Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

"...well I was born as Tailow and I always dreamed of spitting fire and kicking holes in solid bricks as a hatchling-" she said smirking slightly at his wince. "Then I found fire Stine and prayed to Groudon and Entei to grant me the fire of a torchic." She said shaking her head at him as she giggled.
"Ah- Never disrespect the nature of fire." She said shaking her head. "without it, the world would have no summers and the world would dwell in darkness. Nothing would keep you warm." She said leaning her head back. "And besides, becoming the Avatar of Arceus might be difficult for me, we are all part of him, but Fire cannot become Frost."
(Alright Uncle Iroh XD)

Markus shrugged "Well, you might not be able to, but I might... After all, Eevee evolves into all the different elements of Arceus, so... Perhaps an Eeveelution could do what you couldn't..." He then moved a little closer again, so they were almost shoulder to shoulder "But I think it'd be a shame for you to become a goddess... hiding away that pretty face." The moment he realised what he said, his eyes widened and his face flushed again, even as he expected a slap or worse from her.
(XD She's a martial artist, she's got that monk energy-)

She flushed back, looking away. "See, you're saying dumb things again," she said, swinging their linked arms around as she turned to face him. And if I become a Goddess, I get to do what I want—so maybe we'll have a nice year-long summer for the world to get a good look!" She said pointing a clawed finger at him. "And you'll be in the front row with my offerings-"

He tilted his head as she spoke "Dumb things? The truth is dumb?" He asked, even as he used attract on her again, even as he raised his other hand up to take her as yet unheld hand "Oh? And what kind of offerings would you be after, hmm?" He asked her, wondering if she'd even be able to speak through the attract.
Her cheeks sizzled pink as he started to use Attract on him. "H-he-hey-" she mumbled as he doubled down, looking away from him. "I-I-" she felt him take her hands into his and she pulled them both back suddenly. "I'd- want- the best berries and jewels-" she said as she laughed nervously, turning to walk faster down the hill.
Markus jogged to catch up, then took her hand again, squeezing it gently "Remember, Trainers orders..." He told her, before shrugging "Just Berries and shiny rocks? You wouldn't want someone to worship you? To cherish your form like you deserve?" He asked her "Or perhaps you'd prefer to be the one doing the worshipping? Maybe I'd be the one to become a Gods avatar instead?"
"Oh? But apparently I'd worship a chicken?" He asked back, a smirk on his face as he squeezed her hand again "I bet I could make you want to..." He moved so they were face to face again, blowing a kiss right into her face alongside a significantly more powerful use of attract, playing on her flushed feelings and his desires to increase it's strength.
She leaned back, but then huffed smoke from her nostrils. "Chicken-" She said as she pulled one of her hands away, her hand smacking him in the chest none too gently. His attract...wasn't ineffective, but she wasn't particularly good at managing those feelings, her hands doing the talking...and they weren't soft. "I'll make you worship- wait-' she flustered as shes realized what she was probably saying.
He coughed in reaction as she slapped his chest, before tilting his head as she spoke "Oh? What, you want to fight for it? Loser worships the winner as the strongest of us two?" He suggested in a teasing tone, even as Jason raised an eyebrow from where he was listening to them, moving closer "Great. You two want another fight, is that it?"
Jason rolled his eyes as she spoke, watching her swinging her arm around with Markus' in tow "Well, either way. If you want to spar with him, you can stop holding his hand. If you don't, you'll have to stay close to him and listen to him say more 'stupid things'" Their trainer shrugged even as Markus tried to catch her eye again "How about this? You win, I'll stop being nice and saying stuff like that to you. I win, I get to keep doing it and you can't hit me?" He suggested "Well, unless you like the idea of worshipping a fish?" He finished with a teasing whisper.
She steamed as they parted, embers flaring off her as she dropped her bag and her body burned hotter. Feathers rippled from her, her hair billowing out further and getting wilder, muscles tensing. Her talons slid out, ramping up. "Well- you going to stand there scrawny- call the match then-" she said glaring over to Jason
She'd be bitterly dissapointed when her instinctive attack went wide, a couple of the embers flicking off his side, doing basically nothing to the water-type. Right, that was a thing. He resisted her fire type attacks, and if she couldn't get close... Whilst she was considering this, she'd catch a glimpse of him pursing his lips and blowing a kiss, before firing a much more powerful Hydro Pump her way.
As he unleashed the turret at her, the destructive stream unfortunately something she was prepared for. Trees blasted to splinters, while she dodged between them, moisture crackling into vapor as it narrowly missed her. She had more options, braving the storm until it died down , she spun, kicking a downed tree up, then again to launch it at him. She wasn't a grass type, but it wasn't a hopeless fight for her yet.

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