Prince of the Seas, King of my Heart (Brit?)

Avery smiled softly in return, “And I love you,” she breathed, happy to be with him.

It was then a servant came and got Avery, telling her news of her father, apparently his ship had been lost to sea.

Her face paled, knowing exactly what he had been doing..the sirens must have lured him in.
She was at a loss, and she bit her lip, looking to Zorren. She was acting ruler now, with her father gone..what was she to do?

“I-I don’t know,” she said, her head felt like it was swimming. “If I go- and we expose ourselves..” she shook her head, “I couldn’t watch you die..” she felt torn.
She snuggled close to him, closing her eyes, and trying to not think of what happened with her father.
It wasn’t until much later that she was standing out on the balcony, a hand on her baby bump that was beginning to show. She still couldn’t bring herself to look for her father, so she had sent others to do it for her, but they all came back with the same story, his ship was never found, nor had it wrecked anywhere. It apparently had gotten lost in some type of ‘mist’ that trapped sailors in a different realm.

She shuddered at the very idea. But at least, Zorren was still by her side, as always.

She glanced to the sea and rubbed her belly gently. An urge rose up inside of her, wanting to feel her mate again while in the water but..would he be up for it?
She panted out, moaning sweetly and her voice reverberated around his head- the pleasured sounds from her were so hot, and he would only want to hear more…even as her depths tightened more around his length, drawing her lover in deeper and deeper, not really caring that she was already pregnant- she wanted him to impregnate her again, if that was possible.

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