Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

As he moved in she had tilted her head this time, just dodgeing the blow. "Zerek! Listen to me! You fool" Kara snapped at him. "This isn't right!" She tried to say as the Meditite simply kept up higher, humming to herself, as she shut her eyes, perhaps readying a osychic attack but she brought her hands together, aura casting around her. "You're going to-" she barely got out becefore the Meditite unleashed the aura downwards, a volley on energy balls kicked out around her, punching craters and blasting uo dust around her. Rending the clones and the ground, save for around the master and Kara ofcourse, smoke and zust roiled around the air, obcuring her and the clones as well.
Kara slid him aside, putting him into his pokeball as the Meditite started to channel their psionics, likely bolstered by the master who had shut his eyes again, and they started to right the dmaged training feild. Kara walked away with Zerek, taking him to the healing cemter in the shrine, sighing to himself.
She winced as he grabbed her starting to grab at her clothing, her ribes pulling off as he seized her. Kara gasped in shock and pain, but she was putting up a fight, her hands still gripping fhe ball, she tried to focus, summoning another telekinesis push to shove him away, as he yanked her robe open. Before he could gouch her sbd sent him flying against tge door abd she raised the ball. "Return she said tapping the button to seal him inside.
Kara dropped to her knees, catching her breath as she let the moment rush over her, touching her neck and shaking, her stomach rippling with disgust. Was he going to rape her? To firce himself on her? She looked at the ball and put it on her table, moving it as faf across the room as she could get it. Her mind was spinning now,unsure what to even do with him, throw him away? Hide his ball so he couldn't do it to anyone again. Shepulled her ribe shit, jolding it ther around her got frame, her huge G cup breasts. She closed her eyes, holding her emotions at ba, keeping out the urge to cry.

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