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Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Beauty looked worried but nodded, quickly following after Bel to lock the door as she tries to calm the twins, such sounds and unfamiliar voices were uncommon for them. It took almost an hour for both the twins to settle. They were cuddled in bed with their mom who eventually passed out from their crying exhausting her.

Sally did not take her eyes off the appearance until Bel was present, she noticed off the bat she was concerned for her which was understandable "I am fine" quickly reassuring his initial thoughts. She did not say another word as she opened the door to Mako's chamber to reveal her state, allowing Bel a few minutes to process the scene. "I locked the ones who did this up for you to do as you wish. She can't move or speak so be gentle" stepping in front of the apprentice to still keep him from mako's view.

Since the door suddenly shut mako had been trying her hardest to listen to what was going on or happening, the drugs were very slowly wearing off, she could wiggle her toes and fingers, even turn her head a little. But when the door opened to reveal Master, her eyes widened and her heart dropped, she did not want him to see her like this. Instantly Mako started crying again wanting to curl up and hide away from him knowing she was disgusting right now.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Entering the room with a dominating and confident stride, however as she tried to shrink away, Bel would move to collect a small bucket of warm water, and soothing, skin moisturizing soap. in a gentle and caring tone he would move to sit next to Mako, taking her hand, as he slowly began to clean her up.

" Look at you, I thought only I was allowed to make such a beautiful girl cry, I guess I failed to do my job properly huh."
saying this in a playfully gentle tone, wanting to try and crack a smile, however he would be gentle, and slow with how he carefully cleaned her up. as Mako could not fully move at the moment, with very limited ability to move. however her voice would begin to return far quicker then the use of her limbs, and even that would be pushing it a bit at this point.

as this went on, sally would soon find the apprentice moving to look her over, as he rubbed his chin before speaking up to the business woman.

"You know, I am sure I have something which would help you with those little ones growing in you. perhaps something for a bit more comfort? how would you like me to set up a proper visit to my master's office?"
as he spoke up, making himself sound professional, however his tricks were already known by sally, as Bel had warned her about men like him long ago. men which would use their position to try and get what they wanted at any cost. unlike Sally, mako was an ideal toy, and slave for any owner, as she was barren and kinky from the reports. however the fact remained. he seemed to be pushing his luck now, due to the lack of ability to even see his handy work.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him enter the room dropping down to catch a bucket to bring to her as a way to begin cleaning her up, his words easily made her smile as her gaze followed his hands unable to look up at his face. After a few minutes, she tried to speak in a hoarse voice "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I refused, I did" a rambling of words. This not only physically messed her up but mentally screwed her up well, her master's trust could never break but he may need to give her some proper attention to fix her back to herself.

Sally turns her head just enough to show her glare to the physician "You utter another word and I will show you my stitching skills on her mouth" she snaps, not in the mood for his tricks.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
once they had gotten far enough for mako to look more like herself. Bel would move to strip himself down to only his undies. then move to pull his mako onto his lap. as hen gently began to finally clean her womanly bits up. gently and carefully touching her, with the frail looking maiden now in his lap. Normally if she was herself, this was an ideal chance for her to jump his bones, and show off her lewd skill. but with how things were at the moment. Bel assumed stripping himself down, and appearing equally vulnerable would helpfully push her to feel safer, and more comfortable as he began to gently touch her, and clean her most abused area up. letting Mako make any action she might desire, as he took care of her now. Sally would be able to freely peak in if she so desired, and see the gentle side of Bel which very few ever saw.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Over time she was getting better feeling in her limbs, her arms twitching or legs kicking out, past signals they tried to perform earlier when she was unable to move. When she saw Bel stripping down she smiled more so happy to have him as he met her at her level. She groans softly as he moved her into his lap, her upper body leaning against his chest while his shoulder was a pillow for her head. It was not pretty down there at all, she was bruised, swollen, and bloody with the glistening shine of cum. Trying her best to not react as he cleaned up her more sensitive parts she would whine and flinch as the feeling came back to her nerves. She soon hid her face under his chin as her soft sobs were a result of the new pain she was enduring. Hearing the crying Sally peeked in to check on them, her heart sad for Mako being in such a state, Sally would not wish this on her worst enemy especially a woman.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"That's my girl, Let it all out, just endure, the physical sensation and let out all your emotional pain and stress. I am here for you my cute little Mako. "

as he spoke calling her cute, even in this state. Bel would continue to gently clean her up, however the fact remained she endured a fate far worse then anything her master would ever let happen to her, if he had any say in this punishment. as things had gone to far, however he would be taking care of her, and slowly letting Mako cry till her hearts content, having brought himself down to to her level for a more comfortable scenario for his mako.

as this went on, while Sally was now peaking in the room, seeing this sight. the Apprentice would soon be behind her silently. moving to gently tap her shoulder, as he would ask if his patient was ready for what was needed, or if he should move to another room to wait until they were ready for him? sounding more professional now, most likely due to Bel being their, and the door cracked, from sally's peek, thus making it a real risk for him to be over heard.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A small laugh came from her by him calling her cute, taking such good care of her thanks to Sally coming by when she did, if not who knows how much worse things could have gotten. Mako nods her head, only crying for a few more minutes until she quietly was lying in his embrace. Sally jumps when tapped on the shoulder, the door falling open to finally reveal the doctor "Well she is calmed down and more presentable" she comments allowing him in. Wishing she could be on the floor with Mako and Bel but if she did, getting back up would be a struggle without big her belly is now. Mako tenses up when the door opens to Sally and some guy, she tries to hide in Bel's frame just not wanting to be seen like this. "it's okay, Mako, we are here and no one will hurt you, he just need to check you out and probably give you some pain medicine" Sally reassures.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Keeping the currently damaged girl in his lap, holding her hand, as the doc was allowed in. things had gone so good for his evil plan, except for this part. with her master right their, he would need to come up with a new plan. however the apprentice would do his job properly, moving tours Mako.

"Alright, I will need her to remain calm so I can properly examine her, will you be able to keep her held in place?"
as he said this, moving to pull out two syringes, one with a green drug in it, the other to take some blood from her. the drug was more of the special drug which he provided the studs with, but a different kind. this one meant to make the victim to act more feral and lustful. thinking that perhaps he can make her come off, like she had broken to the point where she was no longer fit to be near her master. however except for this extra drug, everything else would be done in a more legit manor, thus hiding his current action.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Within seconds of the Doc taking out his syringes, Sally grabbed a hold of his wrist "You can take her blood to assess the drug they gave her but she will not be taking anything but ibueprophin until her system is clear" she instructs him. Sally could not afford Mako to fall off the rails any further due to an accidental overdose or bad reaction to any other drug introduced to her system. She knew Mako better than Beauty and also knew Mako would not pass her over when it came down to it, Mako only wanted Bel, nothing more or less.

A smile grew on Mako's face before giggling "I have seen you before" she said looking at the young doctor in their presence "talking to the guys, all whispering" she laughed. Mako looks to Sally before closing her eye to try and relax her body.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she tried to relax, Mako would feel how Bel held her close. his embrace wrapped around her. however more then that, he would look to Sally with a nod, as he would allow her to do the talking with the doctor at the moment. as he concentrated on mako alone.

"shhh, we will get you taken care of, and once you are better we can make you some new memories, of just us, so this nightmare will becoming nothing more then that. how does that sound hmm?"

as he said this, Bel had the gentle tone, which Mako knew well enough, as it was a tone he normally only used when they were being passionate, and he was not in a wild and ruled ups state, yet this time he was being comforting and not sexually aggressive, despite how her still abused, and weakened body would seem to react to or desiring to endure.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing him directly speaking to her, Mako giggles looking up to her Master with a massive smile growing on her lips "Already feeling better, making new memories" she hums, the good part of the drugs finally kicking in after that brutal session. She wiggles within her master's embrace, taking a deep breath to receive every drop of his scent.

Sally handled the doctor to examine Mako to get her set on a treatment plan cause the recovery from this attack was going to take time and restraint which Mako did not possess. "Now take her blood and immediately send it to our private lab, I do not want any of this getting out until the culprits are punished and Mako will be okay" she spoke having a quick PR moment.
Local Time:
12:39 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the blood was taken, and the test to be set and done this night. Bel would look to Sally, as he spoke up in a business like tone for the moment.

"Babe, take care of what the doc needs, I will give our lil Mako a proper wash, and some fine care in the hot spring in the back. " as he said this, moving to lift her up with one arm under her knees, the other against her back. this would give Mako now growing more like herself with the enjoyable effects of the said drugs. however little did ether of them realize, Sally would be with the main mastermind, meaning she could fall victim if she let her guard down for even a moment. due to how this apprentice had plenty of tricks, and tranqs at his disposal. however the idea of calming Mako down, and washing her body in a long hot soak, would hopefully, aid in her body flushing out the drug a bit faster. yet nether Sally, or Bel would think about how this could be turned on the master once they were in the tub. with the drug allowing Mako to feel good soon, and even reawaken her own wild side, which was something only her master could handle, and enjoy in multiple ways, with out restraints.
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