Pressured and Bullied (open)

"I-im sorry-" he said pulling his hands to his chest. "I-i wasn't-I didn't mean to do that-" he said almost rapidly, curling up into himself all over again. Ofcourse he was bullied almost constantly, so any push back he gave only got him more abuse. Even fighting back at all, or touching her, probably terrified him as much as standing up to Alex.
He flinched a bit as she pat him. "You shouldn't grab Mr like that-" he mumbles as he sat there still, not looking up...staring into his own lap. God why did he get hard like that? He normally just ignored how he felt when Alex did it...uniform helped too to just hide, but hevwas getting undeniably erect whenever someone manhandled him like that. Now he had to wonder if it was Alex's fault...or Anis's.
"I-i didn't say that-" he said looking down again. "I...I don't know what to do any more...I tried to be strong but I lost...and nobody cared to help me" he said as he pushed her hand away and stood up. The gymshorts only serving to tent up nicely with how erect Yuri was. He was big...especially for boy with such a little frame. "I-i don't want to get grabbed like that do I do."

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