Staggering out he saw the fog cleared here, Kara looking down at him as her hair fell back inti place. She folded her arms, staring at his weakened form.
Zerek collapsed at her feet, groaning weakly as he looked up "Could... Could I ask... you never do... that again?" He muttered quietly, slowly pushing himself to his feet "I think I learned my lesson..."
"Hmph. You got close enough that i thought letting you get your head crushed in would be just cruel." She said turning away from him with icy contempt in her voice. "I think we both learned a lesson here "
She sighs and holds out the ball, pulling him in with the red beam. "You could use the rest " she said walking with him to put him back in the temple healing center.
As he rested in the ball, eventually given to a nice healing light within the center within the temple, the energy waves working to collect him back up. "Thank you. I think we both have learned something." She said, probably the the nurse working the controls.
Zerek's ball shook a few times in agreement, before going still and waiting to see if Kara would let him out again. Hopefully it wouldn't be long. He had a very long apology to give her.
"Kara..." Zerek started, looking at her before turning his attention to the floor "I... There's nothing I can say, is there? I... I tried to rape you." He raised his head to watch her reaction "Honestly... I'm shocked you let me back out... And saved me in the crypts..."
"I could have let you die. But. I think I made my point by putting you in that situation...there is no next times. And...I can't release you." She said looking at him, folding her arms. "There isn't much you can say. Only keep your hands to yourself, abd do as I tell you. And maybe I'll eventually let you even sleep on the floor outside the pokeball."
"Hm. Then. I think we will start there." She said sighing. "I will teach you how to cook, how to care for the temple grounds." She said as she turned to unlock the door.
"It's more I doubt I'd fit it. At least with this face." He replied, following her from the room, before taking the form of the Eevee she'd first seen him as "This one, maybe."
"Careful, you might get jumped." She said, her flat tone was hard to read, well...more than likely it was cold sarcasm...or she was just trying to drive home she wasn't exactly happy to even look at him more than she had to.
Kara looked over her shoulder at him as he lowered his head in shame it seemed, but she didn't say a word, walking further into the temples kitchens, with monks and Mon hard at work together.
"Come here." She said with a sharp stern tone, a commanding tone that probably would make men, or mon prone to timid nature stand up like a solider. "I'll show you how to cook bread first." She added as she moved to a empty table, a munchlax scooting a bit further away as she stood there.
He straightened up, his face rising as he stood next to her, her tone doing more than drawing obedience though... He was lucky his illusions could hide the bulge in his pants as he watched her.
Kara would have distrusted his obedience...but for the moment she seemed to be okay with him keeping his mouth shut. "Now place it in the oven, and now we wait for it to raise." She said pulling the oven open, and folded her arms again. "You're doing well when you aren't running that mouth of yours"
Zerek didn't reply at first, placing the bread into the oven and standing back, before finally rising to her snarky comment "Shame you can't stop yours now, huh?" He replied, narrowing his eyes.
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