Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

"Why should I listen to you-"

"We going or not?" The trainer said tilting her head as her opponents were talking ot out. "You guys are partners right?"

Bonnie heated up, her feathers forming, claws forming on her fingers as she moved into her stance. "I'll just handle this on my own- he's just a normal-"
The battle began, Bonnie still quicker on her feet than her foe, leaping forward in a rapid flurry of kicks. The exploud however made a Highpitched shriek, into the jump of bumping hip-hop beats, the air around them condensing making a protective barrier, though her kicks rattled it. "Eh! Coward! Come out and fight!" She snapped as she flipped off the barrier. The combusken started to sizzle, spitting flames ,launching embers at the mon to push it to move. The flaming bolts struck its body, making it slam out the burning embers before it could get a burn.
The explouds speakers warbler and rippled the the booming audio drowning out Jason's voice as he unleashed waves of boosted sound, unleashing Hyper Voice. The intensity shived Bonnie back, throwing her down as she clutched her ears, the attack deafening her temporarily as she silently screamed. She wriggled in pain on the ground, the attack powerful still but reduced by her natural resilience. She pushed up on her knees, trying to fight to stand in the midst of the focused blasts of sound and rhythm.
"Or you just stay there...." Jason grumbled as he held his ears, watching her writhing around and forcing herself back to her knees "If you can hear me, BACK OFF!" He tried to shout again, but there was no way she could hear him. At this point, he was half tempted to just switch her out for Markus, but then again... This would be a fantastic way to make her learn that she couldn't do everything herself...
As she fought her way up onto her feet, the explouds beats and breaking to draw in more air, inhaling as pipes and holes extended from glhis spine, Bonnie staggered forward a step, lifting hands from her ears. All she could hear was the ringing and whine of her eardrums. She started to run forward again, the explouds body slowly rippling as it drew in its breath, but her steps were building force, fighting against the full host of pain she had. The two were at odds again, the explouds voice booming out , but the combusken dodged aside, the blast clipping her side, making it seem like she was sent tumbling, but she caught the momentum the spin she was slapped into becoming a rapid tornado kick , slamming her her deadly leg into the side of the explouds sid.. the blow knocking the larger Mon off its feet and toppling it onto the ground with the beats suddenly going silent for a moment. Bonnie landed, watching her opponent lay there, struggling to pull itself up from the Reversal that it's opponent used on it. Bonnie holding her breath as the explouds trainer reached to her hip to pull out its ball to return it.
As the ringing started to die down, Bonnie watched the trainer go for a great ball, throwing out another Mon, a hefty thund shaking the ground as a gray skinned female landed, her body was armored up with thick black plates, with long ears, and and intense look. Bonnie glared her down...well up, she was head and shoulders over the combusken, and broader. A Donphan. Bonnie shifted on her feet, despite it all, half lifting her hands to keep going if she had to. "You sure you wanna try that, chickie?' The tanky Mon said
Jason frowned as the Donphan appeared "Bonnie... It might be smarter to back off here, let Markus take this one." He called, even as he already knew she wouldn't. Her pride was far too much for that, and everyone there knew it. Even as he watched, Jason's mind cursed that his Combusken hadn't told him what moves she knew. He couldn't call randomly, all it would do was distract her...
Bonnie flicked her attention to Hason, scowling even if even she supposed he was correct. "No." She said turning back to the Donphan, the hulking female was...not even worried, leering all over the combusken. "Don't see any items or tricks...nice muscle definition and dream?" She said as Bonnie flustered, jumping to silence the disrespect. The Donphan threw up her arms, the combusken unleashing a flurry of devastating kicks , each one actually making impact and rattling the behemoths dense body, sliding her back a bit from the pressure. Bonnie was unfortunately not enough to force her over, even if she softened and cracked the plates. The Donphan swept her up into her thick arms in a bear hug, the combusken thrashing and struggling. Then froze suddenly. The Donphan had a wicked look on her face as she lurched forward, Bulldozing straight into the dirt with Bonnie into a crater.
Jason winced as he watched the Donphan smashing Bonnie into the ground from the bear hug, waiting for a moment to see if the Combusken was going to be able to get back up before sighing and reaching for Markus' ball, letting the Vaporeon out "Alright, so... Bonnie got her shit rocked. Your turn bud." He called, even as Markus leant to look into the crater at Bonnie "Oooh. Not looking so hot any more, Bon-Bon." He taunted, before picking her up and walking to put her down next to Jason, before turning to look at the massive Donphan and giving her his best flirtatious wink "Well, hello there Ma'am... Someone as nice as you wouldn't hurt someone as cute as me, right?" He asked, his body tensed to dodge if the Donphan still tried to hit him.
"I'd crush your cute little body." She said with a sneer, though Markus got the impression she wasn't threatening him. Oh no. "How about I test your endurance like Chickie-" She said as she lowered her stance, putting her fist on the ground, the knuckles white with tension. "Dawn! Use Thunderfang!" The trainer called out as the titanic woman charged him, moving in a full on tackle , her tusks and mouth engulfed in lightning.
"Uh... I'll take a rain check on that?" Markus responded, before yelping as he was charged by the Donphan. Jason's eyes widened even as he yelled "Markus, Use Hydro Pump!" hoping that the powerful water type move would hit hard enough to stop the Donphan... Markus braced himself, even as he followed orders, a torrential stream of water passing from his mouth as he fired the Hydro Pump right at the Donphan's face.
(XD Markus: i-i want to not be hospitalized-)

As Markus saw the behemoth coming, the torrents of water he unleashed made her push up her arms instinctively, the pump bearting against her. Jason had a better veiw, the impact, ripped apart under and doming around the full sprint Donphan, shevwas actually grinding through it, trying to hold on. Armor was keeping her up...the broken segments made by Bonnie shattered further and further. The Donphan was nearing dangerously on the battle of will, but breached to the side, her tusk glancing and waving, slamming into Markus's side to sweep him. Her armor was mostly reforming now, the Mon all muscle in comparison to the athletic form of Bonnie. She was bodybuilding like a Machamp, she looked at her trainer, throwing up a fist of determination.
Markus focused all his effort on the Hydro Pump, holding it to the last second... And then giving a cry of pain as he was tossed aside by the Thunderfang enhanced tusks. He hit the ground and rolled, before starting to stand "Ow... Ow... That hurt..." He groaned, looking over at Jason "Still here... Just about..."
"Alright. Hit her with a Water Pulse, then follow it up with Aqua Jet before she can react!" Jason instructed, watching as Markus first created the pulse and fired it out, then enveloped himself in water and launched towards the Donphan, hoping this would work.
"Dawn-!" The trainer called out as the water pulse shot forward, the feint setting itself up seamlessly, the Donphan turned herself, raising her arm and bracing her shoulder as she took the brunt of the damage blasting her head on, then felt Markus slam into her abdomen, her body was tensed, muscles as hard as steel as she reflexively used Endure to weather the attacks. Her head lowered, looking at Markus. "How about you lay down for Mama?" She said as the shadows passed over her face, perhaps trying her hand at Attract herself...but at her size and intensity, it was more tapping into Scary Face. She lifted her arm up next, swinging down with a hammer blow to use a Slam attack.
"Is saying no an Option?" He yelped as he realised what was about to happen and threw himself backwards, instinctively throwing out a water pulse as he tumbled away from the Donphan, seeing the ground smashing into rubble under the slam "Thank fuck I wasn't under that..." He muttered, even as Jason glanced down to Bonnie, knowing the Revive he'd given her would be taking effect and wondering what he reaction was going to be.
She smirked as he ran away from her, licking her lips at him playfully. "Aw don't be like that- I'll be real gentle like!" She said as she flexed her arm, crunching the rubble off it. "Maybe only leave a little bruise" Dawn bounded back in for more, leaping at Markus with a flying knee, clearly having a great time chasing him around the fight. Whether or not it was because she was winning, or simply enjoying making one hungry remark after another was anyone guess. She roared as she sailed at him like a ton of bricks, unleashing a Hyper Voice. Bonnie sat up suddenly, the crystal snapping as it gavde her its energy.

"Wait don't-" she started, clearly still in the memory of getting bulldozed into the dirt.
"I'm sorry Ma'am, you really aren't my typ-Aaah!" He yelped again as she roared with Hyper Voice, somehow moving his body to hit the ground and slide underneath her, before taking a deep breath and firing a Hydro Pump at her back, before she could react to his slippery evasive movements.

Jason placed a hand on Bonnies shoulder "Woah, Woah, your okay, Bonnie. It's over." He told her, kneeling down so they were face to face "Markus is fighting now." He gestured to draw her eyes, where she'd see Markus striking the Donphan with the Hydro Pump.
Bonnie head was turned to the fight, her hands instinctively grabbing at Jason's a moment but she watched Fawn get blasted from behind, thrown by the intensity of the water jets. She had tried to Endure again, to break the tide of the attack and fall, but as she tried to stand up again, she toppled over, making the trees above shake. Bonnie scowled as she shrugged off Jason. "Shame. I wanted to see her cream him." She said spiteful
Jason rolled his eyes "Again. He is going to be your teammate to beat the Pokemon League here. I really don't think constantly praying for him to get beaten is a good look." He sighed, before standing up and looking at the other Trainer whilst Markus raised both his hands "That's right, who's the man! Damn right!" He crowed, before walking over and smirking right at Bonnie "How was the nap, Bon-Bon?"
"How's your side." She shot back as she stop up, dusting herself off as the other trainer pouted and collected Dawn. The name ticked something in her clearly, making her angry...well more so than usual.

"Hmph- it's okay Dawn, you were still amazing-" she said as she reached to her last balls, taking out two. "How about we do this two on two for the last go?" She said smiling brightly. "Or are those two gonna need a break."
Jason glanced at Bonnie and Markus "Give me a minute..." He replied to the Trainer, before pulling out a pair of potions "You two have a choice now. Either, you work together and win, or you don't and both get embarrassed." He told them, before spraying them with the potions, bringing them both back up to full strength even as Markus rolled his eyes "Work with Bird Brain? Really? When she doesn't follow anyone's instructions?"
"Take your time cutie!" She said as she got comfortable, putting her bag down to start get out some items.

"Work with Fish Face? His smug ass couldn't help anyone but himself anyway-" Bonnie said nearly at the same time as Markus. She rounded on him instantly. "Wait what did you say you fucking mutt!"
Markus narrowed his eyes "You heard me loud and clear, Beak Face" He growled, getting right up in her face "You're so stuck up yourself it's amazing you can even hear what other people say!"

Jason groaned as they argued "Not now..." He muttered, even as he knew the other Trainer would be watching and learning.
"Are they a thing?" The Trainer said tilting her head as she watched the two get up in each others face. Bonnie's feathers puffing up as he put up a new nick name for her. "Alright Pond Breathe, if you're such a teamplayer, you can use someone else on the team." She said then paused gesturing to Jason. "Oh wait its just me, isn't it!"
Jason placed his head in his hands "If they were, it would make my life so much easier..." He muttered.

Markus huffed at her next nickname for him "Oh, I'm sorry, I've just been working with Jason since he started his journey, let me get told what to do by a jumped up, self-aggrandizing bitch!" he yelled into her face, bringing a hand up to flip her off as he did so.
As Markus lifted his hand, Bonnie grabbed his wrist. " Oh I know my worth, so im self aggrandizing!?" She said. "And i- didn't ask you two to drag me on this stupid journey-" The Trainer walked closer, holding a can of juice in each hand. "Name's Mckenzie- I'm uh-looking to be a champion." She said figuring that the two if them wild be at this for a while.

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