"What..What happened to her? Where is she?" She mumbled as she barely could even shake Zerek, much less get up, her body barely had the energy..She let him push her back down. "Are you two okay?"
"She's in her ball, in your bag..." Zerek murmured, keeping his volume down as he gently took her hand and held it "Everyone's fine. We just stayed awake, to watch you... And it might've gotten a bit later than we thought."
"No, No we don't" Zerek murmured, holding the blanket down "You need to Rest, Kara. You almost died. You are in no shape to go anywhere until the Nurses say so" He told her, his other hand moving to help hold her down before she could do anything.
She hissed as he touched her, her body aching. "...I just need the night to rest i think" She said as if she was certain she'd be up and running in np time when even a Mon would need at least a week.
Zerek immediately pulled his hands away as she made a noise of pain, shaking his head with a frown "I... don't think so, Kara... Please, just... let's stay here until you are 100% okay, alright? I don't want to see you hurt like that again."
She hummed softly, blinking slowly. "I don't...want to scare you all like that again." She said as she looked st her bag. "Get me Phantoma's ball...I want to thank her for defending us."
Zerek nodded to her, retrieving Phantoma's ball and releasing the Marshadow, who blinked in mild surprise as she looked around "O-Oh? Where... Ah. Misstress Kara." She settled into her borrowed robe, bowing her head.
"Phantoma." She started, blinking as she spirit seemed a little out of it. But assumed that it was just during to being in her ball top long. "I wanted to thank you....you fought so bravely for us, I know you had to been hurt so much'
Phantoma nodded her head "It was nothing, Miss Kara..." She replied, hiding the true feelings she'd had about the situation as she couldn't help but wish she'd been left in the ball.
She smiled at her gently, though Phantoma would see a faint red glare in her irises. The darkness inside her playing tricks on her mind. Feeling a tongue that wasn't truly there slurping up her back. Kara voice was muffled faintly in Phantomas senses. "Phantoma?....phsnyoma?" She called gently, rousing her attention. "Is there...anything I can do to repay you?" She asked again
She sighed. "You really should learn to take ab opportunity to get what you deserve Phantoma." She said gently, looking to Zerek. "Maybe you should cut her cheeks with your claws" Kara's voice said, though her lips didn't match her words at all.
Zerek was about to answer when Phantoma made a strangled yelp in reply to what she thought Kara said, shaking her head and then realising the lips hadn't matched "I... Uh... I think I just need time alone!" She said quickly, waiting to be returned.
Zerek frowned a little, but shrugged "Mmm. Might also be good to return Intranel, rather than leave him on the floor like that..." He suggested, glancing at the Kirlia.
Zerek handed her the ball, before helping her to sit up so she could return him before lying her back down with a smile "There we go... Get some more rest, Kara..."
While both settled in fir the night... eventually zerek would be gently ushered out of the room in the morning for Kara to get some care, granting him and the team access to the Cafe to eat and drink, in the meanwhile.
Zerek got a single glass of water and began to sip it, watching the door to Kara's room, even as Intranel and Phantoma ate, seemingly less concerned for their master. It was probably more likely that he was being overprotective, but...
The nurse looked out at him from the counter, stepping over gently, holding a berry. "You must eat...for her. She will be sad if you are exhausted and hungry." The nurse encouraged gently
He took the berry and started to eat it slowly, nodding vaguely as he did so "Mmm... Don't really feel hungry..." He replied softly, shaking his head "How long until we can see her again?"
True to the nurse's word, as she checked the time, she would lift her hand for the group to notice her. "Hey, Gang, she should be ready by now, but she might be just resting, so don't be too loud okay?" She said as they passed her, still stressing that the trainer may be fragile. As they entered her room, they'd find her sitting at the side of her bed, fed rice by a Chansey.
Zerek walked in quietly, moving to sit next to Kara and take her hand, looking into her eyes as Intranel and Phantoma followed shortly behind, the group all highly concerned about Kara.
Kara turned her head as she leaned back, the chansey setting the spoon down gently. "I'm okay." She said after giving a soft swallow and run of her hand over Zereks. The Chasey stood up. "You rest, if you need us, tap the button here" They said touching a small button. She moved away from the bedside, taking herself away.
Zerek nodded slowly, blinking away the tears as she'd be able to feel the sheer amount of concern radiating off him whilst he squeezed her hand again "If you... ever make me worry like that again I... I..." He stuttered, before just sighing and moving to embrace her.
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