"Pin her down, lock her up? " she said as she stooped over Zerek, grabbing his collar, gently lifting him. "Zerek? Zerek?" She said as she shook him a little, trying to wake him up.
Phantoma nodded, producing a rope from somewhere in her own robe and tying the Zoroark up with surprising ease and almost terrifying efficiency. Zerek grumbled softly as he was shook around, his eyes starting to open "Mmrm? Wha... Wha'z goin on?"
(XD Phantoma: Shall i sit on her head to assert dominance?)
Kara blinked at Phantoma as she swiftly restrained their quarry, but looked to Zerek as he stirred. "Are you okay? We got her-" Kara said as she reached in her sleeve to draw out a potion spray to patch him up if he needed it.
Zerek groaned as he started to sit up, rubbing his head "Ow... Fuck me, that hurt..." He grumbled, before Kara's words struck him "Wait, you did?" He looked over, his eyes widening in shock.
"Yes we did- you got lucky, I was going to put you into pin and have Phantoma sit on you to make sure you weren't a double fake out." She said as she started to help him up.
(XD Zerek just wants to be snuggled and told he's a good boy...then pushed on the bed and told 'but you haven't been doing what I told you to-')
She smirked wider at him. "What was that?" She said as she moved her hand, petting him as he seemed to get timid and shy, making her pick on him a little more.
She giggled as she pulled her arm from him. "What? I can't play a few tricks? I should only step on you and be cruel?" She said looking at him. "I'm just having a but of fun."
Kara tangled herself up with him, as he tried to force her down, she hooked her legs against hus, wrestling around with him. "Ngh-Bad Boy! What are you trying to do huh!" She said.
"Make you shut up!" He hissed as they tumbled, his eyes full of anger now "You keep mocking me... I don't care when other people can't see it, but here?! They'll never respect me again!"
Kara smirked at him as sge shuffled and scuffled up with him. "Who's respect- we're taking down a Zoroark! Who won't respect you now!" She said as she snaked her arms underneath his.
"Apparently, yours!" He hissed back, twisting around and pinning her to the ground, her arms held behind her back as he lay atop it "Stop treating me like a pet and I'll let you go"
"You've been acting like it!" He growled into her ear, before pressing her down a little harder "If you promise to stop treating me like a fucking pet in public, I'll let you up, alright?"
He grunted angrily, moving to stand and let her up, but making sure he pressed down on her one last time, his knees pressing into her back and butt "Good!" He growled, a look of annoyance still on his face.
Kara got up as he climbed oof of her, scowling at him as well, she folded her arms. "We should drop her off somewhere for the Authorities right? " she said as she turned to Phantoma. " actually we take her straight there. So she can't escape?"
Phantoma nodded, slinging the comatose Zoroark over her shoulder with ease "I will go... You two can follow or continue to squabble." She murmured softly, starting to walk away "I will meet you back at the hotel room."
"I'm not squabbling with anyone." Kara said as she huffed away from Zerek, following along with Phantoma. She folded her arms inti her sleeves. "Do you think we will get paid for this?"
Zerek shrugged "I don't know." He muttered, even as the tied up woman opened her eyes with a groan "Ow... What the fuck happened?" She grumbled, trying to rub her head before realising her hands were bound.
"I was asking Phantoma." Kara said as sge looked to the Zoroark as she started to wake up. "You're caught, you're not going to causing any trouble anymore." Kara said with a slight smirk.
"Well excuse me, Princess..." Zerek muttered, even as the Zoroark stared at Kara "How the fu... What even happened? I beat up Zerek, then... Wait, who the hell is carrying me?!"
"The muscular shoulders you are riding on it is another partner I have, she's the one that took you out." Kara said without acknowledging Zerek this time. "She's quite the scrapper."
Phantoma grunted as she was acknowledged, before they'd have reached the local constabulary building, an officer Jenny stood outside pinning multiple wanted posters to a board.
Officer Jenny turned "Huh? What are... Oh! You caught the Zoroark?" She walked over and took the tied up woman from Phantoma "I... Wow, I didn't expect anyone to catch her."
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