Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

The pulse struck up through the mists buffeting the mist aoart as a surging ghost took shape a
Darj skeletal being, with a hard outer skell, and a singular glinting red eye. A Dusknoir shapping its way from the mist, its antenna gleaming. It threw out a hand in a forceful thrust, nearly slamming Zerek with a deady shadow punch. But as ir zoomed by itfaded inti the mists as another ghost came up, a Shade, a Haunter rening up his back with a shadow ckaw that felt like his very essence was sapoed away. Right. They were already dead, and there was no telling just how many were rousing awake.
As he threw his dark powers around, the spirits would vanishes, but only come woth more friends as he woke the dead with his running. Ghastlys spat shadow balls after him, gloomy childlike Litwicks moaned and groamed and cried as their will o wisp fire lights haunted around them. As the gates were just visible in the heavy fog, a hand grabbed Zerek from behind.
(XD he becomes a ghastly)

The iton tight grip started to lift him as he lost consciousness, getting ready to crack his head open on the cobblestone but then jumps slightly as something blasted it, making it drop him on his sude and the mists started rushing. 'A psychic? A psychic? Why waste your power, it is nothing before us here! We will take you too!"
(In an Alternative Timeline: *Splat*, he sits up as a Ghastly and then gets ridden through the entire night by Dusknoir.)

Zerek took a deep breath in when the grip on his neck faded, coughing weakly before snapping back to attention and immediately striking the Dusknoir from below with a Faint Attack "Oh shut it..."
(XD topped every night for eternity by ghosts)

The Dusknoir whirls as he taked the artack, its cold red gaze fixing on him, its face splitting open as a Shadow ball started forming . But its head was wrenched to the sude by an invisible force, firimg wide and blasting Zerek aside, to the gates.

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