Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

Jason looked over "Jason... That's... kinda my ideal too. Me and Markus have been together since we met in Kanto... Bonnie's new.. We caught her up by Lavaridge." He sighed "Starting to feel like it was a mistake..."

Markus twisted, moving his hand to grab her arm and pin it behind her "You accepted the battle. You got caught. Stop pretending like that didn't happen!" Markus snarled, shoving her away "So just accept it and work with us here!"
Mckenzie smirked at him. "Well, I think we're going to see each other on the road often." She glanced to Bonnie as the two locked up into a wresting match, the arm lock and shove. "I'll trade you for her." Sge said half joking as Bonnie caught herself and turned around, heating up more. Her skin sizzling red but turned away, starting towards Jason

Mckenzie shuffled ever so slightly from his side, cracking a juice can to sip it . "Let's just do this stupid fight."
Jason sighed "Yeah, probably... And she hates me enough for catching her. Pretty sure she'd try snapping you in half if I traded her to you." He shook his head as Bonnie glared at him, before turning to McKenzie "Well, guess we're starting now..." He sighed, even as Markus stalked over, bumping his shoulder into Bonnie as he did so.
As Markus bumped her, Bonnie swept out her foot, half tripping him in return. "Watch it!" She grumbled.

Mckenzie chuckled. "Not my first time getting dragged around." She said stepping back as she tossed Jasin the other can on the way back to her things. She tossed her other balls out, releasing two new mon. A Lobre dropping out of their ball, and pink puff ball of a Mon, a Jigglypuff.
Markus stumbled and turned, shoving Bonnie again "You watch it, Bird Brain!" He growled.

Jason caught the can and looked at the flavour, before turning back to his arguing 'Mon "Will you two stop fighting for five fucking seconds?!" He shouted, even as he pointed "If you want to fight, try fighting those two! Markus, focus on the Lombre, Bonnie go for the Jigglypuff! You understand?!"
Bonnie scowled at Markus, leaning forward growling until Jason snapped his orders at them. She turned her attention 9n the Jigglepuff, the shorter Mon was a shapely young woman, lifting a small microphone to her lips, the Lotad a thin nimble looking boy in a leotard, though he seems quite lax and loose, his lilypad style hat balanced perfectly on his head. The pair were quite polite, seeing the two fighters clearly weren't getting along, they were letting them get the opportunity to arleast focus up first.
Markus jumped a little as Jason snapped, having not expected anything like that to happen. When he squared up against the Lotad, he frowned and glanced back at Jason... Was he really going to have to take on a part grass type? He sighed, before resetting himself, staring down the lithe figure, even as he glanced over at Bonnie, wondering what she was thinking.
The Lotad smiled lazily at Markus. "Alright now- how bout we play real nice like?" He drawled, though his voice rippled and warbled, yawning tiredly as he tried to Yawn on Markus.

The Jiggy puff swelled, tucking into a ball as Bonnie came at her her defuse curl letting her soak up a punting kick .
Markus blinked as the Lotad yawned at him, shaking his head as he gave a yawn of his own "Eh... Tha... Does sound kinda nice..." He muttered, before he blinked and slapped himself "But that can wait" He decided, firing a water pulse at his opponent.

Jason looked at Bonnie, frowning "Bonnie, this is the exact same trick as last time, you're gonna get caught out again!" He yelled, watching and waiting for the Jigglypuff to strike back.
"I'm not an outside fighter-" Bonnie said as the jigglyouff rolled up in the air, but starts to spin with the momentum, falling towards Bonnie with a Rollout. The combusken however wasn't offhand, throwing herself back and flipping nimbly to dodge out of the way, the puff ball rolling around to chase. Bonnie landed at Markus's back. The Lotad bowed it's head, the pulse slamming into the lilypad abd making his shudder and flap his arms. "Ah! Well- of that's the way boss!" He spay out a thick seed, the pod launching like a bullet at Markus.
"Oh fuck" Markus yelped as he watched the Lotad fire a bullet seed his way, before he realised where he was "Hey, Bonnie, duck!" He warned, even as he threw himself aside, firing a Hydro Pump at the Jigglypuff whilst he did so, before another yawn cut it short, his eyelids drooping "Ah... Slee... Sleepy?" He muttered to himself, before collapsing and starting to snore.
As Markus warned Her Bonnie started ro dodge, but the seed split open, vines abd roots springing out as it latched onti her. A Leech seed?! She grabbed at it ,pulling it desperately as the Jigglyouff was knocked off course by the pump, narrowly missing Bonnie. The pink ball was caught in the arms of their partner, let go as Markus fell out. "Eh- Markus-?!" She said noticing her support just collapsed. The jigglyouff however smiled as she lifted her microphone. "DON'T YOU FUCKING- NGH-" She flinched as the roots leeched on her body heat, sending solar essence back to the Lotad. She started to shoot embers, desperately but the jigglypuff was pulled around out of the way with her partner as she began to sung her lullaby.
Bonnie toppled to the ground , her lids heavy, as Markus grabbed her, she weakly pushed him....but the pair would eventually both be stuck snoring together, ever seeming to get comfortable rather quickly. The two rival Mon would be quick to take the win, giving each of their opponents as good conk just to secure the victory. Mckenzie lifted her balls, returning her companions. "Nice match Jason!" She said trotting over ti him, not even seeming to be smug, she truly meant it.
Jason blew out a long breath, before looking up “Yeah. Might’ve gone better if these two had listened to me. Markus usually does, and we win. But I swear, something about Bonnie just… makes him want to misbehave.” He shrugged, even as he glanced back down at his two passed out ‘Mon, still snuggled together. In the time since they'd been rendered asleep and been struck on the head, they'd curled up tighter, fitting perfectly as a sleeping couple.
"Yeah. Who knows." Jason shrugged, sitting down next to the pair and watching her pick up her headphones "Guessing your heading up to Lavaridge? Fair warning, Flannery wasn't there when I left, but she might be back now." He stretched his arms, before reaching out to rub a hand over the bump on Markus' forehead and pulling out a pair of potions to spray onto the lumps "How long do Pokemon normally sleep when your Jigglypuff sings?" He asked.
"Eh give them about 5 minutes or so, she just likes to put them in a little nap, not a coma. " She said as she looked iver her shoulder. "Heh, Flannery is going to in for it when Dawn drops on her. I'll see you on the way to victory road! Maybe I'll pull your pigtails a little when your two Mon can act as a team!" She said as she slipped her headphones on, the music muffling from them. The music trainer bobbing to the beat as she strided down the road.
Jason laughed a little when she spoke "Yeah. Cause when they work together you'll be able to beat us. It'll be us pulling your pigtails." He replied, possibly missing the subtext she was using, even as he watched her go.

Around 5 minutes later, Markus awoke with a soft yawn from his warm dreams, blinking to clear his eyes as he couldn't figure out what he was holding onto... It was warm, comfy and soft...
Bonnie groaned as she opened hurler eyes next hercheadvthrobbing as she felt something up against her, cool, embracing her. She shifted a little her head p brushing against it, yawning as she was so comfortable she found herself snuggling it. Then she moved her arm, brushing whatever was holding her.sge had been fighting...with Markus the combuskens eyes burst open. "Get off me-" she said jumping up aa embarrassment touched her heart, coursing all over her as she bolted out of his arms and stood up and looked around. "They- they left-?! Those dirty- cheating-"
Markus gave a yelp as she shoved him away when she jumped up "Wha... What the hell?" He sprung up himself, staring at her "Wait, where did they... Did we lose?!" He looked at Jason, who was covering his mouth to hide his laughter "Yes. We lost. Because you two couldn't work together, then you decided to take a nap and snuggle up like you were boyfriend and girlfriend." Markus went red in response to Jason's words "Wha... What?!" He yelped, even as Jason looked to see Bonnie's response.
She gagged at the thought. "Who wants to snuggle up to a slimey fish!" She said shuddering. "Well- you should bring out some Awake medication-" she said trying to immediately push to change the subject. "You weren't ready, and she thought of that, so- she played dirty anyway. Bringing out 4 mon to a 2 mon team, and that giant pest-"
Jason shrugged "Well, seemed like you were fine with it." He retorted even as Markus looked away, seemingly slightly upset...

"Oh, and don't blame her for that. You two arguing set it up for her to win. If you'd acted as a pair, rather than as two single fighters you could've easily won. Instead you fought your own battles and lost overall." Jason spoke angrily as he stood up, pulling out their balls before pausing and thinking to himself...
Jason put them away, before smirking "No. I've got a better punishment for you. You two need to learn to work together, so you're gonna walk to Mauville holding each others hands." He instructed, even as he saw Markus' face go from the sad look to one of incredulity "You cannot... WHAT?!" The Vaporeon yelped, even as Jason nodded "Fully Serious. Hold hands, all the way to Mauville."
"I..." Markus mumbled before giving a yelp as she pulled him along, his grip on her hand squeezing a little as he stumbled and tried to keep pace. Jason smirked as he watched them, walking behind at an easy pace whilst Markus, looking down at the ground spoke "This... is nice..." His quiet voice squeaked out.

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