Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

Jason gave a long sigh as he walked into town, before the only real option he had set in. He gave another sigh, even as he walked into his hotel and pulled out both balls, opening them up and looking at the pair "Okay. I'm going to go get food. You two have an hour to sort out your shit, then I don't want any more fighting, understand?" He asked, getting a nod from Markus who still looked flushed, even as he glanced to Bonnie.
Markus blinked in a mixture of fear and arousal as Jason left the room, the door closing with a click, then a chunk that signalled the lock secured, trapping him in with Bonnie, who he was really starting to feel like he'd pushed too far "Ah... Uh... Yeah, Talk it out?" He managed to get out before she'd be able to move.
As he spoke, she was flying at him, tackling him over inti the bed starting to roll around with him, shuffling with the martial prowess she trained with to tear him out of his clothing and keep him down on his back. "I'm going to either snap you in half, or make your eyes cross!-" She....threatened? Promised? The look in her eye was almost so naturally close to violence that it was perhaps close to it. But he had been stoking and teasing a combusken. They were always on the intense side. "You just couldn't stop using that stupid Attract- "
He grunted as she tackled him down to the bed, his clothes removed in the roll as she pinned him underneath her, his body surprisingly lithe and attractive underneath. Or perhaps it wasn't, if she'd think about it... he was a 'Mon known for swimming, so it made perfect sense he'd be built to slip through the water with minimum drag. But then her eyes would drop lower, to the only bit of clothing she hadn't gotten off of him. And the impressively large bulge lurking underneath it "I'd prefer Cross-eyed..." He replied softly, even as he gently lifted his hips so it rubbed against her "But right now, I think you're being unfair... Isn't it time you showed me under that Gi, Hot Stuff?"
She smirked as she held the top mount, the push upwards making her only push back with her hips. "I know." She said shifting and starting to pull her gi open, her breasts were wrapped in bandages, her skin dotted with scars and battle markings, healed through Mon healing rather than medicine. Her muscles were cut, defined, pushing to the peak but her body kept its wonderful curves. As she unraveled the bandage, her breasts bumped loose, bigger, plumper than they looked from outside. She lifted herself, pulling her pants next, tossing them aside, simple white underwear underneath. Her hair shaded around them as she set it loose. "Hot enough fir you?"
He took a breath as she started removing her clothes, licking his lips even as he could feel the heat radiating off her whilst he nodded to her words "Yeah... Definitely hot enough, Bonnie." He spoke softly, one of his hands moving up and, rather than going straight for a breast, began to trace the scars across her chest "Damn... You really do like fighting..." He murmured, even as she'd see only one scar on his, a faded red mark that went nearly from one shoulder across to the opposite side of his waist. She'd missed it at first from how faded it was, but now they were so close... it became fairly obvious, even as he used his other arm to prop himself up so they were close enough to kiss "I'll take your underwear off, if you do mine..." He suggested, his cool breath across her lips.
"If I don't fight, what else will I do? It's a waste of my potential..." She said as he touched the scars. He could almost tell what Mon made what, a claw of a Feline here, a bite there, the impact bruises from fists. She had clearly bounced around willing to get into a slugging match with anything perhaps how she mastered Reversal. Her hand set on his chest briefly as he leaned up. "Ah." She stalled, pushing him back first. "You don't kiss me yet,I don't know what's in that head of yours." She said as she started to pull off his underwear slowly, taking her time to unwrap him. Teasing him with it.
"Well, I can think of one thing you could use that potential for..." He replied almost cheekily, even as his hand continued to follow the various scars, then it dropped down to her hips as she kept him from placing a kiss onto her lip "Mmm... Alright, fine." He sighed, gently starting to tug her underwear down as she'd reveal his length, slowly at first whilst it would almost seem to grow more, eventually springing free when his boxers were clear of it, it's size much larger than she would expect, considering Vaporeon were typically known for being rather... hard to identify, even naked "So... Everything you expected?" He teased, his tip bouncing off her abdominals as he did so.
"I expected it to be super teeny" she said smirking at him. "All you vapereons all look so..." She paused as his tip smacked her abs, her muscles rock solid, yet nice to to feel. "Similar. In look" she said as she reached down, grabbing hold of him, giving it a almost stare down like she was trying to intimidate it. Her grip was string, but she was trying not to throttle it or rough him up....she really only learned how to roll around with one kinda style.
"Well, glad I could be such a pleasant surprise" He replied when she told him she expected him to be much smaller, before he gave a soft moan when she squeezed his length in her grip "Ooh... Careful there..." He murmured, feeling how tight her grip could go and not really wanting to experience CBT from her, even as she'd feel his hands exploring her slit, one finger sliding against it as he finally got her panties out of the way.
"I'm being soft!" She teased, even the palms of her hands were scarred, a little rough....but not in a awful feeling. She used her grip cautiously....knowing she could do alot of damage if she tried. "I'm...treating you with care." She said with a soft breath ashe touched between her legs, her heat was heavy, intense just as he stroked her lips, sticky excitement coating his finger with sizzling hot nectar that probably would scald another mon, much less a human. "Mm-im not ready yet." She whispered, though it wasn't in jest, more like a warning. "Think you can take the heat?"
He nodded to her words "I know you're being soft... just saying..." He replied, even as he brought his finger back to his lips, making sure she could see what he was doing before gently placing it onto his lips and licking it clean of her arousal "Mmm... Sweet." He teased, before licking his lips and meeting her eyes "If I didn't think I could take the heat, we wouldn't be having this conversation..." He promised, even as he tried leaning back up, aiming to place a kiss on her lips again.
"Or you'd be coming up....short-" she said as he tried again, her instincts wanting to pull away again...but she pushed the past away the closer he got. Her other hand came up, she manhandled the back of his head, unable to help her nature. She slammed forward, kissing him proper, though the force was there, she was working to keep things at pace. She gripped hi hair a little, shifting closer to grapple with him.
"Taller than yo-Mmmph!" His teasing words were immediately cut off as she pulled his head into the kiss, their lips pressed together as she'd feel the fire inside her both cooling from his proximity and building, from the fact she had him there and they weren't starting yet. For his part, Markus pressed his tongue out against her lips, trying to slip between them as her chest pressed into his and his legs shifted to move hers apart, forcing her hips lower so her slit would start to rub against his length, her heat pressed into his chill.
As his tongue pushed forward, she simply opened her mouth up, though she was trying hard not to breath into his mouth....the heat she was giving off was rising, and if he inhaled at the height....being a water type probably didn't matter if the hot air collapsed his lungs. She moved her other hand, cupping the side of his face as she let her tongue push to fight his, her body rubbing up against him, kiss fir kiss. She was breathing through her nose, forcing her heat out that way.
As their tongues danced around, she'd feel his cold breath going straight into her mouth, offering a soft chill to counter the heat she was putting off... maybe it wouldn't be so bad... after all, he did hold a type advantage over her, surely that would extend to the effects of heat... Then she'd feel one of his hands sneaking down to her hips again, tracing its way over her thigh as he searched for her slit again, wanting to make her moan as the way between their tongues continued onwards, his tongue trying to twist and pin hers down.
His breathy cooled herr mouth, her worries cooling as she moaned softly into his lips. Her temperature crept higher,the flame spreading within. As he touched her slit, her voice vibrated out, the warmth she harder running between her legs focusing, escalating. Her tongue however was as forceful as the rest of her, and just as nimble as she was on her feet, dueling him and refusing the pin. Her brests pressed ti his chest, rubbing them against him.
Markus broke the kiss when he heard and felt the moan she gave from his finger running over her slit again, a second one joining and beginning to press inside her body "Mmm... There... Are you ready now?" He asked softly, even as he shifted his hips again, his tip rubbing on her abs and beginning to leak pre-cum onto them "Or do I need to get you even hotter before I'm allowed to start cooling you off?"
She hummed as his fingers plunged inside of her, cool fingers diving into blazing warmth. She shivered out another moan, but started to lift herself. "What are you going to skeet early?" She teased toughly as she saw and felt his pre, smoking it away on her body heat. "Is that it?" She said as she started to grab him up, her hands much hotter now, a sweet wreaking fire that couldn't burn him, but heated him.up nicely. She guided herself over him, clearly ready to do the work herself.
"Not at all what I meant..." He growled hotly, before using the moment she tried to set him up and was distracted to grab her hips and roll them over so he was on top "I was just waiting for the chance to do this..." He moved the hand that had plunged into her slit up to her lips even as he pressed his cock against her slit, the cold spear starting to press inside of her as he gave a soft moan, his free hand moving to press on one of their breasts.
As he used his opportunity to jump into action, his fingers pushing inti her mouth, Bonnie swept voice muffled by them as his cock sunk inti her suddenly. The chilling spear surrounded, digging deep into a blazing furnace as her eyes widen. "No-" she muffled. As he had sunk his way inside, the comfort on the outside was much much different, as if he has dove into the center of a wild fire. His chill as war with her, and her body temperature flared, inside and out as her teeth pressing on his fingers, moaning out shortly. "Stupid-"
He pulled his fingers out of her mouth when he felt her teeth nipping at them, looking into her eyes as he felt the way her insides boiled around him "Maybe... But... You feel so good..." He replied to her, even as he started to thrust, back and forth, his natural chill just about keeping him safe from the heat of her insides, whilst he squeezed her breast tighter, and them he used an altered version of his Aqua Jet, the water gently running over each of them and bringing the heat down as he leant in to plant a kiss on her lips again.
As he unleashed his water to cool them both down, Bonnie started to riase her heat, flaring up as he kissed her, but the flames licked around him, steaming the water off him, but it didn't burn him either as she exercised her controls as they traded kisses. She pushed up against him bnot, fighting back to keep from.simply laying down. She pulled his hair , shifting to roll around with him.
As she grabbed at his hair, he did the same, using her much longer strands to keep in control, staying ontop as she struggled to roll them over "Uh-Uh" He mumbled into the kiss, even as he felt her hips shift against his thrusts inside of her, the changing angles shifting how deep each thrust got, whilst he broke the kiss to look her in the eyes again, looking for the lust he was feeling to be mirrored "You're mine, Hot Stuff... Now and always..." He told her, even as he started to speed up his thrusts, wanting to drive her back down, to really keep in control.
As he seized her hair, gaining enough pull to drag her backwards and maintain the mount, as he drew back, her eyes glaringing into his with blazing lust, clashing herself uo against him again, her legs squeezing him....the danger of that reveling itself as he was closing in on him with ever grinding pressure.
He winced as her thighs started to compress his waist, but he continued onwards regardless, moving to bite her breast in a manner that anyone who'd never seen 'Mon mating would consider savage, his teeth closing around the peak and crunching down. To her though, it'd be rather hot, even as his thrusts got more intense, pounding his tip up against her womb "God you feel so good, Hot Stuff..." His muffled voice sounded from around her breast "It's like a Sauna, but way more fun!"
As she chomped her, her felt the intensity of her legs constrict tighter around him, her voice frilyung out. "Mm-thats close-" she grunted as she raked her claws down his back, flames sizzling ood him briefly as such behavior pushed her to get hotter, both insides and out, her other hand yanked his hair and she sunk her other bit inti his neck, the heat so intense hemay as well have hit with an altered fore fang.
He moaned in pleasure from her bite, even as he placed another onto her other breast, leaving marks from his teeth as he did so "Fuck you feel soo good..." He moaned out again, his length buried so far into her warmth his tip started to hammer past the entrance to her womb, his own hands matching her hair pulling, even as he squeezed her thighs with the other.
As he pushed into her deeper, her heat is so close to her core reaching grander heights, plunging himself in to the inferno , the pressilure making her cry out as fire blazed from her lips nows, singing his scales as he dared to pushed the cold spear into her. The sacred place wasn't simply sizzling, it's burn making even his coolness buckle with unchecked molten heat. Her thighs began to power in on him, his grip on her feeling the powerful muscles bulging out. "No- out- now-" she moaned as she butting her head against his, her skin was reddening, glowing bit by bit as she was trying to protect him, converting as much of the inner heat , to the outside, but now it was only making her skin blaze.

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