She smirks. "I pinch where I please." She said simply, letting him draw as many implications as he wished as she started tovwalk away from him. "I'm making some curry." She said as she ventured to to kitchen.
"Oh? You know how to actually cook or are you going to justbstand around holding the bowls?" She teased as she opened up some of their supplies, taking out berries, spices, Rice, and utensils along the counter. "
"Oh?" She gives a soft hum and steps to the side, starting to pull out a knife and a cutting board. "Come here" She said simply as she focused on a pepper, making it levitate onto the board.
She smirks at him. "Give me your hand, you scaredy skitty" She teased, grabbing his hand with her own and pulling him a bit so he was facing the cutting board, and started to put the knife in his hand. Kara held his hand, pressing her body against his as she started chopping the pepper with his hand carefully.
He took the knife as she pressed it to his hand, feeling her pressing against him and flushing a deeper red as she helped to chop the pepper. Alright, she was deliberately fucking with him now, she must've known her teats pushing into the back of his head was gonna get him even more heated.
"Relax your hand" she said gently, helping him cut and dice the pepper carefully, then started added it into a bowl with other onions, berries and veggies. "We'll have to treat them you'll mix them with your hands and use curry spices for some kick." She instructed as she led him with her hands and body.
He did as instructed, still a little tense from how she pressed her large globes into his back, but he didn't say anything more, quietly accepting what was happening "I understand, Mistress Kara..."
"Good, knead them into balls and then squeeze them to milk the water from the mix. It'll be used to seal the flavors in the rice." She said as she propped herself against him, kneading the chopped veggies and then placing them into the pot with his hands and then adding the instant sauce to save some time.
He continued to follow her instructions, relaxing a little more with each passing moment, starting to enjoy how she pressed against him, regardless of the awkwardly forming boner he had. As he began to knead the vegetables he bit his lip, before taking a breath "Uh... Ka... Kara? I... uhm... I have an... issue..."
"What do you mean..." She said narrowing her eyes at him a moment but then gushed a bit
" mean." Shecmutters as she stepped back from him. "I'm sorry about that-"
Kara looked at the floor a moment in thought. "I you. But you'll have to let me access your mind....unless you want to do it yourself." She said as the awkward moment sunk in around them move and more. Ofcourse after last night, she was no doubt doubly awkward now.
As he closed his eyes, Kara held out a hand, as she started to wrap him in a psychic veil as she once did for Intranel. Not that he could really tell in the sane way as a psychic may have been able to. The waking dream was smoothly cloaked over his mind, as Kara laid her hands on his chest gently, and ran them down his body, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips.
Zerek didn't notice the slight change at all, merely breathing in as she laid her hands over him, before meeting her kiss meekly, seemingly still a little frightened to be forwards. She'd changed him a lot in her previous disciplines, apparently, he was nothing like the mischievous little thing he'd once been. And somewhere deep down a longing for that forwardness welled up in her.
(XD probably all the mind control, abd getting manhandled by Phantoma making him feel submissive and breedable)
As he hesitated she drew back a little. "Its..okay. if your scared, we don't have to rush" She said as she pet heis cheek with her fingers. "I guess you're not ready yet" she said as she reached down to take his hand and put it on her robe, his fingers feeling the belt of linens that hid her body from him. "We cam go slow."
As she moved his hand and pet his cheek, he bit his lip and then made a bit of a move, his hand finding where her robe connected across her and starting to undo it, a little spark of the mischievous Zorua coming back.
Kara shifted, letting him pull the robes back, to flreveal the fit busty body the monk was constantly hiding away. She slid her hand around to the back of his head kissing him again to draw on him, to lead him closer into her embraces. "Is this want you want?" She purred against his lips.
He nodded to her as she spoke "It is..." He mumbled back, before letting his tongue push against her lips, one of his hands sneaking down her body to her rear, where he squeezed down softly, feeling her pillowy curves give way under his advances.
Kara gives out a soft moan as his hands gropes over her, her lips parting and her own tongue dancing and pressing against his own. The trainer drew closer, pressing her soft breasts to his chest, her own hands running down. To his pants, rubbing on his growing member.
As they pressed close to each other, Zerek pushed her backwards onto the bed, stripping them both off when they were lying together, moaning happily into the kisses they were sharing.
Kara fell back upon rhe bed, moaning out as he stripped her , her breasts bouncing free as he pulled her bra off, her hips pressed to his, rubbingbup against him, her fingers wrapping around his hair.
As she pressed her hips up against his, his length was already stiffening up and pressing into her slit, even as his kisses got more lustful, pushing his tongue past her lips and running it around the inside of her mouth, moaning happily as he enjoyed their proximity.
Kara spread her legs for him, feeling his hard member rubbing against her slit, moaning into every kiss he gave her. Her hands clutched his back, rubbing back against him.
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