Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

As the mask clattered down, bouncing into the pile upon piles of stolen and half glimpsed faces, the creature perked up slightly. The memory as it should have been shouldn't be something he could disturb. Something moved through him, a shadowy figure, someone else...Mimi scrambled, affixing the mask she was making. "H-hello!" She called out eagerly, starting to rush from under the shadows, her cloak of rags billowing, Her like a scarecrow. The shadow that Intranel had briefly oathed into hesitated...looking back over its shoulder. Grass shuffling lightly. "Helllo! Are you- are you looking for something?" Mimi said as she wandered closer, stepping over her creations with a strange grace, knowing exactly where they laid, where she could rest her feet without breaking or treading iver a single one of her borrowed faces. Surely she had made everyone with all her passion. "Or-or maybe you need some-" she began but something whipped into her with a thunk, cracking in her in what would have been her face. A rock?
Intranel gasped as she rushed towards where he was, stumbling backwards before realising that he'd been walking inside of another figure in the memory. It had been that figure that had disturbed the mask, that figure who now drew back their arm and sent a rock directly into her masked face "Freak! Get lost!" An unrecognizable voice barked out "We don't want things like you here!" Another voice joined, another shadowed figure joining the first and throwing another rock at her whilst the first spoke again "Get away from our town you ghost type bitch! And take your creepy masks with you! Why don't you just go hide in a cave away from here?!"
Mimi held up her hands, her natural set, shielding herself from the stones, but also her face from the assailants. The mask cracked at her feet, split in two. "No-no- stop-!" She cried out as huddled instantly, hunkering into a ball. The rocks bounced off her body, but she refused to fight back it seemed. "I-I live here-"
"And we don't want you here you freak!" The first voice continued, even as one of the figures changed their approach. Rather than throwing a rock, they suddenly used a fire type move, setting fire to the masks she was curled up on "Now get lost you fucking weirdo!" They continued, two still throwing stones as the other burnt away the masks, one by one.
"No! No! NO!" She cried out as the flames jumped up, her head lifting at the heat around her, a rock snatched out of the air as it hurled in at her , but she wasn't looking at them. Her hand flexed, the elongated arm crushing it in the dust. "Stop this! Stop!" She snapped as she tried to save her things.
"I SAID STOP!" The Mimikyu roars as her form contorted and rippled. The cloak opening up as the stones froze in the air, the spiritual pressure rippling out of her suddenly, her long arms wrapping around the firetyoe and dragging it inti the the depth of the cloak, letting it consume them pair as in he limits shattered, she began to maw the poor mon, exposing it to the horrors of a move known as a Play Rough...but she wasn't playing.
As the scene died down, the cloak settling as she stepped off of the small pile, the three mon battered and bloody, but the looks of twisted horror on their faces were frozen there, if they had been living long to endure their suffering, she only ended it seemingly with their fear. She quivered as she looked to the burning masks, the tree that was once her home catching fire. But she dragged herself through the grassy glades, dragging a handful of saved masks, stained red with blood behind her, mimicking the faces of the mon that attacked her.
As he contlnected their thoughts together she suffered as she senses no deception inside of him, her body shifting underneath the woven outfut. His connect to her only a jumble of rapid thoughts, but they all led to the same emotion, as she trembled in his arms, giving out soft sobs. "But- if you think that- then- then- that means I've been cute so long-"
"Hush, Hush..." He murmured softly, holding her still as she sobbed, even as he reached up to start removing her Kara disguise, gently pulling the head off and waiting for her reaction as he truly looked her in the eyes "You don't need to worry about that now, Mimi... You don't need to think about that ever again..."
(XD Intranel: it's okay- heartattack as he looks at her real face)

As he lifted the disguise off of her, he saw gray, Palin flesh first, not natural like hus, but stricken by a life of no sun. Short, close cut hair to prevent any need to be tied or styled, a set of large, black eyes that were like pools of oil. The spectral fairy had no nose....a large mouth that was framed by large dripping tears, her chin trembling, a still crying, which only made a strange pain in his chest. Hopefully it was merely sympathy and not the alleged curse.
She shadowy blood in her cheeks. "I knew that- i was just- thinking that to- mess with you-" she said as she gave a slight cough, looking away as she realized he was still sensing her thoughts. Ofcourse Intranel had rhe edge, Mimi didn't have anyone around her at all, it wasn't like she'd been messing around with anyone.
She flushed as she picked up on his feelings for her, the arousal that the Kirlia had, wanting her, or atleast to so things to her. Her blushed darker as he came to her Cafe. "Oh- you found my cafe- haha- d-do you want some tea?" She said shyly as she covered her cheeks with her hands....her other limbs pushing the door.
As she opened the door and they stepped inside, his shook his head, making sure to lock the door and check the sign read 'Closed' on the other side "No thank you... I'm not here for Tea, and I don't think that's what you want to give me, is it?" He continued to guide her along, heading into the back and up towards her bedroom "I think you want to remove that ugly disguise and show me your true beauty underneath, don't you?" He told her, in a tone that she'd want to do nothing but agree with...
As Intranel took up control of the situation she squirmed as he stood in what she considered a bedroom, a room full of small bitvand bobs, trinkets and toys, some sge clearly collected, others sge made, on the wall, was a familiar worn wood mask with dark marks along the edge and face. The bed was a futon mat and a small pillow, a line up of cute plushie mon were stacked up along the wall tit rested. She looked down as he implied what she wanted, though she started to slide the robes off she looked away dlfrom him. "T-turn around first?"
"Why? I'll see it regardless..." He spoke in something approaching a sibilant purr "Unless you lied about not having other clothes earlier..." He approached and gently took hold of her robes, before tugging them off before she could react, exposing her body as he moved to embrace her again "There you are... Perfect. No more hiding, yes?"
As Intranel yanked her rides off, she yelped out shyly as her bare body was on display, her form had felt soft under the clothing, abd now he could see why the Mimikyus body was impeccable, plump heavy tits that perked out , a flat belly, wide hips. Dark gray nipple that were inverted and ticked away. She instinctively dropped to hee knees, covering herself as long tentacle like second pair hid her face despite Intranels words. No wonder it had reports of people dropping dead looking at the body of a Mimikyu.
Intranel gently moved her hands away from her body, before doing the same with the tentacles hiding her face "No, No... Don't hide yourself, Mimi... You are perfect..." He told her, helping her to stand back up so he could place a kiss onto her lips again, even as his hand found one of her nipples, giving it a gentle pinch whilst he softly maneuvered them so she was lying on her bed beneath him, his hips straddling hers as he looked down into her eyes "Now... Are you ready to be treated how you deserve?"

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