Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

As he looked forward he was still spooning up with his Kara, still asleep...gloved hands however were wrapped around his waist from behind, a red skirt...a white sheet stitched into a monastic kimono, something dense and coiling behind him as the Mimikyu seemed to had decided to join in on the snuggle fest.the doll head resting above his, but the look was...certainly attempting to atleast borrow alot from Kara.
Kara shifted as she felt the subtle tension shift in Zerek, her psychic abilities picking up on his discomfort. She opened her eyes...shifting around slowly...meeting his eyes, then her eyes flicking up higher. "Oh- who is this?" She said as she caught on quick. The Mimikyu took up a new identity, it was better to always let it tell you the role. The Mon lifted its body...but the straining sound never came. It must have put in extra effort for this disguise. "You know who I am! It's meee-" the Mon said
As Zerek jumped unti the moment, looking at the doll head thar was....not quite Kara, he could tell the Mimikyu at the very least wasn't so attached to the idea that Kara was as popular as a Pikachu, but perhaps her best form of flattery was to take on something close. God some poor person probably was terrified to see her dressed in some approximation of them in the past. "Oh Zerek- so funny, I know humans can all seem the same but we're not sisters!" Mimi said giggling, the head bobbing and nodding.

"That's right-Mimi is just another monk-" Kara said as if she had totally not assumed the same thing

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