Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

He paused at her words, licking his lips before giving a slow nod "As long as that's not an oblique reference to my head, I'd love too... I guess you'd have to take off your Gi to do it, make sure it doesn't tear?" He asked in a teasing manner, before stretching one of his arms out and giving a soft yawn "But for now, we should probably go clean up."
"Oh yeah, when I was in the wild, u would work out until I was sweating through it, then I'd strip naked and start crushing rocks. About a hundred a day." She said nodding at him, looking at with quite seriously. " If yiu waited a while you would have saw it probably." She sat up, moving him to climb out if bed. "Eh- we could kee0 giong- Jason said a hour right?" She said looking for the clock
"Damn. So your saying if me and Jason had waited a little I'd have gotten a great view of your ass without having to fight you?" He shook his head a little, before glancing at the clock, seeing it had been around 45 minutes "Mmm, nah. We've got around 15 minutes before he gets back, it's been like 45." He offered a hand to help her stand "Besides, considering how uncivilised wild 'Mon like you never bathe, I bet it'll take a while of scrubbing to clean you fully." He finished with a tease, knowing it wasn't true.
"Oh? You were a little exhibitionist, huh?" He teased, before releasing her ass after he got a good feel "Yeah yeah, I know. Just wanted to know what it felt like..." He replied, turning to pick up the shower gels they'd need. And as he turned, she'd feel a harsh slap onto her ass, his tail giving her a spank... Completely unintentionally, right?
Unfortunately for her, his tail slid from her grasp like water from a sieve, even as she missed with her attempted spank "Mmm? What're you talking about? I was just picking this up." He held the gels out towards her, seemingly unaware of his tails... misstep as he looked into her eyes "We're wasting water. We should start washing already."
He held a hand out, testing the water and taking a deep breath "Jeez, alright. Hot Water it is." He stepped in with her, shivering softly as the water cascaded down his back. But if she cared to look, she'd notice that the water wasn't running off him the way it was her, seemingly striking his skin and fading into it, a pink shade starting to spread across his body as he licked his lips "Mmm... You know, actually... I reckon we've got time, if you really want..." He placed an aggressive kiss onto her lips, holding her head to his as she'd feel the heat radiating off him... almost like he'd absorbed it from the water falling around them. Even as she processed that, she'd feel his length bumping against her thighs as it stiffened up again, and as he pushed her backwards with the kiss, her back would hit the tile wall "You look so hot against the wall like that..."
She jumped as he suddenly pounced on her, feeling him hardening up asshe was forced in the back foot. "Mm~stupid, im taller than you-" she said as she flushed a bit, her hands moving out and grabbing onto him, pushing back with an offensive kiss, , not one to be out done or pressured. She grabbed his back, her hips press, rubbing her hard belly against his cock.
"Mmm, that's cause you need more space for these tits!" Markus growled back as she met the kiss, one of his hands finding her nipple and giving it a harsh twist as he tried to push her back against the wall again, his body starting to put out equal heat to the water that was falling around them "Besides, you wanted another round, that's all I'm giving you!" He pressed his length up to her slit, starting to press it into her, the heat a vast difference to the cool feeling it had had before.
"Mmm... Duno about that!" He retorted, giving a grunt as his back hit the wall "They're small enough to fit in my hand... I was hoping they'd be massive when you first took off that binding" His voice was husky, deep and almost demanding as he continued his thrusts up against her, using the force of those movements to push her back again.
"Shame..." He moaned as he thrusted up into her more, the temperature starting to raise like they were both fire types as his body continued to absorb the water cascading down around them, keeping him energised and raring to go as his stiff cock slammed into her soft inner core "But this pussy makes up for it!"
"Ngh~you really like tits that much-" she grunted, her face flushing slightly, her heas pushing in to kiss him again. "Can't enjoy how I look without them?" She mumbled. It wasn't making her feel flush in desire, but if he was going to say something like that- in a time like this? It made her a little bit self conscious.
"I didn't say that" He replied into the kiss, forcing his tongue past her lips to tie hers up momentarily, before drawing it out again "I think your body is perfect for me..." He promised as he squeezed her ass, then spanked it roughly, his pounding thrusts starting to take a different pattern as he wanted to make her feel better, to apologise for making her think what she had.
"Mhma~fucking- better- " she moaned out, her intended aggressive tone broken down inti lustful moans, her pussy squeezing on him tighter, the coil inside if her tightening, tension building in her core. His hands spanked her, though she didn't bounce too heavily, her muscles back there so dense.
As her body would start to adapt to his changing patterns, he'd shift them again, twisting around and shoving her chest up against the wall of the shower, even as he spanked her again and again, loving the lustful moans she was making and wanting to hear more, even if her tight ass didn't bounce around as he'd hoped.
As she was pushed around, the build up of tension inside her letting him get away with moving her around with less and less resistance. As he spanked over her again, she winced out another sweet sound he loved, her fingers hooking abd scratching on the tiles as she started to climax around him, her body heat skyrocketing off her.
He grinned as he heard her moans continue, seeing the way she was scrabbling at the tiles and then feeling the heat of her climax, that he answered a few thrusts later with his own, dumping his seed deep inside her body whilst giving her a last spank and moving his head to bite her neck, deliberately aiming just high enough that the hickey would be partially visible above her Gi.
As he chomped inti her neck she gasped softly, shiveringa a he came inside if her, her ass pushing back against him roughly. She grabbed on his hair, tugging it. "Mm~yiu don't get to bite me like that~" she mumbled as she pulled on his hair. "Marks for Marks-" she hissed licking her lips at him as she hung onto him.

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