She looked at him, her innocence in her face clear. “I’m sorry- just teach me how to swim properly then?” She asked, moving once more in the same fashion, unaware of what he would do.
He grabbed her and pulled her close "See... I keep telling you not to move your tail like that... And you keep doing it..." He kissed her softly, whispering into her ear now "I think you need to be bred first... Before I teach you to swim..."
She gave a squeak of surprise as he pulled her close, and she moaned softly from how he murmured in her ear, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly. “Y-You will?” She asked shyly.
He nodded slowly, licking her ear "I'm going to stuff you with my cum... So you learn what happens when you move like that..." He teased her more, his cock rubbing her slit again "Then you'll learn to swim without inviting a drilling..."
She flushed heavily, “what…what happens if I enjoy it too much to where I do it knowingly?” She asked, biting her lip. Who’d have thought the Princess would have a breeding kink.
He licked his lips "Then I guess you'll have to accept bearing my children..." He told her "Because whenever you move like that, I'm going to stuff you full of my cum..."
"As you desire, Avery." He replied softly, his cock sliding into her again, his hips shifting to push and pull, his tail securing her as he started to fuck her hard.
Her tailed curled around his, and the water around them became ever so slightly murkier, signifying how much cum she was leaking every time he pulled back to thrust into her again.
He could see the water changing and laughed a bit, even as he got more aggressive with his thrusts, wanting her to cry out as she climaxed before he filled her up.
As she arched her back, she'd feel his warm release deep inside, even as he leant forward to kiss her, a warm smile on his face "So, Avery... How was your first breeding?" He teased, wondering if she'd even be able to answer.
He could see the blush on her cheeks as he spoke and she bit her lip, looking into his eyes. “I-“ she panted, “I enjoyed it greatly,” she tells him, going lax against his tail, figuring he would carry her out of the water next and head back to her chambers.
He started to demonstrate various movements, some basic for swimming, others silent communication. He showed her the movement she had been making, explaining that "If the female makes this motion towards a male, it's considered fully consensual for him to take her, however he wants. If a male makes it, the same applies."
She blushed as she was shown what she had performed. “I…I see,” he spoke, swimming now in a regular fashion, getting the feel of her tail fully. “This is so much easier than my legs,” she commented mostly to herself next.
He followed closely, watching her motions and giving tips where he thought she'd need them. He smiled as she started to get it, taking her hand in his "So, Avery. Are you satisfied? As we should probably be heading back..."
He smiled, placing her dress back upon her and redressing himself before they headed for the castle "We'll tell your father you slipped and fell in. Nothing more."
He tilted his head, before smirking and raising her skirt "Mmm... You know, those leg movements seem so similar to how you were swimming earlier..." He teased, before picking her up and taking her to her bed.
She gave a small yelp as he picked her up so easily, and once in her bed, she blushed deeply from what he had said. “So…will I be.. ‘bred’ more tonight?” She asked him shyly.
"Mhm... You seem like you want it so badly... I thought it only fair to give it to you." He teased, nipping her ear as he removed her dress, soon rubbing his cock against her slit.
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