Prince of the Seas, King of my Heart (Brit?)

She gave a cute squeak as he slapped her ass playfully and she moaned out sweetly, “Z-Zorren…I-I want you to fuck me! I just..don’t want to beg-“ she pouted slightly and he could see her cracking underneath the surface..”but I…I’ll beg for you..!” She cried out as she began to cum all over his length.
She moaned out hotly, her face lewd with her pleasure, flushed and clearly showing how he made her feel. Her slit was stuffed full of his cum, and she felt extremely turned on by it, due to her siren nature to become a breeding toy for her mate. “O-Of course..anything for you!” She moaned out happily, her slit tightening around his length, not wanting him to leave her just yet.

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