the over protective order her master and bed mTe gave the mare before leaving the room. Unlike Sally who knew this place all the signs to watch h out for and how to handle such scenarios, beauty would be like a fragile crystal rose to be kept and cared for.
This side of Master never has been revealed to her as Mako rarely allowed herself to get hurt to the point of needing Master's care, usually, Sally handled it. She could not help the tears falling down her cheeks out of pure joy "I love you, so much, Master" she whispers with a quivering smile.

At the moment of Sally's arrival, Beauty was standing at the window watching the medicine man leave which had her think Sally gave birth but seeing the swollen mare enter the room she concluded that not being true. "Who was hurt?" she questions as she walks over to Sally knowing it must have been Mako if Master was still gone and Sally was right before her. "Mako's punishment took a dark turn, many of the studs committed treason and harmed Mako in a way that requires a long treatment plan," Sally explains as she took a seat on the rocking chair, finally off her feet.

Beauty would lick her lips to hide her smile "Ah, I see" sitting down on the edge of the bed to ponder
This side of Master never has been revealed to her as Mako rarely allowed herself to get hurt to the point of needing Master's care, usually, Sally handled it. She could not help the tears falling down her cheeks out of pure joy "I love you, so much, Master" she whispers with a quivering smile.

At the moment of Sally's arrival, Beauty was standing at the window watching the medicine man leave which had her think Sally gave birth but seeing the swollen mare enter the room she concluded that not being true. "Who was hurt?" she questions as she walks over to Sally knowing it must have been Mako if Master was still gone and Sally was right before her. "Mako's punishment took a dark turn, many of the studs committed treason and harmed Mako in a way that requires a long treatment plan," Sally explains as she took a seat on the rocking chair, finally off her feet.

Beauty would lick her lips to hide her smile "Ah, I see" sitting down on the edge of the bed to ponder
Now in the main large, medical room, one which Bel had used only for his special personal cases. This would be only the second time that mako would have been in this room, however the last time she was unconscious when Bel took care of her, as such the only one she saw both before and after her prior treatment in this room was Sally and the doc. This time it was her master himself. as he moved to gently aid her into the soft, warm water filled bed. as it would help ease her pain, as he moved to give the mare some very careful and gentle messages along her legs, and body. enough to entice even her injured body into a needy desire, despite how he was not touching her sexually this time, but instead gently with utmost care.

as this went on for a short while, her master would speak, as he would tell Mako she was bound to this special room until she had healed up. it had all the required necessities for her care, and comfort, however he would bring her meals, or sally would. Little did Bel realize this unique scenario would paint a more honeymoon like feel for Mako, who had only ever been a loving toy, not remembering any time of being treated like this, despite knowing all along he cared for her. just showing it in a unique way to each of his women, however now she knew her drug suppling stud would be flushed out and eliminated as he would be part of the blame for the idiots which assaulted her.

as this was going on. ,. .

Sally would be in the room with Beauty, as these two seemed to get along well enough with one another, however they were obviously on opposite ends of the fence when it came to mako. however if mako was in as bad of a shape as it sounded. this meant that Beauty if she played her cards right might get a chance to get rid of mako. if she could get herself in a situation where mako would assault her, and get caught by Sally or her master. however setting such a thing up would be difficult, but not impossible, now knowing that the one she wanted gone would be restricted to a single room.
This was amazing, felt like a first-time spa treatment with master being the one to care for her. Mako would sigh in bliss, her eyes resting for some time as she felt Master's skilled hand massage her tender body that welcomed his every touch. Her eyes opened by his words of her being stuck in here for some time as she healed resulting in a pout "But I wanna see the twins and Beauty, be able to continue my duties" she spoke in a whine.

Quick to recompose herself when Sally rose a brow to her reaction "Will she be alright?" Beauty questioned trying to sound like she cared for Mako though she hated the mare since they met. Unable to understand why Mako always wanted to be with her, close to her, and even attempt to dominate her. "Yes, Bel is caring for her in a special room for her safety. I am uncertain how long he will remain with her, she is in quite bad shape" Sally answers, grunting some as she shifts her position in the rocking chair, spiking Beauty's true concern. "Did you have the Doc check you out?' glancing at her swollen belly and then over to the twins they were sound asleep still. "It was his apprentice that arrived, I would never allow him near me" Sally quickly answered in a curt tone.
Beauty moves from the bed to kneel in front of Sally, gently running her hand over her belly "A lot of movement in there" she quietly points out, looking up to Sally with a questioning expression.
"I am fine, I am not due for weeks" reassuring as she shoos Beauty away while continuing to rest in the chair.
as the two girls almost seemed to become more, and more like a sisterly bonding moment. Sally, and beauty would be in the room together for the moment. as this would be the only person next to Bel that was allowed near beauty. However as this went on, Their would be a bit of a revelation for Beauty to learn from sally, if the more experienced mare were to warn her. with Mako in such a condition, she would be unable to due her unique duty of sating the savage side of the master, also meaning sally in her pregnant state would be unable to do much ether. leaving beauty to be the one at risk of being assaulted when the urge grew to strong to suppress with his own will power. thus this could be explained to give a chance for beauty to prove her durability, as well as how Mako would no longer be needed for her master, and lover. However this would also put her body at a unique risk with how rough she saw Bel being with mako prior.

in the special medical and safety room . . .

Hearing her pout, and whimper, Bel would place a palm on her head, ruffling Mako's hair. as he would smile looking at her in the eyes.

"No, you can not return to any kind of duty, think about it. in your condition, if your body gave out suddenly, you would risk hurting the babies, or even yourself. I allow this for now, however once you are recovered, and healthy again, I can bring the little ones in to visit you before your duty is to begin again. " as he said this, painting a picture if her injured body gives in, and how it could harm herself or worse the babies she care for.
Mako's smile did not return until Master spoke of possibly bringing the twins to her for a visit which made her utterly excited, they must be so beautiful just like their mother. She nods her head "yes, I would not want to harm the babes" she sighs in understanding. It would be easy to rest but her body would force it for some time to ensure she recovered correctly. "thank you, Master" she whispers.

Once Beauty settled herself Sally returned to her quest of visiting "So in conclusion, Mako is out of service currently, as am I technically" She began glancing over to Beauty, she seemed to have fully recovered physically, mentally seemed to go day by day. "Bel may come to you to state his more beastly urges if he truly hides it and takes it out on a mare in the stables then we may have a death to clean up" she admits not hiding the truth from Beauty. "I am telling you to care for Bel, be the mare he wants you to be, and Mako and recover successfully, return to work in time of my foal being born, and even help you with the twins" getting to her feet to signal her exit. Let Beauty think on her words as the younger mare was sitting in silence, her eyes wide as she remembered out Mako handled Bel, made her shiver at the memory. Lost in though until she heard the door close as Sally left leaving Beauty alone once more; not truly as she had the twins but she still wasn't allowing herself to bond with them.
Now with her mind free to think on her actual situation at hand, Beauty would begin to understand how much she hated mako, but how much she needed the mare to be healthy and alive for her own sake. as she got to enjoy the gentle and loving side of Bel thanks to mako being the one to endure the monstrous side of bel. Allowing the images of how he assaulted and aggressively used Mako before, in front of her, but now Beauty's mind could imagine her delicate frame being the one assaulted to no end.

this could be both a turn on, and a nightmare at the same time, for him needing and dominating her would ne enjoyable, but how rough he could be was the horrible part. leaving the twisted two sided coin to flip in her mind, and thus deciding to use her chance to get rid of mako, or try to aid in mako's recovery for her own well being?

as this was going on Sally had left the room, only to hear several of the male servants speaking of how the master had the trouble maker in the locked room once more, but their was no sounds of the usual screaming or moaning. making them think perhaps he was finally preparing to get rid of the wild mare, unaware it was the opposite. yet as it was, Sally knew the truth better then any one in this case, yet if she went to go check herself, she would stumble upon Bel teaching Mako some of the odd ice exercises, to help tighten up her lower region, as it would be a bit shocking and painful at first. but it would also help heal her to a minor degree. which could be seen from mako as her master still playing with her, just in a gentler manor, despite how this would be something she would need to do at least three times a day herself once he was not in the room with her, or have sally come in and aid her.
Making her way down the hall Sally heard the echoing whispers of servants, theories of Mako's demise of being cast out, she ignored them as she made her way to the garden where she enjoyed sitting amongst the flowers. She had been feeling some pains here and there but the smell of nature always calmed her to a state of relaxation, allowing her a chance to relish in some quiet time without drama or work to interrupt. Many thoughts still entered her mind mostly of whether Beauty will take hold of the power being given to her due to Mako's absence or realize how useful the wild mare truly was. Time will tell.

After a few minutes, Beauty got to her feet, glancing over at the sleeping babes as she walked out of the room, closing and locking the door behind her as she left. She made her way to the room Mako was being kept in unaware she was not supposed to leave the twins alone. Turning the knob Beauty opens the door, immediately Bel's voice was heard her heart fluttering until she heard any sound from Mako which was a squeal of happiness to the sight of Beauty standing in the doorway.
As she stood their, Bel did not seem upset or worried, as he smiled, looking to Beauty and waving her over to help him.

"Ah, perfect just when I needed some help, Beauty care to lend a hand, I need her held down for what is needed next, and did you leave the babes with Sally if your here right?"

as he spoke, not even hinting tours what was about to happen, knowing once Mako saw the needle, she would go into panic and flight mode, however the fact remained, if Beauty decided to lend a quick hand, she could see Mako go from excited to panic, and she could be the one to help hold the mare down, perhaps painting an image in Mako's mind of her being the dominant one of the two in their standings, However she could easily misread the situation as she would show up right as Bel was finishing up with the first ice exercise treatment.

despite having locked the door, and leaving the children safely in their cribs, if they began to cry, Sally's garden would indeed be close enough to let her hear the little ones, but would she react, thinking Beauty was till their?
Forcing her expression to remain happy and gentle Beauty entered the room letting the door swing closed behind her, eyeing the area in wonder at why Bel would need her help "In a sense yes" answering his question as she made her way over. Barely an arm length away she felt Mako snatch her hand and yank her close into a tight hug "Oh I am so happy to see you, I am okay, and hopefully, we be right as rain soon" Mako reassured, taking a deep breath to smell Beauty and the twins scent on her as well. "Glad you are alright" Beauty grumbles, her ears pinning back to the sudden show of affection until she sees the needle Bel was presenting and it all clicked. She moves to wrap her arms around Mako to keep her still but Mako can wiggle back a little to see Beauty's face, her eyes fill with light as she was rambling about the twins, and then her face dropped seeing the needle. In that same instant Beauty leaned in and kissed Mako right on the lips to continue distracting her.
As she did her part beautifully, distracting and keeping Mako in place. the mare would soon feel the horrible pain, as the needle went into her clit. slowly and precisely to inject the drug exactly where it needed to be for her own well being. As it would be quick the sensation short but it was hell for the mare, yet Beauty's action had to effects, the mare might not have planned on. Not just Mako, but with her master, and lover. Bel would now be horribly, and painfully aroused. However he would be showing impressive self control, for this was not the time for such an act.

"Thank you for the aid, this made the medication application much easier. Beauty, I might need to keep you as my personal nurse for caring for our fellow people. "
as he said this, it was odd to hear this master, refer to his studs, and mare, which were objects in comparison to his special three, as individuals or people, yet he was an odd ball, one which had won her over, even if the tsundere mare did not let him know with out right actions, or words.

once they were done, and Mako endured all three shots, Bel would ask if Beauty wanted to visit with mako a bit, or if she wanted to leave with him, so Mako could rest?
Even with the kiss Mako still whined and struggled against Beauty who did kind of enjoy restraining her for once, a power trip one may say. Once the shots were over Beauty moved away to create some distance as Mako collected herself with pants and groans of discomfort. Beauty smiles at Bel thinking his comment is a form of joke "I am not trained to be a nurse" chuckling with a shake over her head. She eyes Mako for a moment reaching out her hand for Bel "I came looking for you actually" she admits, reminding Mako of her place around Beauty which was beneath her. It also did not go unnoticed to both mares of Bel's arousal to watching how Beauty handled Mako.
"Mako, make sure to rest, I will come back to check in on you, and make sure if it is not me, Beauty or sally, do not let any one else in this room with out one of us. "
as he said this in a gentle and caring tone. Bel would ruffle mako's hair a bit with one of his hand. has the one drug would begin to kick in, causing her body to begin to pass out, even if she fought against it. for she would need to sleep, and allow the other two to work their magic in her exhausted system.

"Well then, Beauty I do believe we need to get back and check on the little ones, perhaps later we should bring one of them with us hmm? allow them to see the facility one at a time, until they old enough to be brought out together. " as he said this, painting the picture of him and beauty with one of the babies with them, while the remained safely with sally as a nanny. thus allowing them to see, and learn the building at a very young age.
Blinking in surprise Mako looks between Master and Beauty as she was reminded to rest while he is away, himself, Beauty, and Sally will check on her soon enough. Beauty could not help the smirk on her face as she watched Mako slowly cross over into the world of dreams. She took Bel's hand leading him out of the room "I don't see why not" she answered with a smile, good idea to allow them the chance to look at new objects and colors as well as people and hear new sounds. "they honestly have been sleeping mostly while you are away" she admits, walking close to him.

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