Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

As he started to shift forms, the Mimikyu hummed to herself, the spirit rocking its head slightly. "Well, many human think of being a Mon.' She said

"Yes, you" Kara pressed as she laid still, sensing the tension in Zerek rising. Mimi writhed faintly. "Y-yes-" it answered quickly. "Something...c-cute. Something everyone would like to see-"
Kara put a hand on Zerek, stroking on his hair. "Let me handle this hm." She said gently before looking to Mimi. "He's bonded to me, you understand, I'm sure" she said nodding to the pokemon. Mimi looked down. "Ah... Yes."

"Mimi...are you aware of...something called unseen beauty?" Kara said
"Hmm..." Intranel hummed softly as they moved away from Kara and Zerek, the Kirlia aiming for a quiet corner, away from anyone else. When he had her there, he gently nudged her to sit down, taking her hands in his "Okay, this... might feel strange, but it should help..." He murmured, closing his eyes and pressing gently against her mind with his psychic powers.
As they sat down together, the psychic type reaching out into the spirits essence, the dark fairy mind feeling its touching, but unlike most Mon, Mimikyus had a desperate lonely life...she didn't resist, if anything her mind was so open to him, it was dragging his connection in like a starving poochyena dragging away a meat plate.
As he probbed around in her psyche, he'd find himself bombarded with her thoughts all ar once, her emotions. Her lonesome thoughts. From anguish, to spite, to confusion and feeling woefully hideous, wanting affection from anyone even if it would harm her. It was like she was a quicksand pit of her own private hell, not maliciously forcing him to see them or feel them, but they were so strong abd turbulent that they simply jumped into his body as they passed. The memory he sought to touch upon however, rose uo as he cane through ti the other side if the emotion storm.

Intranel was standing in a distant wood, a foggy word, no...a swamp glade. A soft voice in the brush at the base if a large dead Willow tree, sobbing in the dark underneath it all.
He'd steeled himself for this, knowing the feelings weren't his, that he needed to keep himself together... but it didn't stop the misery and upset from forcing him to have to take time to reset himself. As for the desire... The desperate need for affection... That he wasn't able to stop, wasn't able to keep from infecting him as he continued to explore, to find his way through the emotional turmoil...

When he found himself stood in that swamp glade, he had to stop for a moment, taking a deep breath to recenter himself before moving forwards towards the sobbing "Hello? Mimi? Is that you?"
As he approached the tree, the moon light overhead shing out pure light around them, he saw a bare figure, a save for scraps of cloth hunkered in the dim shadows of the roots, a mass of tentacles and arms at its back, two average, two elongated, flexible arms. But the creature that was a Mimikyu, was clutching all its arms around something. Intranels foot kicked against something. a wooden mask, a face of a rough looking approximation of a Mon....hundreds if not thousands of carved masks littered the swampland muddy floor. "One more, it's okay- one more- they'll see me. They'll all be happy to see me then-" the creature rambled. Something scratched and scraped, the sound of claws on wood. "I'll be able to play with them."
Intranel narrowed his eyes in the gloom as he approached, letting his eyes adjust before jumping as his foot struck the mask, a clatter sounding as it tumbled into the pile "Oh fuck..." He muttered to himself, even as he could see the shape in the dusk, watching it for any kind of movement as he realised something very concerning... he had no access to his abilities in the mindscape...

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