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Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She was sneaking her way into the bathroom, smiling at the sight of Beauty looking so peaceful in the bath after such a night. She steps closer peering into the tub to see Beauty rubbing her belly as she hums with such a beautiful voice. Now behind her, Mako strips from her dress, reaching out to massage Beauty's shoulders hoping she would believe it was Master since he was in the pampering mood this morning. "Oh...you are back" beauty would murmur, opening her eyes to turn back and find Mako. She splashed the water in a flash as she moved to the other side of the tub. "The hell are you doing in here!?" she shouted as she tried to cover herself. Mako quickly slipped into the tub, trying to calm Beauty. "It's just me," Mako reassured her with a hopeful smile, only to get splashed again. "get out!" Beauty screamed.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the two entered he room, Victor and sally would both quickly hear the commotion in the bathroom. as Victror moved to set the food on the night stand.
as he quickly told Sally to remove mako, and to explain to her how she was messing up. " as he gave this order, the man entered the room, as he reached for Mako
ear like a child. pulling her out of the tub.

"Your lucky, I am letting sally take care of you today, later tonight, were going to have to have a long talk. "
saying this in a scolding yet almost parental voice to mako. it would trigger some unexpected feelings in the nympho mare. as her master was more the just a master
to her. and she knew no matter how badly she messed up he was always going to come back to her, yet at the same time. the odd sensation was their. as he would look to sally.

"please take care of mako for me, and try to explain to her, why what she is doing, and how it is wrong at this point in time. "
this would be happening before Beauty's eyes. however if nothing else, one could say Mako's action would be enough to cause the filly to get what she wanted all the more
if she wanted her master to remain with her this day as well. as it could be seen as not wanting any one else to get close or get the drop on her like mako just did.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Mako would pout, hearing Beauty scream at her followed by Master pulling her out of the tub and into Sally's arms to escort her out "I was just checking on her!" trying to come up with a reasonable excuse for literally barging in on the young mare. How Master spoke sent shivers down Mako's spine, unexpected for him to be so on edge but she did not know the whole truth of what happened last night nor the news of twins on the way. Sally would nod to Victor, holding Mako by the upper arm to drag her crazy butt out of there. "You are fortunate," growled in reminder as they returned downstairs.

It was quite a shock, but at least Victor came at the perfect time. "thank you."
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"well, I can vouch that she means no harms, But that not allowed ether way. I will have Sally take care of proper disciplinary actions while I stay with you for now. how does that sound?"
asking this, as the wicked looking master would move to gently rub her frame, in a soothing manor. however it would be easy now for the worked up filly to request what she wanted from this man.
if it was proper pampering, as he had fixed her a meal. which was now awaiting beauty out by the bed.

mean while. . .

as Mako was taken out by Sally, it was left in sally's hands to explain to mako why her so called innocent check was something more dangerous then she expected.
more then that, why Victor suddenly took that rare tone with her. however the most important part was the fact that, could have easily undone alot of his work with beauty in
but a few moments. which would mean even less time away from beauty, which Mako was so close to getting her proper one on one time with her master again, but now it would seem like her own
mistake ruined this rare reward she had to look forward to now.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Pinned ears met his touch as she moved away, quickly climbing out of the tub to cover herself with a towel. "One would think she would get the hint by now" she grumbled in annoyance. She moved the towel here and there to dry herself off while she exited the bathroom to find quite the spread of breakfast for her energy and protein-hungry body. "Smells wonderful," taking a seat on the bed, pulling the platter onto her lap. At least she could eat in peace, she just hoped the food would stay down as she slowly took bites.

Mako would struggle free from the grip of Sally, whipping around to face her "What is that mare's problem??" she snapped, quite offended by the big deal of it all. This resulted in a reluctant sigh from Sally as she crossed her arms. "Beauty is delicate, she is special to Master; you must be patient and listen to us about messing with her, she does not trust you, if you want to nanny her foals, you need her trust," she explained to the fuming mare. Snorting Mako shook her head. "Nanny?!" she exclaimed. "I am its mother...wait did you say foals, like plural?" blinking as she realized the slip-up. Sally bit her lip, knowing Master had not told Mako, but she messed up. Before she could stop Mako, the mare sprinted back upstairs to barge in. "Are you having more than one foal??" demanding an answer.

Not startled this time, Beauty glared toward the intrusion of Mako, chewing her last bite of breakfast. "Not any of your business, slut" spitting venomous words in Mako's face.

A gasp sounded as Mako touched her chest as though she was physically hurt. "those are my foals! I am to be their mother! Not you!" shouted as she stormed over to Beauty.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
entering the room, as soon as he heard this show beginning from the back room. a sudden surge of a darker, and more dominating aura would be felt. enough to freeze both mare's in their spot, and draw attention to Victor.
as he moved up to Mako, with a scornful, and very angered look. moving to suddenly lift the mare up and toss her over his shoulder. as he spoke in a serious and cold tone.

"I will have Sally come and keep you company, me and Mako have much to talk about, and clear up. "
as he said this carrying her out of the room. If Sally was close enough, even she would shiver at this rarely seen side of Victor, and more so the side which was now focused on mako alone.
as he would carry her from the building, and out tours a special small personal shed. one which only had ever been used by Mako, and himself, which was normally for special sessions, which all others believed had only ever been
abusive punishment. this was something which even Sally did not know of what happened behind those doors. however it was unknown to any other, but Mako that behind these doors, a different side of her master which was hers alone
was able to freely come out.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The change in the room was a brisk cold, darkness looming as Victor would turn toward Mako, lifting her over his shoulder in one gesture, which made her yelp as she made him angry. Beauty would pin back her ears, eyes widening as she held her breath in her throat watching Victor storm out with Mako dangling from his shoulder; she was not even putting up a fight. Sally stood at the base of the stairs, quick to move out of the way of Victor as he carried Mako to a part of the property she nor Beauty would ever go near, the only place he and Mako went. Hurrying upstairs to check on Beauty, she was met with a mare that looked like she saw a monster. "Hey, hey, he is still the same, Victor, okay," sitting beside her to soothe her quickly. "is he?" Beauty would murmur in disbelief.

Mako was not about to make more of a scene in front of the others until they entered the building with the door closing behind them. "you lied to me," she spoke, trying to keep her confidence up, a side of him only she was able to handle was about to come out. But she may not be stable enough to honestly deal with his darker side without hurting herself. "Tell me, she is not expecting twins; tell me I am to be their mother!" demanding answers.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she spoke, one the door closed, the latch would be heard clicking. at which point Mako would see the rare and twisted look in her master's eyes.
as he would soon take a deep breath, as if trying to control himself, however he would act with out even a hint of warning, before Mako knew it. she was pressed up against the wall.
the force against her body was much rougher then normal. more then that, he had her hands in his, pinning them above her head. his body pressing into hers. as the darker more dominating and terrifying voice
calmly came from his lips.

"Their has been no lies told to you. and Yes their are twins, we did not know until that incident, I left that part out, as to keep you from getting to excited, until she had recovered. after all, we upset beauty our
children could become lost. your action, albeit innocent enough, could cause a miss carriage, " as he spoke truthfully to her, painting a clear, and very vivid picture, revealing that Mako's action which upset Beauty could
have easily caused the mare to get upset enough to cause the twins to be lost. this in return revealed how this rare side of Victor was triggered so instantly. as he pinned her, as if he would rape the mare at any moment.
however instead of lustfully acting, he held her pinned between his body and the wall. waiting to hear her comments if she understand the risk she had just caused, and more so why he kept the part about the twins hidden from her,
having planned to wait till Beauty was back to full health, before sharing this.

mean while. . .

Sally, and beauty now alone in the room, with just the two of them. this would be the rare chance for Sally to fill beauty in, on some of the darker, and more twisted back ground of Poor mako, and more so how she was both saved, and
the one which saved their master. for it was mako which became his stable leash, and brought his mind to the state it was now, the man Beauty was getting to know, and if she realized it or not, was starting to get attached to. Even if Beauty did not like
mako, the mare would be one which was needed to keep the dangerous side of her new master content, and controlled. however more then that, Sally could reveal how Beauty could play just as important as a role as both sally, and mako. for sally plays the role of
business support, mako the dark desires. it would become apparent something about sally called to the master when he first saw her. however unknown to sally or even mako, Beauty had a hint already, back when she spoke to her master about him stinkning of mako, and
sex. however this was a rare chance for sally to help calm, teach, and grow closer to beauty.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She gasped and grunted at the force slamming her into the wall, his body holding hers up while his hands gripped against hers, pinning her to ensure she heard his every word of warning, the reasoning behind holding the knowledge of the twins. Beauty was truly delicate as Sally spoke, she was young to have twins with such a man as Master. Her ears would pin as she looked down in shame and concern about possibly losing her foals from her own mistake and jealousy. "I am sorry," she whispers, knowing full well her punishment for being a greedy fool, going against Master's wishes and plans, she was prepared and knew she could take him on.

"Yes, he is, the father of your beautiful foals, he would do anything for you," reassuring Beauty with a smile to follow her words, slowly reaching out to touch the belly of the young mare. "Please, do not fret; stress will only hurt you," reminded her softly. Beauty was staring at the door Victor had exited, swallowing nervously as she flinched at Sally's touch. "I need some air." She got up from the bed and dressed adequately before heading outside. She went straight to the racing grounds to watch the warm-ups and sprints of the prize racers.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Pulling himself together, for once, Mako would come out of this untouched, compared to normal. However her master would give the mare an odd punishment.
one which would seem to be both befitting and curious. " This time, it seems you understood your mistake, thus your punishment will be left to Sally, I will have you report to her directly, and
do what ever odd jobs she needs. For two days, you will be her shadow, her assistant with out fail. and during these two days, no sex, no masturbation, no self gratification of any kind. this will be your punishment."

as he spoke up telling her this, their was an obvious loop hold her master left for Mako. if she was to be satisfied by Sally's order then it would follow the rules he just set for her punishment.

However after telling her this, he would move to gently pull away and let Mako onto her feet. as he spoke softly. " No matter what, remember you were and will always be my first, thus you will never be replaced, but
stop being so selfish with dangerous situations. " saying this to her, coming back to himself. Victor would turn to leave the small hut, as he planned to go wash up, and then join Beauty to make sure she was fine.
however this would be a moment for mako to try and make a move if she so desired, as her punishment would not start until he told Sally of it. or so the thought of this would be a common thing in how mako seemed
to think at the moment. Yet at the same time, this could be seen as victor punishing himself, as his body needed a proper release after getting so riled up. this would also be a realization that punishing mako was also
a way for this man to punish himself.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Blinking out of shock as she was set back onto her feet, his words explaining her punishment being due to Sally along with such sexy fun of any kind, which, of course, made her pout. Beauty being around really was ruining her fun. But she was not sure if she preferred his usual punishment or this, he seemed off in a sense; how he was able to control himself was amazing, to say the least, along with the reminder of being his first, always made her heart flip. She reaches out her hand, stepping after him as the door opens to find Sally standing many meters away, but she is the closest she has ever been to the hut and is uncomfortable about it.

Sally clears her throat as her gaze focuses on Victor; not sure if it is wise, she was even here, took a lot to get her ass out here. "I..." she bites her lips, thinking of the correct way to phrase this. "I can't find Beauty," she slowly said aloud, reading his reaction to each word spoken. She was there when the doctor gave his orders, yet Beauty was far from her bed and nowhere to be found. "She is still on the property," she quickly added to save herself, "but she seemed quite upset..." glancing to Mako behind Victor for a second.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she spoke, Victor would remain oddly cold, and collected, as he looked to Sally, before speaking, and pointing to Mako behind him.
"For the next two days, she is under your direct care, nothing against your words or orders, and no personal fun for herself until those two days are over. this is her punishment, I will find Beauty. " as he said this
walking Past Sally. as he placed his palm on the mare's head gently. speaking as he walked by, giving her a gentle head pat.

" never change, by beautiful little Sally, and take care of your sister for me. " saying this he would walk past, showing a gentle, and loving side which Sally knew all to well, but a momentary sight of it for mako.
who was rarely able to see this from her master. as it was part of the so called rivalry the two had, with how they were treated so differently, yet loved equally. However now he was for lack of terms in a business like
mind set.

moving to think to himself, Victor would head tours the racing track, figuring it was a long shot, but starting from one of the furthest spots, and working his way back into the main yard would be the best way to start things out in his
mind. However more then that, if nothing else, he might be able to get a good hint from one of the male studs which were going into an over drive like heat. unfortunate for Victor he would be right on his guess in where to look. but if Beauty
was close enough to any of the larger males, her feminine scent would cause one of them to go and try to drag her into the track for the other studs to try and use her like they did any breeding mare during this season.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Raising a brow to this news of being in control of Mako threw Sally for a loop, a first-ever which meant Victor was changing since Beauty arrived, it was amazing to see. She lowered her ears in respect as he passed back her, the weight of his warm hand on her head drawing a smile, a reminder of his love for her in his voice. Now she had Mako to deal with, who remained in the hut, having heard Beauty was missing, probably because of her. "Come on, I have things to do," Sally would call out, having collected herself back to her business boss woman act. It was several seconds before Mako finally wandered out, taking Sally's hand to return to the house.

Beauty had no idea she had deemed herself missing and Victor was on the lookout for her, he still had so much work to put into gaining her complete trust and devotion. Seeing him like that was terrifying; Mako, though he did not seem fazed at all, must be true, she handles his darker side. Currently, she was sitting on a lower branch of a tree, gazing out at the track, not even noticing the stallions practicing were beginning to pick up on her scent. They started kicking and punching one another while running, even going off course to pinpoint where she was. One stallion had just finished his run rinsing off in the wash bay when he spotted the pretty mare up in the tree; he found that strange, for mares were kept until lock and key unless breeding. He wandered closer, smirking as he realized she was the Master's newest addition; her scent was different, hinting she may already be pregnant, so taking her would not cause him to much trouble. Climbing up, he joins her branch, keeping some distance. "What is a pretty thing like you doing out here alone?" acting as though he had no idea who she was.

Startled Beauty stiffened, hurrying down the branch a little as she looked toward the stallion that had found her "clearly wanting to be left alone!" snapping at him which did not make him happy. He moves closer to her, grabbing her arm before she can escape. "hey now, that was not very nice," he chuckles at her cute comment.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as things began to play out like this, Beauty would soon see a few more studs moving tours her, all of which were well erect and excited by her scent.
as the one which was now handling her against the filly's desire, it was becoming more and more obvious what they wanted, and with her already knocked up and with fouls.
they could have their fun with out any risk of knocking up the young beauty. However unknown to these studs, Victor was already getting closer and closer to their location.

as he had no idea this was happening to his beauty currently, however once he was close enough, if she screamed out loud enough he would locate her very quickly to say the least.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Movement on the ground drew her attention to notice other stallions were gathering; this place sucked at times. She jerked her arm, pulling away as hard as she could from the stallion holding her. "Let me go!" she shouted as she tried to escape. Even if she did, below were more, and they all were hungry for something she barely gave Victor willingly. If she ended up raped by these stallions Victor may never have a shot of gaining her trust. "Vi-victor! Sally!" calling out, hell screaming, begging for help in some fashion.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the filly was now struggling against the first stud which was trying to get her into position to be pinned. Beauty would see the fellow two coming to investigate and most likely join in.

However having heard her voice, another sound was soon echoing from the opposite direction. as the seductive and pregnant filly struggled, if she could manage to break free, even if it meant
kicking her assailant in the crotch. it would give a chance for the young milf to run tours the sounds of Victor rushing tours her. however if she failed to break free quickly, the other two would soon be on her
to aid their fellow in pinning the filly down for some much desired fun.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Seeing motion in front of her as the stallion gripped her body with his big hands, moving her as he desired while she squealed and kicked at him, at last scoring a goal at his crotch, which set her free tumbling toward the ground. The two other stallions were quick to catch her, pinning her down to the ground, for it was their turn as the first was out of the game with a sore dick from her kick. "Victor! Victor!!" crying out as she punched and kicked to get free, she could feel the red marks burning upon her skin from their hands while she attempted to pull away. Finally, she spotted Victor meters away. "Victor! Help! Help!" kicking out to find herself free from their clutches, running toward him, sprinting as fast as she could.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he showed up upon the scene, Victor wasted no time. as the smaller man rushed over pushing the studs off of beauty. even puching the one hard enough to make his
own fist bleed. as he looked to the three racers, before speaking in a violent, and very dominating tone.

" You three, back to your stables, if I see you again until I come to deal with you, I will use you for glue, and meat. "
saying this in a serious tone. the smaller man terrified the three studs, which would all fall silent at this point, knowing this was not an empty threat. however he would move to gently lift
and carry beauty in a bridal style. as he looked to her, back in his gentle tone, which she had come to know.

"Sorry I took so long finding you, what you say we slip off from the main site, and just the two of us, go to the stream, and have a nice night away from everything under the stars together?"
asking her this, painting a very nice chance to get away from everything just the two of them. as if he wanted to give her a chance to be in a peaceful setting to relax, and come back to some form of
her senses. unaware of how badly she might be hurt emotionally, or mentally at this point.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Running into his frame, she did not dare turn back to see if the stallions were following though did hear the silence instilled by Victor's voice, his darkness revealing as he spoke a clear threat to the young colts. She would pin back her ears and close her eyes when she felt her body be lifted into Victor's arms knowing she was safe at last, and the questions he may have about why she was even out here. Honestly, she did not know other than that she needed a moment in the fresh air to bring peace to her mind. Finally, she opened her eyes to look up at him noticing his softening demeanor while he spoke of slipping away from reality for a short time. "Yes." she would answer with a nod of her head. "I would enjoy that." I was going to spend time with him and away from Mako. Indeed, she was taught a valuable lesson.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As victor carried Beauty in his arms, the smaller man would smile, as he was soon approaching quiet the lovely and peaceful camp site near a stream. a small site which was originally set up for one person to use.
this would reveal to Beauty that Victor used this place many times to be alone, and now he was bringing her hear to be alone with him. however as they got closer, the young man would smile gently tours her.

"so would you like me to help you wash up in the stream, or prefer to let me set up a fire to warm our bones together?"
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Resting her head against his chest, she knew she was safe in his arms now. Slowly, she began to calm down and look around them as they made their way to this secluded spot he spoke of, it seemed solo compared to what she had seen before he bought her. Was a few seconds upon arrival for the notice of being the first of his maidens to come here, meaning he usually came here for solitude. Her gaze wandered over to the stream, nodding as she cuddled more into his arms, not wanting him to leave her side. He saved her from those hungry stallions; she never meant to put herself into such a dangerous situation.

Once at the stream, she would slip out of her clothing, dipping her toes first to test the temperature for walking into the beautifully chilled water that would wash away the stench of the stallions and ease the red marks of their hands on her skin. Now, in the water up to her shoulders, a sigh was let out, relaxing at last under the supervision of Victor; it was becoming clear she would always be safe with him.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she began to relax more in the stream, while the filly had her eyes closed, Victory would silently move to undress himself. and join Beauty in the stream.
as his hands gently moved around her, as the man kissed his filly's neck neck gently. before speaking up to her.

"so why not let me help you wash up a bit? do not threat, nothing will be forceful, or intended, just want us to relax, and enjoy ourselves tonight, just us. "
as he spoke gently saying this, the man did not hide seeing her in the nude like this made him more then just some what aroused, yet he was not forcing himself on her, but
instead offering to gently aid her in washing up, as well as acting like a body cushion of warmth for her to enjoy in the cool stream, if she allowed her master to wash her body off gently with his hands.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
He was not even startled by his body pressing up against her backside, his hands caressed her skin while his lips gave her sweet kisses before he spoke, ensuring she understood his intentions were pure. Slowly opening her eyes with a smile, she felt at peace out here, away from all the stressors of the main house and Mako. Yes, she could not hate on the mare forever, but Mako also had not offered much reasoning to trust her. "thank you for this, Victor; I needed it," she told him softly, leaning her body into his touch and allowing him to wash her off.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he took his time to gently run his hands along the young filly's frame. his fingers working their magic, as he washed her off gently. even causing some arousal for the young milf to be.
as he spoke softly to her. "This will be our special little spot, how does that sound? If you ever need to be alone, come to this camp site, away from every one or thing, and I will come to you when
your out here in the future. no more risking yourself please. " as he spoke gently, making her a special safe place with his personal hide away camp here. However this would finally reveal what special role
Beauty had in his mind. at first a breeder? no perhaps another right hand beauty like sally, no, it was finally revealed. he had the business role, and the leash for his darker side taken care of. now he was seeking a gentle
lover, who could be pampered, and be kept close for his gentle desires. and he was trying so hard to make sure she felt save, and cared for, despite the horrible way she was brought into his world as a means to pay off
her old man's debt. However with this finally becoming visible to her young mind, it would be up to Beauty if she would jump on this rare chance itself, as the offer he was making was a unique one, which not even sally or mako
would ever get to know really. as this was his personal escape from the world, and it was being offered to her, and her alone to share it with.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
In his arms, she would feel her heart skip a beat, maybe even a little movement in her womb from the twins as he spoke reassuring words about this being her safe and special place. At this moment, she realized what her place was: no business or true pleasure but to be his partner at the end of a long day, a gentle lover for him to cuddle and hold. "Okay, I will keep that in mind," whispering in relief to finally have some answers.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally finding a kind of peace, and enjoyable moment of safety, and comfort. The young filly now knew her special role even if it had not been specifically told to her.
However this would be good for Sally to know, but if mako found out, the seductive and sensually starving bottomless pit of a mare would become jealous with ease or so it would seem.
as this was not something to be made known to the others unless she felt like it. Beauty could enjoy herself, as well as find the hands gently arousing and caring for her all the more comfortable.

"So I have to ask you something, I want you to be honest with me My beauty, Do you feel safe with me, or shall I find something special for us to make you feel more comfortable?"
asking this, their was nothing but true and sincere care in his voice, however asking this would paint an odd picture for the young milf to be. an image of her being the one to take him despite how this was
not something she would normally think of.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She turned to face him, her hands caressing his chest as she pressed her body against him, parting her legs to welcome his arousing soldier to rest between her thighs. "I do feel safe with you, even if I am angry with you," smiling up at him in an adorable fashion. Sure, her situation was strange and unexpected, but at the same time, she was lucky, not a racing mare or breeding stock but his right-hand girl that he would fall head over heels for. As his hands washed the chilled stream of water over her body, the red mark no longer stinging in a reminder of those stallions having their hands on her. An urge overcame her, one she never expected, but she found herself wanting, wanting of him, to please him along with herself.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now feeling how Beauty was getting herself into position against his frame. now facing her master, breast to his chest. her legs spread to ether side of him.
as his aroused member now pressed against her puffy moist slit. as victor looked into the eyes of Beauty.

"Are you sure your up for this? you di have one hell of a day today."
asking this in his gentle loving tone, wanting to be sure this was what she wanted, however Victor would soon feel how his own body was amble to tease her with
each slight movement from ether of them.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A faint blush covered her cheeks when their eyes met, and her ears lowered to be bashful under his gaze, which made her smile. "yes, I am sure," she reassured him in a whisper. She leaned in, kissing his lips, wanting to silence herself while tasting him simultaneously. Her tail would flutter in the water, preparing herself for his entry, knowing once they began, she would set her goal to have him be pleasured and finish with her. Beauty's depths were still tight as ever, slick, with her juices dripping upon his cock that was hugged between her thighs. "Please, I want you," she would murmur against his lips.
Local Time:
5:44 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing her desire, the wicked little man began to move himself. under the filly, beauty would feel her masters wicked size and length slowly spreading her lower puffy and moist lips.
as his spear dug into her one slow inch after another, until he bottomed out with in her depths. Beauty would feel how her master filled her, being welcomed, and engulfed by her tight moist
inner coils. once the small man was bottomed out with in the mare, he would look into her eyes once more, pecking her lips before speaking.

"Once you feel ready we can begin to move, just take it nice and slow, as to ensure we both enjoy this as much as possible. "
speaking softly to her, unlike the first session where victor took beauty by force, this time it was mutual, and would be more intimate then him just moving to knock her up like the past session.
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