Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"You think I don't respect you." She said as she tilted her head, sliding her feet slowly, the soles turning to cup his head. "But you only care if it's in front of people in public. So which is it, are you ashamed you think I don't respect you or do you want me to treat you differently?"
He flushed a little as she rubbed her soles across his face but he nodded to her as she spoke "Because it makes me feel like you see me as a joke... What you do in public is one thing, compared to what happens in private... Out there, everyone is watching. In here, it's only me and you! I just... want respect outside, that's all..."
She curled her toes gently, curving them to cup his head and make him look up at her. "You're not a joke. Even if I tease you. Especially if I tease you...." she said as she felt his cheeks flushing. "If I'm not teasing you, it's a good sign that I'm upset with you. And that's not a good thing right?"
She blushed faintly as he moved his tingue, the soft lap of his tingue on her sole making her twitch faintly with suppressed giggle from the tickle it made. She shifted her foot slowly, pressing the ball of her foot to his chin, her toes teasing his lips. "You want your mistress to treat you properly right?" She said
"I want to worship you properly, to apologise..." He replied to her as she struggled to hold in the laughter, his attentions returning to her feet as he ran his tongue up and down them, before she'd feel him start to travel up her legs, stroking over her ankles and calves, giving her plenty of time to stop him, if she wanted.
She hummed as he pushed higher and higher upwards. As his tongue got to her calves, she raised her foot, pushing it on his face playfully to slide him back down. "You'll get to that part in a bit." She said as he pushed him gentky, putting him on his back. "But a stool doesn't move without an order." She said smirking as she put her feet on his face again. A stool? Had she demoted him from a maid to furniture?

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