Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Looking up at him with his reassuring words, she knew he was right; in due time, Beauty would come around when she needed them most, and they would be right there for her. What sealed such a thought was Victor's passionate kiss against her lips, snatching her breath away as it always did, her thoughts turning to mush for the time being. She had a massive smile once he pulled away, meeting his gaze with such love in her eyes. "Okay, you know I am here for whatever you or either of them need," she spoke softly, her hand reaching over his that rested on her belly. Happy to have him pamper her with his washing and massages, she relaxed with him for what felt like hours.

While upstairs Beauty had stripped the bed, and put on the new sheets and blankets while she tossed the soiled ones outside the room, closing the door to ensure the stench remained there. She leans up against the door with a sigh of relief, the room smelling somewhat of her current and not of sex or mako. A sudden pang struck her lower abdomen, resulting in her sliding down to the floor with a groan, tensing up at the pain that eventually passed. Slowly, she got back to her feet when a strange sensation ran down her inner thigh; glancing down, she saw dark red, causing panic as she rushed to the bathroom to clean up.
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"Once they were all cleaned up, Victor even taking the time to pamper, and help Sally dry off, with his towel around her tail and tender bits. it was like her master was in deed a pampering and over protective lover for
Sally. as this was a rarity, but a side of him which both she, and soon Beauty would get to enjoy more often. However unlike Sally, Mako would always be a troublesome servant. Yet for right now, Sally would find this short lived
blissful abuse enjoyable. as it was gentle, loving and rarer still nothing lewd from her master with this interaction. Showing a dedicated thought of being gentle with her even more so now that his Sally was carrying a foul with in her,
his foul which was a blessing or so they would believe for now.

Once the two would be all cleaned up and dried off. Victor would move to gently kiss sally, before leaving her to return to the room with Beauty waiting. unaware if she would be awake or not.
as the condition Beauty was in would be discover sooner then later, which would Introduce the young maiden to a much more protective, and caring side to her dominating master. if she had it cleaned up in time or not
by the time her master returned would be discovered soon enough.
Every moment she stored in her core memory of Victor being gentle with her body in every way, she adored times like these when he was just a man pampering his lady. She held the towel to wrap around her frame, caught in surprise by his sweet kiss before he returned to Beauty. A bliss-filled Sally watched him leave with a smile on her lips, a sigh to follow that was more like a swoon. Making her way to bed she would sleep beautiful dreams.

Upstairs, Beauty was attempting to wipe away the watery blood but it had yet to clot, so she placed a thick towel on the floor to sit on while waiting. Human or animal, the scent of blood was always easy to detect, so when she heard the door open, her ears perked up, and her body tensed, creating another cramp in her lower stomach. Grunting in pain, she hunches over, almost laying on the bathroom floor, forgetting that Victor may have returned to find the bed clean but empty.
Finally returning to the room, Victor would be in good spirits at first, however as he came back in only some shorts. the wicked looking man would find his mare on the floor. rushing to her side, as he moved
to gently support, and help beauty up. concern, and panic in his eyes.

"What's wrong, what happened? are you alright? " asking this in a panic before shouting for sally or mako to come help him quick. calling for a code 9, an emergency code which had only been used once back when
Mako was very young, and had been severely injured by some wild studs which got ahold of used her. a special medical code for females, which Sally would know more about then Mako due to how she was the one who
aided in the prior experience.
Wincing at his touch she pins back her ears, shaking her head when he attempts to help her. "No, no, stay like this" she whines. The cramping is growing more intense if she gets up. Sally heard the call while Mako was still knocked out from her session with the master; Sally raced up the stairs. She could sense the scent of blood before she entered the room. Kneeling beside Victor and Beauty, she could see the young mare's pain, along with the blood-stained towel underneath her. " Beauty, talk to me. Where does it hurt?" touching the mare's face to get her attention. Beauty would blink a moment, her hand to her stomach. "Here," she answered Sally before leaning into Victor. Knowing she was not far along, it was not contractions but may feel as though "Let's get her on the bed; I will fetch some ice from the freezer," Sally spoke, hurrying out of the room.
"Ok, beauty, this might hurt a bit, but please bare with me. " as he spoke warning her, before moving to carefully position his arms under the key points of the filly's body.
with incredible gusto, and delicate yet caring movements. she would soon be upon the bed. as victor would be right beside her. moving to allow Beauty's head to rest on his lap.
as he moved to try and sooth her as much as possible, while Sally was doing her thing to get the needed supplies.
"Talk to me, what happened? did it come up from sudden movements? did you have a fall or anything?" asking this in a gentle yet concerned tone. the man was truly worried for his young
mare. however the fact remained, once she appeared stabilized, he would move to call in his most trusted vet, and medical experts, but for right now he would remain with Beauty until victor knew
his girls would be find with him making the call, thus putting Beauty in sally's care as needed.
Gasping as her body tensed up at his movement from the floor to the bed, she let out a big exhale to relax while he positioned her comfortably, her face hidden in his lap as he questioned what caused this. She offered a shrug as she thought back to while he was away. "I changed the sheets. I did not fall or anything. It just struck out of nowhere," she explains quietly. Sally returns with icepacks, resting them over her lower stomach "No worries, this is not a miscarriage" reassuring Victor and Beauty, who had not even thought of that being the case, her ears flattening back in horror. "You may have just strained yourself or the foal is re-positioning" she explained as she gently massaged Beauty's muscles to soothe her into relaxing "An ultrasound will tell us truly what happened" looking up to Victor knowing he wanted a Vet to check out Beauty soon as possible.
"Don't worry we will make sure your fine, I will get us a vet call, and have him bring the Ultra sound system. "
as he spoke up saying this, Victor would move to try and get up unless Beauty stopped him. if so then he would have sally make the call, other wise
he would leave Beauty in the capable, and caring hands of sally. as the master, no, now more then ever, the lover of this filly as he showed his true nature tours her,
both the good side, and the darker more brutal side which Mako kept in check for all their well being. however the fact remained, despite how she became the property of
this man, she was treated more of a lover, then a slave, or toy, which was becoming more obvious with how he handled this horrible situation, despite how it would most likely
not lick for her mind until things calmed down, if at all.
Sally had sat down on the edge of the bed, ready to replace Victor once he got up, but Beauty quickly grasped his pants to make him remain where he sat. "No, stay," she whimpered, glancing up at Sally to do the call for them instead. Beauty would scoot closer into Victor's frame, curling up some as she did, nuzzling to hide her face in comfort, taking in his warmth and scent to calm her nerves. With that decision made, Sally stood up with a nod. "I will call the vet and bring up some warm soup," she added with a smile. Beauty may not be fighting the idea of a vet stopping by, but she may change her attitude once they arrive.
Remaining at her side, in the soothing manor, he would move to caress, and keep supporting Beauty, as Sally was now making the call, and prepping some food for beauty's stomach.
"You will be fine, we will be here for you. Beauty I will be here, and won't go until you feel comfortable and safe. " saying this to her in a gentle manor, it would be unknown how she would be once
the vet arrived. however Now Beauty would feel the caring and protective nature of her originally unwanted master.
His soothing words and gestures calmed her soul; she was able to relax and breathe at last, her eyes closing to rest while they waited for either Sally or the vet to arrive. Beauty would shift so she was as close as possible to Victor, scared that he would move away from her or that this soothing sensation would stop. After almost an hour Sally returned with the trusted vet in tow, his bag and devices in hand for he was informed of the situation being one of Victors' inner circle mares having an accident while carrying his foal. Of course, once entering he realized it was Beauty, the feisty newbie which made him cautious on his approach to the bed where he set up the ultrasound machine. Sally would see the steaming soup on the nightstand before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "We are not certain what occurred but beauty reassures she felt the pain come suddenly with no true reasoning," Sally would explain to the vet.

"No worries, things like this can happen to first-time mothers," the vet would reassure, looking from Beauty to Victor, not even instructing the mare to move, seeing how she was all curled up to her master like a frightened bunny. Beauty only realized the vet's presence when he spoke, her head turning to see him, her ears pinning back as her body grew tense, not wanting him to touch her. A soothing pet was given by Sally "Darling, he needs to check you out so we can get some answers" telling her softly.
"shh, it's alright, let our doc do what he needs. I will remain right here with you, their will be nothing to worry about. "
as he spoke in a gentle and caring manor. Victor's soft side which was a rare sight to all except for his closest niche. was something for beauty to
take in. as he coaxed her gently to get her body into a more pleasuring to see position to say the least. yet he remained close, even offering her one of his hands
to squeeze or bite if the need was their, while the other continued it's more soothing touches, and ginger interactions with her frame.

this was a rare sight, but not one which Sally had missed, as he often was like this with her when not in business mode. but seeing it from
the outside instead of being the one receiving it would be something. all the more, this only showed just how much Beauty actually needed in forms of care
and experience.
Shifting attention from the vet to Victor brought comfort to the young mare, allowing her master to manipulate her body for her to be examined with the ultrasound. It was quick and painless as the gel was squirted onto her stomach, followed by the chilling probe that showed the video of her womb. The vet was quiet as he assessed what he saw, smiling a little to see it was nothing serious. "Seems to be twins on the way, one was just making a racket to make space" reassuring them all. Beauty watched from a glance the video of the dark circles on the screen, silent with awe.
Holding her close, and keeping Beauty comforted, Victor would speak in a gentle tone.
"Looks like once your feeling better we will need to celebrate together. were having twins my cute little Filly. "
as he spoke in a some what embarassingly cute way tours beauty. teasing and comforting her at the same time. it was quiet the sight for both
the vet, and Sally to see. as this was a side only she had enjoyed so far, seeing that rare side of her master with another besides herself when alone.
it could be seen as both heart warming, and troublesome, due to how it could effect her senses, if Sally was sensitive like an inexperienced Beauty was.
The vet took pictures to save for them before shutting off the machine and cleaning Beauty up with some wipes, he would check her blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and eyes to be sure all else was fine. Beauty was still frozen in horror and awe, not certain how to react to the news of twins, while Victor remained soft and gentle for her, offering to celebrate once she was appropriately rested. It was when the vet took his leave that she snapped back to reality, looking up at Victor with her ears lowering back before looking to Sally, who had been admiring the scene in front of her this entire time; she did not mind sharing Victor with a mare such as Beauty. "Isn't it risky to have twins?" she questioned with concern while she hid back into Victor.

Sally shook her head with a shrug. "Not nowadays. Yes, things can go wrong, but you are in the best hands," reassuring her with a smile.
"Well with this, If your up for it, tomorrow was meant for you to work under Sally, but we might need you to rest up some more Beauty. so make sure to let me or sally know right away. "
as he spoke, his hand still gently running along Beauty's frame and hair. all the while, sally was left to talk and even move to sit on the bed with the two at this point if she wanted.
all the while a bill would be left on the desk for victor by the vet, as he left. leaving the trio to decide how to end this night, be it only two of them in the room or all three this once.
all the more leaving if she is able to work under sally for some experience, and knowledge of this wicked facility, as to help Beauty decide what kind of path she will go after
once the children were born.
Looking between the two of them, she knew she was in safe hands, though she was still quite nervous about the birth of twins. She curls up into his frame enjoying his soothing gestures along her body, her eyes falling closed as exhaustion from all the stress finally hit her. Sally rose from the edge of the bed she had been sitting on. "I believe you two are good for the night; I shall return downstairs to talk to Mako when she wakes" smiling her goodbye before heading out of the room, quietly closing the door upon her exit.

By the time Sally left Beauty was sound asleep in the arms of Victor, at last trusting him to the point she would be in a vulnerable state of rest at his side. No nightmares of this tonight but instead dreams of the wonder of what could be with her new life that she was beginning to accept.
As the night came and passed, Beauty would be the first of the two in the bed to awaken this morning. her body against Victor's
as his arms gently wrapped around her. one hand wresting against her lower back the other her upper back. as he held her close. still asleep,
it would be easy for the mare to slip free of his embrace, or choose to do what ever might come to mind after a night like the horror show she had prior.
which at least ended in a wonderfully safe, and comfortable way, compared to how bad it could have turned.
A yawn woke the young filly, her ears pinning back as she tilted her head up to see she was all cuddled with Victor, last night was a daze, but she remembered the pain and the results of now carrying twins. She was still uncomfortable with the idea; she was small compared to Sally and Mako, but Sally was confident that Victor would support her. She moves a little to slip free of his arms, stretching out her body before curling back up to a pillow knowing she must remain in bed for a short while or else a miscarriage would possibly occur.

Downstairs Mako was receiving a bath from Sally along with a massage from the mad sex she had with her master last night, unaware of what happened with Beauty since Sally did not want her freaking out. Mako already has decided that Sally's and Beauty's foals will be hers. Sally does not mind sharing for she knows Mako was a good mother figure, but Beauty still does not trust the wild mare. "Now, you better speak with Master before you try anything with Beauty," Sally would strictly instruct Mako, who was still in a blissful daze about being one with her master last night. "Yeah, yeah, there may not be much talking," giggling like a schoolgirl in love.
Coming to, Victor would notice how Beauty had moved away from him, and cuddled into her pillow. taking this chance the wicked and yet playful man would move closer to her.
his fingers gingerly scraped along the filly's frame, as he whispered softly into her one ear.
"morning beautiful, how about I bring you some breakfast? home made, and some fresh made OJ?"
offering this to her, it was something special, as Victor had never cooked for ether Mako, or Sally directly, as he was offering for beauty, but this filly did not know how much this offer
actually meant, until later when Sally might be able to reveal to her, the true value of such an offer. as such an offer would lead Mako to seek a different kind of breakfast, which was not
the actual offer.
A hum sounded from her as he moved to touch her frame once more, signaling her to wake just enough to hear his offering of breakfast that not even his darling Sally and Mako have had privileges of. Opening her eyes, she turns her head toward him with a smile. "I would love that," she said, taking advantage of his services, his personal touch to things being done for her. "are you going to be busy today?" she asked softly, not giving away whether she wanted him around or not. Sally would be working up here to keep an eye on her today.
"I will be, but I can have Sally help with my work load, as to remain with you today if you desire that. "
as he spoke giving Beauty this option, as he gently moved his hands along her frame in a gentle and comforting manor.
once she gave her answer, Victor would head down to make the meal carefully for Beauty, one full of both healthy nutrients, as well
as flavors. However little did Beauty realize, or perhaps she did, but didn't want to think of it. her body was the perfect way to make this
gentle owner putty in her hands, if she had it in her. as the rumors of pregnancy making females hornier was not something Victor knew much about.
however the fact remained, his care was very unique for the young maiden which was now carrying twins.
Seeing him head downstairs to prepare her breakfast was surprising based on how she treated him the night before the incident. At least she will get a yummy breakfast in bed without Mako being around. Still, she could see the wild mare riding Victor like a prize stud as he spanked and did all sorts of things to her. She was slowly leaving to draw herself a warm bath to soothe her body while she waited for food.

On the other hand, Mako spotted Master heading to the kitchen while she was toweling off from her bath, dropping her towel; she bolded after him in a hurry to catch up. She hops onto a counter in the kitchen, all fresh from the day and bare nude before him "Morning, master!" she calls out with a big smile, then realizes he was making breakfast but not for himself.
"Morning, Mako how are you feeling with how rough we got last night?"
as he spoke not thinking much about it. Mako would be able to quickly piece things together, as beauty was the one her master was cooking for.
However he still spoke with lustful desire, and respect tours Mako, showing the mare she had her position secure, even if she was jealous to some degree. However
if she asked, Victor would inform her of the scare they had for Beauty the other night, and how he had to ensure she was healthy, and recovering after the loss of blood. which
would paint a picture of Beauty in bad shape, which meant the foul growing in her was at risk, yet her master was the one taking care of this personally. which would lead the mare to ether
seek answers from the master or sally about this. as Even sally had not gotten this level of treatment, but unlike Mare sally would be able to easily understand why Beauty was being treated like this.
and more so if beauty was up for it, today sally was meant to meet with her, and see about giving the day of shadowing to the young filly, and let her see what potential roles she could be trained for.
Kicking out her feet with joy she answers his question "Oh, nothing that a good night's sleep and a bath can cure, though I felt rather cold last night," pouting some as she hops down to peek at what he was cooking. She bet after Beauty seeing she and Master together that the young filly would never trust Master to touch her again but he slept upstairs again. "I am guessing that is for Beauty," she comments, followed by a suspicious hum. "Not even Sally has had the honor. What is going on?" I was beginning to think Master was growing soft, or he had to change methods for Beauty to tame her. Of course, Mako was jealous, she could not have his foals, she did not exactly have a job other than keeping Master's dark side tame, and Beauty would not let her anywhere near her.
"Oh, unlike Sally, we had a scare with Beauty, and her foul the other day. I plan to ensure she eats well, and that our lovely child is safe growing in her. "
as he said this, winking at mako, as he said ours. reinforcing the thought that the foul was for mako, to be the mother of, However still not telling the crazed nympho girl
of how beauty had twin. However he would smile softly, and as he asked Mako if she could do him a quick favor.

" Sweety, do your master a big favor, can you get Sally for me? besides, we both know that later I will reward my cute little personal girl for all her hard work. "
as he spoke in such a manor, which was more unique to Mako, due to her unique position to Victor, as he treated her as both a fuck toy, and a daughter at times, due to
their history, and unique relationship. which also gave her ways to tease him, when her master was pent up, and holding himself back. yet this was not the case as of yet.
Eyes widened at this news of Beauty having. After an incident with their foal, she darts her head toward the door as though she would hurry up to check on the young mare but remains where she stood, knowing it would put Beauty in a bad mood. But Master had a task for her that she was happy to take on with a reward to be given later. "Yes, Master!" pecking his cheek on her way out to fetch Sally. The other expecting mother was getting dressed when the nude Mako skipped in. "Master wants to speak with you in the kitchen," she announced as she slipped on a dress for the day.

Sally raised a brow before rolling her eyes with a smile; this was just how Mako was in good spirits. "thank you," gathering her notebooks before heading out. "You wish to speak?" she questions as she enters the kitchen.
as she asked this, Sally would be the first to witness the true horror of Victor's cooking skills.
as he was trying his best, already the pan had begin to smell of smoke.

"Ya, kinda embarrassed, but Could I get some help in making a proper meal for Beauty?" as he spoke in the small amount of time
between mako leaving, and sally's arrive, their was a small plate with burnt food on it already, as Victor was starting his second attempt. as he could cook
some of the more harder to fix dishes which took time, but simple dishes seemed to be impossible for the odd ball master. However the fact remained, he did not ask Mako
and both of them knew why. however with both of them in the kitchen, this would leave the naked mako to her own devices, be it to try and check in on Beauty against better judgement, or
to do what she was meant to do, and go to work with her daily jobs, thus earning her special reward for later.
Setting down her notebooks with a stifled giggle, she hurries to aid him. "How about you pour the juice and I will finish up her omelet," she suggests as she starts over again. Within ten minutes she slips the omelet onto the plate with buttered toast already set out. "I would think she may enjoy hot cocoa more than orange juice, but after last night, let's add supplements," swiftly opening a cabinet door. Sprinkling some powder into the drink and stirring it around, she smiles toward Victor. "perfect."

Mako went against better judgment; she wanted to check on her foal, unaware it was twins on the way. She goes upstairs, slipping into the room to find Beauty not in bed but humming away in the bathrooms. The young mother hummed a lullaby as she bathed in the warm water, waiting for Victor.
Now with Mako in the room, it would not be long before the mare would have a chance to sneak a peek at Beauty which might be mistaken for victor or sally at first. However the fact remained, if she did this, then Both victor and sally would catch Mako on the spot very soon.
as the two were heading up, however the chance presented itself to the mare. all the while, Victor would be heading tours the room with sally, as he carried the food, and drink, while she was at his side, the two would be checking in on Beauty, and seeing if she would be up for
a day ether with sally, or victory while the two could do their work, or they could talk so Victory could have sally do some of his extra work this day in order to free him to remain with beauty, of course this would mean proper compensation which sally could enjoy much later, and of her own

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